KXXT (2) Garry Moore 10:15 KTLA (5) Beat Champ KECA (7) Crusade in Pacifi. KECA (7) Adventure Time KNBH (4) Person to Pet-so: KERB (8) Garry Moore 1'11:00 KTTV (11) TV News 8:45 KNBH (4) industry on KF:1113 (01 Newsreel Parade KECA (7) Chet Huntley 9:00 KTTV (11) SC-UCLA KNXT (2) "Lady Raffles" KNXT (2) Amos-Andy 11:10 KECA (7) News KLAC (13) Public Service 11:15 Krrv (II)"Sweepstake Film n n 1e" KECA (7) Herb Shriner KTLA (5) Final Edition KNB1-1 (4) Festival-.1. Mello;11:20 KECA (7) Hank Weaver THURSDAY TELEVISION KFAIB (8) Talent Showcase11:30 KECA (7) "Little Men" 9:15 KH.T (9) "Headline Woman' (Channel numbers follow the station identification in program.) 9:30 KTTV (11) Stanford-Cal. KECA (7) Hollywood 9:00 KLAC (13) Women Are Screen Test Wonderful TV HIGHLIGHTS KNXT (2) Racket Squad KLAC (13) Family Relation 10:45 KFNIB (8) Film Short KEMB (8) UCLA-Wash. 11:00 KLAC (13) Mike Roy t 5:00 KECA (7)Stop the Music. 7:00 KTTV (11)Classified 9:45 KTLA (5) Wrestling KFAIB (8) What's Cooking Column. Berry-Blears 11:30 KFM13 (8) Search for KLAC (13) You're Never 10:00 KTTV`(11) Rocky King Tomorrow Too Old. KNXT (2) CBS World New KNBH (4) Star Salon 7:30 KTTV (11) Open Road. KNBH (4) Martin Kane KECA (7) Adventure Time KNBH (4)Dinah Shore. KFMB (8) Stop toe Music 11 15 KFMB (8) Egg and I 0:00 KNRH (4)Grouch() Marx. KLAC (13) Ski Tips KNBH (4) Food For KECA (7)Queen for a Day. KECA (71. Life Begins at S Thought 8:30 KTTV (11) Football Films. 10:15 KLAC (13) Cafe Continent; KT1.A (5)\Vrestllng. 10:30 KTTV (11) Alert for News- 12:00 KECA (7) News 9:00 ENBH (4)James Melton. KNBH (4) Travelog; Gene KLAC (13) Mike Roy KNXT (2)Amos 'n Andy. :Norman KNXT (2) Defense Theater 0:30 KNNT (2)Racket Squad. KEMB (8) Beat the Clock KNI3T1 (4) and KFMB (8)110:45 KTLA (5)Neat the Champ. KLAC (13) Ed Lyon Miss Susan and Owl Movie 12:10 KECA (7) Adventure in KECA (7) At Home Food KTrv (11) Captain Video NEXT (2) Film Shorts KNBII (4) Howdy Doody ETU (9, News 12:15 KFN1B (8) Treasure Hunt KloMB (8) Boys Club KNBH (4)Here's Looking KH.I (9) TV University at You KT1,A (51 Cowboy Thrills 12:30 KLAC (13) Al Jarvis KLAC (13) Phantom Ranger KFAIB (8) Steve Allen KNXT (2) Armchair 5:45 KFMB (8) Channel 8 Corral Traveler 6:00 KTIN (1 t) Christmas KNBH (4) Bill Goodwin Shopper KNI3H (4) Komedy Klub 12:45 KFMB (8) Gaylord Hauser KHJ (9) News KNXT (2) Search for KNXT (2) "Kiss of Araby" Tomorrow KECA (7) News; Chet 1:00 KNXT (2) Steve Allen Huntley KNBH (4) Kate Smith Hour KLAC (13) Timmy O'Toole KLAC (13) Al Jarvis 6:15 KTTV (II) Kay Mulvey KFMB (8) in a Lighter Vein KECA (7) Riders of 1:30 KECA (7) It's Your Choice Purple Sage KFMB (8) Langford-Ameche6:30 KTLA (5) Time for Beany KH.1 (9) Film Featurette KNBH (4) Advent. on Film KNXT (2) Garry Moore KLAC (13) Clete Roberts 1:40 KFM13 (8) Garry Moore World Report 1 2:00 KFMB (8) Smokey Rogers KECA (7) Football This KNBH (4) Hawkins Falls Week KHJ (9) Newsroom KIIJ (9) ''Fighting Champ" KECA (7) Korla Pandit 6:45 KTTV (11) TV News KLAC (13) Al Jarvis KTLA (5) Handy Hints 2:10 KHJ (9) Suspect Wanted KFM13 (8) Newsreel Film 2:15 KH.T (9) Movie Matinee KLAC (13) Sam Batter "Port of Lost Dreams" KECA (7) Space Patrol KNBH (4) Food For KNB11 (4) Kelley & Moran Thought 6:55 KNBH (4) Elmer Peterson 2:30 KTTV (II) Afternoon 7:00 KTTV (1. t) Classified Column Serenade KNXT (2) Watch and Win KECA (7) Adventure Time KNBH (4) Range Rider KN13H (4) Monty Margetts KECA (7) Ruggles KNXT (2) First lon Years KLAC (13) You're Never 2:15 KTTV (II) News; Come Into Too Old Kitchen KIPMB (8) Lone Ranger KNXT (2) New Yorkers KTLA (5) Newsreel 3:00 KNBH (4) Bill Stulla 7:15 KTLA (5) "Flicker KLAC (13) "Forbidden Snickers" Territory" 7:30 K1TV (11) Open Road KNXT (2) Jeanne Gray Lynn Rogers, Bill Burrud KECA (7) Langford-Aineche KTI,A (5) Santa Claus 3:30 KH.I(9) Mama Weiss Parade KNXT (2) Mel Torme KNBII (4) Dinah Shore KTLA (5) News and Music Show 3:45 KTTV (11) Ronnie and KFMB (8) People In News Rennie KECA (7) Lone Ranger 3:55 KTLA (5) Police Calls "Cannon Ball McKay" 4:00 KTTV (11) Billie Burke KNXT (2) Crime KTLA (5) "Mystery Liner" Photographer KNBH (4) Chef Milani KHJ (9) Meet Your Children KNXT (2) California Living7:45 KFMI3 031 Varieties KR) (9) Movie: "Below KNBH (4) Newspaper of the Deadline" Air KECA (7) Haynes-Leyden 7:55 KFMB (8) News 4:30 KTTV (II) Ladies' Matinee 8:00 ICTTV (11) Bob Shannon J. Rourke )(FMB (8) Amos & Andy KNXT (2) Backstage with KNXT (2) Doug. Edwards N.T.G. KLAC (13) Sen. Kefauver KNBH (4) Paul Pierce KNBIl (4) Groucho Marx KECA (7) Candy's KECA (7) Queen for a Day Playhouse KH.I (9) "Mill on Floss" KLAC (13) Al Jarvis 8:15 KNXT (2) Stork Clot, 4:45 KNITH (4) Gabby Hayes KLAC (131 "Death Valley" 4:55 KNXT (2) News 8:311 KTTv 5:00 KTTV (11) Range Riders KNBII (4) Kultra, Fran and 011ie KFMB (8) Kate Smith KTLA (5) Play Crafter's KNXT (2) Ghost Rider KECA (7) Stop the Music 0:15 KH.T (9) Comedy Time KFMB (8) Film Short 5,25 TZTLA /51 Prnrwarn Proviea. KNX-Mr. Information KECA-Chet Huntley ! KFWB-News PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Johnny Dugan KILT-Sky King KWKW-Hlywd. Park KRKD-News KLAC-News 1 Races 111'STERY- 10:15 KECA-Foreign Reporier KECA.How to Play MUSIC- KFWB-Peter Potter KM PC-Stars of Song 6.00 KNX-Ffearthstone 2:45 P.M. 5:45 P.M. Piano R:30 KNX-Playlmuse 7:00 .K.F.1-I-Dt. Parade KFI-Bob & Ray KFT-Elmer Peterson KGRT-College of 9:00 KFI-Dragnet 10:50 KECA-Ted Malone KNX-Gin. Fisher Divine Science 10:00 K11,1I Love Mystery KLAC-Sam Batter DRAMA- KECA-F.velyn KR KD-Race Results 8:45 P.M. Winters NNX-Frank Goss KECA-Sydnev Walton T11111,10 INTEREST- 6::0 KNX-Oneration K WB-O.N. nday 0:0n a.m. li.FAC-Stork Market Underground 3:00 P.M. KMPC-Top Tunes P,:15 Nrwa 0:06 KNX.-1011I in Pear.. k. War KECA-Bob Garred 9:00 P.M. KFI-Welc'me Tray'ler 5:55 P.M. Kiel-Dragnet NRI broadcasts the news today at 6., 6:15*, 7, 7:15, 7:45, 8, 90, KECA-Voliant Lady KNX-Local News KIM-Glenn Hardy; KFAC-News; World KILT-Tex Fletcher NeWS 1030. a.m.; 12 noon; 3:45, 3, 5:15, 5:45, 8:15, 10, 10:15*, Ii' p.m. Opera 6:00 P.M. KFAC-Eve. Concert and 12:50 a.m. Newscasts starred (.) use the newsgathering KLAC-News, Sports KNX-F.B.I. in Peace facilitiesofthe Los Angeles Times forlocalcoverage. 570 Club KECA-}lank Weaver and War KMPC-News; Johnny KleWB-Let's Live a Grant KMPC-Norman Nesbitt 1:1-1.1-Norma Young ,KLAC-News. Jarvis KFAC-Etching in Little 7:00 A.M. KRKD-Tops in Pops KMPC.Songs KNX-Helen Trent !KNIPC-Peace Prayer KaT-Club 9:10 Silver NFL-Dave Anderson K LAC-Al Jarvis KFWB-News KLAC-News; Music K.H.1-F. Hemingway --Music KNX-Arthur Godfrey KGFJ-Strictly From KFAC-Piano Parade Keneally KGFJMusic KLAC-News, Jarvis New I:ETA-Break the Bank KFAC-Lunch. Concert KNX-Inspector Dixie tiEtiA-Torn Owen KM PC--News, Chef KILT.Sid Fuller, News 3:15 P.M. Hearthstone KECA-Chance of a KMPC-Stars of Song Milani KFWB-Bill Anson KECA-Marriage For 2 Heatter Lifetime KPWB-News; Rill 9:45 A.M. KFITD-Editor of Air 3:30 P.M. KGFJ-Request 9:15 P.M. ,AWIP KNX-Gat Sunday KRKD-Tailor Made KFI-Aunt Mary 6:15P.M. KILT-Fulton Lewis Jr. TiNN-Arthur Godfrey KRKD-Newa Roundup KFAC-Lyrics in Chorus'KECA-Elmer Davie 9:30 P.M. KLAC-News; Clete KECA-Perfect 'KH.T-Newsreel KFI-Mr. Keen Rollers 10:00 A.M. 12:15 P.M. Husband KNIPC-News; Bob KNX-Beulah 7:15 A.M. KFI-Road of Life KFI.News KMPC-News 3:40 P.M. Kelley KECA-"Strengtheni ng KEI-F. Lawton KFAC-News; Concert KI-1.1-11appy Felton KFWB:Sports America" KH.I-Brkfst. Ganz KECA.Ed Arnold KLAC-Al Jarvis Show 3:45 P.M. 6:30P.M. KFIJ-Rod i& Gun KMPC-Jim NNX-Big Sister KFI-Dr. Paul KFI-Bold Venture KM PC-Dance Music News KNX-Wendell Noble KNIPC-Howard Flynn KH.1-Cedric Foster KFAC-News KNX-Opera don KFWB-Santa Claus KRED-News KECA-Jack Berch KII.T.Lynn at Hlywci. Underground Parade KLAC-Haynes I:MB-Maurice Hart 12:30 P.M. KFWB-Frank Bull 9:45 P.M. 7:30 A.M. KFI-Pepper Young KGKIMusic KMPC-Relig. Science 4:00 P.M. !KHJ-Answer Man KECA-Acatil. Nutrition KFIBkfst.
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