The Highlander, Ivdiy 24, 1873

The Highlander, Ivdiy 24, 1873

. " z\8i ,1-g yj lAailOIH CIHT HE HIGHLAND JBWBLLEint hSljVl LlMiBl) 17110 !'• ESTA3IjI8HMENT, C'O M P L E T 1 O K O JV L T E K ,\y 1 O K s;, . CORNER OP U N 1 O N ,S-X R E R T, 1/i NDREW SMITH & t;0.;beg to aunounco that "they (Omosiie.the CalaloiiMii, Hotel). _t\_ have now completed their Eikensive .^Iterations, and have ' J- UJ.A K.UII TKVEKSESS. atldcd largely to their facilities for trans-.icting business, at the same ?me that they have greatly increase* their I G H L A N p J E \V E L L E K Y. F E R G U SO N V. 11 O T'H E R S, STOCK 'OF REALLY FIHfeT-CLASS GOODS. DESIi;XEl« A.Vl) JlANl'EAOT(il;BKH ofT SCOTTISH H DESIGNS lb7S, JEWELLERY, BY «1'K(.:1AI, ArrulNTMENT TO 1I.K.U. THE Tliev woiild avail (hemselvcsi of t.his-occasion b. thank tlicirmany THE NEWEST FOR ',-.„.,,„. .port .so l,.iv, :i, rnrdcd their I'RINCE UE WALES. |.„..-.,„,n..unt,oi so. to AT ...1,1 .1 ,;> >;. I, ruiiiira ti ' ' lu.iiii the repu- FERGUSON liKOTHEKS have much pleasure in anummdiii; i., ,t.. llr.l liir; ; •: that thev have now in Stock the largest and most varied assort- ;, .;.:,:i,.,,., M iMi, .i .,l by uoue WILLIAM ERASERS, ment of "JEWELLERY tli«y have ever sho«n. The London-made 1 T, 1 N E 11 N E Si S. Jeweller>- has been selected by them from the best Houses in the tms tliu,.c «ll.. dc. articles at HIGH S T R E B V tratle, and for true art-feeling and t;xstefuijiess of (M-n:vnient;itjon, cannot be surpassed. BV emajsius aou .,r«....B'"s H'eu" Erennses, they arc enabled NEWlDBrinlMKSrs, Ijmg desiderated in Inver- The very extensive selection of tlieir nvm Manufacture combines 1 1 add two entirely best fn^acefulness of outline with riuality and str.'o 'th uhii^h are al^^-ays and often urged upon tlieir own consideratioji by their important desiderata in all articles "i '" ' .1 their lonj,' ipportflia.^,. and careful stud\ to develop the r i'cauties of 0^j^^^j^f^,3[aj^^^ NATIONAL and LOCAL GESIShaa en .,sc- not only DRESS Airo MANTbETL^KINO DPWlRTMEKTS rare, lnl\ MsolheOmnite-ttn-t ^aliartfjtbe the more i and placed il;'4er the entire management of HIGHLANDS OF S0OTL.AJID. ' \«|i!! be oiiened, \cx-iB, a lady -of large and \'aried experience, acquired in the best W; JLICKAV begs to intimate his of .icwcllcry bj' FBR«i"dON R The articles IJc^^cd and Rc^st«rcd in Bdinliurgb, and for the pa^t ffiur .-iears .. ouming Warehouses Return from IJROTUEiis have now obtained a vca-y hi-jh reputation.J and arc Kcmiington and Jenner. Princes M with Messrs I I: ead Dressmaker X P O N ,\ y II V \ U S allowed by eonnoisteurs to be of such, very liigii ,exe^lleneo tbaji S.reet. Ladies may thus feel assured of their ordei-s being exe- thev have ' every cojitidence in reconunendin;,' the ftillowin^r ^—The cuted in the highest st\-le and fcish. • SUTHERLAND BR«.)OOH : the Grouse, ltamiiisoj.alliT31a!i*a*"ii THE DRESS GOODS DiBPAUTMENT .11 be found larger and morff'varieir than on an.N lirevious year, Tears. ith all the leading materials otiBritisU and Continental il^nufac- ' CLAN TARTAN AND TWEE'li WAKIClloUSE, Tlie old conventionij patttnis ot ANCIENT .CELTIC ORNA- delivery i.f ti ire. They would especially inidte attention to a large - BUILDINGS. MENTS, the ori^Timl styles «if which have beeA presen-ed, and , ASSOCIATION B L.\cK Silks fro»i the celebrated-makei's—of Bonnets, Tapissiere's, while justly admired for divoi-sity, pepuliarity, and eleyanee of Inverness,, May 1873. a id Jaubert, Lion^, Andrpe and Cie, makes, wiiich are alwa.vs reli- design, each serves to mark an epoch or event ot national interest. The Mary Queen of Scots expressive Brooch, 'fhe Glenlyon and THE SK)URini& DEPARTMENT Io'b b es a n d m a c d o isr a l d, Loni Briwches, exact copies of the originaL The Urquhart Brooch FAJIILY ORIXEHS .\Nll WINK MERCHANTS, at all times' receives^ur careful attention. (rescmblins; the ttoihan Fibula or Tn!,-a Fastening), the Culloden _ 40 STREET, INVERNESS. ^ > UMON Brooch, the Cnlgower Brooch, the Tara, the Cross of lona, the •: < THE,OARPKT|DEP.\RT.MF„VP. ; • ",Cr4st. ^1 ;. ; Norway Brooch, Hearts, : Dcjuble Hearts, 4c., ' Slajran, and h;^s been made a specialii-,-. The selection is tlic PREMISES, with Bad^e Brooches, with Eai:-Riuf?s to uiatdt. The Mouogram, Kilt Tills department li/TR 'WHYTE'S NEW >' ciualit.i. the stvlc, and the 7.5 UCIl Fastenhig. The Uniqite Crest Monoi,Tam ami Motto Brooch. largest ever seen in the north. The V/X Spivcioils and improved STUDIO, CIK STREET, properfv "f tliis llonsi., that tliu abont tlie i(ith Uaj. BBACBIjE'IS. _' itternsaro so far the special ohposite'the Commercial liank, will be opened i: th, . u ock has been manufactUMd eschi8ivei> i "in m It i^ desirable that all Portraitsbe taken b,v apijointment. , The L»m Bracelet, the Huntenton BnM^iiet, theHi;,'hland Brace- j ,-i i ,i inhabitajits olithe north i.t , let, besides a variety of other Bracelets, set with Scotch Pearls, ., fording the i,. ' - A^ayequalto those of the^anufactuii i.i -t'.ui- ... Clum^unns,^S!c. " CO., BUTCHERS, DHUSOIOND ir -m LLIOT & >'i i i l: ' cl'ati-, li ih>, HIOHLANO 1)RES,S ORNAMENTS, Dirks, Skei»-nl6s, ^or-» tiarpetn (with or withoufltBorderingj. STKI Jtc, cut, fitted, aadlaid downi *i any size and plan. E . Lfiiioleimi rans. Shoulder Brooches, and Kilt Fastenings, aH'<tf'ifhieh are m lipg u> infonu tjieir Cu^t ijhlands beautiful aSRortment offi Rugs, Damai^^;s, Repps, of tlie Firm. A large and .•s , under the immediate personal superintendence during tjje dimmer and > usual, jjuslin, Lace, and Leno Curttjijis in all si^ and qualities, as weU as f"i .1 regular CORNER OF UNION STREET. ;' kept a lot of Fat Stock other goods requisite for iu .^fij • INVERNESS. a(l siipply of Meat of tjie besi GENERAL HOUSEHOLD IWNISHINC'S. diate attention. May 1S73. CI AND J. M A . D O N A L. ©. erBlTTLEME N'S B E l' A R T Hi E N T. /• FLEitHKRS, i-aried. It ~ The choice in this Department is unusually l.irge and . NORTH OF SCOTLAND 14 Clot|is, Coatings, Trouserings, and CASTLE STREET. cimprises West o.f Englajid SCULPTliRE' AND MONUMENTAL All orders p\nietual!\' attt!nde<I t<>." and only be^/Butcfaer Meat e 'erything pertaining to Gentlemen's Wear^ by the best Manufac- . FREESTONE,. MARBLE, .\ND ,' * offered, for Sale. .. t! trers. - ' DEPARTME^PI. -.t 'sTEAil POLISHEl' GRANITE WciRKS. ORDER , ; i_ 22, AND S! CHAl'EL STREET, .\Sl> FOOT OF LEXANDER aiACDONALD, FLESHEE^ The arrangement in this Depiiftuient is njQw so comRliete as to 1, • ; ACADEMV STREET, INVERNESS. A No. 2 NEWJLARKET i43ure the utmost despatch to all Post orders.-^ ...illl (Qmwsitt the liai/mtij Statiun), 'D Ai-V II) F O K S Y T H. TBft-Mt. •[ .INVERNESS,. T 'I' \ Demons a^d Prkks Fo.kwau,dkd o^'.^Vi'i'i^icATiu;^- To be on true and intelligible temii L* Customers, shall KIKDS ot Bt-tCliBK' JliiT OFTte-Flkis^ QUAllTV. future mank. the I'HicEsi.s' fLAUi I CU1U..S.' (• -t; .C T.A Ord^rii i-tceite ptnicUmt attention. (RjYh KJNLO.CH'S A I+A N All wul our Prices in proportion to the rise in wages, • ttaailincrea^ • Bather WINES! . for T a: have dctcnuinea to shorten the time allowed id materia^, w'e " ' f. I- :. Price, fi-om Is od I>er bottle wmrds. JOHX TULLOCH, DECORATOR,. PAINTER, Cfedit. ' ;', • AO&NTS F6R INVEIINE,S.S, GILDER, PAPER I1AN(:E1!, CLAZIER, and PICTURE ncouf»go thc-RBACvr MoKEK SvsTii.M. ainLat the same) time let IRAME MAKER. cnds,*al Well As 'ourselves, fe;ip some of the benefits of iquick * ¥6rjjes ;t N.IV.M,A- C D-O {{.a L D, "^ ' 17 and 1^ ACADEMY STREET, rjTVTiRNESS pl\{ments,,vKv will/make tin following al.itemcht-. \i/,.i4-0n all . A l*NION STRfSET. , (Opji*}/iil'. tin' Rniial Aaattf III One'PouinI. uithin fhu 1/ ) f Kii-;lish witl-iu three 1 ' It' T E T.a' N I N Xi A N D Avanelyot French and PAPeR-UANGJ2>G& a iu liia fiuuiid ; A N O F O - ' .a'wa.v^- in SlocV, I'uiul ; wiUiiii ^iv Mi-i.ths, RElirL.VT^r'C. , , , ».ri p , . : , t » f % i ; j t-t. q ; f > Xi CI a •M\ uiMiitii-i, iKi discount. ,U ,F., W. W I S D u yf, JMACNEILL,' 8(i CASTLE fsTREET,' I^''- J-Iyi-lfOli • VERNESS, UMBRELLA i P.VE.VSOL' MAKER. Ipi-VNOFoKl 1 .:. .i \ UmbrcUiis and Parasols niado. r. d, and rc| wired. Silk Umbrellas :• f '' -u and I'arasols woni r'y wed without . eoverijig. A M\M i.i.v, hu-ket- ;vn<l MantlCs, a larLT.- j-sovtimnt ..f the Nkw Stouk of lirst-cla^s f- ii hand, &t inotierate jtric^. Ai-iMNK PARAaiatKs, Nkw YORK Locos, Ni!W V;en'etian LaiJ^,^ New 'O.vford Univeirsitiv Herald." ag*y%-the'se Pens have been aptly Orders received bv \! .Mackenzie, Dingw.aJI ; O. B.- i>KM>-s and Man-tlk Trimmings, Okn-aMests, 'BtrrpONs, Hats, Rtb- termed by a contemporary the "WONDER OF THE AGE." i i Mackintosh, Nairn ; : rres Wilson, Elj^n.

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