\is *' v 'p -i. .v> *• ' mi hi it 11 ' ¦*—*¦*”*«« THE KADOKA PRESS. AT COLONIA DUBLAN SAY VILLA IS DEAD THE GASOLINE PROBLEM AMERICAN CAVALRY CAMP M DISPATCHES TELL OF BANDITS DEATH—BODY FOUND. MEXICANS AVER. RUMOR UNVERIFIED; DOUBTED L). S. Skeptical of Report.—Wound and Blood Disease Fatal to Guerrilla Chief, El Paso Doctor Be. ex**.— Villa's Death to S j«ai Recall of U. S. Troops. pMM SIMM *«» **¦*«» K 1 ran* fY-x. Ajcdi ». Smarter* * V;:‘a .» mr%i aw JK*c c*• terr-nd m>wm «u."» *>’»*' *-.» vs la mom * .tw <ts»(rctMW*S K*M#» ’ Mwedm W* * Vl ? C It «.'• tfit’r h’l.vwHii Jifuiu.u. on the line of communication betweei Pie «mm> .'iwi a ?«qmrt* via: Camp of the Seventeenth United States cavalry at Colonia Dublan, big colony, but there kav* V fn %tut sltns Niu *>;un<iH la** Pershing’s advanced forces and the border. Colonia Dublan Is a Mormon the Americana 1 by ¦ as.i ttn * ui.i It .’’tai'W- Ti> not been molested Villa. luu t wwwuiw* *»?»*•» -be n-'*'- a.i.i la i.«u *iu<~> *v« sT.’O yet w*i-i awwtfC’M w’.:h re- WHERE UNCLE SAM IS KEEPING CLOSE WATCH a* luawninia zlPVKfch*. saw 1 tftni. ®viJ. hut dtoe K«.v*nut oCk-tal* ex- jaoouud «MlPs.e Us tlttf rsllab Ayiart Ts* -.i* h*rv there arv was* haoea ®fcc«* * J :h hare been p#ut:ted oat by Helena officials as hs«{ <•. -oa i japyort to the truth of tie report tla: tie bandit chief's ca- reer l&s bees closed by death. These facts are: Villa has bees suffering more than a year treat a virulent form of blood RUSS REPORT GAINS U-BOATS SANK SHIPS potsoalag He w.ms treated for this disease while ia Juares by Dr. W. L*. Brown, NEW TERRITORY OCCUPIED IN GERMANY TELLS U. S. VESSELS •ae of the best known physicians in CAUCASUS ADVANCE. WERE LEGAL PREY. U Pa.se. Dr. Brew a states that the condition the b.sadlt was such that even a or Overseas News Agency Says Greek Thinks Sussex Hit a Mine—Another Minor vnoaad would be fatal in ten Passage of Steamer days unless treated promptly and with Government Barred Was Torpedoed Near the best skill and care. Even under Troops of the Allies. the Scene. the most favorable conditions such a — would would be of the gravest char- Petxograd, via London. April 13. Berlin, April 14 (by wireless) —The acter. The official communication issued German reply to the American note- It is certain that if Villa was here says: concerning the damaging or sinking of wounded Ite could not have command- “On the Dvina front there have five steamships contains the statement of Juarez, the ed anything but the most primitive been artillery duels. In the region that the steamers Englishman, Eagle This is Santa Fe street in El Paso, Tex. The view shows the Rio Grande and a part Mexico, in background. El Paso is on the American end of the International bridge, and being so closely connected with treatment. of the lkskull bridgehead the Ger- Point, Manchester Engineer and Ber- Mexico regarded as a danger zone. Everyone crossing the bridge from Mexico is searched for concealed According te the dispatches thus far mans tried unsuccessfully to assume windvale were destroyed by German is weapons. received. Villas death was due to the the offensive. submarines. Evidence is presented to amputation of one of his legs, made “In the region of Dvinsk and south- show that these vessels were tor- necessary by wounds received by him ward in the Lake region the enemy pedoed legally in accordance with the ia the fighting around Guerrero. After artillery In many sectors manifested rules of war. AMBULANCE CORPS OFF FOR THE FRONT being desperately wounded he was great activity. The note states that a German sub- carried by bis followers to the town “Caucasus front —Southwest of Erze- marine torpedoed a steamship in the of Temeaehic. where the amputation rum our troops continue to occupy vicinity of the place at which the chan- was performed by a village doctor. new ground.” nel steamship Sussex was damaged by Berlin, April 13 (by wireless). —An an explosion, but that the evidence Washington. D. C., April 16.—Ameri Overseas News agency report from at hand indicates that the vesel tor- can troops will be withdrawn from Athens says that the Greek govern- pedoed by the submarine was not the Mexico immediately if Francisco >’illn ment has refused the request of the Sussex. Is dead. entente powers for permission to send The commander of this submarine, Administration officials made this troops through Greek territory from the note says, made a sketch at the unqualified statement tonight, com Corfu to Salonlki. The reason given time. This sketch has been compared . h menting on reports from Mexican is that Corfu is infected with cholera. with a photograph of the Sussex and sources that the bandit's body had London, April 13.—A Reuter dis- has been found to show dissimilarities was being been discovered and taken patch from Athens says that the in build, arrangement of stacks, etc. to Chihuahua city by special . train. British and French ministers in- Therefore It is presumed a mine was formed Premier Skouloudis of the responsible for tho damaging of the CARRANZA MEN ATTACK U. S. intention of their government to Sussex. In the way of corroboration. f *¦’' V'... * land • forces from the harbor of Ar- It is stated that German naval forces : *> Carranza Forces Engaged American gostoli and elsewhere on Cephalonla, destroyed 36 floating mines on that Cavalry at Parral. of the lonian islands, a few miles day. one Ambulance corps No. 3 leaving Columbus, N. M., for tho scene of operat; ions in Mexico. *v.: San Antonio, Tex.—It was a force ol west of the mainland. Regarding the ease of the English- Carranza seldicrs which engaged the The British and French ministers man, Manchester Engineer, Eagle little detachment of American cavalry informed Premier Skouloudis there Point and BerwindvaJe, it is stated at Parrai in a regularly organized BROKE TWO CHESS RECORDS ac were Imperative needs to they were signaled to halt, but disre- BRINGS HOME UNCLE SAM’S EXHIBITS lion, according detailed close the to a report harbor, adding that the harbor traf- garded the signals. Thereupon warn- written by Maj. Frank Tompkins and fic would be continued with the least ing shots were fired. forwarded to Gen. Pershing. possible difficulties. The statement is made that the sub- Forty of the Mexican soldiers, in The premier announced in ener- marine commanders assured them- eluding one major and one civilian getic terms that Greece would pro- selves before sinking the ships that were killed by the retreating Araerl test against what he termed this their destruction was and cans. The Amorican casualties wer« Justified new infringement of her sovereignty, that the crews were safely In boats, no two killed and six wounded. Including the dispatch says. man being left aboard the vessels. Maj. Tompkins. His wound was slight. Maj. Tompkins’ acco- nt of the ac tion was received at t, \ Funstcn’* SUGAR FAMINE IS FORECAST $40,000,000 BILL IS PASSED headquarters and served to clarify Cen. Pershing's report, in which the Chicago Dealers Expect the Retail Rivers and Harbors Appropriation identity of the attacking force was Price to Jump to Ten Cents Goes Through the House—Vote unstated. a Pound. Is 210 to 133. Famous White Slave Cases. Chicago, April 15.—The specter of Washington, April 13.—The rivers Washington. D. Attorney C— Gener sugar at ten cents a pound hovers and harbors appropriation bill, carry- al Gregory asked the supreme court over the country. And, trailing along ing $40,000,000, was passed by the for an early Joint hearing on the Diggs behind it, is the possibility of a sugar house by a vote of 210 to 133. The bill and Camlnettt white slave cases famine. now goes to the senate. The senate which are up for review on write of Not one Chicago wholesale grocer passed its substitute for the house free certiorari. F. Drew Camlnettt and would consent to being quoted on the sugar repeal resolution, extending the Maurice Diggs, both of California, are present and future of the present duty of one cent a pound on under convictions for violations of the condition The naval collier Mars, the largest boat which has ever navigated the American sugar market. agreed sugar until May, 1920. The vote was white slave laws. Their trials All Potomac river as far as the Washington navy yard, has just arrived with at- that the 40 to 32. tracted wide retailer will before long be the greater part of the government's exhibits from the Pan-American expo- attention. forced to tax housewives ten cents a sition. She left San Francisco January 8 and came by way of the Panama pound. Judging by Big Buyer in U. 8. present Indica- canal. tions. The latest Washington.—ltaly’s growing im estimate of the Cu- bar sugar crop finds NEWS portanco as a buyer of American prod- it cut 100,000 tons IMPORTANT because of drought. ucts is indicated in figures assembled This leaves a ITEMS MAY BE THE SUMMER WHITE HOUSE in the visible supply available of 2,900,000 bureau of foreign and domestic Frank J. Marshall of New York commerce, which show tons for a demand exceeding 4,000,000 that the coun- chess champion of the United States try took $186,000,000 goods tons.
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