Calling the Roll of Sooner Classes -1895- -1913- -1921- Paintings by S. Deborah Haines, '136a, Norman, Lloyd Noble, '21, Ardmore oil executive and Jack Harts, '95, who coached the University's were shown earlier in the year at the Oklahoma member of the University Board of Regents since first football team in 1895, is associated with a City YWCA. The display, second by Miss Haines, 1934, was recently elected president of the O.U . seed company near Los Angeles, California . Only included oil, water color and India ink paint- governing body . a few doors away is R. C. Reynolds, '96-'97, who ings produced during 1946 . Six of her works were Dr . George L. Borecky, '216s, '23med, Okla- was a member of the O.U . football squad in exhibited at the 28th annual showing of Okla- homa City, has been on the faculty of the Univer- J896-97. homa artists staged in Municipal Auditorium, sity School of Medicine since 1925 as an instruc- Oklahoma City, last winter with three winning tor in biology. He was discharged from the Army -1906- awards . Medical Corps in February, 1946, with the rank of major and is also practicing surgery in Okla- A campaign has been started by friends of the -1914- homa City . late Walter Ferguson, '06, prominent state news- Roy D. Eaton, '146a, and Gail Parker Eaton, Ludwig Schmidt, '21chem, '24eng, is now em- paperman, to raise $30,000 '146a, have retired as apartment house operators ployed by the Bureau of Mines in Bartlesville . for the purchase of his in Dallas, Texas. Lt . Col. Onis G. Hazel, '21ph.g, '23ph.c, collection of southwestern '23pharm, '316s, '31med, has served with the books, pictures and other -1917- Public Health Service as a consultant dermatolo- historical materials for pres- Newly assigned to the position of inspector gen- gist in Florida and at Will Rogers Field, Oklaho- entation to the University eral with the Air Inspector Division at the Europe ma City . of Oklahoma . The collec- Air Transport Service Headquarters is Lt. Col . An article, "Calling All Rattlesnakes," by Grace tion is now in the posses- Eldon Breeden, '17ba. Colonel Breeden has been E. Ray, '20ba, '23ma, associate professor of jour- sion of Mrs. Ferguson, '07, overseas since May, 1944, and in the service since nalism at O. U., is included in a workbook for pioneer newspaper woman March, 1941 . He holds the Distinguished Service use in conjunction with a reader planned for sev- and author of a nationally Cross, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and French Croix enth grade students. Originally published in Travel syndicated column appear- de Guerre. magazine, the article concerns extraction of venom ing in Scripps-Howard C. A. Nichols, '14pharm, '14bs, '176a, has served at a snake farm in Tulsa and uses made of it as newspapers . Ferguson be- as treasurer of Phi Delta Chi, national professional a serum. The book was published by Scott, Fore- gan gathering material for pharmacy and chemistry fraternity, for the past man and Company. his collection several years 27 years. Nichols has been in the drug business in before his death in 1936, 1922- Anadarko since being graduated from the Uni- Leonard W. Harley, '20-'22, is now manager of and it is considered one of the best devoted to versity. the Hadley & Company Distributors, gas appli- southwestern lore and history. Mrs. Minnaletha White, '17fa, '23fa, has returned ances, for the state of Georgia in Macon. to Oklahoma City to establish a home after spend- Dr. Chantey H. Dolpb, '22ba, '246s, '26med, is - ing -1908 the last 14 years in Los Angeles, California . on the staff of the Jefferson Davis hospital, Hous- Mrs. White formerly taught voice at the University . Lloyd Curtis, '08bs, '10eng, Lander, Wyoming, ton, Texas, and is practicing medicine in Baytown, Thomas Robert Blaine, 'J4-'17, Enid, has been Texas. has made his home in Lander for the last 17 in service as district judge for the fourth district Hugh M. Bland, '18-'22, is now associated with years, where he is associated with the Lander High for the last four years. School as an instructor . Mr . and Mrs. Curtis are the law firm of Bland, Chastain and Kilcannon Hazlitt Bond Caldwell, '17ba, Oklahoma City, in Fort Smith, Arkansas. the parents of a daughter, Mary Louise, born has completed his 27th year as a telephone engi- July 2, 1946, in Lander. Dr . Lloyd Harris. '20ph.g, '22ph.c, '22pharm, neer with the Southwestern Bell Telephone Com- '24ms, former professor of pharmacy and chemistry An outstanding record pany in Oklahoma . was City He discharged in at the University, is now teaching pharmaceutical as a rural mail carrier January, 1946, from the Army Air Corps with has been achieved by Edgar chemistry at the University of Ohio . Mrs. Harris, the rank of lieutenant colonel. the former Maurine Dill, '23h .ec, accompanied L. Harris, '08ba, of Nor- Louis Reilly, '17law, and John A. Ruth, '41law, man. Harris, who also at- Dr . Harris to Norman recently where they visited recently formed a firm under the name of Reilly tended the O.U . prepara- friends. and Ruth, attorneys and counselors at law in Warren B. Ryder, '22ba, is general manager of tory school early in the cen- Kingfisher . tury, has been connected the E. C. Abernathy Lumber Company in Joplin, with the postoffice depart- -1919- Missouri. ment the past 36 years. He "Anyone who says it can't be done is usually served three terms as na- interrupted by someone doing it ." That's the motto tional president of the Na- in the Los Angeles, California, office of the Veter- tional Federation of Rural ans Administration program for rehabilitation of Letter Carriers and is ac- the blind, headed by Dr . F. I,. Tibbitts, '19ma. A tive in Norman civic affairs. former member of the University of Tulsa, Oklaho- ma City University and University of Oklahoma '-1909- faculties, Tibbitts joined the V. A. in Los Angeles early in 1945 as vocational adviser for blinded Mrs. A. Blair Boylin, '09, Wadcsboro, North war Veterans . Mrs. Tibbitts, the former Ruth Carolina, recently visited her father, James Dowd, Lucille Bull, received her bachelor of arts degree professor emeritus of sociology. Mrs. James Mal- from the University in 1924 . colm, '33, '34, is the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. Maurine H. Merrill, '19ba, '22law, attended Boylin . a meeting of the American Bar Association Coun- cil in Chicago, Illinois, February 22 and 23 . He was present as an observer in the position of chair- man of the Committee on Co-operation with the Everette Lee DeGolyer, '11ba, is the owner of Rench and Bar of the Association of American Law the nation's top literary weekly, the "Saturday Re- Schools. view of Literature ." He is a member of Phi Beta Garner G. Collums, '19ba, director of University Kappa; an owner of a fabulous library of work on housing, has been named president of the Cleveland the southwest; a geologist and author, publisher County Reserve Officers Association. and editor . Mr. DeGolyer's library of Southwestern items -1920- was started more than 30 years ago. He has written R. W. Keller, '20ba, and Mrs. Keller have been more than 100 technical articles for magazines, as living on a ranch near Crystal City, Texas, for well as a book, "My Adventures in Zuni ." He is a the last eighteen years. Mr . Keller is a partner in senior partner of DeGolyer and MacNaughton, the Keller Seed Store in Shawnee. Lt. Col. Bernard B. Smith, 22law, whose ap- tonsulting geologists, consultants for Petroleos Edgar T. Keller, '206a, is now working with pointment as judge advocate of the 15th Air Mexicanos, Conselha National do Petrolo of Bra- the Veterans Administration in Los Angeles, Cali- Force was recently announced according to the zil, and Naval Petroleum Reserves for the U. S. fornia . He served for three and one-half years with public relations officer, Headquarters 15th Air Navy . the Navy . Force, Colorado Springs, Colorado . APRIL, 1947 29 Appointment of Lt . Col. Bernard B. Smith, ilies move in top Hollywood society. Goff, stocky Maj. John Powers Wolff, '256s, '27med, served Evacuation unit in '22law, as judge advocate of the 15th Air Force and outdoorish, hunts with Clark Gable. He also with the University Hospital was recently announced through the public rela- operates a wealthy, modern ranch. Tall, professional the South Pacific. tions officer, headquarters, 15th Air Force, Colo- Laucks owns a 143,000-acre nevada ranch and rado Springs, Colorado. has one-third interest in a racing stable. Colonel Smith, a veteran of 15 months in the -1926- Pacific theater, was a practicing attorney in Okla- homa City from 1922 until he was called to active -1925- O. B. Martin, '26law, has been employed with duty from reserve officer status in February, 1942 . Administration in Oklahoma Stanton Thatcher, '256a, is now owner and op- the office of Price Colonel and Mrs. Smith have three children : erator of the McDonald Auto Supply Company in City for the last four years. He is now attorney in Wendell, 21, a Navy pilot, Bernard, Jr ., and Berk- Amarillo, Texas. charge of the enforcement branch office. ley, 13 . The appointment of Bernice Paton, '25ba, as Roy Guffey, '26bus, is now a drilling contractor In addition to the Army Commendation ribbon, head cataloger at the Kansas State College Library residing in Dallas, Texas, and is a director in the Colonel Smith wears the Pacific Theater ribbon was announced recently by William Baehr, head Dallas Petroleum Club. with three campaign stars, and the Philippine librarian. Miss Paton began her work April 1. with Liberation ribbon with one campaign star .
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