306 ll.AR1 L.A1'D. DEVONSHIRE. • [KELLY'S • - Shaddick Henry, farmer, Bardiswrthy Stone William, farmer, Pitt Waiter Wm. farmer, Lower Lotsford Short William, stone &c. mason Taylor William H. grocer 1 Waiter Wm. Hy. carpenter, Tosberry Sleep -Gilbert, he!Ul gardener to Turner Charles, farmer, Baxworthy Ware John, 15oot & shoe maker Marian Lady Stucley, Glen cottage, Vanstone Chas farmer, Highdown Westlake Richard, farmer, Fattacott Hartland mill Walter Benjamin, farmer, Eddistone Westlake William Thomas, ~ot maker Squance Alfred, farmer, Norton Waiter John, farmer, Putshole W;lliams George, carpenter "Stone Michael Jas. farmr. Cherristo~ Waiter Richard, farmPr, Gt. Philham Williams John Geo. King's Arms htl • Stone William, farmer, Kernstone Waiter William, farmer, Eddistone Williams Thomas, carrier HATHERLEIGH is a market town and parish, on Besides Lethbridge's benefaction of £wo, Wa.lter Bennett the river Lew, near its confluence with the Torridge, 7 ~ave £100 and Richard Lucas £so, the interest of all miles north-east from Ashbury station on the Okehamp- these sums being distributed yearly in b1ead and cloth­ ton and Bode branch of the London and South Western ing to such poor persons as receive no pa.rochial rel~ef: railway, 9 west from North Tawton station on the main Roger Waiter gave £30, which has been expended in line of the London and South Western railway, 8 north- purchasing an annuity of [,2, and Joseph Gliddon gave west from- Okehampton, 12 south-east from 'l'orrington, IOS. yearly out of his lands in Bulkworthy; these two JB south-east from Bideford, 28 north-west from Exeter last sums are added to the former interest and disposed . and 200 from London; it is the head nf a petty sessional of as above: Charles Luxmore esq. gave [,1oo, and the divisjon, and in the South Molton division of the county, Rev. Cradock Glascott £so towards the education of Black Torrington hundred, Okehampton union and poor children; the interest is applied to the support of county court di~trict, and in the rural deanery of Oke- the Church Sunday school. Jasper Mayne D.D. chaplain hampton, archdeacorrry of Totnes and diocese of Exeter. to King Charles II. and archdeacon of Chichester, noted About a mile from the town is a bridge pf 3 arches over as a preacher and dramatic writer, w~ born in this the river Torridge, built in the year 1812, of freestone town in the year 1604, and died in 1672. Hatherleigh quarried in the parish, at the expense of the county. Moor, a waste land of about 430 acres, a shOTt distance The town is governed by a portreeve and other officers, from the town, was part of the old Sa:xon borough ; it elected annually at the court-leet held ~within the belongs to the lord of the borougl!, who is also lord of boro-ugh. In the years 1840 and 18~ it suffered from the manor; on lobis moor the inhabitants of the borough fire, but most of the houses were afterwards rebuilt and have a right of grazing their catt!e and cutting furze ~he streets much improved and lighted with gas: there for fuel: here also is St. John's Well, the water from is a public pump, but the town is now supplied with which was formerly used at baptisms: in 186o a mono­ water pumped· from a spring in Hall meadow into an ment was erected on a piece of land adjoining the moor. elevated service reservoir, and from there conveyed by by public subscription, at a cost of £400, to Lieut.-Col. gravitation to the tcwn. The town has been perfectly Morris C.B. late of Fishleigh, in this parish, who die­ drained by the Rpral District Council at a cost of £3,ooo. tinguished himself at Balaklava, October 25th, 1854. The church of St. John the Baptist is an ancient edifice and the frontage nilings and gate wl.'re erected by Col. of stone in the EarJ,y English and Perpendicular style~>, Sir Robert Thomas White-Thomson K.C.B., D.L., J.P. consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south ia memory of John Henry Thomson, who fell at po:ech and an embattled western tower with pinnacle~ Balakla:u, October 25th, 1854· The manor formerly and a spire <;"O feet high and containing 8 bells, of which belonged to Tavistock .Abbey, and after the dissolution 6 were cast by Mr. Thomas Bilbi~ of Cullompton, in th£> of the monasteries was granted to the Arscott family; year 1812, and 2 by Taylor, of Loughboro', in 1883: a in 1788 it passed by will to Sir William Molesworth, clock, which chimes every three hours, was added in by whom it was sold in the same year to the late 1864, at a cost of about [,130: in the south aisle is a Joseplr Oldham esq. of Caynham Court, Salop, l'nd by monument to John Lethbridge esq. of Deckport, whe him bequeathed to his cousin Joileph, eldest son of the died in the -tear 1706, and was a• benefactor to thil' late George Edward Laing esq. of St. .Albans, Herts, who parish, and a memorial window to James Harris Vealr assumed by royal licence the name and arms of Oldham esq. of Passaford, d. -"1876; in the same aisle is another m lieu of his patronymic. Philip Laing-Oldham esq. window to Emily, wife of the above, d. 1879, and one to is the ·present lord of the manor and borough of John Gould esq. surgeon, erooted in 1909 by his niece Hatherleigh. Courts leet and courts baron are still Matilda Churchward: in the north aisle are memorial hdd. Fishleigh belongs to Thomas Gascoigne esq.; windows to Ernest Joseph Oldham esq. Frances Eliza· l'assaford, purchased by the Rev. W. Veale, rector of beth, wife of t}:te late Joseph Oldham ~sq. of Straw· lddesleigh, in 1620, is the property of Mr. John H. bridge, and Evelyn Camilla Hooper ;-- and there i~ Trenaman. Philip M. T. Laing-Oldham esq. Thomas another, in the tower to Louisa Elizabeth Oldham: thf' Gascoigne esq. Liel)t.-Col. George N. T. Smyth-Os­ brass lectern was presented by Joseph Oldham esq. in b~urne D.S.O. and Viscount Portman are the principal 1872: the roof is finely carved and there is a carved landowners. The parish contains 7,0II acres of land pulpit: a new organ was erected in 1913, at a cost of and 57 of water; rateable value, £6,575 ; the popnla­ £4oo: there are 450 sittings. · The register dates from tion in 1gu was 1,240 . .the year 1558. The living is a vicarage, net yearly Portreeve, Frank W alter Down. value £25-h including 51 acres of -glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Arthur Clayfield ~ost, MA 0., T. & Telephone Call & Express Delivery Ireland esq. J.P. and Miss Mary Louisa Ireland alter- Office (letters 11hould have Devon added).-Alber' nately, and held since 1918 by the Rev. Henry Raines Edgard Berg, sub-postmaster, Market street Kriiger M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Georg<:~ Wall Letter Bo:xes..-Park road & South street Glass-HoopeP. esq. is the lay rector. There is a Baptist . :(:hapel in High street, with 250 sittings, and a United COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR HATHERLEIGH Methodist chapel and school room in Bridge street, PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISIO:X. .erected in 188o, at a cost of £6oo, with 280 sittings. Chair taken in rotation. The Police Court, in South street, is a stone building, •with large court room, where the petty sessions .for_ Arnold Major William R!ginald, Nethercott, ldde1leigb the division are held. The old Market houses were Baker John, Downhayes, Spreyton, Bow, Devon burnt in the year 1840, and a new building erected in F:ssecy John, Redaways, Hatherleigh the 11ame year. The market is held on Tuesday, by Down Frank Waiter, Market square, Hatherleigh (:barter of sth of William and Mary. Four cattle fairs Friend William Geor{l'e, Eddy's h<luse, Hatherleigh Al'e held in this town-third Tuesday in May and June. Geen Henry, Tenby house, Station road, Okehampton the first Tuesday in September and the second Toes- German W1lliam Bird, 7 Park villas, Okehampton 'day in November; mie of these fairs is held under the Hill William, Barwick, Iddesleigh, Winkleigh, Devon ~me charter as the market. There is also a cattlP Holley' Majnr-Gen. Edmund Hunt R.A. Oaklands, Oke- markl't held t9n alternate Tuesdavs. The Public Sub- hampton 'scription Rooms wel'e built in the year J8:n, and will Hooper John Taunton, Woolladon; Meeth, Hatherleig-h hold "2oo persons. The H<ttherleigh and District Work~ Lambert Right Hon. George P.C., M.P. Oofyns, Sprey- ing ~en's Constitutional Club, in Bridg-e street, built ton, Bow, DeTon by ~he late E. J. Oldham, contains a library, reading- Rowse William, Levadra, Okehampton room and a billiard l'Oom; there are 100 members. Tattershall John Arnold, Hayes, Es.bourne The Liberal Club, in Market plaee, has s membPrship The Mayor of Okehampton & the Chairman of the Oke- of 50. The Manor Hall, built in 1896 by Ernest Joseph hampton Rural District Council, for the time being, are Oldham esq. is in Brid!!'e street. The old S<'hools. in ex-officio magistrates . ¥arket square, ~Jre used for meetings. There is a Clerk to the Magistrates, Herbert Croston Brown, bowling green in Littlewood marsh, opened in 1912. Bridge street, Hatherleigh There are two benefit societi~s the Union SociPtv for mall.'s, establishPd in 1763, and the Union SociPtv for Petty sessions are held at the Police court the last tuesdaJ fernales, Pstablished in 1793 ; tbere is also a Iodgoe of at Hatherleigh & at Okehampton on the second wed- Odd Fellows, belonging to the Manchester Unit)'.
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