Written Evidence of Gloria Joyce Fedirchuk 1 Q Please state your name and present position. 2 A My name is Gloria Joyce Fedirchuk. I am Vice President, FMA Heritage Resources 3 Consultants Inc. ("FMA"). 4 Q Please state your qualifications. 5 A My qualifications, including education and professional experience, are detailed in 6 the attached CV. Since 1975, I have consulted in the area of heritage/historical 7 resources management. 8 Q What is the purpose of your appearance in this proceeding? 9 A Through AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., FMA was retained to provide 10 assistance to EnCana Ekwan in connection with heritage/historical resources and 11 traditional land use matters. FMA prepared sections 13.10 and 13.11 of Volume 2 12 of the Application and four reports, which have been previously submitted to the 13 Board namely: 14 1. Historical Resources Impact Assessment 15 Ekwan Pipeline Project (Alberta Portion) 16 Archeological Research Permit 2003-034; 17 2. Heritage Resources Studies 18 Ekwan Pipeline Project (British Columbia Portion) 19 British Columbia Heritage Inspection Permit 2003-082; 20 3. Dene Tha' First Nation Field Survey Report; and 21 4. Fort Nelson First Nation Field Survey Report 22 FMA also assisted EnCana Ekwan in preparing responses to various information 23 requests relating to these matters. 24 Q Have you previously appeared before the National Energy Board or other tribunals? 25 A Yes, a list of my appearances before various regulatory agencies is set out in the 26 attached CV. 27 Q Does this conclude your direct evidence at this time? 28 A Yes it does. EnCana Ekwan Pipeline Inc. NEB GH-1-2003 GLORIA FEDIRCHUK Page 1 gloria j. fedirchuk EDUCATION Ph.D. (Anthropology), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1975. Dissertation: Functional Analysis of the Julian Technology Fisherman Lake, Northwest Territories. M.A. (Archaeology), University of Calgary, Alberta, 1970. Thesis: The Julian Site, Northwest Territories. B.A. (Archaeology, Honours), University of Calgary, Alberta, 1968. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Archaeological Society of Alberta Association of Consulting Archaeologists British Columbia Association of Professional Consulting Archaeologists Canadian Archaeological Association Registered Professional Archaeologist ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE 2001 - Vice President, FMA Heritage Resources Consultants Inc. 1986-88 President, Association of Consulting Archaeologists 1984-85 Project Manager, Polar Gas Mackenzie Valley Phase I Pipeline 1983-85 Senior Scientific Manager, H.S.A. Historical Studies Inc., Slave River Pre-Investment Phase, Calgary, Alberta 1981-82 Project Manager, Norman Wells Pipeline 1981- 2001 Principal, Fedirchuk McCullough & Associates Ltd. 1977- President, Archaeological Heritage Consultants Ltd. 1973-74 Scientist, Mackenzie Delta Archaeological Priority Classification Project 1973-74 Scientist, Liard Highway Study 1973-74 Archaeologist/Scientist, Mackenzie Highway Project 1973-74 Archaeologist/Scientist, Mackenzie River Archaeological Project 1967-75 Archaeologist/Scientist, Fisherman Lake Archaeological Project ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE 1985 Lecturer, University of Calgary, Department of Archaeology, Calgary 1978 Sessional Lecturer, University of Alberta, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton 1976-77 Assistant Professor, University of Alberta, Department of Anthropology, Edmonton 1975 Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, Saskatoon 1974-75 Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan GLORIA FEDIRCHUK Page 2 LEGAL TESTIMONY - HEARINGS 1981 Environmental Assessment Review Panel, on behalf of Interprovincial Pipe Line (NW) Limited Norman Wells Pipeline, Yellowknife 1992 Natural Resources Conservation Board, on behalf of Three Sisters Golf Resorts Inc., Three Sisters International Destination Resort, Canmore 1994 NRCB/EARP Joint Review Panel, on behalf of Public Works Supply & Service Pine Coulee Project, Stavely 1997 AEUB/CEAA Review 1998 Panel, on behalf of Cardinal River Coals Ltd., Cheviot Project, Hinton 1999 CEAA Review Panel, on behalf of Alliance Pipeline Limited Partnership, Alliance Pipeline Project, Calgary 2001 EUB Public Hearings, on behalf of ATCO Pipelines, EPCOR Power Development Corporation, Rossdale Power Plant Unit 11, Edmonton 2002 EUB Hearings, on behalf of Glacier Power Ltd., Dunvegan Hydroelectric Project, Fairview PUBLICATIONS Fedirchuk, G. J. 1970 Recent archaeological investigations at Fisherman Lake: The Julian Site. In Early man and environments in northwestern North America. Edited by J. Smith and R. Smith. pp. 105-116. Student's Press, University of Calgary. Calgary. 1971 Archaeological investigations at Fisherman Lake, N.W.T., Okuruk, Vol. 2, no. 3: 3-5. Calgary. Millar, J. and G. J. Fedirchuk 1975 Report on investigations: Mackenzie River archeological survey. Environmental - Social Committee Northern Pipeline Task Force on Northern Oil Development, 73-10. Ottawa. Fedirchuk, G. J. 1980 Historical resources impact assessment Blackfoot grazing reserve, Permit Number 70-139. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 15: 151-161. Edmonton. 1981 Historical resources inventory, Borden, Whitney, Laurier and Ross Lakes park, Permit 8O-119-C. Archaeological Survey of Alberta Occasional Paper No. 17: 38-44. Edmonton. 1981 Historical resource mitigation, FaPn-38, Dickson Reservoir, Permit 8O-12O-C. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 17: 53-60. Edmonton. 1981 Historical resources impact assessment, Lesser Slave Lake Provincial Park, Permit 8O-178-C. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 17: 84-88. Edmonton. 1985 Response to David Morrison's "Fedirchuk on Julian Technology" in a reassessment of the Julian Complex, Fisherman Lake, N.W.T. Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 9, no. 1: 81-83. 1986 Two Late Prehistoric ceramic components at the Little Bow Site, EaPh 4. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 29: 91-129. Edmonton. McCullough, E. J. and G. J. Fedirchuk 1986 Organizing eastern slopes prehistory: a suggested methodology. In: Eastern slopes prehistory: selected papers, edited by B. Ronaghan. Archaeological Survey of Alberta, Occasional Paper No. 30. Edmonton. Fedirchuk, G. J. 1987 Review of "Contributions to Plains Archaeology, edited by David Burley". Book Note, Canadian Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 11: 209-210. GLORIA FEDIRCHUK Page 3 Fedirchuk, G. J. 1987 Locating the site of the first European settlement in Athabasca Country. In: Spirit of Enterprise, the 1987 Rolex Awards, edited by D. W. Reed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. Ltd. Berkshire. 1988 Review of Indian-European Relations in the Lower Saskatchewan River Region to 1840 by Paul C. Thistle in Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology. 1990 Peter Pond: map maker of the northwest (1740-1807). Arctic, Vol. 43, no. 2: 184 - 186. Calgary. Fedirchuk, G. J. and E. J. McCullough 1991 Prehistoric art and spiritualism at Pine Coulee, Alberta. Alberta Archaeological Review, No. 22. Lethbridge. McCullough, E. J.; G. J. Fedirchuk, and B. J. Kulle 1991 The camps of Big Bear and Oo-nee-pow-o-hay-oos (FlOo 4): The Native Component of the Frog Lake Complex. In preparation. Fedirchuk, G. J. n.d. Public archaeology at the Duckett Site. Paper in preparation for the Alberta Archaeological Review, The Archaeological Society of Alberta. Fedirchuk, G. J. and E. J. McCullough 1992 The Duckett Site: 10,000 years of prehistory on the shores of Ethel Lake, Alberta. Research paper in preparation on behalf of Esso Resources Canada Limited's Cold Lake Project. Calgary. Fedirchuk, G. J. 1992 Sacred stones of the parklands. Paper presented at the 17th Annual General Meeting of the Archaeological Society of Alberta, Red Deer. 1999 Rock medicine: calendric tally stone. Alberta Archaeological Review, No. 30. Calgary. CONSULTING REPORTS Millar, J.F. V. and G. J. Fedirchuk 1972 Mackenzie highway (MP 550 - 725) archaeological component. Consultants' report on file, Lombard North Ltd. Calgary. 1973 Mackenzie highway (M.P. 300 - 550), archaeological component. Consultants' report on file, F. F. Slaney and Company Limited. Vancouver. 1973 Report on 1973 program, archaeological impact study, Mackenzie highway system. Consultants' report on file, Department of Public Works, Canada. Edmonton. Fedirchuk, G. J. 1974 Proposal for archaeological supervisory capacity, Canadian Arctic Gas Study Limited project. Report on file, Canadian Arctic Gas Study Limited. Calgary. Fedirchuk, G. J. (ed.) 1974 Preliminary proposal for archaeological salvage, Alberta section. Report on file, Canadian Arctic Gas Study Limited. Calgary. 1974 Preliminary proposal for archaeological salvage, British Columbia section. Report on file, Canadian Arctic Gas Study Limited. Calgary. Millar, J. F. V. and G. J. Fedirchuk 1974 Mackenzie River archaeological project, report on investigations 1973 program. Volume I: introduction and project description. Volume 4: Site report and artifact inventory. Supplement: Archaeological Survey of Canada site record forms. Reports on file, Historic Advisory Board, Government of the Northwest Territories. Yellowknife. Fedirchuk, G. J. 1974 Liard highway impact study archaeological component. Consultant's report on file, Synergy West Limited. 1974 Archaeology, Mackenzie delta area. Consultant's report on file, Imperial Oil Limited. Calgary. 1974 Archaeology, Mackenzie delta archaeological priority classification. Consultant's report
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