Ridwan et al., Phonological Variation of Taliabu Language Dialects 156 PHONOLOGICAL VARIATION OF TALIABU LANGUAGE DIALECTS Ridwan1, Farida Maricar1, Sunaidin Ode Mulae1, Sherly Asriyani2 1Faculty of Cultural Science, Khairun University of Ternate, Indonesia 2Faculty of Engineering, Khairun University of Ternate, Indonesia Jalan Jusuf Abdulrahman, Kampus II Gambesi, Ternate, North Moluccas, Indonesia Corresponding Author: [email protected] Article History: Submitted: 20 May 2019; Revised: 16 June 2019; Accepted: 23 January 2020 DOI: 10.26858/retorika.v13i1.9266 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra dan Pengajarannya under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. ISSN: 2614-2716 (cetak), ISSN: 2301-4768 (daring) http://ojs.unm.ac.id/retorika Abstract: This research aimed to describe the phonological variation of Taliabu language dialects. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The technique of data collection was obtained by taking notes, records, and interviews. Data obtained was analyzed by the stages of reduction, presentation, conclusion, and verification data. The result of the research showed that Taliabu language had three dialects, namely Kadai, Siboyo, and Mange. Phonological variations of Taliabu language occurred in the three dialects comprise of vowel variations, namely /e/, /a/, and /o/. Beside the vowel variation, there is also variation of consonants such as /g/, /y/, /h/, /t/, /d/, / m/, /ŋ/, /b/, /p/, /k/, dan /r/ phonemes. Among the three dialects, one of them has high innovation namely Mange dialect, meanwhile, dialects have high phonological differences between Kadai and Mange dialects. Keywords: dialects, phonology variation, Taliabu language Mother tongue is one of the local cultural dually, systematically and continuously by the identities that must be preserved. Besides to be regional government under coordination of lang- preserved, mother tongues need to be research- uages institution. ed, developed, and constructed (Sugono, 2008). Taliabu language as one of the languages This is in line with Law Number 24 of 2009, spoken on Taliabu Island, North Maluku Provin- article (42) that the government (including re- ce is also an asset of nation that needs to be pro- gional government) is obliged to develop, cons- tectted and preserved. The function of Taliabu tructed, and protect mother tongue and literature language is as a symbol and regional identity in order to continue to fulfill their position and that reflects a variety of local wisdom in society. function in community life in accordance with There are three Taliabu dialects inTaliabu Island the times and to remain part of from Indonesia's Regency, namely Kadai, Mange, and Siboyo dia- cultural riches; Article (43) Development, gui- lects. These three dialects are spoken by their dance and protection will be carried out gra- speakers in their daily activities. 156 Ridwan et al., Phonological Variation of Taliabu Language Dialects 157 Researches on mother tongue have been line with Dewi (2017) conducted research on conducted by some previous researchers, espe- dialectology study of Madura dialect in Bang- cially in North Maluku, Masinambouw (1976), kalan. The result of the research found that voca- conducted research on the patterns of languages bularies were belonging to differences in pho- use in Kao gulf from an ethnolinguistic perspec- nology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. tive. Besides that, the Summer Institute of Ling- Phonological differences included dissimilation, uistics is a language institution that concentrated phoneme differences, phoneme removal, syllable on the care and rescue of mother tongue in the differences, phoneme addition, and different so- world, including in North Maluku in 1980. The und variation which include the release and addi- result of that research, in the 1990s, published a tion of sounds. map of North Maluku language called the Atlas Other researches that are somewhat differ- of Moluccas land in collaboration with Pattimura rent have also been conducted by Gay and University. Hanafi (2015). Their research on the context of The atlas contains some languages, an es- speech acts of people in Ternate, North Maluku. timated number of speakers, and areas of use in The result of the study indicated that the context North Maluku languages (Faculty of Literature of speech acts of Ternate community included and Culture: 2008). Related to research had also the context of language and social context which been conducted by Nirwana, et al (2015) about included social status, age, gender, and relation- the strategy of preserving Talai and Padisua ships in a family. Rinawati (2016) conducted re- languages as minority ethnic languages in West search on the level of threat and extinction of G- Halmahera. Their result of the research showed ayo language. The result of her research indi- the importance of the role in preserving regional cated that the Gayo language is seriously at risk languages in family, community (society), scho- of extinction-level due to the amount of usage is ol, and government. Furthermore, Marafad reduced and the use of Gayo language in the (2007) in his paper entitled "Revitalization of the domestic was replaced by other languages with Codeoha Language" stated that Codeoha lang- wider communication capacity. uage was threatened by extinction so it needed to Researches in North Maluku were also be pursued revitalization in bilingual dictionaries conducted. Their research was titled Gamkonora and the development of the language in mass and Waioli: Language in the Construction of media now. Ethnic Identity. This research compared Taembo (2016) conducted research on In- Gamkonora and Waioli languages from a donesian phonological social dialects. The result linguistic perspective. The comparative result of his research that the ethnic Lombok was more showed that language variation had a significant dominant or more prominent in causing variation role in constructing ethnic identity. of the pronunciation of phonemes /f/ in Indo- One of mother tongues that concerning is nesian, while the ethnics Muna and Batak tend to Taliabu language. Taliabu is one of the Regen- preserve the original sound of phonemes /f/. De- cies in North Maluku Province. Local people of wi (2010) conducted research on the geography Taliabu Island are communicated by using the of Madurese dialect in the coastal area of language of Taliabu in everyday life. Taliabu Probolinggo. The result found that Madura in language speakers numbered 2000-4000 speak- coastal area of Probolinggo was not a separate ers (Ibrahim, 2009). Taliabu language is related dialect, but it is part of a Mandarin dialect that is to the languages in Buru and Ambelu. Therefore, more outward. Besides, Jamil (2015) conducted the Taliabu language belongs to a branch of research on the analysis of Kedah dialect deixis. Malay-Central Polynesia (Collins, 2016). The result of his research found that Kedah dia- The native inhabitants of Taliabu are Ka- lect highlighted specific characteristics as a mar- dai, Siboyo, and Mange tribes. The three tribes ker for aspects of the use of the depiction of when communicating every day to understand people, times, and places. Whereas Jalaluddin each other because of some common vocabulary. (2018) conducted research on Malay dialect in It is found that Taliabu has one language namely Perak: a genolinguistic. The result of research Taliabu, but there are three dialects, namely found that non-linguistic factors such as migra- Kadai, Siboyo, and Mange dialects. tion, history and sociocultural factors contri- Taliabu dialect language is used by Kadai buted to the spread of Malay dialects in Perak. In people when dealing with fellow groups. The 158 RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, Volume 13, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 156–163 distribution of Taliabu dialect in Kadai follows language whose appearance is motivated by a the geographical distribution of the speakers. certain place (regional dialect) and certain Some villages that are considered as speakers of groups (social dialect). So, dialect is a variation Taliabu dialect of Kadai language on Taliabu of one language that can distinguish one group Island are Mantarara, Air Kadai, Penu, Samuya, from another group . Ayatrohaedi (1979) defines Kabuno, Sofan, Kawadang, and Parigi. Besides dialect as a form of speech from a language with that in Taliabu, Kadai dialect is also spoken on a language see the difference from the phono- Mangoli Island, Sula Island Regency. There are logical level, morphology, lexicon, syntax, and also villages where residents speak Kadai dia- semantics. According to him, a form of speech lect, namely Leko Kadai, Wainanas, and Panco- can not be stated to be a dialect if the form of ran. speech has not been studied. The term. This Taliabu language of Siboyo dialect is used research is focused on the phonological variation by several villages on Taliabu Island. Siboyo of the three dialects used in Taliabu. This re- dialect is spoken in Ratahaya, Talo, Dufo Ham- search is important to be conducted considering let, Holbota, Hudo Hamlet, Sampe Hamlet, Busa the uniqueness contained in these three dialects. Hamlet, Goli, Baho, Kilo, Ndefak Hamlet, Kayu Also, this research can describe the uniqueness Banggai Hamlet, Sumbong, Nggaki, Kabuno, of each dialect as part of mother tongues in Sofan, and Kawadang. Taliabu language Mange Indonesia that needs to be preserved. dialect spread out in Wahe, Mbono, Mananga, Research in
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