Tuesday, July29 ,1628 Dilloa Trifasss-Ezaaaise? C-5 Almanac INVITATIO N TO BID To be sold on sealed bids: tivities. they moved to Montana. They ranched pending case of Burk Ranches v. State He was Worshipful Master of Dillon for one year on the Big Hole River near of Monts na and the State’s Fish and 1 —1967 Int 3 4 Ton Cab and Chassis Obituaries Lodge No. 16 AF &-AM in 1933 which Twin Bridgea and then moved to Game Agency. was the 60th anniversary of the Lodge. Sheridan, where ahe worked for the The cue resulted u a result of tbe 1 -1 9 6 9 Dodge 3 /4 Ton Pickup He attended the 100th anniversary in Raymond Cattle Co. and later for failure of the dam on Browne’s Lake October 1986. He was a life member Ferry-Morse. near Glen in 1984. The state eedcs to 1 -1 9 6 9 Dodge D 500 2 Ton 16 foot Flatbed George Willisand Past Exalted Ruler of the Elks Her husband died Jane 11,1967. A have; Joined in the action u party Lodge of Dillon and a member of the son, Herbert, died Sept. 6,1984. defmwlwnta: John Reiber, Guy Holt, George Clifford Willis died July 26 St. James Episcopal Church in Dflkm. Surviving are daughters, Mellie Mae Poole, Lany Bradley and Don 1 - Loraine 1 yard shovel with Cat 318 B Engine in Fort Harrison, Mont. The Winns celebrated their 26th and Gouriey, MimU BmwIm and Erisne Kambisch, and also requested a similar Bids wil be awarded August 18r 1986. Bidstoberecived He was bom Jan. 25, 1918 in Min­ 60th wedding anniversaries in DiUon Ferguaon, all of Sharidan; sou, case instituted by John Reiber be con­ neapolis, Minn., to Julie May Swift. and recently celebrated their 64th an­ Garland “Bud" of Hyrum, Utah. solidated for trial with the Burk case. no tater than August 8r 1986. We reserve the right to refuse a l He was a veteran of World War II in niversary in Mesa. Jamea of Sheridan and Lloyd of Boise, Hie Court took the motion under ad- the Medical Corps, worked as a He is survived by his wife, Idaho; nine grandchildren; 22 great­ bids. Inspection wHI beAugust 4 through August 8 (Monday carpenter in a saw mill and on many of Elizabeth; niece, Arlene Peterson; grandchildren; and 21 gnat-great- The Court made a final dedaion in the area’s ranches. He moved to the great-niece, Debra Peterson, both of grandchfldmL the GaUatin County caae involving a Dillon area aome 26 years ago from Wisdom; aistars-in-Uw, Jean Winn of claim of Sharon Hulett, a achool through Friday) between 8 A.M. and 3 P JI. at Daly Ditches Oregon. Dillon and Anne Winn of Lawndale, teacher, against Bozeman School He ia survived by his brother, Don Calif.; sister-in-law and brotherin-law, Diatrict No. 7. Irrigation District yard located at SE 534 Tammany Lane, Dunn; one nephew, Den Hill of Dillon, Rollin and Veda Chase of Meea; and Police The H ulett caae w u an appeal from and several other nieces and nephews, several niece* of California. Marie CrotnweU reported July 16 a decision of ths Montena Human Hamilton, Montana. Cash or Cashier's Check to be paid within and his step-father, Calvin Wifiis. He Memorials are preferred to the th at someone had stobn a yellow Mc­ Rights Commission which awarded was preceded in death by hia sister, donor’s choice. Collum chainaaw from bar garage on Me. Hulett damage for martial 24 houn of bid awarding. Grace Hill and brother, Lewis Dunn. Weet Reeder sometime during the discrimination. U m achool district had Graveside services were July 28 at refused to hire Hulett u a teacher the Mountain View Cemetery with the C a m m ie A . P un Nielaen nportad to the Dillon because her husband a t ths time was a Dillon American Legion Post Number Police Department on July 30 that so­ superintendent at another school in 20 officiating. meone had struck hsr Inc*. The caae is the district. A Community Health Information Program. F e r g u s o n under in veetigation. The caae had been befon Judge AUsn Kamps w u am ated on a Davis before aad had baan remanded Longtime Sheridan reaidentCammie charge of miedsmesnor aaeault. Tha for a determination of damagee. Elmo L Winn A. Ferguaon, a retired employee of the charge stemmed from a July 7 The Court g u n U y affirmed the ad- Tuesday, Aupot 5 ,7:30pm Ferry-Morse Seed Co., died Tueeday, downtown incident. Hs pled guilty fat minietrativo agucy’a but July 22 at the Madison County Nurs­ Judge Ray Lynch'e (Sty Court aad reduced the claimed rtimofee for the Elmo L. Winn of Mesa, Arix., died ing Home. She was 96. w u finsd 8160 and five days i period that Hulett wu pursuing Court H on*maNi pw pwmm, M n July 24 at the Valley Lutheran Services were July 24 at the K A L graduate studies The danugu ag­ Hoapital in Meea. Cremation haa taken Mortuary chapel in Shsrirlan, with the gregated $70,000. Hulett subeeqosntly place and memorial aervicee are ten­ Rev. Mary Jacquee officiating. Burial was hired u a tsachsr in the system. tatively scheduled for Aug. 7 at the St. waa in the Sharidan Cemetery. Low Back and le g Pain Jamee Epiecopal Church in DiUon. A native of Plcksna. S.C., Mra. District Mr. Winn'was born in Anaconda on Fergueon waa born July 2, 1888, to City court WHAT IT IS AND HOW IT IS TREATED April 8, 1902 to Henry and Hattie John and Manaickey Lewis Offlsspis. Winn. He was a well-known court She attended school at Praters Creek Ths foUowing flu e w an paid or If you 1. juainasaman for many years in Dillon. in Pickans County and married Robert By JOAN EMGE bonds forfeited in Judge Ray Lynch’e 2. Degenerated Mae Me served on the city council and was Ferguson than on Oct. 4,1906. City Court suffer from: 3. Faded Back ~ vary active in civic and sports ac­ They farmed than until 1927, whan Aftar a fourday trial In Butte the Richard Herminghaus, speeding, 4. Sdatie nearitie er any type ef beck pseUeai Court returned to DiBon. 636; Marilyn Sparks, speeding. $36; Jeaue Msntioaa Gairido appeared Seott Weber, spsedfag. $36; Wade Foil a n invited to viow a tUdo tetunprtpm ndot Purdmt Univenity om with hia attornsy snd entered a pise to Howery, $90, speeding; Raymond t*» count and tnatmomt o f low bach amd k g poim. charge of Kuio, speeding, $36; Evelyn Thomp­ Dr. Cfar* Lundgrtn wiU further ditaui causes aa d tnm tm nt o f low Senior citizen news son, $36, speeding; Km Peters, bock and log pain fallowing prfssntstfoa. tho tUdt The County Attorney dismissed a spseding, $36; Lanes Horner, $36, I f you or Bomtont you know hat back probUwu, m tfnd tMU community charge of solicitation for prostitution. aeatt* information program a t ao ckargo at tho DiUon fViirrtimtr Four tablee of bridge were played at Sorsnssn and Frank Peruaich won The Court sentenced the defendant to D u McDonald, spurting, $36, in­ muMpurpoie room, Tuoodmy, Aug. $, at 7:90 p.m. the Senior Citizens Center Monday high. Elmar Sorenaon and Tad Wright tbe time eerved in the county jail and valid driver’a Uesnee, $30, no in- P*— P*°"« Or- Lmdgm im Bommm at ifternoon, July 21. Haael Johnson won won second. Babe Ford end Elma ordered him held for the inunigration eurance, $160; Dolma Rsugsegger . im­ oofrlvbmL ligh. Doc Freee won eecond. Georgia Wright won low. authoritiee for return to Mexico. proper etarting, $30; Steven White, )sputy placed third. Georgia Williams Manual Edward Shehorn foUowing too clo u , $60; Vernon THIS PROGRAM SPONSORED BY; dace fourth. Babe Ford won low. Six tablee of pinochle were played to answar to tha charge of Reynolds, no insurance, $160; William Five tables of pinochle ware played Saturday afternoon, July 26. Eleanor «»««w the*iftiTtirr. th M Crawahaw, <*og at targe, fourth of- hat afternoon. Frank Peniaich and Taah and Babe Ford won high. Hana The defendant wa fenae, $60; Barry 8rigga. Mop aign, Lundgren Chiropractic Clinic Mary Murray won high. Margaret Ka­ Sorenaen and Thelma Sorsnsoa won id the m atter coc $36; Todd Morstafa, stop sign. $86; jin wid Alt Prophet won second. Mar­ second. Mary Murray and Ruth Soren­ ' The Stata of M ontau argued ita mo­ Mike Bowman, invalid driver’s bcsnae, 602 S. 19th, BOZEMAN - 686-1964 jorie Chriatanaen and Thelma Soren­ aon won low. A lovely birthday cake tion to join additional partiee in the $36. (SPECIALIZING IN LOW BACK AND LEG PAIN) son won low. and ice cream were served in hooor of Six tables of pinochle were played Elmar Sorensen’s 80th birthday and Wedneeday afternoon, July 23. Hans happy birthday was aung to Elmer. News about people Kids... £ Vince Aadsreoa, Dillon, h u Jta n tana State Unhwity.- • . .11 »r- ■ ■ . r - l |i . " .\> -, \ J awarded the Fox Foundation Settol^- Waldorf, ~ at the UH. -rtfir rrr i [Ma " > ( Mrfii I1' •hip for the 1986-87 academic year at end etwiUar^aases* with a degree in Aha University of Montana. mechanical engineering technology, ia ' This award, administered by the a 1962 graduate of Beevarhead County nter our Back-fo UM Foundation, assists worthy snd High School Ha ia the aon of George psedy students who are graduatee of and Jenny Waldorf of Dillon.
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