Official Newsletter of the Royal Australian Artillery Association of WA (Inc), RAA Historical Society of WA (Inc) ISSN 2652-001x Web Site: http://www.artillerywa.org.au Email: [email protected] Edition 1/21 Date 31 March 2021 THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (inc) On Saturday, 6th March 2021, the Society held its 33rd Annual General Meeting, mark- ing yet another successful year of operation. Readers may be interested in the genesis of the Society in 1988 and the following sum- mary may explain how fortunate we are that it is still a most credible organization. Formed from an amalgam of World War 2 Artillery Associations based in Perth, togeth- er with Serving and Past Members of 7 Field Battery RAA Army Reserve, the Society boasted 57 Members in its first year of existence. The inaugural President was the In- cumbent Colonel Commandant RAA Western Region, assisted by the Regular Army Training Officer 7 Field Battery – together they formulated a draft constitution, “coerced” sufficient enthusiastic members to form a committee and planned! Through the generosity of 7 Field Battery RAA, the Society’s band of regularly attending weekly volunteers was accommodated within Hobbs Artillery Park. Early in 1989 the Society was approached by the Developer of the Buckland Hill Resi- dential Estate to comment on the significance of a WW2 Coastal Defence Emplacement that lay within the Public Open Space of the Development. Based on our recommendation, the Developer retained 90% of the facility, extensively restored the underground Tunnel Complex and proposed to the State Government that the Society be granted “Permissive Occupancy” to further develop the site as a Militaria Museum. Leighton Battery Heritage Site was now officially established and was entered in the Register of the National Estate as a significant WW2 Coastal Defence Emplacement. The rest, as they say, is history! Over successive years, the site was extensively renovated and interpreted to resemble its primary function and, in November 1997, was officially opened by the then State Governor, the Late Major General Michael Jeffery. Open to the public for tours one Sunday each month until July 2009, it was then opened every Sunday, resulting in a marked improvement in public interest – with 50,000 visitors in the 10-year period 2009 – 2019! Most recently, the Society, in co-operation with the Town of Mosman Park, embarked on an extensive conservation management plan for the development of the 5.25” Gun Emplacement as a further tourist destination. Roofing of the emplacement and a stair- well enclosure leading underground was completed in 2020 and a contract is to be let shortly for the fabrication of a replica Gun and Turret to be mounted on the roofed sec- tion. This will restore the site to closely resemble its WW2 significance as part of For- tress Fremantle. It should not surprise you that your Committee is justifiably pleased with the achieve- ments over the past 33 years. Page 2 OFFICE BEARERS RAA ASSOCIATION President NOTICE BOARD Bob Farrelly Vice President Peter Mahoney Secretary John Blylevens WELFARE FUND OFFICER Treasurer Stan Davies John Blylevens is the Association’s Welfare Officer. Anybody that needs to discuss any welfare funding can contact John Committee Persons via email info@ artillerywa.org.au or telephone 043 869 Wendy Mahoney 5711. Access to funds can be made by applying in writing us- ing the Welfare Fund Application Form which is available on Raymond Kennedy request from the Treasurer. The Association reminds mem- Ken Hepworth bers that access to the Fund to help Gunners financially at a Robert Coales time of need is strictly confidential and all applications are ********* treated as such. RAA HISTORICAL SOCIETY President David Carter Vice President ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN ARTY WA Graham McKenzie-Smith Please submit items for inclusion in the next issue to the Editor Secretary Bob Arnold by16 June 21 or if essential by a deadline of 23 June John Blylevens 2021 Treasurer Neil Lodge Committee Persons RAAHS BUSY BEES FOR 2021 Mathew Adams 1May, 29 May, 26 June, 31 July, 28 August, 25 September, Phillip Rowson 30 October, 27 November James Archibald IT Consultant Stan Davies LEIGHTON BATTERY OPEN DAYS Curator Don Rae For those who need a reminder—subs are due on the First of January each year Page 3 THE ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ARTILLERY ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PRESIDENT’S REPORT ellow Gunners is not planning to return to Hobbs Artillery Park, rather meeting at a venue in the city following the F march to celebrate. When further details are known they will advise by email. welcome you back and trust you had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Year. I Despite restrictions it is important that we remem- ber the sacrifices of our forbearers. I look forward I am looking forward to 2021 which has got to be to seeing you on Anzac Day. better than 2020! Gunners Day 2020 With bushfires and Covid 19 2020 was a stressful year. It was great to hear the support 3 BTY pro- vided to both these events and I am sure we would Gunner’s Day 2020, was held on Sunday, 1st of all congratulate the BTY personnel for their efforts. November and despite poor weather, was a suc- That said I am sure you will, like me, be grateful cess. Attendance was down due to the poor weath- for living in Australia and more so Perth and the er, particularly with the old’s and bolds. relative freedom we have enjoyed. The parade was led by Ken Hepworth with the sa- The end of 2020 was a busy one with Gunner’s Day lute taken by BRIG Gerry Warner AM LVO, our and the Feast of Saint Barbara which proceeded Patron. Reverend Katrina Holgate was joined by without too much disruption. Bishop Jeremy James to conduct the Memorial wreath laying service. Led by the Pipes & Drums from the Australian Army Band - Perth, Gunners 150th Anniversary Commemorations past and present, serving Officers and Soldiers of 3 Battery RAA and members of the 56 Australian The 1st of August 2021 will be the 150th anniver- Cadet Unit (Fremantle) marched along Stirling sary of the establishment of a permanent Australi- Street turning into the footpath parallel to Meadow an artillery capability. This is a significant mile- Street where BRIG Warner took the salute. The stone for both the RAA and the Army. The Regi- parade then moved into position around the War ment has a number of activities planned. 3 BTY is Memorial for the wreath laying service. Also in planning for a gun salute in King’s Park on August attendance was BRIG Brett Challoner, Commander 1st as part of a 9 Regiment coordinated activity. 13 BRIG and RSM Jo Downes. More on this to follow. We will acknowledge this important anniversary at Gunner’s Day and the I would like to thank MAJ John Blylevens and the Feast of Saint Barbara. cadets from 56 ACU for their continued support for Gunner’s Day and also the Pipes & Drums from That said, the 150th anniversary of artillery in WA The Australian Army Band – Perth for their sup- is in 2022 when we will celebrate more. port. I am sure we all wish the Regiment every success Following refreshments in the Church Hall the ca- for the celebrations. maraderie was continued at the Rose & Crown ho- tel. Anzac Day Feast of Saint Barbara 2020 Those wishing to attend the Dawn Service at King’s Park need to register. The dinner was again a success despite Covid 19 limiting attendance to 100. We understand the ANZAC Day 2021 will be held in the city as normal. Unfortunately we will not be It was a magnificent night with music provided by able to have the assistance of cadets as flag bearers the 51 ACU Pipes and Drums. Food provided by as this has been banned nationally because of Prestige Caterers was again of a high standard. Covid 19. We also understand the march will re- quire1.5metre spacing for the same reason. This year the Association’s award for the “Most Outstanding Soldier” was presented to BDR Chris 3 BTY will not be marching but will assist the RSL Barfield who was on deployment with TSE99 until with coordination. The BSM advises that the BTY 02 Apr 2021. continued: Page 9 Page 4 THE AIMING POST Royal Australian Artillery Historical Society PRESIDENT’S REPORT HEADING INTO AUTUMN our committee hopes that you have the Artificers storeroom. We will supply the beam- adapted smoothly into or around the vari- currently kept as a reserve in the Radar shack. Y ous social changes that all and sundry have had to endure. I walked through our tunnel complex with a Senior Scientific Officer – Dept. Environmental Health- on I am still of the opinion that W.A. remains the best February 11th. Her considered opinion was that place to be in- all things considered! These opening our tour groups on opening, should be pegged at 6, comments are being written in February. with family groups being up to 10. Your V/P be- lieves that the engineering solution to the wall/roof Our monthly busy-bees continue to maintain and could take until May. develop the Battery site. I thank those members who have invested their time and expertise there. (The quarterly Guide/Cashier rosters will continue The 6” shell store has been extensively re- to be sent out.) I hope that the McGowan Govern- modelled and really looks the part now. Well done ment will move to Phase 5 de-restrictions on social to Curator Don Rae, Neil Lodge and Phil Angwin.
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