Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1991-92 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 2-27-1992 The thI acan, 1992-02-27 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1992-02-27" (1992). The Ithacan, 1991-92. 22. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1991-92/22 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1991-92 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ·-·Black explorer gets rr~stees should improve two-way Women Direct series highlights . ., . · deserved· recognition communication with students- black filmmakers ... page 3 ... page 9 ••. page 16_ .The ITHACAN The Newspaper For The Ithaca College Community Vol. 59, No. 21. Thursday, February 27, 1992 28 pages Free Descent -into knowledge The Whalen Tour President visits residence hall, answers student questions By Avi Schaeffer Ithaca College President} amesJ. Whalen does not want IC to become an institution that only the wealthy will be able to attend. Whalen spoke to approximately 30 resi­ dents of Rowland, Hilliard and Boothroyd Halls in the Rowland Hall television lounge on Feb. 24 at 7 pm. Whalen did not deliver. a formal speech, but instead chose to answer students' ques­ tions for the entire program. Among the key issues he discussed were a possible rise in tuition, renovation of older facilities on campus and construction plans for new buildings, the possible shift of IC athletics from Division III to Division I, admissions and the possibility of IC becom­ ing a university. Tuition President James J. Whalen "I have said many times that it's not a renovated when the science building is com­ question of whether tuition will increase. It's pleted. Williams will house classrooms, always a question of how much. If everybody faculty offices and the psychology depart­ else stopped increasing their costs, we could ment. stop increasing ours as well," Whalen said. "The music school feels -it needs more Fund-raising was cited by Whalen as a practice room and another small [concert] possible way to reduce large annual increases hall, and I agree with them," Whalen said. in tuition. AccordingtoWhalen,theSchoolofHealth "Yes, we 're expensive. But compared to Sciences and Human Performance requires our compatriots in this area, we're not We its own facility, with additional athletic space. give as good as or better an education [as "If this happens, I'm sure Smiddy Hall they do]," Whalen said. He said that Boston will be consumed immediately by the busi­ University and Syracuse University were ness school," Whalen said. IC's main competitors. Other plans include the renovation of Ithacan / Greg Hollmann "Compared to our sister schools, we've Dillingham Center and the Terrace residence A student steps down a spiral staircase In the Gannett Center. been doing a decent job keeping tuition halls. down," Whalen said. - Athletics According to Whalen, the college is try­ "I think all of our sports should be in ing to offer as much financial aid as it can Division III. There's nothing wrong with a afford. "We're putting $12 million of Ithaca first rate athletic program, but we're not 'Michelangelo' virus money into scholarships, and another $18 Division I and I don't wantto be Division I," million comes from the state and federal Whalen said. governments," he_said. On the question of athletes getting in­ Whalen blamed New York State for with­ creased financial assistance from IC, Whalen threatens local PCs drawing a significant amount of financial aid said ·~1 have to prove that the financial aid that from private colleges. "Governor Cuomo the athletes get is not significantly different By Jim Fenno has simply not cared much about the inde­ than what anybody else gets." and Christa ~noll pendent sector of private education in the "I know we're abiding by the rules," For 428 years, Michelangelo's birthday state of New York. We have been cut back Whalen said. passed without much fanfare. This year_ ..__ hard over the last couple of years," he said. Admissions computer users are anticipating it with fear. · Whalen noted that today only 20 percent When an application for admission is re­ The ·cause for alarm is a computer virus of undergraduate students are educated in ceived by IC, Whalen said that a student's namedafterthefamousartisi. Thevirusthreat- _._ private colleges. Twenty years ago, 80 per­ high school rank is weighted twice as much ens to sabotage millions of i_nfected IBlvi · . cent of students were educated privately, as that student's SAT scores. compatible computers March · · 6, ·. according to Whalen. "The board scores may show aptitude, but Michelangelo's birthday. ~ "We don't wantto become a school where they don't show motivation," Whalen said. Thomas Young,assistantdirectorofWork­ . only people with money can go. I really don't "Today,Ithacahasbecomethefirstchoice station Systems Services at Cornell's Infor­ want people not to be here [because of finan­ for a lot of more able students. We don't get mation Technologtes, said the virus has hit cial reasons]. I don't know what to do. I students applying here that are really low colleges and universities worldwide, includ_­ really don't know what to do," Whalen said. [any longer]." ing Cornell. "We'renotinthebusinesstomakemoney. College vs. University · "It is a safe assumption that a significant This is a non-prqfit institution. Any profits "Ithaca College won't become a univer­ percentage of the PC's are carrying this virus · are put right back in for [expenses] next sity because in New York State there must be and will suffer loss of data on March 6 unless year," he said. at least three doctoral programs [offered], these systems are disinfected prior to that "We are not out to gouge people. The and right now we need our funds for under­ date," Young said. records are there. The books are open. We try graduate education," Whalen said. Michael Taves, director of Academic very hard to be open on all issues, particu­ The president noted that IC resembles a Computing Services. said no known com­ larly economic issues," Whalen said. university. "We're built like a university, _·, puters at Ithaca College have ~n _infected Facilities look like a university, act like a university, 1?-Y;)!l~ virus. He said IC has never :.had a On the issue of the renovation of older and have a wide variety of programs." .. "si{(Wi()nwhe~avirushasdonemuchdamage the drive. buildings and construction of new facilities, "The School of Humanities and Sciences · .to'an),one·s work on campus. · Taves said computer users should Jna%e Whalen discussed future plans for the cam­ at this college is larger than 90 percent of the. · .. -f~elangelo is a "boot sector" virus be- themselves knowledgeable about virus pre­ pus . liberal arts colleges in this country." he said •. .- cause it attaches itselfto the part of the hard v~tion produc~ and use them regul~>:. He The new science building should be com­ Ellen Wruble, the Rowland RA whoorga. drive that is activated when you turn on the said to ~ especially careful of the ongm of pleted for the fall semester of this year, nized Whalen's visit, said, "I'm glad ·th¢<· ·: · . computer. dne way a disk can be infected is floppy dislcs~:~i3!lY' the public domain according to Whalen. However, it will not be president had the opportunity to meet the · if the virus is already in the -comp~r's -· exchange of games. _'Games seem to be a ready fol'. use until Jan. 1. 1993. students and answer their questions aand- . memory an_d someone ~cesses the disk-in · · See "Virus," page 4 Whalen said that Williams Hall will be concerns." ..... February 27, 1992 2 THEITIIACAN _--.counselo"r's What ·-~eing. ·cQrrier .:: The Ithacan Inquirer· attractive By Rena Difilippo really· means MtrN .. Who are you voting for in the upcoming By Dr. Rosemary Clarke . - 'Y Self-esteem _..: being accept­ Contrary to what the media ing of who you are, being genuine presidential primaries? would have us believe, being and authentic_go a long way to­ attractive is more than buying into ward attracting others. If you · the lucrative "right look" pro­ expect to be liked and to like moted by the clothing and cos­ others, you need to convey an metic industries. Few of us are attitude of openness. Convince naturally endowed with the yourself that you are attractive physical beauty of the male and and desirable and then behave fem ale models that are held up as that way. You'll be surprised at standards. The obsession with how this attracts others who also looks sells cosmetics, magazines have a sense of self worth. and the latest fashions, but it does 'Y Purpose-knowing what you little to solve the problem of are about generates positive en­ lonelinessoranegativeselfimage. ergy, enthusiasm and liveliness. Being attractive is only _mar­ When you have goals that you are ginally related to physical beauty. moving towards and a passion Steve Scharf '94 Jennifer Barnhart '93 Frank Musante '95 Appeal has to do with qualities about achieving them,yourenergy History Speech Comm. Athletic Training that go much deeper than the is attractive to other people. If · "As of now, no candidate "I'm not sure about the is­ "Bush. Because I am a surface image makers would have yoµ don't have a project that you is worth voting for." sues.
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