PDF compression, OCR, weboptimization usingawatermarked evaluation copy ofCVISION PDFCompressor @ 7 at [M] WM 1:45 Dame IowaJack A 0 describe football COMPLETE RADIOPROGRAMSANDHIGHLIGHTSFORTODAY p. WILL-580 WIND-560 W67C-46.7 W51C--45.1 11'59C--I5.9 WJJD, WBBM, game. the WIND, and indicates WBBM-780 Q-670 W-G-N-720 London WLSHal e-W-G-NA tn. football Drees, WLSMac WI-SRed NVGESL. [B] CHICAGO WLSMeet WJJDIt's WAITThe WMAQN. WCFLFr, WhIBIOld WJJDThe 11:30W-G-NLifs "WijDOtis WLSErvin WAITThe 7:45WLSUncle WCFLThe WJJDOff WAAFThe WJJ WMAQThe WINDhlan WMBITeen WBBMRed 39W.G.NJune 9:15W-G-NGood WAITBible WINDStart 11:40W-G-N-000d WGESYour 61115W-G-NAnni. WLSJennie W-G-NYoor WCFLTime WILLDaily Football 6.45-111-SErvin WLSRidge WINDThe 6:15-1VMAQBob 5:30W.G-NThe [Central W-G-NCamp W5IBINavy WINDNews WLSPoultry [CI. WCFLIlank 11:25W-G-NNews %V./WCAlice WILLMarch WCFLWheel WEDCCzech WINDChime 11:13W-G-NBrnsh NVINDNews; WMAQYour WI3BMJolly WBBMJohn 7:16W.6.NNews WCFLNews WINDNews; W'SPrairie NVSBMNews reporter. MBS, WLSHoward WEDCPolish WBBMSister WBBMNews; WBBMKnow WHFCCicero The Seymour WAAFFarm 6.30WMAQNews WSBCDon't WA1131itymns Q. WAITHeaven and 7:30WBBMNews; WCFL, WGESGeorge 7:10W-G-NBeeord the NVJWCSacred WINDNews; WSBMNews; w5SAQString WEDCItallan WAAFCanary WINDCurrent WAITNational WMBIMorning WLSBreakfast 1:20W-O.NWomen Life WJJDMorning 7:55WhIAQClifton WJWCMusical WILLStudent WJJDCurrent to WILLConcert W-G-NRecord WhIBISunrise NVJJDFamily WLSMorning NVBBMNews; Blue 9:45W-G-NClemons 1VILLTreasury WMAQMorning WMAQNorman WMAQNorman and Foley WhIAQNorman ofthe Jay. of WCFLCheerful WBBMMusical WIS--8ft0 of 11:45WBBMSaturday WSBCBohemain WJOBBreakfast WSBCBreakfast war WMAQWoman's WEBIYISaturday Musical WCFLBreakfast Be Adm. Age and Culver, WIIFCBohernian the WAAFHalloween Lou, Joe. WJWCMarching George former WJJDBreakfast WJJDBreakfast [N] WBBMH'sewives Your Revell and player, @W-G-NBreakfast WAIT-820 Cross WGFSLithuanlan 'The WAITChristianity Lewis, WhiBIMeditations and Illinl and Yawn Farm WAAF-950 WENR-890 Family NVJOBMasterwork news Study Concert Time. from WILLMasterworks at Bob, Musical Air,Airs.Bible the Lewis, Am. WJ013-1230D-1160 NVINIBI-1110 WCFL-1000 reports. Baker, Dussman, news. Ross Club RossHie Jemlma. Make in Line Young WMBINews Morning Utley, Clock news. and reports. reports. Heart Ross Moto.] FolksBible Runners Brown. NVISSmile-a-WhIle MORNING String Wolters radio Service reports. Testament Day Emmy, Morning Neighbor Radio Sellers. Shine Breakfast is Farm, WhIAQNews Showtime; Stars.Joe Morning Creightons Bible musical. Lawson's home hour. Breakfast the Alarm Time Club, Neighbor Musical Reveille, with Ramblers Reveille, Today Songs. Bob Late.Little Time Clock NBC, time.] NVJ Recruiting. ProVve Serenade Battle Peterson, Altar. Serenade. songs. hour. hour.Health. Fortune. Moods, and Melodies, Hall. news. Smile. Martin. songs. Serenade. Churches. Home Swap news. blind Harrington. music. broadcast news. Patrol. devotions rec. Frolic. Frolic, Goes hour. network. Downes, trio. Presents Sunshine, Package. Musical[B]. time;Land. music. Answer? Clock. Polish-Amer. World hour. Jaworowski. Sunshine. var. news. he show. [C] FREQUENCIES, program Saddle Reporter to news. Time. Time. review. Right. News. Action. program. News. program. Clock. Church, show. League. WINDNews. [N]. Calling. (NJ. Study. Shut-Ins. stories. variety. Revival. Clock. program. Tunes. America. reports. program. hour. program. duo. music. Jaworowski. Express. program. program. music. University Brown. hour. Factory reports. Earful. program. organ. (CI. I143. council. Melodies. music. Housewives, program. program. Chapel. [B]. program. Shop. America. news. music. Frolics. music. program. WGES-1390 WSBC-1240 league. Stations. rang'siAll. fromKnights. homemaker. music. program. Clock. news. Pals. prog. Starts Northwestern-Notre will W-G-N's War. CBS. WC-1520 WHFC-1450 Wh1RO--1280 WEDC-1240 of hr. 1VCRW-1240 York: DomenickPasqualeandVictorFiczek;alsotalkbyHenryHull. from London:AlbertBright,SidneyPerry,andPhyllisBentley;frbmNew coach ofOhioStateuniversity. Brull, FrankGervasi,andGenevieveTabouisdiscussing"TheNorth the W-G-11orchestraandchorus,withHenryWeber.Speaker:Col,Robert WBBM. African Front." Duncan of"PorgyandBess"YeomanWayneA.Riskedahl. Give UptheShip,"and"ForMeMyGal." Ft. McCormick,editorandpublisherofTHECHICAGOTRIBUNE. "Mlle. Modiste,"withMarionClaire,MarioBerinl,JohnMacDonald,and chorus ofLexington,Ky. Guest: IreneBeasley,bluessinger. Pie andPat,Hi,Lo,Jack,Dame,ClarkDennis,JoeRines'orchestra. 10 Bert LytellandEllaLogan. Guests: BobBurnsandMarleneDietrich. Ed Ford,andJoeLaurieJr. body, JoeKelly,andothersina"DownSouth"party. and Betty,BeatriceKent,RexMaupin'sorchestra. - 12:30 p.m.WJJDConcertHall;Bizet's"Caimen'Suite." .12:15 p.m.W-G-NOnGuardwiththeCoastGuard. 2:00 p.m.WJOBPurduevs.Indianauniversity. 1:45 p.m.W-G-NNorthwesternvs.NotreDame. 1:30 p.m.WLSWENRWisconsinvs.Minnesota. 1:15 p.m.WMAQOhloStatevs.Michigan. 1:15 p.m.WILLIllinoisvs:GreatLakes. 9:45 p.m.WCFLFreedomBridgetalksbywarproductionworkers; 9:00 p.m.WMAQBillStern'ssports. 11:45 a.m.WJJDCelebrityReporter;RuthShaheeninterviewsTodd 10:00 a.m.WLSMeetAdm.Downes. 10:30 p.m.WCFLMusicLovers'hour;'Llszt's"LesPreludes." 10:05 p.m.WINDSymphonichour;Bach's"ToccataandFugue." 9:15 p.m.WMAQDickPowellsings"SongoftheMarines,""Don't 8:30 p.m.WLSSpotlightbands;HoraceHeidt'sorchestra. 8:00 p.m.WBBMHitParade,withJoanEdwardsandBarryWood. 8:00 p.m.W-G-NChicagoTheaterof 5:00 p.m.W.G.NIHearAmericaSinging;UniversityofKentucky 4:00 p.m.WG-NMusicalScoreboard,withJessKirkpatrick. 1:00 p.m.WAITSymphonyHall;Sibelius'SymphonyNo.2. 10:30 a.m.W.G-NUnitedStatesarmybandconcert. 6:00 p.m.WBBMPeople'sPlatform,withLymanBryson,Charles NoonWAAFSymphonic hour,Berlioz's"KingLear"overture. 10:15 p.m.WMAQNelsonOlmsted;"TheTodayandTomorrow." 7:00 p.m.WMAQAbie'sIrishRose,withMercedesMcCambridge. 6:30 p.m.WMAQElleryQueen;"TheBaldHeadedGhost,"with 10:30 a.m.WCFLBluePlayhouse;"Dr.GeorgeWashingtonCarver41 7:00 p.m.WBBMMr.AdamandMrs.Eve;quizshow. 11:30 a.m.WBBMStarsOverHollywood,withMarshaHunt. 9:45 a.m.WINDManYourBattleStations;"ResistanceZero." 10:00 p.m.WGNLearntoDance,withPaulShahin. 9:15 p.m.WBBMSoldierswithWings,Sergt.,BenGage,M.C. 9:00 p.m.:WCFLYankeeDoodleMinstrel,withRaymondJohnson, 8:30 p.m.WMAQCanYouTopThis?HarryHershfield,"Senator" 8:00 p.m.WLSNationalBarnDance,withLieut.Comm.EddiePea. 7:30 p.m.WMAQTruthorConsequences,withRalphEdwards. 7:30 p.m.WBBMHobbyLobby,withDaveEimanandguests. 7:30 p.m.WCFLDannyThomasshow,withMarionMann,Escorts 6:45 p.m.WGNTheLion'sRoar,withBillAnson. 6:30 p.m.WBBMThankstotheYanks;quizshow,withBobHawk. 5:05 p.m.WBBMLettersfromEngland,withRoseHildebrand. 1:00 p.in.W.GNHallsofMontezuma;marineshow. 11:00 a.m.ve-GNAuntAgnes'SaturdayJamboree. 0 - WJJD, IWISMan WINDU. 11:45W-GkNAl WAAFOff WCRWV :80W-G-NU. WJJDTheNVCFLAll 12:15W-G-NThe WGESThe WAAFThe WAAFHit WI-SFarm WINDStar WMAQThe W.LIDDick 10:45WLSErvin NVAAFThe WCFLTed W.1013-20th 12:05WAITTops S. WILLNews WJJD-13Ing NVINIBIKYB Lisienersgekoice NVLSJullan WCFLOWI 12:10W-G-NNews WCRWGoodWILLSigma WMBIYour WAITMusic WISCheese, WMAQHighNVBBMStars 11:30W-G-NJohn NVMAQDave WINDWaltz WJWCBand WILLPublicWCFLNews WINDNews;WISMartha W-CLNAunt WAITFresh WSBCPolish WCFLLittle WINDYour S. 10:25W-G-NNews WBBMThat WAITUncle WILLWake WINDMusic WMBIHymn WOESPolish forWJJDListen, WMAQCoast WAAFMusic NVMBIOrgan 12:30W-G-NRalph WIND,on WLSEditor's WILLIllinoisWBBMYoungNVCRWDally W5ICMusical WCRWArmy WILLMarket W51CMilitary the WOESItalian WAITWomen WINDMelody 10:15,-W-G-NHarold WOESItalian NVHFCMartlal WBBMSongs; WAITNews. NVJWCCharles of WAITAnimals WAAFSeren'e WSBCDanube in WJWCWomen Out WIJDDebaters of WBBMTheater NVMAQNorman WILLNoontime W51CAccordion WJJDCelebrity news We NVCFLTreasury NV51CMattinata. of Up, WMBIKeyboard In WJJDSymphony the Dept. Trace's and Club J. Coast in WBBMChlidren's Men Just Polish WMAQPan-Amer, Tunes; Over 11115WCFLConsumers' Music Food Swing WLSDawnbusters fok John at Concert Tips. news: sing. Alpha Parade, School Time. the of Baker,trio. Lewis, Army forFarm in of Nabor Church WJOBLucky-Lady. Crosby, Agnes' Guard Fiorito's Century Bentley. Airs. for reports. reports. WCFL, Patrol. AFTERNOON and Affairs.reports. VictoryLadles. the Morning Morning reports. WJJDSwIngeapades, Moods. Variety andComedy club. America Barry, Symphonic Illinois. Iota Love; Center Holbrook, Garroway. reporter.Record, Morning and on Haymow. May Turner, War. Hall. Ripples.Guard Rhythm. Recruiting. Farm, news Fogarty. Forum. Time Day. Helen.Room Today Facts, news. PlayhouseShift- band Today. Moments, Lovely program. Special Events Victoryhour. news. 7We-ft-Tete.Glasburgh'a Melodies. 'You. Billiard's Swing. Holiday Reporter. orchestra s'chool. music. Wooktnarket. StudioHollyw'd songs. songs.t program America!Community . hour. market. show. News. revue. Pickup. music.Live. program. Football Kingston. Dinnerbell. program. news., new.. news. music. EN]. program..., news. [M]. WERM, EN], [8]. Rusty. Employment. Serenade. Drama music. program. IC). Jamboree. Parade. Music [N]. Answers. arch. orch. EN]. Aeree. reports, Aelculture. tenor. [M]. Party.IC]. musical. Hooks. EC]. MI. orchestra. pianist. Ladies. Wetzler. hour. every Saturday. sented overWBBM-CBSat11a. m. Theater ofToday.productionspre- 0W41.Nf1ails 19 :48W-G-NJImPoole,markets. 12:80-WI.9 12:30-1VMM:1 12 :10-1V-0-N 12:00-WJIDM 2:00-1VCFL 12:00-WIND 12 :00-WJJD 12 :00-WCFL 8:00-W-0-N 1:15WAAFConcert Echoes. 1:30W.G.HJohn Holbrook,news. 7 :65-WBDAL10:30-W-0-N2:00-1V4IN 7:00-WL3 7:00-WIND 10:00-WIND12:00-WIND 7:00-WCFL
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