I have heard the ghostly cadence of those marchers in the sky- WINTER, 1990 No bus rides in Vegas All Reunion activities will be within fabulous hotel First of all, welcome back to our travelling Editor Ed Committee chairpersons have been appointed and are Arnold and his wife, Vi who have recently returned from an working enthusiastically to make our Reunion rewarding and extensive trip "down under" to Australia. We'll be looking successful-Registration, Neal Gibbs; Time and Place, Ray forward to hearing about their adventures. Yadon; Nominating, Cliff Brown; Hospitality, Gene Burt­ The pace is fast and the push is ner; Raffle, Dick Lykke; Sales, Archie Smith; Trailblazer on for finalizing 1990 Reunion plans in Las Vegas, September 16-20th, 1990. Both telephone The President's Report calls and letters received by me Norman Johnson have been enthusiastic, so from all appearances we should look Awards, Greg Hosford; Publicity, Walt Bogart, Sales, Ar­ forward to another great reunion. The Riviera Hotel is chie and Evelyn Smith. adequate and helpful. We expect to be housed in the Monaco Good news is that the Hospitality Room is large and will Tower which is next to our registration, meeting and social be kept open longer hours. functions. It is a reduced rate of $59 per room and 600 rooms Watch the Spring Issue of the Trailblazer for updated have been blocked off for us; however, I must stress there is a information. deadline of August 17th for reservations which will be Members are invited and urged to bring items for the strictly adhered to and for that reason a room reservation popular Raffle. The new system for drawings worked out form is printed in this issue. May I urge you to reserve your very well at the last Reunion and will be continued and room with the Hotel at the earliest possible date. The mailing improved. address is Riviera Hotel, 2901 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Be smart: Send in your hotel reservations today. You can Vegas, Nevada 89109, Attention Room Reservation Desk. always cancel them if circumstances demand that later. Please note sales tax is not included in the $59 rate. Remember the people who delayed making reservations and All functions in connection with the Reunion are being were disappointed at Portland and Nashville. held in the hotel and the Pre-Registration form for the On behalf of your Association officers, myself, and our Reunion itself will be printed in the spring issue of the wives and family, we take this opportunity to extend to all Trailblazer, together with additional information on some of members, wives and families warm Holiday Greetings and the opportunities for optional tours and sight-seeing avail­ Best Wishes for 1990. able in the area. See you in Las Vegas in September, 1990. Aloha, Las Vegas festivities. Floyd Freeman, 1/275, is and one night in Vegas before the tour holding space for 60 people. The tour starts. The price, as yet undetermined, A pre-Reunion tour to Honolulu is will include round-trip air travel from and more details will be announced in being planned to kick off the Las Vegas Vegas, six nights in a Hawaiian hotel the next issue. T~Ail$ BLAIE~ Volume 48 Number 1 Winter '90 President Secretary-Treosurer Chaplains Norman Johnson louis Hoger Alex Johnson is published four times o year by the 70th Infantry Division 3344 Bryant Ave. 5825 Horton St. 833 N. Carlyle St. Association for its members and friends. Subscription: $10 Anoka, Minn. 55303 Mission, Kans. 66202 Arlington Heights, annually. II. 60004 Vice President-East* President-elect * Editor Historians William Kiefriter Neal Gibbs Rev. Don Docken* Edmund C. Arnold Donald C. Pence 50 Woodhill Dr. 11910 Moonlight Rd. 920 Third St. 3208 Hawthorne Ave. Carolina Trace Willow Grove, Po. 19090 Olathe, Kans. 66061 Hudson, Wis. 54016 Richmond, Virginia 23222 285 Fairway lone Sanford, North Carolina 21730 Vice President-West* Asst. Sec.-Treos *. Associate Editor Paul Thirion Calvin Jones Chester F. Gorstki Dr. Eugene Petersen 6669 Nicolet! Ave. 227 NE 105th Ave. 2946 No. Harding Star Rt. 2, Box 143 Riverside, Cal. 92504 Portland, Ore. 97220 Chicago, Illinois 60618 Coble, Wisconsin 54821 2 70th Division Assn TRAILBLAZER An editorial The ''deficit'' shrinks There is no $22,000 deficit for the Nashville Reunion! experience. For those of us who cannot, it is still nice to An incomplete fmancial report in the last issue of this enjoy vicariously, through "Trailblazer" reports and com­ magazine showed that much difference between expenses munications with our buddies who were there. and receipts for the biennial meeting. It naturally raised some The Reunion is necessary to keep the Association alive serious concerns. and it is certainly a wise investment of treasury funds to The facts are these: assure its vitality. Receipts at the Reunion were $96,434.79 Mini-reunions are also adding to the membership services. Expenses for the Reunion were $100,336.74 They are self-supporting-as the big Reunion has been on an But the deficit was not $4,334.19 overall basis. For there is $2,200 worth of souvenir merchandise on A problem of all national organizations such as ours is to hand. That means that the Association treasury actually maintain current communications. When this magazine subsidized the Reunion with only $2, 100. See page 17. comes out only three times as in 1989, there are regretable It seems to me that a modest subsidy like that is entirely lapses. It would be great if the ' 'Trailblazer'' could come out appropriate. For the Reunion is an essential service to monthly. But that would be an impossible strain on the editor members. and our mailing budget. (It costs about $225 to mail each The major service is, of course, this magazine. Recogniz­ issue.) ing this, the board increased the budget. First the magazine, If communications problems cause confusion at times, the which had appeared at irregular intervals, was put on a thing to do is ask the officers. As was properly done in the regular, quarterly basis. Then, in 1983, it was increased from case of the supposed deficit. Explanations will be given as 8 to 12 pages and again, in the following year, to 16. soon as possible. This is the first regular issue which carries 24 pages. (The The important fact in this situation is that the Association last two issues each had 24 pages but this is because only is alive and well, the treasury is in excellent condition, the three issues were published because of my long absence from "deficit" was actually a legitimate organizational expense. the country.) Vive le 70th!! The Reunion is the other major service. And a true service Edmund C. Arnold it is. For those of us who can attend, it is a heart-warming editor Send this form as soon as pos­ You may make a photocopy of sible to: this form if you don't want to clip Riviera Hotel your magazine. You may cancel ATTENTION: Room Reservation reservations without penalty if Desk that is necessary at a later date. 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 ~/----------~ ROOM RESERVATION CARD 70TH DIVISION ASSOCIATION REUNION (One Room Per Card Please) SEPTEMBER 16-20, 1990 RIVIERA HOTEL & CASINO ROOM TYPE RATES NAME: ----------------------------------- Single Occupancy $59.00 Double Occupancy $59.00 ORGANIZATION: --------------------------- Room Preference 0 King 0 Double-Double STREET ADDRESS: SUITES: All suites subject to confirmation. CITY: _________ STATE: ______ ZIP: _____ 0 Petite: $125.00 Penthouse: 0 One-Bedroom : $175.00 $375- PH1 ARRIVAL DATE: _ _______________ HOUR ______ M 0 Two-Bedroom : $225.00 $450 - PH2 DEPARTURE DATE: HOUR M 0 Please send information for a hospitality suite. (Check-out time noon/Check-in time 3 p.m.) All reservations subject to local room tax. ALL reservations must be received by 8/17 and accompanied by a one-night room deposit. Call (800) 634-6753 for additional information or changes. Please charge my American Express card with a deposit. A personal check is accepted for a deposit as well as American Express. Card#:. ______ ___ _ Exp. Date: _________ Signature,____________ ______ Winter, 1990 3 After a struggle of 11 months against Association recruiters could not flnd cancer, Roy Linsten, C/884, died August Robert Drackert, M/275, in time. When The last Retreat 4. The latest Roster lists his home as Ven­ they did fmd his residence, his wife, Isa­ A charter member of this Association, ice, Florida, but his widow, Bernice, now belle, said: ''I'm sorry to say that Robert Ernest 0. Miller, HQ 2nd Bn/276, suc­ lives at 12112 113th Avenue, Court E-6, passed away Dec. 23, 1988. I'm sure he cumbed to a heart attack July 1. He was the Puyallup, Washington 98373. would have been interested in the Associ­ flrst assistant secretary-treasurer of the ation. After 30 years in the military, he Association and in the late 60s served as John P. Kaufman,* HQ/882, died on missed association with the service when editor of the ''Trailblazer''. He was serv­ Sept. 10, 1989. His daughter, Linda he retired. His widow's address is PO Box ing on the Western mini-reunion commit­ Bredeson, sends us the sad news. 501, Derby, Kansas 67037. tee at his death at 83. Cal Jones, who is on that committee, After receiving a* battlefield commis- Plagued with emphysema* and heart has forwarded this report. sion in the Vosges, Albert Olson, unit trouble, Kenneth Lokker, AT/274, unknown, stayed in the service for 23 hadn't done much travelling from his Slay­ Ernie Richards,* B/884, reports the years, retiring as a major.
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