A . T-.ST3 ■' The Weather THURSDAY, MARCH A 19«6 A’rsrags DaUy Net Press Ron Forecaet of U. 8 . Weatker Dureaa f AGE TWENTY-POUR For me Week EnSeS iianrli^Blfr ^v^nittg l|:erallk Fsknmry $7, ItSB Rain, poasIMy ckaaglag to euew tonight, low In 9Sn;>loody. kreeay. colder with oooasletinl enow llar- Miss Lois Stoker of Manches­ th a t^ on th afanost 8Q psr osnt four resldenUal biases, and four Bcirnt*8 Sell Hard 14,120 ter will entertain at a spring 12 th Cireoit Ten Brush Fires pan the Januan flguta. vehicle A r s . rim tomorrow, high In She. A total of SO calls were report­ BEIRUT, Lebanon — >*ei> Member of the Audit About Town buffet of the Connecticut Valley The fire chlsTs office reports 22 ed In February, Including one chandUlM nms strong Bureau of Clronlallou Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm Lasell Club on Saturday, March Up Month’s Toll that iq of the fires InvssUgat- TIm ZipMr Club will hold & G)iirt Cases sd last month were of the brush box alarm. veins of iSeirut’s cltliens. V^sn 18, at The Hedges, New Bri­ United States Marines waded ■ e te c k p*rty Saturday. Play- tain. A socUd hour at-6 p.m. will or grass variety. No brush fires An unusual outbreak of brush Burgan made from ground a s h ^ in 1968 to guard against (Classified AdvertlslBf on Pago IS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Ihf wHl start at 8 p.m. precede the dinner at 7. Por were recorded In either January (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1965 MANCHESTER SESSION fires in February pushed toe to­ uncooked Iamb w ill need to be a possible Coimmmirt w e o v e r, VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 131 reservations, contact, Mrs. Carl or February of last year. The cooked Icmger ^han burgers Utey were met halfway by soft- World D *y o f Prayer Sendees F. Dahiberg, 66 Wettleson Ave., Donald Jackman, |7, o f A n­ tal number of fires handled by tire department also handled « 1B be held tomorrow a t 1:16 West Hartford. Alumnae, hus­ dover, was sentenced to six toe Town Fire Dep<uVment Irt eight building fires, including made from beef. drink peddlers.* P-i4- at St Mary's Episcopal bands and friends of the club in months at the State Jail In Church. PoUuck lurteheon will the Manchester area are wel­ Hartford for non-support o f his ^ served at noon. A siftall reg­ come. family. A bond of $500, forfeited Events istration fee wdll be charged. through bis failure to appear In Nursery facilities and miik will Arthur Me, supervisor of the court Monday, was reinstated. Viet Nam War Leaders be provided fo r young children, control tower at Bradley Field, Lawrence Gould, 18, of Hart­ In State public la welcoma will speak and irtiow a film at ford, was fined $260 for operat­ a dinner meeting o f the Meth­ ing a motor vehicle while his Pinehurst quality keeps a thrifty ' •^ghllghU of a Day With odist Men of South and North license was under suspension ^ Visiting Nurse" will be in­ Methodist Churches Monday at and $50 for failure to grant the Spent Money terpreted b y' members o f the 6:30 p.m. In Cooper Hidl, South right of way In an emergency. staff at the District One meet­ Methodist Church. His topic will He was arrested In Rockville on High-Level Meeting ing o f the Connecticut Nurses’ be "The Traveler Meets Air Feb. 5 after he failed to pull budget in good taste! On Gambling, Association Monday at 7:30 Traffic Control.” For reserva­ over to the right hand side of a.ih. at the Hartford office o f the road for a police cruiser an­ Says Embezzler tions call the South Methodist A T r n N Sm ith V ip t’r>the current military .situatlon't-lack of hard facts on the battle-* Aasoriatfcd photog^- me Visiting Nurse Association, Church office. A ll men from swering €ut emergency call. 40 : Woodland S t Refreshments XT' t ^ from Gen William C. We.st- indicated a degree of confu.sion pher Mike Renard flew over the both churches are welcome. DANIELSON (AP) - Nam (AP) — Reinforce- - •----- ' -------zone aboard'----- ■ a- Marine helicopter win be served. A ll nurses are John G. Dancosse, 17, of 495 moreland, American command­ among Vietnamese forces Baritone Tolland Tpke., and Richard Save 10c to 22c a unit on this March sale The FBI says Albert J. Ma ment.k were airlifted into a er in South Viet Nam; and met caught in the area. and reported the battle area grelcome. Duplicate bridge will be play­ Paul Kwartln, baritone, ■will Neff, 17, of 22 Vernon St. plead­ of Pyrex dishes. 2 qt. Utility 88c, V/ 2 qt. with U.S. Amba.s'sador Maxwell One American, an Army Spe­ was strew-n with .shell and tomb ed t ^ o n o w at 7:45 p.m. In ban claims to have gambled major battle zone 40 miles present a concert Tuesday at ed not aviky to chargM of D, Taylor. cial Forces enli.sted man, was craters. Vietname.se air fore* I fie Rev. J. Ejnar Raak o f the basement rooms of the Loaf Dish 88c, 2 qt. Cake 88c, 1^2 qt. Cas­ away all of the $66,900 he southwest of Da Nang to­ planes hammered .su.spected I t W t y Covenant Church will 8:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Sho- breach of peace and bad their Johnson and his party will stiot in the stomach while ac­ former technical school, 39 lom. Sponsored by the Sister­ cases continued to the East serole 88c. is accused of embezzling day, while a lai'ge-scale at­ companying his troop on a com­ Communist positions throughout flonduct a service and visitations School St. ’The game is spon­ break up into small groups Sat­ hood of the Temple, the conceK Hartford seaaion of Circuit bat patrol Thursday in the Viet the day. Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at Green sored by the Manchester For a thrifty budget value, we suggest U. S. Grade A fresh from a firm headed-by his tempt to engage the Com­ urday and tour various parts of will be given in conjunction Court 12 for trial by jury of 12. An area .south of Da Nang. He In the operation east of Sai­ Lodge Home. YW CA. George Perry of South father. munists 50 miles east of this war-torn country. with the observation of Jewish The two yoirths are allegedly In­ New England large was evacuated to a ho.spital at gon, some 3,000 South Vietnam­ Windsor directs the play. The Mahan, 31, was secretary of Military sources at Da Nang, Music Month. ’The public is in­ volved in a fight that took Saigon ended a complete on the coast 360 miles northea.st ■ Nha Tnang and reported in seri- ese’ .soldiers were airlifted in tha |Cls8 Sandra Smith, daugh­ pufcUc is invited. AT PINEHURST SAVE 24c ON toe Danielson Federal Savings failure. biggest helicopter as.sault of tha ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ehu-le A. vited free of charge. Refresh­ place on Now State Rd. on Feb. & Loan AssociaUon. His father, of Saigon said nearly a Ixittal- ous condition ments wiU be served. Mrs. 6. STATE OF MAI^JE U. S. NO. 1 American and Vietnamese ion of Vietnamese..,.0,. rangers was....... | .........Among„ the— reinforcements...... 1j Vietnarnese war. , Smith Of 607 Woodbrldge St., Chapman Court, Order of Am ­ Howatd, is president. has been named to the Dean’s Leonard Sender is in charge of Leonard Goetz, 7H, of An­ CHICKEN officials directing the war effort flown to help out government Tu-shed to the battle zone were The troops moved tnrou^ aranth, will meet tomorrow at FBI agent Charles E. Weeks list for the first semester at program. dover, and Bailey Owens, 44, of said Thursday that the younger went into closed-door meetings 1 units under heavy attack from' three companies of rangers, Phuoc Tuy Province, and U .^ 7:48 p.m. at the Masonic Tem­ with the U.S. A:m v chief o f ; at least two Viei Cong battal- airlifted by U.S. Marine helicop-1 jet fighter-bombers Hartford College for Women. The singer has starred In RockvlUe, both charged with In­ Mahan told investigators he lost ple for the Initiation of candi-- •staff. Gen. Harold K. Johnson ions. ! ters at noon. The rangers wore ' hundreds of tons of tombs, trut Miss Smith is a freshman at opera, concert work, radio and toxication, were each given sus­ POTATOES all the money playing the dates. Officers are reminded to BREASTS and the rest of a high-level dele-]^ One .source said all the Viet-1 pulled out of the Da Nang spe- no contact was establushed wlln ttte college. television. He was the "Wander­ pended jail sentences o f 10 days horses. wear white gowns. Refresh­ ing Troubador” for CBS radio by Ju d^ Francis Monchun. gation which arrived Thursday, namese units, totaling more cial sector where they had been the Viet Cong. ments will be served by Mrs. Come to Pinehurst Service Meat Sec.tion for plump, fresh The money was embezzled be­ Liadies Aid Society o f Zion and played leading roles in the June M. Miesch of Coventry tween Nov. 1 and the first of night from Wa.shington. than three battalions, were in protecting U.S.
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