GTHC, GTHC, GTHC Senior Katrina Greenman and the rest ofthe sixth-ranked Blue Devils take on the Tar THE CHRONICLE Heels today at 2. TUESDAY, APRIL 9. 1991 OUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15.000 VOL. 86, NO. 130 Nobel laureate will Five-year plan deemed successful By SCOTT WALKER White said. White did not have The recently-completed five- figures on the current University lecture at University year Arts and Sciences Plan has student-faculty ratio. pleased University administra­ The recruitment effort initially From staff reports tors with improvements in fac­ focused on attracting distin­ Oscar Arias, Nobel Prize ulty hiring, computing, graduate guished senior faculty to the winner and former president student teaching and academic University. "The strategy was . of Costa Rica, will speak April support programs. that a senior person would attract 11-12 at the University as part A group of University academic . more junior people, and this of the Terry Sanford Distin­ deans developed the Arts and would make a difference to the guished Lecture Series. Sciences Plan in 1985 and 1986 to quality ofthe graduate program, Arias will deliver a two-part strengthen the University aca­ and then that combination of lecture, "The Role of Small demically. The plan's goals were better senior, junior and gradu­ Nations in International Af­ to reduce the student-faculty ra­ ate faculty... would then mean a fairs," at 8 p.m. April 11 in tio, reduce the number of gradu­ better ultimate program for the Page Auditorium and at 2 p.m. ate student teachers while im­ undergraduates," White said. April 12 in Gross Chemistry proving the quality of their teach­ The plan also called for reduc­ Auditorium. He also will serve ing, improve academic support ing the ratio by decreasing en­ MARK WASMER/THE CHRONICLE as commentator for a panel for undergraduates and improve rollment, he said. Richard White discussion on "The Future of computing at the University. Originally, the plan had an Central America," April 11 creasing numbers of graduate UPI PHOTO "The idea was to sit back and maximum enrollment goal of from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in contemplate what was needed in 5,700 undergraduates. However, students, he said. Zener Auditorium. Panelists Oscar Arias the bigger picture of the college the goal was exceeded every year, Despite all the concerns with include political analysts Wil­ as we went into the next five and enrollment now stands at over enrollment, the faculty increase liam Ascher from Duke, Lars Derek Bok, president of years," said Richard White, Dean 6,000 undergraduates. outweighs the growth in enroll­ Schoultz of the University of Harvard University. of Trinity College. In February, the Evans Com­ ment, White said. "I think the North Carolina, Gustavo Arcia The plan was most sucessful in mittee on Undergraduate En­ plan still succeeded [in lowering of Research Triangle Park and The Terry Sanford Lecture hiring new faculty to lower the rollment proposed a 5,900 un­ the ratio]." Peter Smith of the University Series is sponsored by the In­ student-faculty ratio at the Uni­ dergraduate enrollment limit, The Arts and Sciences Plan alsc of California-San Diego. All stitute of Policy Sciences and versity, White said. "I feel very which was temporarily accepted successfully improved graduat* three presentations are free Public Affairs and is funded by good about the net gain of 40 to 50 by the Board of Trustees but will student teaching. In a speech ir and open to the public. a grant from the William R. faculty . the expansion has be reviewed in the fall. White 1989, White responded to both Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust. been really quite incredible." said he "was not convinced that parental and student complaints Arias will be the third The series was created in honor Before the plan was enacted [the committee] looked at the by announcing that first-yeai Sanford lecturer. Previous of former University President there were 13 undergraduate current problems that increased graduate students would nc speakers have been Robert Terry Sanford, a lawyer and students at the University for numbers of students might longer be in charge of classes McNamara, secretary of de­ former governor of North every faculty member. The plan cause." although they would be allowed Carolina who is now a U.S. fense in the Kennedy and is an effort to bring this ratio A new committee will assess to perform as teaching assistants Senator. Johnson administrations; and down to the plan's goal of 11 the problems of a larger number in laboratories and discussion students per faculty member, of undergraduates, as well as in- See PLAN on page 6 • Arson suspected in Wilson fire Keim urges Greek From staff reports None of the smoke alarms in A resident wielding a fire ex­ the building sounded during the reform and restraint tinguisher helped to extinguish a blaze, although the hall was filled blaze in Wilson House Sunday with smoke, Padgett said. By PEGGY KRENDL morning that Duke Public Safety By the time Officer John Sheley Using witty examples and officers suspect was arson. arrived, Padgett had dispelled the mocking student behavior, the A Raleigh News and Observer contents of the extinguisher but Rev. Will Keim said the fra­ newspaper carrier discovered the the couch was still on fire, said ternity and sorority systems fire in the Sigma Chi fraternity Det. Charles Nordan. Sheley need to be reformed. common room ofthe East Campus quenched the flames with a To relate the problem of al­ residence hall at 6 a.m., and he bucket of water. cohol abuse to students, Keim woke up Trinity senior Marty Sheley also found that all four defended the University's new Padgett in room 212A ofthe Phi stove burners were on in the alcohol policy. He said the Drug Kappa Sigma section in Wilson. kitchen and that socks had been Free Campus and Community Padgett called Public Safety on thrown across them. Padgett Act passed by Congress, which his way down to the common room added that a mustard bottle and requires schools to crack down and grabbed a nearby extin­ another piece of plastic were sit­ MARTY PADGETT/THE CHRONICLE on drug and alcohol abuse, is to blame for the crackdown, not guisher. ting on the burners. Wilson House fire debris When Padgett reached the "It was kind of like the person the administration. common room, flames were con­ wanted to be out ofthe room when and conviction ofthe perpetrator. He urged students to vote suming the couch and curling up the fire started," Nordan said. Anyone with information can call and write their representatives the wall to the ceiling, Padgett A reward is offered for any Public Safety at 684-2444 or if they are upset about the MARTY PADGETT/THE CHRONICLE said. information leading to the arrest Crimestoppers at 660-1200. drinking laws. Will Keim Keim continued by arguing, "If you drink when you have headlines of articles concern­ problems, you're a problem ing the drug bust and told stu­ Larsen elected to GPSC presidency drinker." He added, "Guys, we dents, 'This is what your future don't think [women] will be employers are reading," and By AMY REED 10 people chosen randomly to lounge for graduate students that with us if we're sober." they are relating this image to Fuqua student Rich Larsen respond to "Do you know of any is "more permanent, where we Keim said he used drugs in all fraternities. was elected president of the events or projects sponsored by could possibly have meetings." He college, where he was a mem­ As for sex, Keim suggested Graduate and Professional Stu­ GPSC this year? Indicate said the Hideaway provides ber of a fraternity, but he said that this was the time for stu­ dent Council Monday night for whether you're personally in­ sandwiches now, but no one is he regrets trying them. dents to practice celibacy. "You the 1991-92 academic year. volved in any of these." The using it and it is losing money. He Keim used the recent drug can kill yourself in 1991," Keim He said he would like to make "general consensus was that doesn't have any ideas as to where bust at the University of Vir­ said referring to the AIDS GPSC more well-known around people have heard of us but aren't the lounge would be located. ginia to exemplify the way epidemic. If students decide to the University because "basically, really sure what our function is," Larsen would also formalize fraternities are viewed in the have sex, Keim urged students no one knows what GPSC does." Larsen said. two committees that are on a vol- national media. He read See KEIM on page 6 • He told the council he had asked Larsen would also like to see a See GPSC on page 6 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1991 World and National Newsfile Election huge blow to Japanese government Associated Press By STEVEN WEISMAN N.Y. Times News Service speculation about infighting in the ruling Among politicians, Ozawa was gener­ party, much of it raising questions about ally seen as a more powerful figure than Rebels still rebelling: Iraqi TOKYO Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu's government was badly jolted on Monday whether Kaifu can last much longer as the prime minister for a crucial reason. helicopter gunships have been firing by the lopsided defeat ofthe ruling party's prime minister. Unlike Kaifu, who was plucked from on Kurdish refugees as they try to candidate for governor of Tokyo, forcing Kaifu's term of office expires in October, obscurity by party kingpins to become flee, a Kurdish rebel group said the resignation ofthe party's chief political and many politicians said on Monday that prime minister at a time of scandal and Monday, and one guerrilla leader operative.
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