DAY, MONTH 00, 2013. 39 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE. Monday, January 23, 2017. Met according to adjournment at eleven o’clock A.M., in an Informal Session, with Mr. Donato of Medford in the Chair (having been appointed by the Speaker, under authority conferred by Rule 5, to perform the duties of the Chair). Prayer was offered by Father Rick Walsh of the Paulist Center of Boston, Chaplain of the House, as follows: God of the Hopeful, God of the Courageous, we pray today for the Prayer. membership of our House of Representatives. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts rejoices today as our modern day Patriots have become the first NFL team to ever play in nine Super Bowls. This week we also remember and celebrate Your spirit of hope and courage that enabled a young patriot, a Boston bookseller to lead a group of men and to travel hundreds of miles in December of 1775. Colonel Henry Knox arrived back in Cambridge on January 24, 1776 after he managed to secure dozens of cannons from Fort Ticonderoga and transported them using 40 sleds and dozens of teams of oxen over ice-covered lakes and snow covered woodland of New York and Massachusetts. In a few weeks’ time, those cannons caused the British to evacuate the city of Boston, giving hope to those who sought freedom. May the tremendous efforts of this early, young patriot, who overcame great odds, inspire our legis- lators to not give up hope as they begin their difficult task of working together in committees and as teammates to secure the blessings of liberty for which Henry Knox and his companions labored so hard. May God continue to bless our Commonwealth. At the request of the Chair (Mr. Donato), the members, guests and Pledge of employees joined with him in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. allegiance. Appointment to the Metropolitan Beaches Commission. The Speaker announced that he had appointed Representative Meschino Metropolitan Beaches of Hull to serve on the Commission on the Future of the Metropolitan Commission. Beaches established (under Section 70 of Chapter 3 of the General Laws) to conduct an annual review of the state of metropolitan beaches which shall include a comprehensive study examining the existing maintenance, operational and infrastructure needs for those beaches including, but not limited to, any security and capital-intensive repairs necessary to ensure future recreational use of those beaches. Order. The following order (filed this day with the Clerk by Mr. DeLeo of Winthrop) was considered forthwith, under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Kafka of Stoughton, as follows: Ordered, That, there shall be a temporary committee on Rules on Temporary Rules the part of the House to consist of the members of the 190th General committee. Court who were members of the Rules committee at the end of the 40 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017. 41 / 1A Temporary 189th General Court, provided that appointments made to such com- Mr. Galvin of Canton, for the temporary committee on Rules and Rules committee. mittee shall not be subject to the provisions of House Rules 18 and 18A; the temporary committees on Rules of the two branches, acting concur- and provided further that when constituted in such a manner said com- rently, then reported recommending that Joint Rule 12 be suspended. mittee shall be authorized to perform the duties of the committee on Under suspension of the rules, on motion of Mr. Cusack of Braintree, Rules of the House. the report was considered forthwith. Joint Rule 12 was suspended; and The temporary committee on Rules on the part of the House shall be the petition (accompanied by bill) was referred to the temporary com- authorized to meet jointly with the temporary committee on Rules on mittee on Ways and Means. Sent to the Senate for concurrence in the the part of the Senate; and, when constituted in such manner, shall be suspension of Joint rule 12. authorized to perform the duties of the committees on Rules of the two branches, acting concurrently. Recommendations for Legislation. The temporary committee on Rules shall be authorized to utilize Recommendations of state officers, departments, etc., filed in the joint and House committee resources of the various committees having Office of the Clerk previously to five o’clock in the afternoon of Wednes- expertise in the subjects referred to them. day, November 2, 2016 (under the provisions of Section 33 of Chapter 30 The temporary committee on Rules shall cease to exist upon the of the General Laws) (as most recently amended by Chapter 165 of the appointment of the permanent committee on Rules. Acts of 1995), severally were referred, under Rule 24, as follows: Reports. Recommendations of the Auditor of the Commonwealth (House, AUDITOR. Supplier The annual report of the Division of Capital Asset Management and No. 3): diversity, etc. program. Maintenance (under Section 6 of Chapter 7C of the General Laws) So much as relates to improving oversight of state government and submitting its Supplier Diversity – Affirmative Marketing Program for access to certain tax returns and related tax records (accompanied by Design and Construction report for the fiscal year 2016 [copies of said bill, House, No. 5),— to the committee on Revenue; report were forwarded to the committees on Ways and Means and So much as relates to reconciling inconsistent statutory audit sched- State Administration and Regulatory Oversight]; and ules (accompanied by bill, House, No. 4); Worcester A report of the District Attorney of Worcester County (under the So much as relates to improving the internal controls within state District Attorney,— provisions of Section 99 of Chapter 272 of the General Laws) submit- agencies (accompanied by bill, House, No. 6); and wiretaps. ting a report relative to wiretaps for the calendar year 2016; So much as relates to modernizing state auditing (accompanied by Severally were placed on file. bill, House, No. 7),— Severally to the committee on State Adminis- tration and Regulatory Oversight. Paper from the Senate. The following order was adopted, in concurrence: Recommendations of the Massachusetts Gaming Commission GAMING (House, No. 8): COMMISSION. State of Ordered, That a convention of the two branches be held at a half past the State So much as relates to horse racing and wagering (accompanied by address. six o’clock P.M., on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, for the purpose of receiving such communication as the Governor, Charles D. Baker may be bill, House, No. 9),— to the committee on Consumer Protection pleased to make to them relating to the concerns of the Commonwealth. and Professional Licensure; So much as relates to enabling municipal and regional planning Recess. agency employees to fully participate in gaming policy advisory com- mittees (accompanied by bill, House, No. 10),— to the committee on Recess. At twenty-eight minutes before the twelve o’clock noon, on motion Economic Development and Emerging Technologies. of Mrs. Poirier of North Attleborough (Mr. Donato of Medford being in the Chair), the House recessed subject to the call of the Chair; and at Recommendations of the office of the Inspector General (House, INSPECTOR eighteen minutes before six o’clock P.M., the House was called to No. 11): GENERAL. order with Mr. Donato in the Chair. So much as relates to higher education boards of trustees (accompa- nied by bill, House, No. 12),— to the committee on Higher Education; Petition. So much as relates to tax returns (accompanied by bill, House, Public Representative DeLeo of Winthrop and Senator Rosenberg pre- No. 15),— to the committee on Revenue; officials,— So much as relates to Chapter 30B (accompanied by bill, House, compensation. sented a joint petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Robert A. DeLeo and Stanley C. Rosenberg relative to the compensation of public offi- No. 13); and cials; and the same was referred, under Rule 24, to the temporary com- So much as relates to Chapter 30B notifications (accompanied by mittee on Rules. bill, House, No. 16),— severally to the committee on State Adminis- tration and Regulatory Oversight; 2A JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017. 3A So much as relates to disability placards (accompanied by bill, So much as relates to explosive bonds (accompanied by bill, House, House, No. 14),— to the committee on Transportation. No. 37),— to the committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security; So much as relates to the SMART Plan (accompanied by bill, PUBLIC Recommendations of the Public Employee Retirement Administra- House, No. 29); EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT tion Commission (House, No. 17): So much as relates to life insurance proceeds (accompanied by bill, COMMISSION. So much as relates to repealing provisions of law relative to the House, No. 31); accruing of creditable service for certain employees seventy years of So much as relates to the Massachusetts State Employees Retire- age or older (accompanied by bill, House, No. 18); ment System (accompanied by bill, House, No. 32); and So much as relates to providing for continuing education credits So much as relates to retirement benefits (accompanied by bill, flexibility for retirement board members (accompanied by bill, House, House, No. 33),— severally to the committee on the Public Service; No. 19); and and So much as relates to further regulating the law prohibiting retire- So much as relates to the 401(k) CORE program (accompanied by ment allowances based upon concealed or misreported salaries bill, House, No. 320,— to the committee on State Administration (accompanied by bill, House, No. 20),— severally to the committee and Regulatory Oversight; and on the Public Service. So much as relates to motor vehicles and aircraft (accompanied by bill, House, No.
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