Appeal and Resolutions of the First - Sespion of the tfforld Peqse Counsii \ (Berlin, February 2l r'26t l95l) Kuo Ys-io's Speech at the W'orld Peace Coirncil Supplemmt to YoL III, No. 6 - March 16, 1951. a . CONTENTS - Appeal'and Resolutions .of the -World Peace Council . Appea,l tor tl'te Coriclusl,on of o Pact of lQage \.....'........1.......... p ' Resotuti,on on the Peacelul Regul,ation ot.tlle Gqmon Problqn,............. t 'Resolutiott on the Peocetul, Settlemenl of th.e lWdnese Probl,em { .ResolutionCulcemingthet]nitedNatlonttsDeadon'UniustlgCqnd,dn1,ll,lng'the' Peopte's Republic o! Chirw os "Aggrbssod: in Koreo ... ...... ,. 1 Re.soluttott on tlw Peclcetul, Regulatiort of the Korean Problem Resolition on the Struggte, for.Peace tn Col,tta\ onitr Depenilent Countnes ., I .- Resoluf,ion.on Organlsotiottg.t Que-stiotl,s anil, Eatennon of the Pboce Mouement 5 -l -: ' Kuo Mo-jo's Speech at the World Peace Cotincil. ........... 6 'China Supports the Appeal and Besolutions of the Suppr,pupNr to PEOPLE'S CIIINA 3 A.ppeal and Resolutions of the World Peace Council Appeal for the Conclusion of a Pact of Peace To fuifil the hopes.cherished by rnillions of people throughout the world,'whatever may be their view of the causes that have brought about the danger of a world war; To strengthbn peace and safeguard international security; We demand the conclusion of a pact of peace among'the fi.ve great powers: the United States of America, the Sbviet Union, the Chinese People's Republic, Great Britain and France. We would consider refusal to meet to conclude such a pact,- by the government of any of the great powers rvhichever it might be, as evidence of the aggressive desi['n.on the part of the govertment in question. We call u,pon all peace-loving nations to s'upport the demand for tliis pact of, peace, which should be open to all countries. - 'We 'set our narnes to this appeal and we invite all men- and women of good r,vill, all organisations^that hope for peace, to add their names in its support. The appeal uas xgned bg: President oI the World Peace Counci,tr Fred,eric Joliot-Curie (France), Vice-Prestdents Pietro Nenni (ItaW), Gabri,el Darbousster (Black Africa), Bernol (Bntain), Aler.and,er FadeAeo (U.S.S.R.), Leopold, tnfelil- (Poland),'Kuo l+Lo-jo (Chlna) and a long list of peace champions from Australia, Algena,. Black Africa, Britain, Brazi,l, Belgiuntn Bulgariq, Burrna, China, Czech,osLouakia, Canada, Ceglon, Cuba, Denmark, Egapi, France, Fin- land, Germany, Greece, Hungary, ltalg, lnd,i,a, lnd,onesia, lran,. Jaytan, Korea, Lebanon, MolL- goliri, New Zeatanil, the Netherlarids, Norwag, Polond,, Ru.mania, Spain, Sgria, Switzerlanil, Swed,en, Twtiststa, Thatl,and", U.S.S.R., the Ilnited States, UruguaA, tke Ilnion of Souih, Atrica, Viet-Nam and, Yugoslauia. Resolution on the United Nations boussier (Africa), Senor Pablo Neruda (Chile)., Gen- eral Jara (Mexico), Mr. Paul Robeson, Rev. Uphous" The World Peace Council has taken note that (United States), Dr. Attal tlndia). the United Nations has failed to address 'World reply to the ol t,Le second Peace Congress as though the This delelation shall be charged to demand ol proposals for the maintenance of peace advocated the United Nations: by the representatives of hundreds of rhillions oI 1. That it consider the various points in the human beings did not concern it. address of the World Feace Congress and varioue Since the adoption of that address, the United resolutions adopted at this session of the lilorld tilations has disappointed the hopes peoples had Peace Council and express its opinion on each. placed in it still further ancl has raised this disap- Ahat return role assigned the pointment 2. it to the it hy to its climax by the resolution condemn- charter, nar-nely that it should serve as an area of ing China as an "aggressor." agreement betwen governments and -not as an in- "It has sanciioned and covered by its authority strument of any dominant group. the systematic destruction in Korea by the American This decision of the World Peace Council will' armed forces of almost a million human beings, in- have the support of hundreds of millions of men and cluding old people, 'rr'omen and children, crushed women who have the right to maintain a vigilant ot burned in the debris of their towns and villages. watch to ensure that high international organs do The World Peace Council resolves to dispatch to not betray their mission of safeguarding peace. the Uriited Nations a delegation comprising: Signor Nenni (Italy), Mme. Isabelle Blume (Belgium), Mrs. Resolution on the Peaceful Regulation of S. O. Qavies (Great Britain), Mrs. Jessie Street (Australia), Mr. d'Astier tle la Vigerie (France), the Gerrnan Prgblem Nikolai S. Tikhonov (USSR), Llr. Wu Yao-tsung 'Violating the will of peoples on whose behalf (China), Mr. Ilromadka (Czechoslovakia), Mr. Dar- the peace treaties were signed which contain a cate- \ SurrrBupxt to PEOPLE'S CIIINA gorical decision concernihg the disarmament of Ger- 'World Peace Congress: l'Aggression i,s a criminal many, the militarist and Nazi forces are being re- act on the part of that state which first ernploys vived. This restoring of the armed forces and of force 'industry armed against another state under any pretcxt , the war of Germany represents a most whatever" and declares the decision adopted by the serious danger of another world war. United Nations General Assembly, declaring ttie The World Peace Couneil notes with satisfa'ction Feople's Republic of China an "aggressor', in Kofea, the growth of the peace-loving forces in Germany as unjust and illegal. and the success of the Essen Peace Congress. It This decision is a serious obstaele to the peace- greets all friends of peace in Gerr-nany who jointly ful settlement of the Korean problem; it creates the with all peace-loving trends are preparing to c'arry threat of expanding the war in the Far East and through a referendum which will express the will thereby the danger of the outbreak of aaother world of the German people concerning the remilitarisa- war. ti,on of their country and the conclusion of a peace' The 'W'orld Peace Council demands ol the Unlled . treaty meant tq put an end to the existing threaten- Nations the annulment of this decision. ing situation ' The World Peace Council calls upon aU coun- Resolution on the Peaceful Regulation of tries most immediately threatenefl to unite in a the Korean Problem snighty protest so that millions of men and women compel governments Vfith the aim of the peaceful settlement of the their .to conclude in the cur- problem rent year a peaee treaty with a peace-loving and Korean the World Peace Council demgnds uaified Germany whose demilitarisation, ensured by the immediate calling of a conference of all countries internatisnal agreement, would be the best guaran- concerned. -tee of peace in Europe., We appeal'to all peace-loving people in all coun- tries ,to demand that, their governments support Resolution on Peaceful of the immediate calling of the afore-mentioned con- the Settlement ference, the Japanese Problem The World Peace Councit resolutely maintains Implernenting the..decisions of the'second Wotld the opinion that foreign troops- must be' withdrawn ' Peace Congress, the World Peace Council resolutely from Korea so that the Korean people will be able eondemns the 'remilitarisation of Japan carried out to decide for thbmselvei ttreii internal affairs. the occupatibn power despite the the by will of - Japanese people. Resolution on the Struggle for Peace in The \trorld Peace Council considers it necessary Colonial and Dependent Countries pertinent to organisg in Japan and in the countries The United Nations Charter, based on the right Asia, America and Oceania country-wide poll of a of nations to self-determination, aloused great hopes- remilitarisation on the of Japan and on the conclu- in colonial and dependent -countries. On this ques- eion peace peace- of a treaty with a demilitarised, tion, however, as in many others, the United - Na- Japan loving tions, carnouflaging violence and oppression, for the The World Peace Council condemns any attempt prrxpese of holding peoples in'the state of colonial to conclude a separate peace treaty with Japan. It dependence and oppression, disappointed the hopes considlers that the peace treaty must be the subject of reposed in it. negotiations between the People's Republic of China, Such a state of affairs aggravates the danger the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Bri- of a new worid war. tain and subsequently mist be adopted by all coun- The World Peace Council exposes fals'e pro- peace tries eoncerned. After the conclusion of a paganda seeking to present a new world war as a beaty, the occupation forces must immediatcly be road towards seH-determination of colonial and de- withdrawn from Japan. Ttre Japanese people must pendent peoples.. It maintains that the united guaranteed democratrc and peaceful existence. be a 'itruggle of all peoples for. pedce constitutes the d.-e- All qvert and secret military organisations and cisive factor in the struggle of colonial and depen- lnstitutions must be banned and the entire industry dent peoples for the right to self-determination. su'itched onto a peace footing Proposals for a peaceful regulation of the Korean . The World Peace Council calls upon the frienG conflict and other important problems in Asia (Tai- of peace in Asia and the Phcific Ocean area, includ- t'an, Viet-Nam, Mataya) antl a peaceful settlement ing Japanese friends, to come together in the neares! of the German and Japanese questions, as well as future for a peaceful regional conference in defence the peaceful moves of ceitain Asian-Arab and other -ofof peace to really implement tJre peaceful settlement peace-loving countries, simultaneously facilitate the- the Japanese problem, thus to remove the serious $eservation of peace and the assertioh of the right tianger of war in the FarlEast.
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