Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 and families increased linearly with maximum stream temperature and therefore decreased with altitude and 7909. De Knijf, G.; Anselin, A.; Demolder, H. (1997): latitude. A compilation of literature data on insect rich- The odonatofauna of the Damvallei (east-Flanders, Bel- ness and maximum water temperature from streams gium); past glory or still worthwhile? Biol. Jaarh. Dodon- around the world confirmed this pattern, yielding a com- aea 64, 1996 (1997),: 75-91. (in English) ["The Damval- mon linear relation for both temperate and tropical lei, rich in aquatic habitats, hosted an impressive num- streams. This pattern may arise due to a direct temper- ber (39) of interesting dragonfly (Odonata) species be- ature effect on speciation but is probably also related to fore the construction of a highway junction in 1967. A geological history and the influence of climatic changes dragonfly survey was undertaken in the area between on stream ecosystems. We estimate that small, tropical, 1992-1995 to compare present-day with former species lowland streams have, on average, a two- to fourfold richness. A number of species linked to mesotrophic higher species richness than temperate lowland ponds and marshes, oligotrophic waterbodies and oxy- streams. [...] The number of insect orders decreased gen-rich slow running rivers and brooks have disap- with altitude. In the lowland streams nine orders were peared from the area. Although several species have found. Odonata comprised 8%, Hemiptera 7%, Megalo- been lost since 1970. the presence of healthy popula- ptera 0.8% and Lepidoptera 0.5% of the lowland fauna, tions of several interesting species, in particular Coena- but, except for a few Odonata in the Central Valley, grion pulchellum and Erythromma najas and of a high these four orders were absent in the Central Valley and species richness (26), indicates that the area is still the Paramo streams." (Authors)] Address: Jacobsen, valuable for dragonflies. However it urgently needs a D., Freshwater Biological Laboratory, Univ. of Copenha- proper dragonfly-friendly management." (Author)] Ad- gen, 51 Helsingorsgade, DK 3400 Hillerod, Denmark dress: Knijf, G. de, Instituut voor Natuurbehoud, Kliniek- straat 25, B-1070 Brussel, Belgium. E-mail: geert.de- 7911. Lebenhagen, A. (1997): Die Entomofauna und [email protected] Malakofauna des LSG "Wanzeberg". Virgo, Mitt.bl. ent. Ver. Mecklenburg 1: 7-8. (in German) [Mecklenburg- 7910. Jacobsen, D.; Schultz, K.; Encalada, A. Vorpommern, Germany; a total of 27 Odonata species (1997): Structure and diversity of stream invertebrate is reported from the locality, but only Anax imperator is assemblages: the influence of temperature with altitude specified.] Address: Lebenhagen, A., Schäferstraße 4, and latitude. Freshwater Biology 38: 247-261. (in Eng- D -19053 Schwerin lish) ["1. Structure and diversity of the macroinverteb- rate fauna were studied in relation to altitude and latit- 7912. Lopez, D.; Lugo, E.; Valle, S.; Espinoza, P.; ude among three groups of streams from Ecuador (low- Lopez, M.M.; Delgado, M.; Rivera, P.; Garcia Avila, I. land: 100-600 m, Central Valley: 2600-3100 m, Para- (1997): Insectos acuáticos como biorreguladores de lar- mo: 3500-4000 m), and one group from the temperate vas de mosquitos en Nicaragua [Aquatic insects as bio- lowland region of Denmark. The streams in the four re- regulators of mosquito larvae in Nicaragua.]. Revista gions were comparable with regard to physical charac- Nicaraguense de Entomologia 39: 27-30. (in Spanish, teristics such as size, current and substratum. 2. In with English summary) ["This study presents some pre- terms of faunal composition the Ecuadorian highland dators of mosquito larvae collected during a survey in streams bore more resemblance to the Danish lowland Nicaragua. High populations of predators correspond to streams than the Ecuadorian lowland streams. The low populations of mosquito larvae. Predators were: greater similarity between the Ecuadorian highland and Pantala flavescens, Orthemis ferruginea, Lepthemis the Danish streams, however, was due to the large vesiculosa, Erythrodiplax umbrata, Tramea calverti, number of insect families in the Ecuadorian lowlands, Anax amazilii; Ischnura ramburi, Enallagma novaehis- many of which were not found in the other regions. Of paniae, Ceratura capreola (Odonata); Belostoma an- ten physico-chemical parameters measured, maximum nulipes, B. minor, Ranata fabricii, Buenoa platycnemis stream temperature explained by far the most variability (Heteroptera), Tropisternus lateralis, T. proximus, Hy- in faunal composition. 3. The number of insect orders Odonatological Abstract Service 25 (January 2010) - page 1 drophilus sp., Thermonectes circumscripta (Coleo- solation in the morning is the primary factor for the se- ptera)." (Authors)] Address: not stated lection of the males' territories and thus determines the pattern of density. The investigated population turns out 7913. Nel, A.; Martinez-Declòs, F.; Papier, F.; Oud- to be much bigger than expected. 2649 individuals have ard, J. (1997): New Tertiary fossil Odonata from France been marked individually (1543 male, 1106 female). (Sieblosiidae, Lestidae, Coenagrionidae, Megapodagri- 47% of the males and 29% of the females have been onidae, Libellulidae). Deut. entomol. Zeitschrift 44(2): recaptured at least once. Most individuals migrated less 231-258. (in English, with German summary) ["Thaneto- than 300 m, which is roughly the home range size, but philosina menatensis gen. n., sp. n. (Zygoptera: Mega- 23 individuals covered more than 1000 m. Three podagrionidae) is described from the Palaeocene of bridges spanned the investigated stretch of river. None France. Two new species of Stenolestes (Zygoptera: of them caused a complete fragmentation of the habitat, Sieblosiidae) and a new specimen of Stenolestes fisch- but in the case of a wide but low bridge, more than 70% eri Nel, 1986 are described from the Oligocene of Fran- of the approaching damselflies turned back. However, ce. Three unnamed new Coenagrionidae, a lestid, Les- 13% of all recaptured individuals successfully crossed tes brisaci sp. n., and a libellulid, Caussanelia papaziani at least one bridge." (Authors)] Address: Plachter, H., gen. n., sp. n. are described from the Upper Oligocene University of Marburg, Fac.Biologie, Nature Conserva- of south-east France. An unnamed new species of Coe- tion Division, D-35037 Marburg, Germany. E-mail: h.- nagrionidae is described from the Upper Miocene of [email protected] central France. These new taxa increase our know- ledge of the palaeodiversity of odonatan faunas in the 7917. Tol, J. van (1997): The genus Pocordulia Mar- Tertiary of western Europe." (Authors)] Address: Nel, tin in western Malesia (Odonata, Corduliidae). Tijd- A., Lab. Ent.. Mus. Natn. Hist. Nat., 45 rue Buffon, F- schrift voor Entomologie 140: 133-146. (in Englisch) 75005 Paris, France. E-mail: [email protected] ["The species of the genus Procordulia occurring in Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia, excl. New 7914. Plaistow, S.J. (1997): Variation in non-territori- Guinea, are discussed and a key to the species is al behaviour in male Calopteryx splendens xanthosto- provided. P. papandayanensis is described from Java, ma (Charpentier) (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odona- and P. lompobatang and P. rantemario from SW Su- tologica 26(2): 171-181. (in English) ["Male calopterygid lawesi. These new species all belong to the P. sam- damselflies commonly demonstrate 2 alternative mate- bawana group of species." (Author)] Address: Tol, J. securing tactics, occurring as either territorial or non-ter- van, National Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box ritorial individuals. Previous studies have assumed that 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands non-territorial males constitute one category. This study describes variation in non-territorial behaviour which is dependent upon whether or not the non-territorial male had been displaced from a territory. Consequently, non- 1998 territorial males are classified as pre-territorial or post- 7918. Lockwood, M. (1998): Primer inventari dels territorial. Pre-territorial males are agonistic towards odonats del delta del Llobregat. Spartina. Butlleti natur- conspecific territorial males and fight to obtain territor- alisca del delta del Llobregat 3 (Anys 1997-98): 111- ies. Post-territorial males rarely fight; instead they wait 118. (in Catalan, with English summary) ["First invent- for territories to become vacant." (Author)] Address: ory of the dragonflies of the Llobregat Delta, NE Spain: Plaistow, S.J., School Biol. Sciences, University of Liv- Based on observations of dragonflies in the Llobregat erpool, Liverpool P.O. Box 147, Liverpool, L69 3BX, UK Delta, NE Spain, during 1995-1997, a database of in- 7915. Salamun, A.; Bedjanic, M. (1997): Dragonflies formation on the distribution and ecology of the area's (Odonata)
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