THE CXl4MONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS BO.ARD OF REGISTRATICti IN HURSING AKHUAL REPORT FISCAL 1976 MR PUBLI CATIQl s #9703-10-100•4•77-CR 614. 24MJ APPR0RD BI s illred. C. Holland, State Parcbaeing Agent ·B666r 1976 c.l 1'HE C(H(JlNWEALTH OF MASS.AOHUSRf!S BOARD OF REGISTRATiaiJ D NtJRSING ,PURPOSE---OF REPORT Through this do~t, the Board of Registraticn in Nur~ complies with Seetim 78, Chapter 112, General Laws, wbi~ re~s the Board to •:make an annual report of the condition et nursing in the {lomllcnwealth." The report CO"f'ers the fiscal year period frcm J1ll7 1, 197.5 through June JO, 1976. PURPOSE .AND FffiOlIONS OF BOARD OF REGISTRATICll IN NURSING The Board of Registration in Nursing, an adllinistrative agenc;y witbin the govermaental organizati<11 ot the Connonwealtb, is delegated the respmsibilii;y tor illplementaticm ot those statutes and sections of statutes t.bat provide legal control of nursing practice. '!'he ftmda- 11ental purpose of the Board is to sa:teguaJ'(l the welfare of the citizens of tJie Collllonwealth who require the services of professimal and practical nurses. To ful.f'ill its purpose, the ·Board has two• aajor tmct:1.cmst 1. Li.censure of prof'essimal and practical nurses; 2. Determinatim arid maintenance of nursing educatim standards that are basic to licensure of ,ea£~ practiticners through approval ot nursing education progrus. MEMBERSHIP OF THE BOARD Qua.litieatians tor membership are established by Section 1.3, Chapter 1.3, General Laws, as amended. Secticn 13 provides that the Beard aembership shall oonsist o.f five registered nurses, 011e licensed practical nurse, two qualified physicians, two hospital adll:l.nistrators, two hospital trustees and one public Jlellber. Mellbers are appointed by the Governor tor six-year tel'lls. Membership during the major portion o£ the period eon.red by the report is outlined in Table 1. Table 1. Membership, Board of Registrati0111n Hurs1!is Name of Member Representation David A. Barrett Hospital Adw:Jn1 stratim Gellestrina Di.Maggio, R.N. Nursing Service Acbninistratim Martin Dobelle, M.D. Medical Protessim Catherine T. Garrity, L.P.N. Practical Nursing .Anna G. Jacksm, R.lf. Public Health Nll?'Sing Anne Kibrick, R.N. Collegiate Nursing Education Estelle Lombardi, R.N. Practical Nursing Eclucatim John Hann Hospital Trustee Phyllis Migliozzi, R.N. Diploma Nursing }giuoation Catherine Qaint Public Member R. Ashton Sid.th Hospital Administration On August 31, 1975, Vincent Lanzoni, M.D. resigned from the Board. This vacancy was not filled during the report --rear. Another vacancy existed during this period. Thie required the qualificaticn ntrustee ot a hospital maintaining a dtiq approved school." Board members held eleven (11) regular and three (3) special meetings during the 1976 fiscal year. A quonm was established at all meetings. Minutes of each meeting are on file at the Board of Registration in Nursing otfioe. Phyllis Migliozzi, R.N. was elected Chairaan and Eetelle Lombardi, R.N. was elected Vioe­ Chairun at the Annual Board Meeting in October, 1975. LICEMSURE PROFESSICNAL NURSES During the 1976 :f'iscal :,ear, two examination sessions consisting of two dqs each were conducted. A total of 4067 candidates were examined. The source o:t examinees was as follows: Graduates of Schools of Nursing in Massachusetts .3447 Graduates of Schools of Nursing located in other States and U.S. Territories .329 Gr~dutes of Schools of Nursing located in other countries 291 Of the 4067 examinees, .3375 -were examined for the :f'iret time, 692 were repeating the examinatim. Original certificates were issued to 4685 individuals, .3398 through f'Vldnation and 1287 through endorse11en.t b7 another board o:t nursing. In the fiscal year h.6,824 renewal registraticns were issued. Table 2 pron.des the mmber of registered miree ; eertiti.J:ates isned amm.al:q for five conseeative tiscal 19ars, 1972 - 1976. Table 2 Nlllllber of Registered Nurse Certificates Issued Each Fiscal Year, 1972-1976. Fiscal Original Reg!straticns Total * Renewal Total -Year Examination Endorsement Originals Regi.stra tions Registrati ens 1972 2429 1783 4212 1(3,810 48,022 197.3 2565 1625 4190 .31, 790 35,980 1974 2811 1471 4282 48,356 52,638 1975 .3204 1286 4490 34,454 38,944 1976 3398 1287 4685 48,824 ,3,509 * Biennial renewal in eTen~umbered years tor registered nurses. In the .f'ive-,-ear period, 1972-1976, 21,859 original licenses were issued; 14,407 (65.~) through examination and 7452 (34.1%) through endor88ll9nt. A c<nparison of 1976 with 1972 shows that 47.3 more original licenses li8re issued in 1976 than in 1972, an increase o.f' 11.2%. There -were 969 more issued through ex.a:mina+,ion, an increase of 39.8%. The naber issued through endorsement in 1976 shows a decrease of 496 (27.8%) sinee 1972. PRAGrICAL NURSES During fiscal 1976, two practical nurse examination sessions ot one dq each were held and 1274 candidates were examined. The soarce of examinees was as .f'ollomu Graduates of Schools of Practical Nursing located in Massachusetts 120,5' Graduates o.f' Schools of Practical Nursing located in other States .31 Graduates of Schools o.f' Practical Nursing located in other Countries , Graduates of Schools of Practieal Nursing located in Massachusetts (older} .3 EquiT.alency I (Graduates prior to August 11 1944 froa a School fpr Attendants) 1 Equivalena;y II (Vfl.thdrawals frOJ11 schools or protessimal nursing} 27 - 2 - A total of 1489 original certificat es of licensure were issued to practical nursest 12,0 through exand.natic:n and 239 through endorsement. During fiscal 1976, 10,919 rene1ral licenses were issu.ed. Therefore, a total ot 12,b08 practical nurse licenses were issued during the 79ar. Table 3 provides the number or practical nurse licenses issued annuallJr tor fi'ft consecutive 79ars. Table 3. Number ot Practical Nurse Licenses Is8Ued Each Fiscal Year, 1972 - 1976 Fiscal 0r1ma1 Licenses Total Renewal Total -Year Exaldnai<m. Endorsement Originals Licenses Licenses 1972 1753 275 2028 * 10,183 12,211 197.3 14o6 288 1694 12,847 11',541 1974 1361 263 1624 10,072 11,696 1975 136.3 207 1570 13,535 15., 105 1976 12,0 239 1489 10,919 12,408 -MB!ennial renewal in odd~umbered years tor licensed practical nurses, as provided in Oiapter 6o.3, Acts ot 1969, became ef'tective January 1, 1971. In the f'ive year period, 1972-1976i 8h05 original licensee were issued, 7130 (84.9%) through examination and 1272 (15.1%} through endors8118llt. A comparison et 1976 with 1972 shows that 539 fewer original licenses were issued in 1976 than in 1972 (a decrease ot 26.5%). The n'IJJlber licenaed through endorsement decreasl,d by 36 (13%) libile the number licensed through e:ram1natim decreased by ,03 (28. 7%). 'lhe mmber licensed through examinatim during tiscal 1972 showed a substantial increase over 1971 (la65 candidates: 36%). This was due to the .fact that 12 sehools ldrl.ch had implemented a 12-month progra11 graduated two classes during the year. CERTIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL NURSES A nurse registered in another jurisdictian may be issued a certificate to practice protessimal nursing under the supervision of a registered nvse pending completim of the requirements for regii,tration. The certificatim provisions o:t the nursing practice statute (M.G.L.A., <llapter 112, Sec. 76A) apply to nurses licensed in other jurisdictions. A cert.i.tieate r,ay be issued tor one year and my be renewed tar not :more than one additi.cnal canseClltiw year. During tiscal 1976, 22 original and 3 renewal certificates were issued. Since the e:tfective date of the certification statute in 1966 through June 30., 1976, a total of 1169 original and 150 renewal certificates have been issued. CERTIFim STATEmNTS Licensure through endorsement requires that the Board of Nursing in the state o.f original lieensure provide a certified statement verilying that license to the Board ot Nursing in the state in which the individual is making application tor registraticn as a protessicmal nurse or licensure as a practical nurse w:i:t.hout examinatd.m. In addition., certified stateaents verif'ying the licensee's nursing educatic:n, examinaticn results and/or current licennre are often :required by colleges or universities to lilhieh the licensee is seeking adllission., by licensing authorities in other countries and by employers of nurses. During fiscal 1976., the Board o:t Registratim in Nursing issued a total of 3858 certified statements 011 behalt of Massachusetts licensed nurses: 3223 tor registered nurses and 635 tcr licensed practical nurses. - 3 - The f'ollold.ng table identifies at.he recipient or the certified statements issued by the Board during fiscal 1976, by t;ype of' licenses. Number Issued Imber Issued Recipient tor R.ls. tor L.P.Ns •. Boards of Nursing, other states 2883 Licensing Authorities, other Countries 5.3 Schools, Oolleges, Universities, Employers 17~ Replacement of lost or stolen Licenses 113 Total 3~23 The following table shows the number of certified stataents issued annul~ tor tiTe consecutive years, by tn,e of' license. Fiscal Year No. Issued tor R.Ns. No. Issued f'or L.P.Hs. Total Certified stataents 1972 2228 520 2m 197.3 2468 546 3016 1974 2659 614 ,321,.3 1915 .3053 691 374h 1976 .3223 6.35 ,38,8 In the .f'ive ;year period, 1972-1976, 16,6.39 certified statements were issued1 1.3,631 (81.9%) :tor R.Ns. and ,3008 (18. 1%} for L.P.Ns. A CQIIJ)ariscm of 1976 with 1972 shows that 1110 more eertif'ied statements were issued in 1976 than in 1972 (increase ot h().1,%).
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