Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.orgXCimee " •. The Watertown-Ookvills-MicMlcbury Weekly Timely Coverage Of News in The Fastest Growing Community In Litchfield County Price 10 Cents DECEMBER 21. 1967 VOL. 21 NO. .1041 Subscription Price, $3.75 Per Year Businessmen Launch Fund For Victim Of A ccident ice Slason, also of Porter St. A fund for 'the family of 10- 'The Slason girl was not struck. year-old Nancy-Clock, 82 Por- Waterbury Hospital authorities ter St., Who was critically -:1m.- said at presstime that 'the Clock - " Jured early Monday evening when girt Is to poor condition,' with • she .and. another young .girl were "her name on 'the danger list, struck by a car, has been started .She has been to 'the intensive by local 'businessmen. care unit since being admitted failed the Nancy 'Clock 'Fund, to' the hospital suffering from a, It will be used, to' help the fam- head Injury. ily with hospital expenses and Roberta Temple's condition was to provide them with aid during listed as fair. 'She sustained a the holiday season. Check should fractured right leg.: be made out to Nancy Clock Fund Police reported that the three and sent to the Watertown office girls were walking to. 'the gut- 'Of 'the Waterbury National Bank, ter, facing traffic, when they Woodruff A.ve. were struck by the Hresko car. - Nancy Is the daughter of Mrs. 'They said the Clock and Temple Henry Clock, _§2 Porter St. Her girls were thrown onto 'the hood. father succumbed suddenly sev- .. of the auto by the force of 'the eral weeks ago leaving Mrs. Impact and. were carried for ap- Clock wltt, five children. proximately 120 feet, The girls were injured when Hresko was charged with, driv- "AND IT' CAME TO PASS, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shep- struck by a. car driven by Al- ing under 'the influence .and reck- herds said ID one another, let us 'now go even into Bethlehem, and see this thing which is bert. Hresko, 43, 189' Platt Rd., less driving. He was. released, come .'In pass, which the Lord hath made known to us. And they came with haste and found as they were walking along' Por- under a $1,000 'bond. Mary, .and Joseph, and the Babe lying in, a manger." - Luke 2:1.9-16.. tar St. 'Witt a third girl, Jan- Joyous Christmas Observance Set "And when 'they were come Into •the house, they saw the young Second A nnual Ecumenical Child 'with 'Mary His Mother, .and fell down, and, worshipped Him. And .., ,., ,., they presented unto him, Community Carol Sing FrL gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh." The Second Annual Ecumenical, men. So wrote Matthew (2:11) in a New •Community Carol Sing will 'be 'There will be musical, accom- Testament account of the Nativity, held Friday, Dec. 22, at 7:30 paniment for the sing, which will and so'will Watertown's residents p.m., on the north end of the" " feature many of the old favorite commemorate 'the birth of the parking lot at Watertown Plaza. Christmas Carols. Christ Child with solemn, 'and George Dietz, Jr., is chairman Joyous church services and, of the stag, to which all resi- Traffic Study Masses Christmas Eve .and dents,-regardless of 'their church Christmas Bay; and with 'the .affiliation, are invited. Last On Main Street traditional family gatherings and. year's sing attracted a large the exchanging of gifts. throng of participants and dergy- Wei 1 U nd erw a y Midnight Masses .are scheduled 'Town Manager Allen F, Mug- for both Roraan Catho 11,c Dinah Mills Melvin Sutton lla has. .announced 'that the-traf- Churches, SL John's'andSt. Mary 9 fic engineering project design- Magdalen, Both churches have 10-Gallon full schedules of 'Confessions Dinah Mills Watertown ® (Continued 'On. Page I1?) leading up the weekend. St. John's 99 Blood Donor Fin Church will, have Masses Christ- mas Day at 7, 8:15, 9:30, 10:45 "Miss School Spirit Melvin Sutton was awarded, a Post Offices and 12 Moon. St.. Mary Magdalen 10-gallon pin for having made Ms gan before Thanksgiving, with will, have Masses at. 6:45, 8:45,. .junior 'Dinah 'Hills was crown- 80th donation of a pint of blood. Close For Holidays 1 ed Miss School Spirit for Water- candidate's chosen .and all 'the nec- 9:45,. 10 and; 11:15 a.m., and to 'the' Red. Cross Bloodmobile last 5 p.m. town' High School last week, as. essary details seen too. week. Watertown .and Gakvtlie Post- 'The candidates, in addition to masters Lucy Leonard and' Dan- The' Watertown Methodist the Distributive Education Club Only 76 pints were collected, Church will present a. dance held its; annual Miss School Spirit 'the winners,, were: Cathy Borg, during 'the visit at. the First Con- iel Shembreskls have announced Sewing Club; 'Theresa Desrosl- that both Post 'Offices will be drama, "''The Joyful. Mystery," Dance. gregational Church, Just one pint at Its Christmas Eve service The daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. ers, Gymnastics; Kathy Gilbert, more than half the ISO-pint quota. closed all day Sunday, Dec. 24 Future 'Business Leaders of and Monday, Dec. 25. Sunday at. 7 p.m. 'There will be John Mills, Balden. SL, she was; Others who received awards anthems 'by the three choirs and awarded.- a $50 .gift, certificate .America;. Janice Roberts, Future There will be no collection of Teachers of America; Chris Lor- were: William E. Rice, Jr., six: mall on Monday, Dec. 25, or Candleligntlng, No services are and presented 'with a dozen red' gallon pin; Nicholas Kintzer, tour scheduled Christmas Day. roses. Each of the 15 candidates enson, .Ski. Club; Roseanne Chew- Monday, Jan.. 1. Mail deposited rier. Drama Club;. Denise Di- gallons;; Stephen Stupak .and. Fred to. boxes to front of each Post At All Saints Episcopal. Church,. received a charm, bracelet .and. LaChance, two gallons; and Ken- 'Corsage,, complements of the bwpe,. Class of " 1970; 'Linda. Office will be collected on Sun- Oakvilie, 'the Holy Eucharist will Camp, Class, of 1968; Clara Mil- neth Mussa, Ronald Lukes .and. day, Dec. 24, .and Sunday, Dec. be celebrated, at 7 p.m. on Christ- DEC A Club. Douglas; Sweeney, one-gallon First runner-up was Jean Dorh- lette, Class of 1:911; Geraldine 31. mas Eve,, and. again in a Midnight Ttso, Pep Club; Carol McKenna, pins. Communion service scheduled to man, representing 'the Student Thise assisting at the visit were Regular window service hours Council. Leslie Lamphier, rep- Cheerleaders; and Kem Martin, will, be' Observed at 'the offices begin at 11:30 p.m. On Christmas French Club. as. follows. Nurses: Mrs... James Day 'there will be' a 'Holy Com- resenting the' Majorettes, was LaRusso, Mrs. John McMahon, on Saturday,. 'Dec. 23, opening second, runner-up. Miss Mills Participating In 'the balloting at 8 a.m. and closing' at 12 munion service at 10 a.m. were' .all those who attended 'the .Mrs. Clarence Cole, Mrs. George 'On. Page 2) represented the Class of '69. (Continued On. Pace 16} Noon. Preparations for 'the 'dance be- dance. Property(Watertown , Con.)of , theDecembe r Watertown21, 196? Historical Society One-fourth of all patents regis- The first ice cream cone was tered In the United States Patent originated at the SL Louis Ex- Office pmartm to automobiles. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgposition in 1904. ZJ imfcs change .... but. the warmth of the Christmas spirit lives on forever. Enduring, too, is the gratitude we feel lor the 'privilege: of serving our" fine customers. VISITORS to §He watertown Ubmy an greeted W ills attractive dlsplw as iief enter the your libcary at the main level.. It was. designed and erected by Mrs. Julie Hickcox for tttc Friends of the Libraiy. " . -" - Holidays be happy Kalita Insurance Agency '/() CHEERFUL 639 Main St. Watertown 274-1892' HOLIDAY PWI n MABGABET . ZEBOBA, a sophomore at Emmanuel Col- lege, Boston, Mass., has. ar- TREATS rived home to' spend 'the noli- days with 'her parents, Mr. »f Christmas cheer and Mrs. Albert Zebora, 63 fill the homes and hearts of our from Lock wood Drive. < friends and patrons during the • A nnu a 1 C h i 1 dren * s holiday season. It has been a ill merrily decwated for Christmas Party privilege and pleasure to serve Christmas Holiday! This Saturday you all. during the past. year. "The Annual Children's Christ- SANTAS mas Party, sponsored by Wa- ter-Oak Post, Voter ins of For- Northern Lights eign Wars, "Will be held Sat- mM urday, Dec. 23, starting at 10 SNO-BALL •' 2* * * a-rn. In. 'the. Wale-torn High School auditorium. There will to a program of movies and a visit from Santa Christmas Trees r«*...«,25* Clous, who win have a present for each child. Ml children of $ members of the Water-Oaks. EGG NOG'"f.r 1" VFW and residents of Water- town up to 1.2 years of age are welcome to attend. PARFAITS y Chairman of the party is Ar- thur Schmid. Serving on the com- mittee are Commander Norman Daigle, Paul Garceau, Leslie ICE CREAM YULE LOGS Brown, Raymond Heroux,, Ad- rian. Heroux, Ernest Bice and 185 . Arthur LeMay. 1 Joyous-Christmas ICE CREAM CAKES , (Continual From Page l.< Christ Episcopal Chruch will J>25 present a Christmas Pageant at ice cream w*?r^?h "its 10:45 a.m. service Sunday Sails . %*££p 4.25 . , and has scheduled a Midnight Holy Communion service which PLEASE ORDER IN ADVANCE will begin., at 11:30 p.m. Christ- mas Eve. On Christmas Day there PHONE 274-1462 will to a Holy Communion serv- ICE CREAM SHO-BALLS...
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