AUTOMOBn.ES 112 AUTOMOBILES AirroMonn.ES DEC. 2, 1954TORRANCE HERALD Truck*, etc. Trucks, ete. ' Trui'kn, etc. Truck*, etc. Truck*, et«. Flfty-On* UlTOMORIt.ES AUTOMOBILES 112 AUTOMUBII.KS SELECT IT PAYS . 1955 De Soto & Plymouth Truck*, etc. Truck", etc. Truck!, etc. Owner Recommended To Shop at Your TRADE-INS YOU'RE NOT DREAMIN' AND CADILLAC-OLDSMOBILE DEALER ALL LOCALLY OWNED ' ALL SHOW BEST OF CARE These Are ACTUAL VALUES In Our Certified Used Cars For Your 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR................................$299 CHRISTMAS CLEAN-UP M<u Rddlo nnd Heater YOU CANT BEAT THESE BARGAINS 1950 FORD CLUB COUPE..................................$599 Quality Used Car Kmilpiiod with Rod In and ' Ileatitr We feature many local one-owner cars In our in­ 1939 CHEVROLET 1941 FORD 1931 FORD Club Coupe. Radio Model "A' Hard 1950 FORD V8 Vi TON PICKUP.................... $699 ventory that are trade-ins on our new Cadillacs or Sedan. Look at the price Comploti-ly Overhauled Oldsmoblles.tWe have marly makes to select from and heater. to flndl 1951 PONTIAC 4-DOOR..................._...............$1099 at alt times. $39 $79 $69 Deluxe Equipped will, Ilydramutlc, Kadlo and Healer 1953 DE SOTO FIREDOME VS.... .....$ 1895 4952 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR............................. $1099 1953 PLYMOUTH ..........................................$995 GUESS WHAT A rino Family Car , 4-Door Sedan. Efforlleii power steering, custom 1947 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, good tires. Original finish! Cambridge 4-Door Sedan. A local I-owner car. Only radio and heater plus automatic transmission. 1952 DE SOTO V8 4-DOQR....;.................... $1299 9000 actual vmiles. Immaculate condition in every Automatic Trnimml.iKlon and Other Extras detail. ' ' EVERYBODY LOVES A BABY SPECIAL TODAY $79 AND 45 OTHER GOOD BUYS 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4-Door Sedan. Beautiful 1949 DE 1953 CADILLAC "62"...................J.......$2595 maroon and grey finish. Fully equipped including SOTO 1950 STUDEBAKER 1948 MERCURY Custom Sedan. Radio, Champion. Bank Terms overdrive. Drive this "like new car" away for only Radio, heater, Sedan. Radio & hdater. Highest Trade-in. Allowance Sedan. 3 to choose from. Full Cadillac equipment, in­ heater.Clean $1395. throughout. overdrive. A beauty) Original thruoutl If your credit is good, any of these cars cluding radio, heater, hydamatlc and whitewalls. All can be yours with NO DOWN PAYMENTI local 1-owner cars. All new car trades. A showroom 1953 STUDEBAKER SPORT COUPE.$I395 .'$699 ' $499 $299 clean selection. Here's Quality at its best. Of course It looks new because it's just thatl Only 1955 Dodge & Plymouth "195T OLDSMOBILE "88"....................$I 195 16,000 miles. Locally owned. Traded in on a new 1949 CHRYSLER 1949 CHEVROLET ' 1950 CHEVROLET 1955 Plymouth. Come and get ill Sedan. Radio, heater. Suburban. Radio, heater. % ton Pickup. This'is NOW ON DISPLAY AT Super 4-Door Sedan. A sharp local 1-owner car Luxurious in and out! Very clean! a good onel equipped with all extras including radio, heater, FAMILY PRIDE FOR $1 195 hydramatic and whitewalls. 1952 DODGE Coronet 4-Door Sedan: Fully equipped $699 $799 , $699 including radio, and gyromatic transmission. Here's WALTER G..LINCH 1950 CADILLAC .............................:.-.......$ 1995 comfort - economy - beauty and dependability! Same Location 32 Years VERY VERY SPECIAL 312 S. Catalina, Rsdondo Beach Coupe De Ville. Full Cadillac equipment including 1949 DE SOTO CLUB COUPE.. .$695 radio, heater, hydramatic, electric 312 S. Pacific Coast Hiway, Redondo Beach windows, white- Custom model. Really an outstading car that drives 1953 BUICK 1951 FORD walls, cream with black top, and handles like new. All custom equipment. Open Evenings Til 9 P.M. Special Deluxe. Radio, heater, dyna- Fordomatic, radio, whitewalls. SAVE $ $ $ .^ 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR.......... ........$695 f low, whitewalls. A Teal beauty! Perfect in every wayl $1695 $1095 Harbor Motor Co. Business Goes Where Appreciated Mighty lot of car for a mighty few bucks. Inside and Oldsmobile HARBOR out shows tender care. Motor's tight and running WE APPRECIATE YOURS ' . right. A tip-top used car. A bargain! 7_ |954 CHEVROLETS LL MODELS I960 HUDSON PONTIAC ALL CARS APPEARING IN THIS AD CARRY OUR ; Executive Cars. Your chance to Really Savel' 4-DOOR SEDAN RONALD E. MORAN DEPENDABLE ONE YEAR WARRANTY Pacemaker model equip­ NOW OFFERS YOU ped, with radio and heat­ 30 MORE TOP VALUE CARS er. Here's the lowest OLDSMOBILE - CA.DILLAC TO SELECT FROM PAUL'S CHEVROLET priced '50 in the area. Greatest 25 - Pacific Coast Highway - 26 Whittlesey Motors YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET QEALER Harmosa Beach FRontier 4-3436 Selection ' Your Local De Soto-Ply'mouth Dealer 1640 Cabrfllo Aye., Torrance . FAirfax 8-1640 230-300 West Anaheim OF Just -1 blks. West of Avalon 1504 Cabrillo Torrance FA 8-258.J 1961 Torrance Blvd. FAirfax 8-1640 TKrmlnal .-1166 TErmlnal 4-116 Finest Wilmington .XMAS HOLIDAY See Us At SEE THE NEW CLOSED SUNDAYS Trade-ins TORRANCE'S 1st Annual AUTO SHOW . 1955 MOTORAMIC CHEVROLET DECEMBER 3-4-5 ADMISSION FREE At Torrance's 1st Annual 'IISCELLANEOtIS USED CAR SALE Wanted Courteous Salesmen FREE FREE FREE AUTO SHOW To Assist You In December 3-4-5 Admission Free HIGHEST Your Selectionl PRICES $2,495.95 TRADE-INS PAID 1938 PONTIAC Coupe TURKEYS MUST MAKE ROOM WESTERN AVE. LOT For The Many Trade-ins Coming On The 1947 HUDSON Sedan CASK - SERVICE MERCHANDISE 1953 COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN 1948 MERCURY Sedan Automatic transmission and NEW '55 FORD 1949 FORD Tudor PRIZES . heater. $1595 AGENT FAirfax 8-0421 ____ 1949 CHEVROLET Conv- Our Used Car Lot Is Overstocked With D regulation titling pin. Over 100 Showroom Clean Used Cars 1953 CHAMPION 4rDOOR SEDAN 1949 MERCURY Sedan To Choose From Overdrive and radio. $1395 A-l USED CAR VALUES f blryi'lr. Will 1949 MERCURY Sta. Wag. up to 120. ih'ni'iicilnc on con 1952 HUDSON 4-DOOR SEDAN (lltlon. Pluuii' DAvi'ilporl li.r.lll 1949 OLDSMOBILE Club Hornet model with automatic REMEMBER... drive, radio $1295 , - No Down Payment 'ETS, POULTRY 1950 HUDSON Sedan and heater. RabbltH, Suppllpg, etc. A SPECIAL INVITATION TO (On Approved Credit) 1950 PONTIAC 4-Door 1952 CHAMPION 4-DOCiR SEDAN IAVB IfiO The. Automatic drive and heater. $995 foot Home Saturtltiv und Bun 1950 PONTIAC 2-Door SEE and DRIVE SEE THESE AND MANY MORE TODAY! day. ISlO^Weat 3IOfli St.. Tor 1950 FORD Coupe The BEAUTIFUL New 1952 CHAMPION 2-DOOR'SEDAN 1950 CADILLAC "62.. $1899 1951 FORD...,................................$799 \>R SALE Box Automatic transmission. 1950 BUICK 4-Door $895 Hydramatic, radio, heater, red leather Sedan. Motor reconditioned In our ' 1955 Doo'ge interior. Premium whitewalls. Must 1950 CHEVROLET 4-Door & Plymouth 1952 STUDEBAKER '/j TON PICKUP shop. Custom tailored seat covert. see to appreciate! Excellent rubber, fine finish. 1950 OLDSMOBILE 88 Clb With the Has overdrive. ' $895 1953 MERCURY ..1.:.........$ 1899 IIIHUAHUA puppies for Bale 195! CHEVROLET 2-Door 1951 CHAMPION 4-DOOR SEDAN mm Anjalli, Torrance. DAvin Monterey Sedan. Overdrive, radio, 1949 STUDEBAKER ...............$599 1951 FORD Club Coupe FORWARD LOOK... 4-X743. ___________ Automatic drive & heater. $795 heater, new whitewalls, 2-tone finish, Commander Convertible. Overdrive, WTO PABTS 1951 FORD '/a Ton;Pickup like new interior. radio, heater, new metallic finish, 1951 CHAMPION CLUB COUPE , AcoesHories like new tires. 1952 CHEVROLET 2-Door Automatic transmission, radio 1953 DODGE .....1............... $ 1399 1952 PONTIAC 4-Door 'TOM ROADY and heater. $795 Popular club coupe model. Radio, 'hltewalls, many other extras. A fine 1948 CHRYSLER ........... .........$399, 1953 FORD Tudor . At Th« 1950 LAND CRUISER 4-DOOR ' car In Ilka new condition Windsor Convertible. Fully equipped Overdrive, radio and heater. 1953 BUICK 2,Door $745 Drive It today. Including automatic transmission, radio and heater. A nl^e clean car 1953 FORD Victoria 1950 CHAMPION CLUB COUPE 1952 CHEVROLET ......... $1199 Inside and outl 1953 PONTIAC 2-Door BIG Overdrive, radio' and heater. $645 Deluxe Convertible. Powergllde, radio, Buy - Sell -'Trade heater. Continental kit, whitewalls 1947 PONTIAC "1953 CHEVROLET Club 1949 PONTIAC 2-DOOR SEDAN ............:...........$ 199 DODGE & PLYMOUTH genuine leather interior, special Club Sedan with radio and heater. Hub Caps Our Specialty 1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air Radia and Heater. $595 TErminal 5-3246 bumper guards, etc. A beauty! Good transportation. 4-Door 1950 PACKARD 2-DOOR SEDAN 1951-MERCURY __.....$ 1099 "IF IT'S Corner In Gardena 1946 BUICK...........................,..$149 RIPPED ' 1954 PONTIACS-Several , Radio and heater. $495 Monterey Club Coupe. Overdrive, 'to choose from . 165th PI. & So. Vermont Ave. radio, heater, whitewalls, genuine Sedan. Radio and heater. SEE RIPS" DA 4-7906______________ DA 4-8270 1948 CHAMPION 2-DOOR SEDAN leather Interior. Try and beat this one! Try apd beat this oral CoppUt* Auto Upliolnlery EASIEST TERMS Overdrive, radio and heater. .$445 AUTO TOPS $.-MONEY SAVING-$ 1948 DE SOTO CLUB COUPE MANY MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM LOWEST Radio, heater, automatic drive. $395 ARE OUR SPECIALTY , Onn-Day Servlco DOWN PAYMENT CLEAN UP SALE Al»o Tailored Beat Coven OSCAR That Won't Burn or Shock MAPLES YOUR PRESENT CAR OF GOOD RIP'S TOP SHOP WILL PROBABLY MORE Carl P.' Pursche YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER 1637 R.dj,ndo B«oh Wjft THAN MAKE THE DOWN Transportation Cars 15525 S. WESTERN AVE. PAYMENT J 420 CABRILLO AVE.' TORRANCE FAirfax 8-5014 YOUR CHOICE DAvis 9-4561 Gardens DAvis 4-6603 OUT OF STATE OWNERS ' Be Sure To See Us At If you can-t mid Ule CM MILITARY PERSONNEL $49.50 TORRANCE'S 1st ANNUAL «(lvoi(l«.l that you want fo In Torrance "SHOWING SPECIAL" AUTO SHOW buy. your HaralJ Aulorao.lK We Glvo You raat Ef.lclent December 3-4-5 id-takw will help i 1941 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan '"BUICK'S 1953 Lincoln Capri. Admission Free FT. AJfflp 90 ft. trailer, for 1941 PACKARD'4-Door Sedan ale OHBAP (or rent. 111.00 Hardtop Coupe.
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