1104 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE [No. 63 Redefining Boundar-ies of lhe Buro,agh of Green Island, the _Co_1tnty to the southern boundary of Block VI, Maungatua Survey District ; of Taieri, and the Kaikorai Riding of the Connty of Ta,en thence generally north-westerly alon~ the so:1the:n and south­ western boundaries of Block VI aforesaid to Waipori Lake ; thence Office of the Minister of Internal Affairs, generally north-easterly by the eastern shore of Waipori Lake to Wellington, 25th July, 1951. the Waipori River; thence generally westerly by the centre of the URSUANT to the provisions of section 147 of the Municipal Waipori River to the western boundary of Block XV, Maun¥atua P Corporations Act, 1933, the boundaries of t-he Borough of Survey District ; thence northerly along tho western boundaries of Green Island are hereby defined as set out in the First Schedule Blocks XV, XIII, and XII, and easterly along the northern hereto, the boundaries of the said borough having been altered by boundary of Block XII, Maungatua Survey District, to a.ncl north­ Order in Council made under the Jifonicipal Corporations Act, 1933, erly along the western boundary of Blocks XII and XI, Waipori dated the 20th day of February, 1951, and published in New Survev District, and its production to Lee Stream ; thence generally Zealand Gazette No. 11 of the 22nd day of February, 1951. north:wests)rly along the centre of Lee Stream eand the southern And also, in pursuance of the provisions of the said s~ctfon 147 boundary of Run 260J< to the Pole Track; thence generally south­ of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, the bonndanes of the westerly, westerly, and north-westerly by the Pole Track along County of Taieri, affected by the said Order in Council, are hereby the watersheds between Deep Stream and the vVaipori River to a road intersection south of Tri a. H, Hedgehope Survey District ; defined as set out in the Second Schedule hereto : O And, in further pursuance of tho provisions of the sai_d section thence generally northerly by the Larnmermoor Ranges lea~ing 147 of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1933, the bounda_ries of the ridge to Trig. N, Soutra Hill; thence north-easterly by a stra:ght Kaikorai Riding of the County ofTaieri, affected by the said Order m line to Trig. II, Summit Rock ; thence northerly by a straight Council, are hereby defined as set out in the Third Schedule hereto. line to the· southernmost corner of Run 204>' ; thence south-east­ erly by a straight line to and along the southern boundary of Run FIRST SCHEDULE 205E to the right bank of the Taieri River; thence south-easterly by a straight line towards Trig D, the Hum~ock, to the s~nthern BOUNDARIES OF THE BOROUGH OF GREEN ISLAND boundary of Section 1, Block III, Strath Ta,en Survey Drntnd ; ALL that area in the Otago Land District bounded by a line com­ thence generally etcsterly along the southern and eastern bonndanes mencing at the junction of Edward Street and Gordon Street ; of the said Section 1 to and easterly along the northern boundary thence southerly along the centre of Gordon Street to a point in of Sections 18 and 17, l3lock VII, Strath Taieri Survey District line with the southern boundary of Section 41, Block VI, Dunedin to the Middlemarch-Dunback ]\fain Highway; thence generally and East Taieri Survev District ; thence easterly to and along that southerly along the eastern side of that highway to a point on tho boundarv to and alo~g the southern side of Duke Street to the aforesaid line between the Taieri River and Trig. D, the Hummock; western "boundary of Section 61, Block VI, aforesaid ; thence thence south-easterly along that line to Trig. D, the Hummock; southerly, easterly, and north-easterly along the western, southern, thence generally southerly along the western boundaries of Runs and south-eastern bound,,ries of the said Section 61 and the south­ l7lc, 171a, 171B, and Section 5, Block VIII, Silverpeak Survey eastern boundary of Sections 44 and 45, Block VI, aforesaid, to the District to Three O'clock Creek; thence generally north-easterly by northernmost corner of Section 45, Block V, Lower Kaikorai Survey that Creek to the eastern boundary of Block VIII, aforesaid ; District; thence generally south-easterly along the north-eastern thence southerly and easterly along the western and southern boundary of Section 45, Block V, aforesaid and its production to boundaries of Block IX, Silverpeak Survey District, to and south­ the south-western boundary of Section 42, Block VI, Town Survey easterly along the western boundary of Block V 11, Silverpeak District ; thence south-easterly along that boundary to the Main Survey District, and its production to Silverpoak; thence by a South Road; thence generally south-westerly along the north­ straight line to Trig. S, Swampy Spur; thence generally south­ western side of the Main South Roa.d to a point in line with the westerly along the eastern boundaries of Section 3, the crossing of western boundary of Section 44, Block VI, Town Survey District ; a road, Sect.ions ] ] , 10, and 9, the crossing of a road, Sections 5!5, thence south-casterlv across the Main South Road to the aforesaid 54, and the south-eastern boundary of 53, Block V, Dunedin and boundary ; thence generally southerly along the eastern side of.the East Taieri Survey District, to the boundary of the City of Dunedin ; ]\fain South Road to the easternmost corner of Lot 1, Deposited thence generally south-westerly by the boundary of the City of Plan 6422 ; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of Lots Dunedin as described in New Zealand Gazette of the 18th August, I and 2, Deposited Plan 6422, and Lot 14, the abutment of Mulford 1949, at page 1724, to its junction with the boundary of the Borough Street, and Lot 46, D.P. 2135, to its southernmost corner; thence of Green Island on the north-eastern boundary of Section 45, Block north-westerly along the sontl1-western boundaries of Lots 46, 45, V, Lower Kaikorai Survey District ; thence generally westerly, 44, 43, 4t, 41, 40, and 39, D.P. 2135, aforesaid to Emerson Street; south-westerly, and easterly along the boundaries of the Ilorough thence aenerally south-westerly along the eastern side of Emerson of Green Island a.s hereinbefore described in the First Schedule, to Street ;nd north-westerly along the western side of Thoreau Street the boundary of the City of Dunedin at the westernmost corner of to and generally westerly along the southern boundaries of Lot 63, Section 44, Block VI, Town Survey District ; thence generally D.P. 2357, to the boundary of Block XV, Dunedin and East Taieri southerly along the boundary of the City of Dunedin described ,.s Survey District; thence south-westerly, north-westerly, and again aforesaid, to the high-water mark of the Pacific Ocean; thence south-westerly along that block boundary to the northern side of generally south-westerly along the high-water mark of the ocettn District Road; thence westerly and smith-westerly along the north­ to the point of commencement ; excluding therefrom the Ilorough ern side of District Road to Brighton Road ; thence north-easterly of )fosgiel as described in New Zealand Gazette of 1885, page 291. along the south-eastern side of Brighton Road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of the follmongery lease created by deed 98526, Deeds Volume_ 151, folio 522, Otago Registr:i:; thence north-westerly across Brighton Road to and along the said THIRD SCHEDULE boundary to and north-easterly along the north-western boundary of the aforesaid lease and its production to and generally south­ BouNDARIES OF THE KAIKORAr RrnrNa ol<' THE CouNTY oF TArnRI easterly along the south-western boundary of the Walton Park ALL that area bounded by a line commencing on the sea-coast at, branch railway to and acrnss Brighton Road to its south-eastern the mouth of the Kaikorai Stream ; thence generally north-easterly side ; thence north-easterly along that road to and across the along the left bank of that stream and Abbots Creek to the northern Walton Park branch railway to its northern boundary; thence side of the Walton Park branch railway; thence generally easterly nol'th-westerly along the northern side of the \Valton Park branch along the southern boundary of the Borough of Green Island as railway to Abbots Creek; thence generally northerly along ~he hereinbefore described in the First Schedule, and generally southerly eastern side of Abbots Creek to the southern boundary of Sect10n along the western boundary of the City of Dunedin as described in 60, Block VII, Dunedin and East Taieri Survey District ; thence New Zealand Gazette of the 18th August, 1949, at page 1724, to north-easterly along that boundary and its production across the the sea-coast; thence genemlly south-westerly along the sea-coast Main South Road; thence generally. northerly along the north­ to the point of commencement. eastern side of the Main South Road to the southern boundary of Also, all that area bounded by a line commencing at the south­ Lot 1, Deposited Plan 2899 ; thence north-easterly along the south­ western corner of Lot 2, D.P. 2899, on the left bank of Abbots eastern boundary of Lot 1 aforesaid to a railway reserve ; thence Creek; thence generally north-westerly along that left bank to the north-westerly along the south-western boundary of that reserve to Main South Road; thence generally westerly along the southern a point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 5, D.P.
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