" -.''''- -.- -,.< THE JEW 1 S' H PO S T Page S TBE JEW188 1"081' -------------~~-~~~-------=-------:----------------'-.--------=- ,-------~---------------------"'-~"~~"-~------_.. "-- VVllen he showed them his red liness. When they asked him if he' LITTLE DRUNKENNESS AMONG Todros Geller .was a "Muscovi," he answered in Mount' Carmel Clinic PATRONESS Soviet passport the Arabs immed­ JEWS OF POLAND In Lecture Sur"day .iately chl>nged their aktitude from the affirmative and they immediate­ Girls Auxiliary Jewish News in Brief one of hosti'lity to complete friend- ly released him, Elect Officers WilD", (J.T.A.)-The Jewish Scien­ 'Todrus Geller, J2.wish· artist will tific Institute has drawn up a chart delivel' a lecture, Sunday at 3 p.m., ARABS DEMAND DOUBLE ROCKFELLER FOUNDATION The new officers elected at a r€• in which. it. m~kes comparison be­ at the Peretz Institute, Sunday Dec. FOR CANADIAN LAND AIDS PALESTINE HEALTH BANK OF MONTREAL cent meeting held, by the Girl's Auxi­ twe:n drunkenness among the Jewish 1st. Mr. Geller who now makes his Annual Statement Iliary of the Mount Carmel Clinic population and the PoHsh population. home in Chicago is a former Winni­ New York (J.T_A_)-A fellowship "are: pres. Sarah Goodman, vice-pres. FigureB were collected from 43 pegger, his pictures and wood cuts Jel'usalem (J.T.A.)-An Arab de­ in saniyary engineering has been Dora Blurries, 'corres.-sec. Esther towna' sbc· of which had no record are on exhibition .at the Hud.::ons Statement of the result of the business of the Bank' . , ' putation interviewed Assistant Civil granted by the Rockfeller Foundation for the year ended 31st October. 1929. Mantell, rec'ording-sec. Fanny Stein­ of Jews being arrested by t~e police Bay Co., store next week. Secretary Mills on Friday regarding to ·a native of Palestine who, -after a dell, treasurer, Anne Feldman, mem­ for drunkenness. For the other 37 the eviction of 265 squater Arab period of special study ·in the United Ralance of Profit and Lns~ Account, 31st October. 1928 ................•.... $ 713.788.67 bership chairman, Rose Fingard, pub:. towns the chart shows that, there I'rofits fur the year ended 31st October, 1')29, nfter deductinlt charl!es of :fl.amilies from the Canadian Jewish States, returned during the past year lIlanallclllent. and makin~ full provision for ull __ hlHt tlnd doubtful debts 7,070.892.4fi licity Dora Blumes. Many activHies are 86 Jewish drunkards for every Pr('miums on New Stock........... .... ....................••...•......... 6.0;\1,840.50 The Young Habonim National Fund land. The deputation, to the post of engineer in the ma­ are being planned for the conLing 10e,000 Jews. while not challenging the legality of laria survey section of the Palestin­ S 1.~.8U•• 5n.62 season. A dance will be held during Quarterly Dividend 3 per cent. paid 1st Man~h, IjJl!J ..•• , ... $ 8 1)7.501.00 The Jews are lowest on the scale Hold Annual Dance 1921}........ 1)72.021).1)4 the sale, is claiming compensation ian Department Health, according to Quarterly Dividend 3 per cent. ]mid 1st June. Chanuk~, Quartcrly Dividend 3 per cent'. puid 3rd Sept. 1929. .•• . 1,"oI-M.14u.n week. of drunkards in comparison with under the Cultivators' Protection Or­ tho annual report of the Rockfeller Ouarterly Dividend 3 per cent. payahle 2nd Dec. 1'.139. ... ..•. 1,075,55b.54 Tho Girl's Auxilliary of the M.e.C_ other r.eEgious groups., The highest Bonu~ 11)21) ..•••••. __:.:720.UOO.1I0 The annual dance of the Young dinance, which has come inlto force 2 llcr cent. payoble 2nd Dec. will hold a tea, at the home of Mi.ss Foundation. per:centage of, drunkenness is found Habonim will be held at the Zionist since the Canadian purchase \vas It is expected that he will assume $ 4.713.233.70 Fanny Stdndell, 339 Pritchard 9.ve., _ Provision for Taxes Dominion Government.... ••.•.•....•••• 435,865.ll among the Greek Catholics. Next headquarters on Sunday, Dec. 1, at made. some of the functions of the Founda­ Reservation for Bank PrcnliseB ..•••••••••••••••.••••• , • •• • • • '.100,000.00 6,049,098.8l on Silllday ~vening, December 8th. are the Catholics and then the, Luth­ 8_30 p_m_ Every effort is being put It is officially 'admitted that the tion''::: engineer who withdrew from 7,7b7.422.IH Amount Credited to Rest Account ••.•....••••••••••••••••••.••..•..••...• 7.031,840.5U erans. According to the chart, the forth to make this the dance of the Jewish National Fund had paid com­ Palestine at the end of the year. Jews of Czenstock drink the most, Dalnnce of Profit and Loss carried forward ...•.••••• ;, ••••••••....•••..•• , .. $ 735, 58~._31 PRIVATE SCREENING OF NEW PICTURE season. pensation to tenants on the }and, but From 1918 to 1928 there has been a =~..;.;.;;;;; sho"Wing 3.1 per cent. drunks among that the recipients had since reoccu­ mar:ked downward trend of malaria CHARLES B. GORDON, H. H. MACKENZIE, FOR HADASSAH AT LYCEUM 1,000 Jews. The smallest percent­ l~residel1t. (;cncral Mann~er. lVlrs. Max Heppner, who will be pied the land and are threatening in Palestipe, as shown by_ a decline age of Jewish drunkenness is in -Someone once said that education GENERAL STATEMENT their ono of the patronesses at the candy­ by in the malaria deaths and the per­ 1 me.mbers and Stani~lav if] not a task, it is a life-long happi­ to resist eviction force in order 31s1 October, 192 ) Badassah cigarette shower and dance to be Lodz. and Tarnow, each to demonstrate to the Inquiry Com­ centage of paJpable spleens. In LlABlLITIES friend(l will· witness a special screen­ showing 0.2 Jewish drunks per 1,000 ness, an ennobling intimacy' with ~apitat Stock ••••• , •••••••••••••••••.. , ...........•••••••.••••............ $ 35,948.540.5(1 held .at the Zionist Headquarters, some places, for example, in· Jerusa­ est ........................................•....•...•..... $ 37,1J41:!,5411.50 ing or Mary Nolan's newest gr~at men, an unhurried excursion mission an alleged injustice. talki~g Saturday evening, November 30th., Jews. .The Jews of ,Warsaw show lem the decrease can be justifiably Balance of Profits carded forward. • • . • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . 7 .~5.fiH2 .31 ' "Shanghai Lady" .at the into all realms of loveliness and pictur~ undol" the auspices of The University ~.3 per 1,000 Jews. attributed to ·antilarv:al measures; U . $ 3R,fJtI4.122.IH Lyceum'fheatre Sunday, Dec: 1, at wisdom. ndnuned Dividends...... ... .............•••.••••.•••..... 10,523 b'l Cbapter of Hadassah_ in the country as a whole, however, Ouarterly Dividend, payable 2nd Dec. 1929 ••••••••• , •••.•... 1.1175,55(,:54 8.15- in the evening. The admission TEL AVIV JEWS THREATEN GENERAL Bonus of 2% payable 2nd Dec., 1929..... .... .•.. .••.. ..•..... no,uuo.OO there ·are. not sufficient data avail­ 40,490,203.02 is by invitatinn, which is being dis­ . Act as Patronesses STRIKE UNLESS GOVERNMENT PERMITS able to deduce with' certainty what. -- " $ 76.·U8,743.52 trib.uted by Hadassah members.' Federated Budget N otes.o f t h e B all.k In clrcu at on .•••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••. $ 45.465,130.511 ,.' part of the malaria reduction h·as_ Deposlls not bearing, interest ... , •............•.•..••....... 178.284.flIJ9 13 "Shanghai Lady" is distinguished Formed in Regina . SLAUGHTER HOUSE been aceompllshed by such effort. Deposits bearin(linterest. jnc1udin~ intcre8t accrued to date . of statement .......................... , ................ 5?4.04~.1(,1.3a by two outstanding creations-the Advances under the Finance Act ............... ,............ 15.1)011,000.011 Deposits mnde by and Balances due to other B1Itlk:-! in Canada !'i 02UlJf", MI characterization of Cassie Cook, play·· A Federo.:t-.ec1. Budget has been or­ Jernsalem (J.T.A.)-Rabbis Uziel Balances due to llar.ksand Ballkjn~ CorrespOnd('lIIS elsewhere ••.••. ed by Miss Nola~ and the Oriental ganized by th= Jewish community :; , SUES, FOR CONVERSION OF • thnnln Canada .....•..•......... , ............. ,....... 34.:161).331.72 .,• - and Aronsohn returned recently to Bills Payable. • . • ••• • • • . • . • . .. 298.580.03 atmosphere of the entire film. Both 01. Regina, .according to news recei­ ''.rel Aviv after an interview with 872.487.l73.42 CHILD WITHOUT PARENT'S CONSENT, Letters ·of Credit outstalldhl~ .. 13.338.458.116 aro just about as near perfection ved here. Instead of having nruner­ Llabilides not included in the f~~~· ~i~·'········'························· 3,072,5n.I;\ the High Commissioner Chancellor in , l! ~ •........•••.•••••••••••.•••.•••••• a£l it' is possible to get. ous campaigns for local institutions J erusalelu where, they appealed to Co.iro (J.T.A.) .-illJi Moghnage, the ASSETS $ ""!i.3~6,1J97.13 and cparities. one campaign will be, him against the government's deci­ father of one of ·the six children con~ Gold and Suhsi~lnry coin current ••••••..... ; .....••.••.•••. $ 42.Bll,3~O.22 Dominion notes ............... , . 5P 1 F;.~ 2t-:O 75 held yearly and the proceeds divided sion compe1ling the Jews o~ Tel verted by a Christian mission here I)epos!t in rhe Ccntral Gold Reserves ......... ::::::::::::::: Ib:oiiil:C6&:1K' Kneseth Israel in accordance with a specified plan Aviv to use the slaughterhouse at ,without the knowledge of their par- DepOSIts made with and Balances due from , .01 her Banks :In Canada. : ..... , .•......... $ 1.1147.14 Committees Availed which budgets each organization ac­ Jaffa. The High Commissioner gave e.i:rts, has brought an action for per­ United States and olher {ore11lll currencies .... (144.21).\.57 . Balances due by Bunks and BUllklnA enrre- cording to its importance. The Bud­ the two rabbis no satisfactory an­ suasion of a minor and asks dam­ sPodnsd,ents(elseWhere than in Canada, ..... 30",727,715.41 The first meeting of the newly , - C a an lort not cxceedlll~ thirty days) L(mos get",· it is understood, also vrill act. swe1. ages to his honor. The Jewis~ com­ " in Canada •. on Bonds, nebeotl~l"('S and elected officers of the officers of the Stocks and other securities of a sufficient as an endorsation bureau to issue Slaughtering in Tel Aviv is still munity is looking forward to the ' "m"'dke'sahbte va(lue to coverd'i ' .
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