What to Do When (For Chapter Officers, Alumna: Advisers, and Province Officers) (Continued on Co'l'eT III) OCTOBER 30-Treasurer sends to central office per capita tax !-Membership chairman sends report to director of report and per capita tax for each member active membership and panhellenic and province presi· at any time during the first half year, as well as dent. per capita tax for associate members, also check for bonds of treasurer, house and commissary 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail manager with information requested on blank to fraternity accountant and province president. sent for this purpose. 7-Alumna fin ance adviser places monthly report in DECEMBER mail to chalfman of budgeting and bookkeeping's !-Scholarship chairman sends to central office, na­ deputy, tional scholarship chairman, and province presi­ 10-Treasurer sends chapter's subscription ($2.00) for dent a report of the scholastic activities on blanks Banta's Greek Exchange to the central office, provided by the central office. check made payable to the Fraternity. 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail to fraternity accountant and province president. 13-Founders' Day. Celebrate with birthday coins. 7-Aiumna finance adviser places monthly report in IS-Pledge captain places order for hand books with mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping's the central office. deputy, 15-- KEY correspondent places chapter news letter for 15-KEv correspondent places chapter news letters December KEY in mail to chapter editor on KEY for February KEY in mail to chapter editor. stationery provided by the central office, and 20-Mail Christmas gifts to Kappa's philanthropic pictures of Phi Beta Kappas, Mortar Boards or funds. election to equivalent honoraries during past JANUARY school year. 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail 30- Corresponding secretary sends revised list of to fraternity accountant and provinc~ president. chapter officers to the central office, also copies 7-Aiumna finance adviser places monthly report in of current rushing rules to the director of mem· mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping's bership and panhellenic, central office, and prov· deputy together with budget comparison sheets ince pres1dcnL for each department covering income and ex· 30- Registrar sends three copies to the central office pense for first half year of operation. of the names and school addresses of all active FEBRUARY members and one copy to province president; also ?-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail n ames and home addresses of new pledges to to fraternity accountant and province president. the central office, province president, and director 7-Aiumna finance adviser places monthly report in of membership and panhellenic. Order year's mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping's supply of pledge and catalog cards and archive deputy. supplies from the central office. 7-Pledge captain sends report to chairman of pledge NOVEMBER training, !-Treasurer mails return .postal to chairman of 15-Registrar sends to central office three copies of budgeting and bookkeeping stating that letters the names and school addresses of active mem­ have been mailed to all parents of active and bers for second semester and one copy to prov­ pledge members; mail pledge fees to central ince president, and names and home addresses office for all fall pledges. of any girls pledged since October report to the . central office, province president and director of 7-Treasurer places monthly finance report in mail membership and panhellenic. to fraternity accountant and province president. 15-Annual election and installation of officers held 7-Alumna finance adviser places monthly report in between February 15 and March 15. mail to chairman of budgeting and bookkeeping'i 15-Registrar sends to central office annual catalog deputy. report on blanks furnished for that purpose. 7-Treasurer of house corporation sends annual 15-KEY correspondent places chapter news letter fin ancial report, names and addresses of house for April KEY in mail to chapter editor. board members to central office and chairman of 28-Elect or appoint membership chairman and alum­ budgeting and bookkeeping. na adviser for the next school year. 15-Treasurer sends copy of corrected budget to fra· 28--Cvrresponding secretary sends name of member· ternity accountant, chairman of budgeting and ship chairman with college and summer address bookkeeping, executive secretary, and province as well as name and address of alumnz adviser to president, and mails return card to chairman central office. of budgeting and bookkeeping stating that budg­ 28-Province president sends full report of province ets have been mailed. to director of chapter organization. SEND CHAPTER NEWS LETTERS FOR KEY to Mrs. Leonard J. Coyne, Thorne House, Taos, N.M.-ALUMNlE LETTERS to Miss Mildred M. Armstrong, 334 Merrick Street, Adrian, Michigan. SOCIAL STATIONERY: '""·~-ung Kappa st•mping in goiJ or silver), LETTER SIZE, $1.~0 a quire: NOTE SIZE, $1.2~: CORRE­ SPONDENCE CARDS, $1.00. (A quire is 24 sheets and envelopes.) Add 10 cents a quire for transportation. ASSORTMENTS, 50 cents, $1.00. St2mps accepted. Picture of dies on request. OFFICIAL PAPER: 8% x 11, stamped with chapter die. 250 sheets and envelopes, $6. 50. OR 500 sheets and envelopes, $9.50. OR I 000 each. $16.50. If 9-inch envelopes are wished, add $2.00 for each ~00. Send die when you order. If chapter has lost die, another can be 1940 CONVENTION MOVIES made here. Kappa in11itationi, program! and menu co11er1. Make your reservation with the central office Kappa p/ace-cardJ, 50 and 75 unii a dozen $2.00 by the hundred. to borrow the convention 16mm film, show­ Kappa coin puruJ, leather, 50 and 75 cenii each ing ev~nts at Sun Valley during Kappa's CLEORA WHEELER convention. Charge of $1.50 covers postage ClJesigner and Illuminator and insurance only. 1376 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. Former Gra11d RegiJtrar HERE'S WHE~E YOU'll MEET VISIT THE THE IMPORTANT MEN AND WOMEN FRA TEI\NITY CORNER YOU READ ABOUT OF OUR LOCAL STORE When you plan to visit New ~For Novelties and Gifts ••• York. come to Beekman Tower, for invariably you will mounted with the Kappa find several of the world's Rappa Gamma coat of arms most successful men and women ••• most of them that lends a distinction that make this smart, convenient only a Fraternity man or hotel their New York home. DAJL Y from $2,50 A\ woman can give ~ Special Wee/ely Ratu HENRY BIRKS AND SONS LIMITED * MONTRIEAL, ... Q. VANCOUVER. 8 .C.. BIRKS·ELLIS·RYRIE LIMITED BEEKMAN TOWER HOTEL TORONTO 3 MITCHELL PLACE BIRKS-DINGWALL LIMITED overlooking WINNI ..II:G 49th Street East River Ofllclll Jew•'*• II tile NEW YORK KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA FRATERNITY New York Heodquorlera of lhe National Panhellenlc Fralernitie• fhi~ i~ thfl lfflat To help deserving Kappas to enjoy life at the Louise Bennett Boyd Hearthstone . • • simply by remem­ bering that every maga­ zine order placed through Kappa's own Magazine Agency adds up to a fund especially for that pur­ pose! USE ORDER BLANK PRINTED IN BACK OF BOOK October Volume 57 1940 ey Number 3 Official Magazine of Kappa l(appa Gamma The first college women's fraternity magazine ; published continuously since 1S82 Member of Fraternity Magazines Associated The Editor Reflects . .. .. ...... ....... ............................ .. .... 269 Important! The New Constitution . ...... .. .... ..... By Miriam P. Schick 271 Set Your Life by the Unseen Star .... ..... ... .. ...... ... ................ 273 Who's Who Among the New . .. .. .... .. ... .. ...... .. ... ......... .. 277 McNaboe Trophies Honor Service as C.onvention Alumnae Awards ........ .... 278 Understanding Is the Key Word . .. ... .. ......... By Dr. Dorothy C. Stratton 281 Halliburtonian Flair for Travel . .. .. ............... .. By Geraldine Gilmore 288 Mrs. Ware Impressed Baby Chapter Delegate . ...... .......... By Mary E. Moore 291 Kappa's No. 1 Convention Habiteer Picks the Best ........ By Ida Bonnell Otstott 292 "And in Conclusion ..." . .. .. .. ... .. ... .... ........ ... By Helen C. Bower 294 Mrs. Ware Says "Thank You!" . .. .. .. ...................... ... ........ .. .. 301 Valedictory Poses Future's Problems .. .. ....... ... .. .. .... ... ... ...... 302 Fund Named to Honor Nora Wain Will Aid War's Child Refugees ........ .. 303 Magazine Agency Winners ...... .... ... ...... .... ...... .. ... .... ... .... 304 Don't Let Cousin Hattie Down! Do Your Bit and Vote! . .... By Ann Scott Wilson 305 "Typical College Girl" of 1940 Is a Kappa . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .... ......... .... 307 Second Housemothers' School at Purdue ........ .. .. .. .. .......... .. ..... 308 Mrs. Allan to Retire as Principal . .. ..... .... .. ... By Hally Prentis Nelson 309 Lee Memorial Is Restored Mansion ........ .... .... ..... By Helen 'Knox 313 "Those 50 Years .. Are Still With Us" .. ...... .. .. ...... .. By Jane Bennett 317 Current Events of 1870 . .. .. .. ...... .......... By Betty Dougherty Dilworth 321 Red, White and Double-Blue Notes .. ... ........ .... ..... .. .............. 323 1940-1941 Undergraduate Scholarships .. .. .. ........................... ... 324 Cedar Rapids Travel Tea Made Money . .... ..... By Kathryn Coupland Harper 327 Chi Chapter Dedicates Library . ...... ..... .. .. ....... .... .. By Cleora Wheeler 328 Marriages . ..... .... ... ... .. ...... ... ... ... .... ............. .. ....... .... ' 330 Births . .. ............... ... ... .............. .. .. .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
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