names to know In METRo NEW YoRk DesIGn The best archiTects, deSignerS, and decoraTorS bring color, form, comforT, and delighT To The BilhuBerandassociates environments we inhabiT JaMie drake Milesredd shelton, Mindel& associates Ferguson& shaMaMian insitudesign architects, LLP aManda NisBet M(grouP) architecture and Decoration daMonliss PeterPennoyer architects davidkleinBerg continued thadhayesinc. newYorkSpaceSmag.com 63 1100 architect PC BilhuBer and davidPiscuskas,FAIA, associates LEED AP JeffreyBilhuBer JuergenriehM,FAIA,BDA 330 east 59Th STreeT 475 TenTh avenue 6Th floor davidPiscuskas 10Th floor new York, nY 10022 andJuergenriehM new York, nY 10018 212.308.4888 BrianJ. 212.645.1011 BilhuBer.com Mccarthy,inc. 1100architect.com tradeMark: alexPaPachristidisinteriors tradeMark: Mesmerizing American Progressive and sustainable elegance for the 21st century manifestations of place, materially inventive spaces BNO design of clarity and intellect BenJaMin Noriega-ortiz 30 veSeY STreeT alex papachris­ SuiTe 500 tidis interiors new York, nY 10007 alexPaPachristidis 212.343.9709 Bnodesign.com 300 east 57Th STreeT SuiTe 1c tradeMark: new York, nY 10022 Luxe, sensual, modern 212.588.1777 alexpapachristidis.com environments with a flair for the dramatic tradeMark: Imaginative, luxurious ap- Brian J. proach to sophisticated, old- mccarthy, inc. world elegance with unique personality BrianMccarthy 140 west 57Th STreeT SuiTe 5b amanda nisBet new York, nY 10019 design, inc. 212.308.7600 aManda NisBet bjminc.com 1326 madiSon avenue tradeMark: SuiTe 64 Takes every opportunity to new York, nY 10128 introduce original art, sculp- 212.860.9133 amandanisBetdesign.com ture, and dramatic furniture BunnyWilliaMsinc. silhouettes into a room tradeMark: Upends usual design rules in favor of exuberant, joyful Bunny BenJaMin Williams inc. noriega-ortiz rooms full of quality materi- als, comfortable furnish- BunnyWilliaMs ashley Whittaker ings, and surprising accents 306 east 61st STreeT 5Th floor new York, nY 10065 anthony 212.207.4040 Baratta, LLC BunnyWilliams.com anthonyBaratta tradeMark: 224 west 29Th STreeT Enormously imaginative, 5Th floor drop-dead chic, but always new York, nY 10001 comfortable and cozy 212.966.8892 anthonyBaratta.com tradeMark: calder design group Comfortable, functional, modern spaces overlaid with nicholasa.calder Melaniecalderrusso a sense of history and a diz- zying and inventive mix of 1365 York avenue SuiTe 3k palettes and patterns anthony new York, nY 10021 Baratta 212.861.9055 ashley Whit­ calderdesigngroup.com taker design tradeMark: ashleyWhittaker Current, glamorous, and 191 east 76Th STreeT edgy interiors refined for SuiTe 5a everyday enjoyment new York, nY 10021 212.650.0024 nicholas ashleyWhittakerde­ a.calder sign.com and Melanie tradeMark: calder russo Classically tailored rooms with a modern perspective incorporating fresh colors and charming accents 64 newYorkSpaceSmag.com FrancineMonaco andcarld’aquino carrier and david company easton, inc. interiors davideaston Jessecarrier 5 union Square west MaraMiller 3rd floor 315 east 91st STreeT new York, nY 10003 new York, nY 10128 212.334.3820 212.706.1025 davideastoninc.com carrierandcompany.com tradeMark: tradeMark: Works within framework of Utterly chic yet comfortable client’s tastes and aspira- rooms with tailored details, christoPher tions with simplicity and coleMan bold juxtapositions, and clarity plus a nod to neo- editing classical architecture and decoration christopher coleman david kleinBerg interior design design christoPher ColeMan associates 55 waShingTon STreeT davidkleinBerg SuiTe 707 330 east 59Th STreeT brooklYn, nY 11201 new York, nY 10022 darrenhenaultinteriors 718.222.8984 212.754.9500 ccinteriordesign.com dkda.com tradeMark: tradeMark: carrierand company Dazzling textural and color- Ultra-nuanced, detailed interiors ful interior landscapes using eye, with a distinctively so- industrial and slick materials phisticated and luxuriously restrained take on modern d’aquino living monaco inc. carl D’aquino david scott FrancineMonaco interiors 214 west 29Th STreeT davidscott new York, nY 10001 212.929.9787 150 EAST 58Th STREET daquinomonaco.com 25Th FLOOR new York, nY 10155 tradeMark: 212.829.0703 Imaginative vision with davidscottinteriors. well-integrated expressions com down to the details of the tradeMark: architecture and decoration Grand yet relaxed, sleek, and sensually memorable damon liss spaces design davidscott daMonliss drake design 51a hudSon STreeT associates new York, nY 10013 JaMiedrake 212.307.0430 67 irving place damonliss.com 12Th floor tradeMark: new York, nY 10003 Elegant interiors without 212.754.3099 Jamiedrake@drakedesi­ bling, but incorporating gnassociates.com noble, timeless materials that age gracefully tradeMark: Luxury with an eye for the unexpected, urbane, sophis- darren henault interiors ticated, and chic darrenhenault 65 west 55Th STreeT eve roBinson SuiTe 8e associates inc. new York, nY 10019 everoBinson 212.677.5699 2091 broadwaY, darrenhenault.com 3rd floor tradeMark: new York, nY 10023 212.595.0661 Complex, layered, rich, everoBinson.net and ornate interiors that are sophisticated and textural tradeMark: Clean, young, and gorgeous everoBinson interiors with unusual but livable furnishings davideaston,inc. continued newYorkSpaceSmag.com 65 Ferguson & in situ design ikekligerManBarkley architectsP.c. shamamian edWin ZaWadzki architects, llp MasonWickhaM MarkFerguson 526 west 26Th STreeT, oscar ShaMaMian SuiTe 612 270 lafaYette STreeT new York, nY 10001 new York, nY 10012 646.862.4601 212.941.8088 insitudesign.com Fergusonshamamian.com tradeMark: tradeMark: Low-tech modernism with Classical style, artistic a penchant for material el- integrity, highest level of egance and the quirky detail design and craftsmanship fashioned with an informed Jayne design taste for history studio Jayne thoMasJayne design Foley&cox 36 east 12Th STreeT studio MaryFoley SuiTe 702 Michaelcox new York, nY 10003 huniForddesignstudio 212.838.9080 135 west 29Th STreeT, SuiTe 900 Jaynedesignstudio.com new York, nY 10001 tradeMark: 212.529.5800 Melds ancient and modern, Foleyandcox.com taking a historic approach tradeMark: and freshening it up with Unique vision of classic present-day expectations design transforms a house into a home of the finest John katie Ridder craftsmanship Barman, inc. JohnBarMan hariri & 500 park avenue hariri inc. new York, nY 10022 gisue Hariri 212.838.9443 MoJgan Hariri JohnBarman.com 39 west 29Th STreeT tradeMark: 12Th floor Classic spaces animated by new York, nY 10001 212.727.0338 clean, graphic color and haririandhariri.com contemporary glamour tradeMark: Cutting edge, inventive, Juan montoya innovative, always ahead design of the curve, yet sensual JuanMontoya JohnBarMan and warm 330 east 59Th STreeT new York, nY 10022 212.421.2400 huniFord Juanmontoyadesign.com design studio tradeMark: JaMeshuniFord Exquisite juxtaposition of 210 11Th avenue, SuiTe 601 MaryFoleyand textures, colors, and objects Michaelcox new York, nY 10001 212.717.9177 reflecting various cultures huniFord.com result in refined, elegant interiors tradeMark: Authentic and thoughtfully handcrafted spaces with katie ridder design & enduring appeal decoration katie Ridder ike kligerman Barkley 432 park avenue SouTh architects p.c. 11Th floor new York, nY 10016 Johnike 212.779.9080 thoMasa.kligerMan katieridder.com JoelBarkley tradeMark: 330 west 42nd STreeT, hariri& Hariri Inc. new York, nY 10036 Respects the classics, and 212.268.0128 brings them up to date with Juan ikBa.com Montoya a sense of surprise design tradeMark: Versatile, real-life designs imagined through tra- ditional handicraft and cutting-edge processes continued 66 newYorkSpaceSmag.com m (group) peter pennoyer architecture architects and decoration PeterPennoyer herMesMallea, AIA,PC 432 park avenue SouTh careyMaloney 11Th floor 336 west 37Th STreeT, new York, nY 10016 SuiTe 850 212.779.9765 new York, nY 10018 ppapc.com 212.874.0773 tradeMark: mgrouponline.com Classicism made fresh tradeMark: for contemporary living, Bold, classic forms and com- imaginative responses, never plex, richly layered details repeats a design yet remains enveloped with consider- within historical context roBert Couturier able wit, yet simultaneously subtle interiors P&tinteriors roBert couturier inc. mattheW patrick smyth roBert Couturier 69 mercer STreeT MattheWPatrick Smyth new York, nY 10012 136 east 57Th STreeT 212.463.7177 SuiTe 901 roBertcouturier.com new York, nY 10022 tradeMark: 212.333.5353 mattheWsmyth.com Experiments with tradi- tional design landscapes by tradeMark: giving them international, Highest quality above all, sophisticated accents with expressive, layered, and classic detail roman and Williams miles redd, LLC Buildings and Milesredd interiors 77 bleecker STreeT roBinstandeFer SuiTe c111 stePhenalesch new York, nY 10012 324 lafaYette STreeT 212.674.0902 6Th floor milesredd.com new York, nY 10012 MattheWPatrick Smyth 212.625.3808 tradeMark: romanandWilliams.com Quirky brand of classic, cozy glamour invigorated tradeMark: roManandWilliaMsBuildingsandinteriors with whimsical splashes of Breaks new ground, chal- color and modern gestures lenges preconceived ideas, contrasts the industrial and MR architecture the sensual + decor davidMann s. russell groves 245 west 29Th STreeT 10Th floor s.russellgroves new York, nY 10001 210 elevenTh avenue 212.989.9300 SuiTe 502 mrarch.com new York, nY 10001 212.929.5221 tradeMark: srussellgroves.com Spare, luxuriously minimal- ist look with sensual
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