BRIEFLYNOTED a better place — unwanted carbon emis- Much Ado about Pigou sions go down and gdp goes up. Identifying a true social problem and BY BRUCE YANDLE designing an efficient Pigouvian tax to Clemson University address it are challenging exercises. But it is even more challenging to get politi- conomists, policy analysts, and ing the George W. Bush administration, cians to adopt such a tax and bureau- politicians often rattle the has become so dedicated to the idea of crats to implement it correctly. That is bones of brilliant economists imposing a tax on gasoline for social something Pigou understood, but the E long passed when making a purposes that he has organized a Pigou people who use his name today may not. case for a favorite policy or legislative Society that scores of economists and action. John Maynard Keynes has again others have joined. As Mankiw and oth- Bank Tax Consider President Obama’s become a popular icon for justifying ers see it, a properly designed gasoline newly proposed tax on banks. Last Jan- deficit spending in the face of severe reces- sion. There are other days when Joseph Schumpeter’s name and “creative destruc- tion” surface to justify marketplace tough love. We hear references to Friedrich von Hayek and his notions about property rights, common law, and spontaneous order when the market process is being defended. And of course, Milton Fried- man is brought forth when education and monetary policy are discussed. The latest long-dead economist to enthrall bloggers, policy wonks, and entrepreneurial analysts is Arthur Cecil Pigou, whose authority is now being used to justify a blizzard of taxes and other actions proposed to serve the pub- lic interest. It is Pigou who suggested that a tax be placed on activities that generate negative externalities in order to make beneficiaries of the activity con- sider its full cost. In November 2009, John Cassidy had this to say in a Wall Street Journal essay: Today Mr. Pigou’s intellectual legacy is being rediscovered, and, unlike those of Messrs. Keynes and Friedman, it enjoys KEVIN TUMA bipartisan appeal. Leading Republican- tax can compensate for social costs asso- uary 14, the president announced that a leaning economists such as Greg ciated with driving automobiles. Those Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee Mankiw and Gary Becker have joined costs relate to traffic congestion, pollu- should be imposed on non-deposit lia- Democrats such as Paul Krugman and tion, climate change, and secure delivery bilities held by U.S. banks with $50 bil- Amartya Sen in recommending a Pigov- of crude oil and refined product. lion or more in assets. The fee would take ian approach to policy. Much of Presi- dent Barack Obama’s agenda — finan- When adopted in its ideal form, a effect June 30, 2010, and operate for 12 cial regulation, cap and trade, health Pigouvian tax that brings beneficial years, during which time analysts calcu- care reform — is an application of Mr. adjustments to unaccounted-for harms late it would generate $117 billion in rev- Pigou’s principles. Whether the presi- can also bring a collateral benefit: in a enues, equal to the expected shortfall of dent knows it or not, he is a Pigovian. perfect policy world, other burdensome payments from all tarp recipients. Greg Mankiw, who was chairman of taxes can be reduced. For example, prop- In announcing the plan, Obama put the Council of Economic Advisers dur- erly calibrated taxes on carbon emissions populist red meat on the table when he can become a substitute for taxes on said: Bruce Yandle is Professor of Economics Emeritus at labor that yield a shortfall of gross Clemson University, Distinguished Adjunct Professor My commitment is to recover every at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, domestic product. When taken together, single dime the American people are and senior fellow at PERC. the two actions happily make the world owed. And my determination to 2 REGULATION S P R I N G 2 0 1 0 BriefNote.2:BriefNote.2lo 3/3/10 4:28 PM Page 3 achieve this goal is only heightened The bag tax was justified as an environ- ing rooms, expenses for the provision of when I see reports of massive profits mental tax, one that would reduce the artificial light, and in many other ways.” and obscene bonuses at the very firms careless use and disposal of bags and pro- Air pollution was just one example. who owe their continued existence to vide funding to clean up the Anacostia Pigou saw social cost problems every- the American people — who have not River. Patrick Gleason of Americans for where, or so it seems. There were too been made whole, and who continue to face real hardship in this recession. Tax Reform described the matter thus: many cars forming traffic congestion, That’s why I’m proposing a Financial “Washingtonians heading out in search excessive alcohol consumption that Crisis Responsibility Fee to be of VitaminWater and bacon to cure their damaged innocent people, too many imposed on major financial firms New Year’s morning hangovers will be vehicles wearing out highways, and too until the American people are fully greeted by a new Pigouvian tax at the much work done by women in factories, compensated for the extraordinary checkout.” In his extended comments, which, in his view, imposed unrecog- assistance they provided to Wall Street. Gleason suggested that the revenue would nized costs on their children. In a radio address after the announce- just be used to form another slush fund On the other side of the coin, Pigou ment, the president suggested another for political purposes, that it was more called for subsidies, or what he called reason for the fee, a reason that should about revenue than the environment. bounties, to expand activities that pro- make modern-day Pigouvians duced dispersed benefits that very happy: did not generate money in the Thebankfeeexplanationtransformed Only the largest financial till of the producer. These firms with more than $50 fromataxtoraiserevenue,toataxonsin, included planting forests that billion in assets will be improved the environment, affected, not community toaPigouviantax. operating lighthouses that banks. And the bigger the guided nonpaying shippers, firm — and the more debt it and providing street lights holds — the larger the fee. Because we Today, there is much ado about that reduced crime. Based on strictly the- are not only going to recover our Pigou. To cite a few more instances of oretical grounds, which is to say without money and help close our deficits; we are going to attack some of the bank- this, there are non-returnable bottle the benefit of field work or data analysis, ing practices that led to the crisis. taxes to fight litter, snack and soda taxes Pigou found a host of situations where to fight obesity, carbon and nitrogen markets simply led to faulty outcomes. Taking in all this, the Economist maga- oxide taxes in Scandinavia to fight glob- He concluded: zine commented: “But politics is not the al warming, and petrol taxes across No “invisible hand” can be relied on to only motive. Hitting the giants address- Europe and the United Kingdom. All are produce a good arrangement of the es a genuine concern about banks whose justified in part as Pigouvian taxes that whole from a combination of separate size poses systemic dangers.” Chiming happily and harmlessly nudge human treatments of the parts. It is therefore in and hitting the nail on the head, Seek- behavior in the right direction. necessary that an authority of wider ing Alpha writer Kindred Winecoff heard reach should intervene to tackle the collective problems of beauty, of air and the rattle of Pigou’s bones and said: Pigouvian Solution Pigou was a Cam- light, as those other collective problems bridge University don who had studied This is essentially a tax on risk, of gas and water have been tackled. because it targets leverage ratios. In under the great economist Alfred Mar- terms of economic theory, or even shall, held the university’s leading eco- He then proposed: social justice, this makes some sense. nomics chair, and strongly supported It is, however, possible for the State, if Think of it as a Pigouvian tax: moral John Maynard Keynes. Pigou was a it so chooses, to remove the divergence hazard exists for firms with an explicit prodigious writer and contributed to in any field by “extraordinary encour- government guarantee, so this tax multiple strands of economic thought, agements” or “extraordinary restraints” could help bring private and social but his reputation was earned for pro- upon investments in that field. The costs in line. In other words, it could most obvious forms which these help banks internalize the social costs posing the use of taxes to reduce activi- encouragements and restraints may of their actions. ties that impose externalities — costs not assume are, of course, those of boun- taken into account by those who earn ties and taxes. In a matter of a few days, the bank fee their profits from the cost-generating explanation transformed from a tax for activities. In short, government taxes and sub- generating revenue, to a tax for reducing Writing in 1920, Pigou offered air sidies are a required constraint on mar- sin, to a Pigouvian tax that would make pollution as an example of unaccount- kets to bring balance between costs and the world better off. ed-for costs and spoke in terms of diver- benefits when there are spillovers not Interestingly enough, the proposed gences between private and social prod- accounted for by private actors. But the bank tax arrived just a few weeks after uct: “Smoke in large cities imposes a taxes have to be carefully calibrated so shoppers in Washington, DC were hit heavy uncharged loss on the communi- that the tax paid at the margin is just with a new five-cent tax on paper and plas- ty, in injury to buildings, vegetation, equal to the cost imposed.
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