March 20, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 5 6841 are making veterans—our men and ity of Americans, the folks who are great strategic thinkers regarding the women who are coming home from working hard and seeing the gas prices Middle East. He knows and under- wars, who put on a veteran’s cap, who go up along with the oil company prof- stands the Middle East and its stra- may have tremendous hardships, phys- its, who are seeing their health care tegic implications for American secu- ical challenges, mental challenges, fi- costs go up, maybe losing their pen- rity. As a young officer, John Abizaid nancial challenges from being extended sion, seeing the cost of college go up learned fluent Arabic, served as an more than once—and with serious for their kids. Everything is going up Olmsted Scholar in Jordan, served with issues for families—we make veterans and up and up and up. Those are the the United Nations Observer Group a top priority and say we are going to folks whose pockets we want to put Lebanon, and conducted strategic re- keep our promise to our veterans. That money back into. That is where we search at Harvard and Stanford Univer- is an integral part of our budget resolu- want the tax cuts to go. That is where sities. In his generation, there were few tion. we want the tax cuts to go. That is officers with this combined set of skills Then we go back to what we have al- where we want the investments in the and experiences, and he served as a role ways been about. The other side will future to go. That is what this budget model to those who now protect Amer- say: Well, we are for tax increases. No. resolution does. ica’s interests and fight for security in No. We just want to see the folks who I am very proud of the fact that we the Middle East. In the next generation are working hard, who are the majority return fiscal discipline and we put mid- of officers in the years to come, we will of Americans, get the tax cut. I am not dle-class families first. It is about need hundreds, if not thousands, more interested in another tax cut for some- time. like him. body who makes over $1 million a year, Mr. President, I suggest the absence I am especially pleased that General who got $118,000 back in a tax cut last of a quorum. Abizaid has chosen to return to near year. I want somebody making $118,000 The PRESIDING OFFICER. The where he grew up by making his new a year to get a tax cut. We start by clerk will call the roll. civilian residence in my great State of saying the alternative minimum tax, The legislative clerk proceeded to Nevada. General Abizaid has said that which is creeping up and hitting mid- call the roll. after retirement he would like to con- dle-income people, should be changed Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask tinue to examine how best to reform so it does not become the alternative unanimous consent that the order for the national security apparatus of our middle class tax. We are very focused the quorum call be rescinded. Government to better address the on making sure the other parts of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ‘‘long war’’ that he believes we are Tax Code that are important to fami- objection, it is so ordered. fighting against violent extremism, to lies remain in place and that we, in empower moderates in the region, and fact, are giving middle-class tax cuts. f to rebuild the power, influence and se- Then we take a look at all of the ef- MORNING BUSINESS curity of the United States. He has said forts to deinvest, to defund that the Ms. STABENOW. Mr. President, I ask President recommended in education, he may even write a book on these sub- unanimous consent that there now be a cutting the COPS Program again, fire- jects, and I would hope he would do so. period of morning business, with Sen- fighter grants, various kinds of tech- He has served the Nation ably and hon- ators permitted to speak therein for up nology programs, environmental pro- orably over the last several decades, to 10 minutes each. grams in Michigan, and I know in Ohio and while I wish him his fair share of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without as well. The manufacturing extension peace, quiet, rest and relaxation not objection, it is so ordered. partnership is important for small and far from the shores of Lake Tahoe, I medium-sized businesses to be able to f believe he has years of additional serv- help them receive technical assistance, RETIREMENT OF GENERAL JOHN ice to the Nation ahead of him. We owe to be able to compete in the global ABIZAID General Abizaid our thanks and our economy, to be able to hire more peo- deep gratitude, and I look forward to Mr. REID. Mr. President, last Friday working with him in his new chapter. ple. We have restored the funding for GEN John Abizaid handed over the job f that. We address other technology pro- of Commander of the U.S. Central Com- grams. So we also reject the Presi- mand to ADM William J. Fallon and of- BOB FERRARO RETIREMENT dent’s efforts to move away from crit- ficially entered retired life, a civilian ical areas of priority and need of the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today citizen for the first time in more than American people. to pay tribute to the longest serving So there are a lot of other pieces in 30 years. current elected official in southern Ne- this budget, but these basically, over- General Abizaid entered the U.S. vada, Boulder City, NV—Mayor Robert all, are the important priorities that Army as a second lieutenant after Stanley ‘‘Bob’’ Ferraro. Later this we have placed in the budget that say graduating from West Point in 1973. spring, Bob will retire after 31 years of to the American people: We care about General Abizaid is among the elite of dedicated public service. you. We want to put you and your fam- the Army’s infantry commanders—an For three decades, Bob has been a ily first. We know that you are Airborne Ranger. Over his time in the civic leader, kind neighbor, and level- squeezed on all sides. If you are from military, he led paratroopers in several headed voice in the politically active Michigan and losing your job or being key units of the 82nd Airborne Divi- and dynamic community he has called asked to take less in your job or pay sion, including the 504th Parachute In- home since 1970. For 17 years, Bob more for your health care or lose your fantry Regiment and the 325th Air- served on the Boulder City Council. pension, it is time to fix that. It is borne. In command of a Ranger Rifle Later, he was elevated to serve the city time to make you a priority. Company, he was one of the first com- as its mayor. In 1999, he became the That is what this budget does. It manders on the ground during the in- first mayor directly elected by the peo- makes the people who work hard every vasion of Grenada. He deployed to ple of Boulder City. During each cam- day, who make this country run—the Kurdistan during the first gulf crisis, paign, he proudly knocked on every middle class, the people working hard was Commandant of West Point, Divi- door in town—a feat he accomplished every day to get into that middle class, sion Commander of the Big Red One, seven times. who keep the economic engine of this Deputy Commander of Central Com- During his time in public service, country going—it makes them the pri- mand during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Bob has presided over Boulder City in ority. That is what this is all about. It and took over as Commander of Cen- an era of unprecedented growth, ex- is about whose interests are going to be tral Command in 2003. panding from 7,800 residents in 1976 to represented in this budget. What most has distinguished General more than 15,000 today. The commu- I am very proud of the fact we are Abizaid is his combined ability as both nity Bob calls home is one of those representing the interests of the major- a warrior and as one of our Nation’s unique places in America that has VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:26 Jun 27, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00128 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK_5\LOC_FILES\BR20MR07.DAT BR20MR07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 6842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 5 March 20, 2007 managed to maintain its distinctive sonnel has occurred as northeast Penn- and Modernization Act of 2003, I met identity in the face of massive change. sylvania hospitals are not able to pro- with Finance Committee chairman, Throughout the last three decades of vide employees with adequate competi- CHARLES GRASSLEY, and ranking mem- unparalleled growth in southern Ne- tive wages. ber MAX BAUCUS about the bill provi- vada, Bob Ferraro has stood alongside Further complicating this issue are sions, including the need for a solution Boulder City residents to fiercely de- the exceptions to the Medicare wage to the Medicare area wage index reclas- fend limited growth policies that have index regulations.
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