60 Cannock - Norton Canes - Burntwood - Lichfield Chaserider Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Stand 6) 0520 0550 0620 0650 0720 0750 0830 0900 00 30 1630 1700 1740 1805 1840 1940 then Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand A) 0526 0556 0626 0656 0726 0756 0836 0906 06 36 1636 1706 1746 1811 1846 1946 at Hawks Green, Tesco Store 0529 0559 0629 0659 0729 0759 0839 0909 09 39 1639 1709 1749 1814 1849 1949 these Heath Hayes, Cannock Road 0535 0605 0635 0705 0735 0805 0845 0915 15 45 1645 1715 1755 1820 1855 1955 mins until Norton East, opp Norton Canes Primary Academy 0539 0609 0639 0709 0739 0809 0849 0919 19 49 1649 1719 1759 1824 1859 1959 past Burntwood Town Centre, adj Sankeys Corner 0548 0618 0648 0718 0748 0818 0858 0928 28 58 1658 1728 1808 1833 1908 2008 each Burntwood, adj Farewell Lane 0558 0628 0658 0728 0758 0828 0908 0938 38 08 1708 1738 1818 1843 1918 2018 hour Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0610 0640 0710 0740 0815 0845 0920 0950 50 20 1720 1750 1830 1855 1930 2030 Mondays to Fridays Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Stand 6) 2040 2140 Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand A) 2046 2146 Hawks Green, Tesco Store 2049 2149 Heath Hayes, Cannock Road 2055 2155 Norton East, opp Norton Canes Primary Academy 2059 2159 Burntwood Town Centre, adj Sankeys Corner 2108 2208 Burntwood, adj Farewell Lane 2118 2218 Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 2130 2230 Saturdays Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Stand 6) 0620 0720 0750 0830 0900 00 30 1630 1700 1740 1840 1940 2040 2140 then Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand A) 0626 0726 0756 0836 0906 06 36 1636 1706 1746 1846 1946 2046 2146 at Hawks Green, Tesco Store 0629 0729 0759 0839 0909 09 39 1639 1709 1749 1849 1949 2049 2149 these Heath Hayes, Cannock Road 0635 0735 0805 0845 0915 15 45 1645 1715 1755 1855 1955 2055 2155 mins until Norton East, opp Norton Canes Primary Academy 0639 0739 0809 0849 0919 19 49 1649 1719 1759 1859 1959 2059 2159 past Burntwood Town Centre, adj Sankeys Corner 0648 0748 0818 0858 0928 28 58 1658 1728 1808 1908 2008 2108 2208 each Burntwood, adj Farewell Lane 0658 0758 0828 0908 0938 38 08 1708 1738 1818 1918 2018 2118 2218 hour Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0710 0815 0845 0920 0950 50 20 1720 1750 1830 1930 2030 2130 2230 Sundays no service 60 Lichfield - Burntwood - Norton Canes0 - Cannock Chaserider Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0620 0650 0720 0755 0830 0900 00 30 1530 1600 1630 1700 1735 1810 1840 1910 then Burntwood, opp Farewell Lane 0632 0702 0732 0807 0842 0912 12 42 1542 1612 1647 1717 1752 1822 1852 1922 at Burntwood Town Centre, opp Sankeys Corner 0642 0712 0742 0817 0852 0922 22 52 1552 1622 1657 1727 1802 1832 1902 1932 these Norton East, adj Norton Canes Primary Academy 0651 0721 0751 0826 0901 0931 31 01 1601 1631 1706 1736 1811 1841 1911 1941 mins until Heath Hayes, adj The Five Ways Inn 0655 0725 0755 0830 0905 0935 35 05 1605 1635 1710 1740 1815 1845 1915 1945 past Hawks Green, Tesco Store 0701 0731 0801 0836 0911 0941 41 11 1611 1641 1716 1746 1821 1851 1921 1951 each Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand B) 0705 0735 0805 0840 0915 0945 45 15 1615 1645 1720 1750 1825 1855 1925 1955 hour Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0712 0742 0817 0852 0922 0952 52 22 1622 1652 1727 1757 1832 1902 1932 2002 Mondays to Fridays Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 2010 2110 Burntwood, opp Farewell Lane 2022 2122 Burntwood Town Centre, opp Sankeys Corner 2032 2132 Norton East, adj Norton Canes Primary Academy 2041 2141 Heath Hayes, adj The Five Ways Inn 2045 2145 Hawks Green, Tesco Store 2051 2151 Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand B) 2055 2155 Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 2102 2202 Saturdays Lichfield City Centre, Bus Station (Stand 7) 0720 0755 0830 0900 00 30 1530 1600 1630 1700 1735 1810 1910 2010 2110 then Burntwood, opp Farewell Lane 0732 0807 0842 0912 12 42 1542 1612 1647 1717 1752 1822 1922 2022 2122 at Burntwood Town Centre, opp Sankeys Corner 0742 0817 0852 0922 22 52 1552 1622 1657 1727 1802 1832 1932 2032 2132 these Norton East, adj Norton Canes Primary Academy 0751 0826 0901 0931 31 01 1601 1631 1706 1736 1811 1841 1941 2041 2141 mins until Heath Hayes, adj The Five Ways Inn 0755 0830 0905 0935 35 05 1605 1635 1710 1740 1815 1845 1945 2045 2145 past Hawks Green, Tesco Store 0801 0836 0911 0941 41 11 1611 1641 1716 1746 1821 1851 1951 2051 2151 each Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand B) 0805 0840 0915 0945 45 15 1615 1645 1720 1750 1825 1855 1955 2055 2155 hour Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Adjacent YYY) 0817 0852 0922 0952 52 22 1622 1652 1727 1757 1832 1902 2002 2102 2202 Sundays no service Staffordshire County Council03/09/2021 1349 60 Cannock - Norton Canes - Burntwood - Lichfield Chaserider For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code stadjdmd Cannock Town Centre, Bus Station (Stand 6) Stafford Road 3800C200806 stadmapg Cannock, adj Coniston Way Church Street 3800C234801 stadmdtj Cannock Town Centre, adj Hollies Park Road Lichfield Road 3800C240602 stadmdta Rumer Hill, adj Mill Farm Lichfield Road 3800C240501 stadmjam Hawks Green, adj McArthurGlen Eastern Way 3800C293801 - Hawks Green, McArthurGlen Designer Outlet (Stand A) Internal roads 3800C221101 stadjmwg Hawks Green, opp Robins Croft Hayes Way 3800C211201 stagtdad Hawks Green, Salisbury Drive Hayes Way 3800C212401 - Hawks Green, Tesco Store Heath Way 3800C216100 stadmdmj Hawks Green, adj Tesco Store Hayes Way 3800C239501 stadjdwg Hawks Green, adj Heath Way Hayes Way 3800C202400 stadmdmt Hawks Green, adj Sidon Hill Way Hayes Way 3800C239601 stadmjap Heath Hayes, opp Badgers Way Hayes Way 3800C294101 stadmjad Heath Hayes, adj Highfield Road Hednesford Road 3800C291302 stadmgwp Heath Hayes, opp Lyndhurst Road Hednesford Road 3800C291202 stadjdwp Heath Hayes, adj Library Hednesford Road 3800C202501 stadjdwt Heath Hayes, opp The Five Ways Inn Hednesford Road 3800C202600 stadjpaj Heath Hayes, Cannock Road Norton Road 3800C211801 stagtdmg Norton East, adj Woodfield Drive Hednesford Road 3800C291102 stadjpad Norton East, adj Hill Street Hednesford Road 3800C211601 stadjmwt Norton East, Brownhills Road Hednesford Road 3800C211502 stadmjgw Norton Canes, adj Burntwood Road Hednesford Road 3800C295402 stadmgpw Norton Canes, opp Library Burntwood Road 3800C257501 stagtatw Norton East, opp Norton Canes Primary Academy Burntwood Road 3800C210802 stadjmdt Norton Canes, adj Norton Canes High School Burntwood Road 3800C207801 stadjmtm Norton Canes, opp Deer Close Burntwood Road 3800C210602 stadjmtg Norton East, opp Norton East Road Burntwood Road 3800C210502 stagtdpt Norton East, opp Atwood Road Cannock Road 3800C406602 stadpjda Burntwood Town Centre, opp Cobbett Road Cannock Road 3800C427902 stadptpm Burntwood Town Centre, opp Chaselands Cannock Road 3800C493801 stadptgt Burntwood Town Centre, adj Griffin Close Ironstone Road 3800C491602 stadmwaw Burntwood Town Centre, adj Chapel Street Ironstone Road 3800C410501 stadmwdw Burntwood Town Centre, opp Eastgate Street Ironstone1 Road 3800C410802 stadmwpw Burntwood Town Centre, opp St Johns Church High Street 3800C413901 stagtdtj Boney Hay, opp Park Road Rugeley Road 3800C414901 stagtgmp Burntwood Town Centre, adj Redwood Drive Rugeley Road 3800C494801 stadpadp Burntwood Town Centre, adj Sankeys Corner Rugeley Road 3800C415001 stadptjp Chase Terrace, opp High Street Milestone Way 3800C492701 stadptwt Chase Terrace, opp Chase Vale High Street 3800C494601 stadptjm Chasetown, adj Care Home High Street 3800C492602 stadptjd Chasetown, opp Union Street High Street 3800C492502 stadptpj Chasetown, adj Old Mining College Centre Queen Street 3800C493701 stadptpa Chasetown, adj Cottage Lane Queen Street 3800C493601 stadmpwa Chasetown, adj Meadway Street Queen Street 3800C405802 stagptaj Burntwood, opp Grange Road Chase Road 3800C436701 stadpapa Burntwood, opp Henley Close Chase Road 3800C417301 stadpapj Burntwood, adj New Road Chase Road 3800C417402 stagtgag Burntwood, opp Swan Corner Shopping Centre Chase Road 3800C425401 stadmjtg Burntwood, opp Hudson Drive Lichfield Road 3800C402000 stadpdag Burntwood, adj Mease Avenue Lichfield Road 3800C419002 stagtdwa Burntwood, adj Farewell Lane Lichfield Road 3800C419101 stagpjma Burntwood, opp Edial House Farm Lichfield Road 3800C419202 stadmwag Pipehill, adj Woodhouses Road Lichfield Road 3800C410001 stadmwad Pipehill, adj Edial Farm Lichfield Road 3800C409902 stadmtwt Pipehill, opp Broad Lane Lichfield Road 3800C409801 stagtgdp Pipehill, opp Pipe Marsh Lichfield Road 3800C436202 stagtgam Pipehill, Walsall Road Lichfield Road 3800C430802 stadpmda Sandyway, opp Royal Oak Close Walsall Road 3800C432401 stadmtwd Sandyway, adj Sorrel Close Walsall Road 3800C409401 stadpmdp Leamonsley, adj Christchurch Lane Walsall Road 3800C432602 stadpmdw Leamonsley, adj Angorfa Close Walsall Road 3800C432702 stadmtpt Leamonsley, adj No.
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