* 'fWl U- ' ; ' '' ' / ' '• ' ' • " ' •- ' . iW 'UW'SjMmwSIf;'l PR'^I i^i^W •" r^K' ,5??fir > ! * - • $•'•• V- >t'1,1 iml -m •: . : ' * ' A ft pim I V ' I Student Weekly Publication The Rice Institute Volume XXXII Z788 HOUSTON, TEXAS, 11 OCTOBER 1945 Number 13 Navy, Academic Authorities 1946 Campanile Trustees Authorize Tell Plans For Reconversion Favorites Will Be Return to Pre- War Of Rice to Normal Schedule Nominated Now Salary Schedule Following the usage set last year, I. Navy Students the favorites for the 1946 Campanile Twenty-three Rank Increases The Navy Department will continue its training program will again be selected by the student at the Institute under the present contract until the latter part body as a whole. Balloting will be- Made With Approval of Board of June, 1946. Men now in the Rice unit are to be retained here gin this morning at 8:20, and end at until the completion of their allotted semesters. Since a number 1:30 p. m. Dr. Edgar Odell Lovett, President of the Rice Institute, to- of Navy units in other institutions are being closed at the end Headquarters for voting is the day issued the following announcement: of October, 1945, the Navy has requested N.R.O.T.C. colleges usual table in the usual place— With the conclusion of the war, it appears that the Rice In- to absorb the students involved Sallyport. Each student is entitled stitute will be able to resume its regular academic term and to and to receive these trainees on to vote for eighteen girls, or less if he so desires. From these selections discontinue summer instruction in 1946. This is viewed as a de- 1 November. These men have Election Date Set the school's real favorites should be sirable arrangement since it will afford Faculty members an completed four semesters' apparent. opportunity for a well-earned summer vacation. The Institute work elsewhere, and courses 7 To Name Student The object for making selections has operated since July, 1943, on a twelve months' schedule in ' p in this particular fashion is to be will be set up to continue their Association Prexy sure that those girls who are the real order to train students in the N.R.O.T.C. training from 1 Novem- favorites of the school and who come Navy R.O.T.C. and V-12 pro- ed to 29 June. The Navy estimates instantly to mind as being outstand- Girls' Club Gives grams. that the number of trainees in> resi- ing will be chosen. All students are As Bob Zelsman , now president Gremlin Gambol On "The Trustees have authorized sal- dence at the Institute on or about requested to think carefully about of the Student Association, is sched- aries, effective 1 October 1945, on 1 November may approximate 450. their nominations. To make it easier uled to leave Rice in November for 3 November the basis of the regular academic The Navy has^still to announce its no time is being allowed for fancy further training in the V-12 pro- year of nine months, in order to plans for operation after 1 July 1946. gram, it will be necessary to hold an publicity campaigns. Coming up soon—3rd of No- II. Calendar facilitate postwar readjustment. In To meet this situation, the follow- election for a new president. Six lists of all the girls in Rice vember to be exact. — is that the main, {he salaries represent ad- ing calendar becomes effective from The duties of the Student Associa- are now posted in conspicuous places different dance of the year— vances over those in effect prior to 2 November 1945: tion prexy are to preside at all meet- around the campus. If in doubt, con- the Gremlin Gambol, the Girls' the war. sult these. All Rice girls are eligible. Second semester begins 2 Novem- ings of the Student Council and exer- Club Vice Versa. This year it "The Trustees have also approved cise his duties as prescribed by the If you are really interested in seeing ber (first semester for new trainees.) will be bigger and better than the promotion of twenty-three mem- Thanksgiving—Holiday 22 Novem- constitution of the Student Associa- things done in a really democratic bers of the Faculty, as follows: manner, be sure to vote. No poll tax ever. Buddy Brock and his Or- ber. tion. That is, he must also preside "Claude W. Heaps to be Director will be charged. Christmas holidays 23 December at all college mass meetings, all chestra will furnish the music of the Library and to continue as to 2 January, inclusive. meetings of the Association, and ap- Polls will close promptly at 1:30, and the club furnishing refresh- Professor of Physics; point all committees within the Resumption of classes, 3 January and counting will begin. On the ments and entertainment. Council. The president of the Asso- Szolem Mandelbrojt to be promot- 1946. counting committee are Bob Zels- ciation must be a Senior, and is to ed from Visiting Professor to" Pro- Washington's Birthday—Holiday man, Student Association President; be elected in a general (all-school) Hey, Guy. you wanta be King? fessor of Mathetmatics; 22 February. editors, assistant editors, and busi- election. 1. One candidate from each dorm. Tom W. Bonner, Assistant Profes- semester end 6 March 1946. ness managers of the Campanile and sor to be Professor of Physics; As classes are resumed on Friday, 2. Slime and sophomore classes Commencement 10-11 March. Thresher: Ann Martin, Mildred Mc- Floyd S. Lear, Assistant Professor 2 November, petitions will be due one candidate each. Opening of spring semester 12 Call, Sara Meredith, Don "Red" of History to be Professor of His- by Thursday, 8 November, and are March. u Anderson, Pat West, and Jane Rau- S.'One candidate from joint junior tory; to be handed in tff Muriel Wicks, End of spring semester and begin- bold. and senior classes. head of the election committee, or to James Chillman, Assistant Profes- ning of summer vacation 29 June. Now fold this paper up tempo- 4. Nominees' names must be any member of the Student Coun- sor of Architecture to be Associate Opening of regular session, 1946- rarily and go vote. turned in at the Thresher office by cil. The campaigning for the election Professor of Architecture; 47, latter part of September. (Sep- 0 Next Tuesday, 16 October. er will follow the usual election rules , AU > D. paprison, Assistant Pro- tember^lMe-June, 1947.) 5. It's the gals that do the voting, and will last from Friday, 9 Novem- fessor to be Associate Professor of It is ,found that under this calen- so put up the popular boys. Start ber, until the election on Monday, Tickets For That Chemical Engineering. dar it is possible to satisfy all the campaigning. Somewhere in this 19 November. If a run-off is neces- Gilbert L. Hermance, Assistant requirements of the Navy and to pro- school there is bound to be some- sitated, it will be held on the follow- vide schedules for all Naval trainees. Rice-Texas Game body you'd like to be somewhere (Continued on page 41 ing Monday, 26 November. Expenses III. Spring Semester for Civilian with? for campaigning must not exceed 0 Students and Returning Veterans $7.50. Are Now Available Courses will be arranged for the This dance will follow along the spring semester, 12 March-29 June, Petitions must be signed by 25 usual plan of a different kind of eve- Alumni Paper Puts 1946, for civilian members, both men members of the Student Association, Mr. Lyons of the Athletic Busi- ning that has made the previous Out Third Issue, pnd women, of th» present student none of whom are on probation, and ness Office announced that tickets dances such a success. Remember the by the candidate himself. Members body, and also for returning veter- j for the Rice-Texas game, 26 Octo- first Vice-Versa two years ago, the Now In Mail ans. The taking of work in the spring Qf the Student Council, to any of Sinister Spinster Special?, and the ber, at Austin, are now available at semester will be optional for all whom petitions may be submitted, S.O.O.—Swing Out Sisters—of last civilians. It is anticipated (1) that are: Muriel Wicks (now vice presi- that office. year? This year we will blame all The third issue of the Sallyport, (Continued on page 4) dent, who will preside at the Coun- Only one ticket will be sold for the dirty work on those clever little Rice Alumni paper, is now in the 0 cil meetings until a new president is each blanket tax because of the re- fellows the Gremlins who will be mail, on its way to all former elected), Marion Holland, Tommy duced price of $1.20—$1 plus 20 present in large numbers, but of students, it was announced by the Recreation Dept. Burke, Dean Weeke, Lida Kittrell, cents tax. The ticket will be marked course only those who believe will Alumni office Monday. Says No Movie Jo Ruth Russell, Margee Scott, Ann and attached to the blanket tax or see them. News of Rice's role in the produc- Martin, Sara Meredith, Benton Cain, faculty book and thus presented at Working hard to make the dance tion and delivery of the atomic bomb Because of Mid-terms Anne Bray, Joe Moreledge, Jane gate 6 upon entering. as big a success as before are Janet is prominently featured. Pictures of Farnsworth, Joy Vittitoe, Howard Texas U has asked the coopera- Croom and Bayless in charge of the Dr.
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