weather report; superb - AND MORE OF SAME SAN8BIL-CAPTSVA ISLANDER uevoted to c the interests of Sanibel and Captiva Islands io since 1961 TheFlaest shelling Beaebvs We don't mean to make our friends up north eat their hearts out — all they have to In The do, is come on down. This scene on the Sanibel-Captiva bridge can be looked at, or Western participated in, every day of the week, (photo by la'rry huston) Hemisphere VOLUME 13 NUMBER 49 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1973 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PHONE SERVICE NEXT WEEK NEXT YEAR'S SHELL FAIR PLANNED The Public Service Commission has testimony. scheduled public hearings December 11- The hearings will be held to receive FOR MARCH 7-8-9 12-13 on the quality of service of United relevant testimony and exhibits of all Telephone Co. The Dec. 12 hearing will be parties of record and other interested at 9:30 a.m. in Building D, Collier County parties who may appear concerning Plans for getting the show on the road were finalized last week when committee Courthouse, Naples. The Dec. 13 hearing service complaints, lack of telephone chairmen for Ihe 1974 Sanibel Shell Fair met with general chairman Anina Mills at the will be at 9:30 a.m. in the County Com- service, condition of appliances, In- Community Association building to hear reports on progress. The world renowned mission meeting room of the Lee County strumentalities, and equipment; the Shell Fair, which will be held next March 7, 8 and 9, promises to be bigger and better Courthouse in Fort Myers. need, if any, for repairs, improvements, (ban over with some new awards as well as those for which exhibitors competed in The hearings result from complaints changes, additions, and extensions of ; past years. received by the Commission about service and facilities furnished by United United's service. Members of the public Telephone Co. Hearings at the above Two beautiful shell tables will be given to lucky ticket holders this year instead of may appear at the above times and places stated are for the convenience of dno cind tho tables will be on display at Baileys and other Island stores in mid- places to testify as to the quality and the public, and subscribers of United Dcccmtaor. Volunteers are needed to man the ticket sales tables according io Mrs. sufficiency of service being rendered by Telephone Co., regardless of where they live, will be heard at whichever hearing Patsy Simmons who heads the shell table committee. United Telephone Company. Mr. Keith Tho 36 page four color Shell Fair brochure will also be ready for distribution in Pafford, an attorney from the staff of the is most convenient to the individual Commission, will be present to assist subscriber. mid December and copies may be obtained at the Chamber of Commerce office and oublic witnesses in presenting their from various Island shops as well as applications for exhibiting in the Fair giving the cateqorios. Personnel in charge of the different 1974 Shell Fair activities include the following: General chairman, Anina Hills; Vice chairman, Dr. John Willard; TAXI SERVICE Advisory board, Duane White, Paul Mamet; Brochure, Solon W. Geer; ON ISLANDS Driftwood Shop, Mrs. Robert Duggers, Martha McCullough; Exhibits, Sharon Vardal, Virginia Shannon; Finances, Dan Moore; Hostesses, Priscilla Mur- A new taxi service, Tropic Transit phy, Blanche Pflough; Live exhibits. Dr. Hive Taxi, will open on Dec. 8 for Sanibel- Robert T. Spicer, Ralph Woodring; Captiva. Offices of the company are Promotion and publicity, George Ten- located at 2398 Palm Ridge Rd. on ney, Don Whitehead; Photography, Sanibel, across from the new library. The Martha Mathes, Suzanne Pickens, Don service is affiliated with the Tropic Whitehead; Refreshment, Harry J. We Will Make Up Your Selection Of Transit Bus Company on Fort Myers Borchers, Walter Cartright; Sanibel- Beach and will be managed by Glenn Captiva Art League, Dorothy Robinson; Mulford. Busses for charter are also Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foun- Gourmet Foods And Gift Items, And Ship It available. Plans for the future include a dation, Dick Workman, Ann Win- local bus on the islands, providing terbotham; Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club, In An Attractive Package Anywhere transportation to the mainland, as well, Faye Muller; and Shell table, Patsy but no date has been set. Suggestions Simmons, Mrs. Fred Holtz, Betty Davis. In U.S.A. An Exclusive B-Hive Service from local residents about the service are most welcome, says Mr. Mulford. For taxi or charter service, call 472-2283 GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION - DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED during the day, or in emergencies 463- PERIWINKLE WAY 472-1277 2054. "ISLAND PROPERTIES SINCE 1357" we had a real clever ad for this week Sanibel1 s Real Estate Family appreciates our but it was lost — satisfied customers don't forget us. who return again & again. sea horse shop SANIBEL - CAPTIVA REAL ESTATE REALTOR Claiw T. Walter At the Lighthouse End of Sanibel 472-1733 and Associates 4721455 Daily 9 - 5:30, Sunday 12 - 5:30 2 ISLANDER 12-6-73 SANIBEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Established 1961 Owned by Printers, Inc. CHURCHES OF SANIBEL Duff Brown, Publisher Editors Virginia and Duff Brown Production Louise Ostling, Carlene Kelly, OF THE Emily Koller, Chris Patton, Karen Robinson, Abram, and Wendy Noden Production Manager Judy Hendrie HADLEY Reporter Fran O'Callaghan COMMUNITY Coordinates • Pants, Shirts Copy Editor Betzi Abram Sweaters • Cashmere, Mohair Islander Consultant Edward J. Bennett Also wool Phone: 472-1409 ST. MICHAEL'S AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH NARDIS OF DALLAS Unclassified Rates: $1,00 minimum for 15 words or less; five The Rev. James D. B. Hubbs, Vicar 2 Pc. Suits, Pants & Jacket cents a word thereafter. SUNDAY Dresses Holy Communion 7:30&9:30a.m. 2 pc. Skirt& Jacket Deadlines: Ad and news copy are picked up Saturday afternoon ; Church School&Kindergarten 9:30a.m. Costume - Dress & Coat SHORT news items and ads may be phoned in (463-6792) no later WEDNESDAYS LANVIN than Monday noon. Holy Communion 9:00a.m. VESTEDGENTRESS Long & Street Dresses HOLYDAYS Dresses Shift type & Long also Blouses ISLANDER OFFICE Holy Communion 7:30p.m. 2330 Estero Blvd., Ft. Myers Beach, Write P. O. Box 2867, TANNER OF NORTH CAROLINA ST. ISARFl CATHOLIC CHURCH F.M.B, Phone-163-6792 (not a toll call from the Islands). Dresses Rev. Gerard Beauregard Sport, Classics & Long Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 p.m. Second class postage paid at Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931. also Blouses Sunday Mass 10 a.m. Friday Mass in the homes SERBIN VERA AUSTIN HILL CONFESSION Drosses Tops & Pants Pant Suits & Sundays before Mass 2&3 pc. Pant Suits Separate Pants and Tops SANIBEL COMMUNITY CHURCH MR. DINO Dr. H. E. Sheeiy, Pastor 3pc. Pant Suits Morning Worship & Nursery 11 a.m. Blouses Sunday School 9:30a.m. Pants Dinner Suits & FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Long Dresses The Rev. Gilbert Speak, Minister SEBASTIAN SUNDAY SERVICE Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Pants & Coordinates Worship lla.m. Blouses Evening Services 7 p.m. Sports Tops-All styles & colors WEDNESDAY EVENING PLUS Prayer meeting 7 p.m. GABAR SWIMWEAR Everyone is someone & Cover Ups Everyone welcome "We CAPTIVA CHAPEL BY THE SEA DOROTHY f. KcQUADE (non-denominational) SANIBEl, FLORIDA 33957 Dr. Arthur Lee Kinsolving (813X 472-1070 do it all" Sunday lla.m. Homes and Homesites • Condominiums • Acreage Gulf and Bay Frontage • Business RCTIVITIES BUYING-SELLING Home Condominium Pmscilla CRLENDflR Land Lot Realty, Inc. Business Multi-Unfts Prisciila A.; Murphy, President Realtor "KNOWVALUES" Branch Office: Branch Office: Island Appraisals Periwinkle Place Island shopping 3. (Batban (Sttkexb Periwinkle Way, Shopping Center SANIBEL-GAPTIVA - N. CAPTIVA ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, open meeting. St. Michael's 8. All Angels Church, Periwinkle LACOSTA Way, Friday nights, a p.m. for information call 472-2150. J. Gordon Colcord Real Estate Appraising Registered Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant CAPTIVA MEMORIAL LIBRARY will open Tuesday, 9:30 until 12 noon and Friday 1:30 2039 West First Street, Suite 5 Phone: 334-700n until 4 p.m. Fort Myers, Florida 995-w'3t5 SANIBEL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, "30 Years Of Lee County Real Estate" INC., Sanibel Community House, 1st Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. PUBLIC Health NURSE Third Tuesday of JUST 1 NUMBER every month from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Community House. SANIBEL CAPTIVA AUDUBON Programs open to public at Sanibel Community House. Thursday at 8 p.m., also monthly outdoor Island Cinema FOR ALL AIRLINES events. AMERICAN LEGION POST 123 American Legion Home, 2nd Tuesday, 8 p.m. Now Playing thru Sat. BINGO MUREX American Legion Home, Reservations • Information Wednesdays 8 p.m. No minors. BOY SCOUTS meet 7:30 p.m. Saturday nights Paul Newman in 472-1521 at the school. LIONS CLUB of Sanibel Captiva meets at 6:30 p.m. first and third Wednesday of each month AMERICAN at Tween Waters Inn of Captiva. iaeintosh Man FIRE DEPT. meets every 2nd and 4th Thur- BRANIFF sday at 8 p.m. Palm Ridge Road Firehouse. A Spy Story Full of Suspense SANIBEL LIBRARY HOURS: Monday thru 7:15 & 9:00 Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to DELTA noon. SANIBEL CAPTIVA SHELL CLUB meets the EASTERN 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Sanibel Community House. GODSPELL NATIONAL SANIBEL CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, Board of Directors, meets J fl Joyous Celebration of The Gospel. second Tuesday of every month at 3:30 p.m. Rated Excellent NORTHWEST KI WAN IS CLUB meets each Thursday at noon at South Seas Plantation. Sun, - Tues. -7:15 & 9:00 TWA AUDUBON CONSERVATION CLUB AND SHELL CLUB only meet November thru May.
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