FREE NOV 19 - NOV 25, 2015 VOL. 16, NO. 44 FREE FBI Should Investigate Bronfmans and Cult Leader Keith Raniere 2 NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER NOV 19 - NOV 25, 2015 FBI Should Investigate Bronfmans and Cult Leader Keith Raniere: Part I The Hairy Raniere Gina Melita Rhiannon Followers, mostly female, have described headquartered near Albany that promised lu- invited her and her husband to his Albany area Frank Parlato him as a “soft-spoken, humble genius” and crative commissions to old customers for re- headquarters. some of these consider him to be like a Christ cruiting new ones. By the end of 1993 Raniere According to her interview in Metroland, lare and Sara Bronfman, heirs to the or Buddha born to save humanity. claimed he sold $1 billion in goods and ser- Natalie said, “Before I knew it, he had me con- Seagram’s liquor fortune, and pur- Raniere has a penchant for attractive, af- vices, employed 80 people and had a 250,000 vinced that my husband was cheating on me Cported cult members, filed a complaint fluent women and apparently teen and pre-teen members paying $15 a month for the right to and was having an affair with my nanny. It was against me with the FBI claiming I defrauded girls. sell his goods. He claimed he was worth $50 all a lie . the next thing I knew, I was divorced them out of $1 million. In 1984, Raniere, 24, took 15-year-old million. and living in Albany”. The federal government is actively investi- Gina Melita’s “virginity in a dark room, her T- One of his saleswomen had a 12-year- Natalie soon became Raniere’s girlfriend gating whether the Bronfmans are my victims. shirt left flecked with blood,” as reported in the old daughter, named Rhianna. When Raniere but she became disturbed when she discovered But they are the ones who should be investi- Albany Times Union, based on interviews with offered free tutoring to the girl, her mother he had sex with many women he kept around gated since there are many victims – including Melita. Raniere also dated 15-year old, Gina jumped at the chance since she thought Raniere him. myself – of the Bronfman sisters and the man Hutchinson who he convinced to drop out of was “an Einstein.” Raniere counseled her that a “threesome” who leads them, Keith Raniere. school and be tutored by him. “He was supposed to teach her Latin and would heal her issues. He also encouraged her Raniere - who made the 1989 “The Guin- Her older sister, Heidi, told the Times algebra,” The Albany Times Union wrote, after to give up custody of her son while promising ness Book of World Records” for his high IQ Union that she caught Raniere sneaking out of interviewing Rhianna and her mother, 22 years that she would bear his (Raniere’s) child and – estimated to be between 188 and 194 - was her sister’s bedroom and Raniere explained that later. “Instead, she said, he told her she hugged that this child would save the world. born in Brooklyn in 1960, claimed to speak Gina’s “soul was much older than her biologi- like a child, her arms wrapped around him but This disturbed Natalie since doctors had full sentences at age one, taught himself high- cal age” and she was actually a Buddhist god- her hips pushed away. He taught her to hug the told that she was unable to have children, she school math in 19 hours when he was 12 and dess who came to earth to be with him. way adults do, pelvis-to-pelvis.” says, “So I tried to break it off with him.” completed three years of college math and After Raniere convinced her that she de- Rhianna recalled that Raniere had sex with Unhappily for Raniere, at the same time, computer-language classes by the age of 13. stroyed her spiritual path by not maintaining her in his townhouse, in empty offices, in an Consumer’s Buy Line declined, debt mush- He graduated from Rensselaer Polytech- sexual fidelity to him, Gina committed suicide elevator, and a broom closet. After about 60 roomed, and customers complained. Regulators nic Institute, in Troy, New York, in 1982, hav- on park grounds adjoining the Karma Triyana encounters, she ran away from home. in more than a 15 states began to investigate. ing majored in physics, math, and biology, and Dharmachakra Buddhist monastery in Wood- “He took my innocence,” she said. ‘I can In 1993, New York Attorney General Rob- later worked as a computer programmer and stock, NY when she shot herself in the head. never get that back.’” ert Abrams filed a civil suit alleging Consum- consultant. Aside from his spiritual and intellectual Raniere also lavished attention on married ers’ Buyline was similar to an illegal pyramid He says he considers himself to be an en- accomplishments, Raniere has a knack for women as well. scheme. lightened spiritual being on par with such as the business. Toni Natalie, a top salesman for Consum- By 1996, Raniere closed the company Dalai Lama, achieving what he calls “Unifica- In the 1990s, Raniere launched Consum- ers Buy Line, and living in Rochester, was mar- and signed an order agreeing to pay fines, and tion”. ers’ Buyline, a members-only buying club ried and raising an adopted son when Raniere never participate in an illegal chain distribution HAVE YOU OR A LOVED ONE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER y MESOTHELIOMA.... R kport R Hyde d Loc d . Lockport Rd. Bear t Rd. P Lockpor ark Blvd. Gill Rd. Niagara Falls Creek Packard Int'l Airport Bergholz Porter Rd. Po because you were exposed to asbestos- r ter R e Rd. Creek d. NIAGARA FALLS ara Rd. Niag Walmor F alls Rd. Ward Ave. Blv Milit d. containing materials while 62 “The Truth is Always Fair” . ls St. 3rd Ave. ary Rd. 425 ve. 190 Black Sawyer Lasalle Creek oses Pkwy Expressway illiams Rd Creek 62 W Nash Rd. working at one of Western New York’s Fa 429 ll s B iagara lv Riv d. Cayuga er Rd. Island North Grand River Bridge Witmer Rd. Ruie Island Rd. industrial plants? Niagara Ward Rd. Ward CHAIRMAN & EDITOR IN CHIEF Shawnee Rd. River Navy E ast Pay Riv O ve. Huth Rd. e ne Av Island r Rd. liver St. 62 Long Rd. Nash Rd. 190 Erie A Woods e. N WE REPRESENT WORKERS FROM: Frank Parlato Y Walck Ave. S Creek Gun Nort T h Ransom Rd. r Creek Bedell Rd. u Woods Tonawa w a y Creek E. Robinson St. Base Line Rd. D N i . v • Ashland Oil • Bethlehem Steel • Carborundum ia ERIE i y g s w a i k r o P a Spicer n r e S S . v Whitehaven Rd. e t t i c Whitehaven Rd. Creek . S R t H ey t io en a e s n Sw e r R v e W d Little Sixmile y . • Carbide Graphite • Durez Plastics 324 St . er Creek tch Fle Tonawanda Stony Point Rd. Point Stony . Staley Rd. T d R Managing Editor Senior Editor w 384 Ellico Creek tt o m Grand i . l d e 425 • Donner Hanna Coke • Dunlop-Goodyear • Dupont R C Island y r 265 Love Rd. a e k . 290 v w i y R a k R morial w an Me High e. r d gm a t oun 6 . Y s P Dr. Chitra Selvaraj Tony Farina a h E Brighton Rd. t 266 Del u W lvin Av E Alt Rd. o gge e o Base Line Rd. • GM Central Foundry • Hanna Furnace s Fix Rd. S awar t R C r iv t Rd. er P e Av kw ve. 324 y. Bush Rd. r A 324 e e. wy e. Sa Ke En Ferry Rd. n Elmwood Ave. g Quee m le • Hooker Chemical • Kimberly Clark o w re lvin Av o itary Rd. o n E A o d ve C A l . Mil v iza Niagara e. be Kenmore th W Strawberry River t. Kenmore Ave. arkhurst Blvd. Niagra Falls Blvd. ay Beaver Island P • Niagara Mohawk • Olin Mathieson Island ntario S O 265 384 ve. tel A 5 190 Her • Semet-Solvay (Tonawanda Coke) • Simonds Saw & Steel herst St. phone: (716) 284-5595 Am Amherst 198 Scajaquada t. Ex p gt re Kensin ss Main S Forest Ave. wa y 3 • Spaulding Fibre • Union Carbide Squaw . e v St t W. Delavan Ave. Av Island A E avan . l Ave. De n e. a d d v PO Box 3083, Niagara Falls, NY 14304 LIPSITZ & PONTERIO, LLC email: [email protected] Attorneys at Law www.niagarafallsreporter.com Committed to Asbestos Justice ™ Call Us Today: 716-849-0701 All contents copyright ©2015 Niagara Falls Reporter Inc. www.lipsitzponterio.com 135 Delaware Avenue • 5th Floor • Buffalo, New York 14202 • Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. NIAGARA FALLS REPORTER NOV 19 - NOV 25, 2015 3 Tax evasion, pyramid schemes, statutory rape, part of Raniere’s recipe scheme again. Raniere then changed his plans. He studied Scientology, Ericksonian hypnosis, and Neurolinguistic programing. He shed his business suits, and donned sweat pants, tee shirts and sandals, grew his hair and beard long, and formed a company which he later called NXIVM (pronounced like the pat- ented drug NEXIUM) – a self -help coaching organization - putting a female follower, Nancy Salzman, a registered nurse and master hypno- tist as president. Raniere’s nickname for Salzman was “Mesmer.” While still living with Natalie and later in a townhouse north of Albany with several female followers, Raniere started modeling himself as a guru in line with Hindu religious leaders such as Swami Muktananda.
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