4.3 Million Matawan School Plan Eyed SEE STORY BELOW Weather Periods of rain today and to- HOME night possibly mixed with light •now at times. High today in mid to upper 40s, low tonight In up- per 30s. Becoming partly sunny FINAL and windy tomorrow, high in low 40s. Friday's outlook, fair and miMer. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 VOL. 90, NO. 105 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Expect Expressway Action by Next Sprin By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON talk with the President climaxes if linking urban and industrial nections to the Garden State terstate money for the freeway The governor, here to join Mr. Senate Public Works Committee, ward Muskie, D-Maine, a mem- WASHINGTON — Gov. Rich- a sustained effort in behalf ol jr defense centers as well as Parkway and New Jersey Turn- will release*the state Transporta- Howard and other sponsors of appreciative of the "crucial ne- ber of the Senate Public Works ard J. Hughes and Rep. James the over-all project. relieving state problems. pike—in his 1965 election cam- tion Department and New Jer- clean air legislation at a White cessity of rapid action." The sen- Committee. He also received as- J. Howard, D-NJ, came away A bill by Mr. Howard and 20 The governor, who promised paign, saw the legislation as bail- sey Highway Authority from House ceremony at which the ator said he hopes to schedule surances of continuing interest from a White House conference co-sponsors, to add 200 miles to the expressway system—a criss- ing him out. spending $52 million for it. President signed it into law, and hearings in two three weeks from Marvin Watson, Mr. John- with President Johnson yes- the 90 percent federal aid inter- cross of super-roads including a Stymied on original plans by Service Roads for other meetings, spent most and ready the bill for ac- son's chief aide on congressional terday confident that the Central state system to benefit New Jer- Garden State Thruway between opposition from Sen. Clifford P. "We expect that by freeing this of his time seeking quick Senate tion later in December. matters, and from Postmaster New Jersey Expressway System sey and six other states, sailed Woodbridge and Toms River GJase, R-NJ, the Democratic chief money," he said,, "we will be action on the interstate bill. No Mandates General Lawrence A. O'Brien, the will be in the works next spring. through the House Monday by a areas and the freeway with con- executive said availability of in- able to build parallel parkway He.clicked off these results: —Talked with U.S. Transporta- President's key liaison man on "If this bill passes the Senate 369 to 1 vote. service roads in Middlesex and —j|e had an amicable megting tion Secretary Alan S. Boyd to the Hill. before Christmas, as I now ex- Reshuffle Union Counties." Thus, he indi- with Sen. Case, accepted his urge that he not seek.even tech- Mr. Howard said senator! piect," said the governor at a It allows a reshuffling of ap- cated, he would gain Sen. Case's pledge of support and agreed with nical amendments "to the bill seemed satisifed with the prom- press conference in Mr. How- proved interstate roads without support for other legislation al- the senator's suggestion that so that it may pass the Senate ise during Monday's House de- ard's office, "contracts for the additional cost to the United lowing tolls on the parkway's state Transportation Com- in the same form as it did the bate, by Rep. John Klucinski, D- first sections of a Trenton-to-the States, New Jersey expects to free sections. missioner David J. Gold- House. He pointed to Mr. How- III, chairman of the House sub- shore freeway can be let in give up a $100 million extension The over-all result will be to berg come to Washington to testi- ard's assurance that the measure committee on roads, that hear- March, April or May." of Interstate 278 in Union County permit the parkway-operating fy on behalf of the freeway at imposes no mandates on the sec- ings on broad revisions and new Hailing the Monmoulh County and build the 37-mile freeway for Highway Authority to proceed Senate committee hearings. retary but leaves him wide dis- appropriations for the interstate Democrat for his "magic wand," $60 million. with the Woodbridge-Toms River —Found Sen. Jennings Ran- cretion. system will begin early next Mr. Hughes spent much of the Rep. Howard said the state thruway. dolph, D-W, Va., chairman of the —Got backing from Sen. Ed- year. day on his own advancing legis- may also apply for other inter- lation that will permit addition state projects costing no more of the freeway to the Interstate than $40 million, provided such Highway System. He said the roads meet the federal concept Hughes Offers GOP Fiercest Vietnam Olive Branch in '68 WASHINGTON — New Jersey knowledged that the state legis- Battle Near End Democratic Gov. Richard J lative outcome was influenced by SAIGON (AP) — U. S. rein- Drang valley and around near- The Dak To fighting has be- today, increasing the American Hughes waved the olive branch the striker benefit clause added forcements poured onto Hill 875 by Plei Mei. In that one 37 come the longest sustained bat- strength to 1,500. at state Republicans yesterday. to a 1967 unemployment benefit near Dak To today as American Americans and 105 South Viet- tle of the war, but U.S. officers South Vietnamese headquar- Here for a round of White increase. paratroopers, artillery and namese were killed, 558 Ameri- believe the fighting is petering ters reported that two more bat- House and congressional confer- Mr. Hughes said he was aware planes fought doggedly to root cans and 248 South Vietnamese out. They believe the 174th North talions of government troops al- ences, the governor bid for co- the new Republican majorities at out the last entrenched North were wounded, 1,771 Communists Vietnamese regiment, in reserve so had been moved to Dak To. operation with the GOP during a Trenton would move to repeal CALL FOR CENTRAL JERSEY EXPRESSWAY — New Vietnamese. were killed and 138 were cap- to the northwest to Dak To, was Bombing Continues tured. committed to Hill 875 as a di- press conference at which he the clause, which he had sup- With at least 246 Americans U.S. fighter-bombers continued Jersey's Gov. Richard Hughes, right, and Rep. James versionary move so North Viet- laid the 1968 elections may pre- ported, and said he had an open killed, 850 wounded and an esti- At noon today, after 72 hours their round-the-clock hammering Howard meet with reporters in Washington. They urged nam's 32nd and 66th regiments occupy both political sides. mind. mated 1,290 North Vietnamese of fighting, two U.S. battalion of the enemy's deep bunkers in could slip away ,to th Cambodi- Despite this month's voting at "I'm giving thought," he said, quick handling of a House-passed bill which would clear killed, the cost of the 20-day-old appeared to be in nearly full con- e the side of the hill. U.S. bombers —which the Republicans displaced "to approving' repeal.'- The bene- campaign -anmnd-Dafr- T<r has froPnf Hfll'grSrTherwere-ciaw. M-lMBtet..Bn_tbS_SQ.UlbMt...a.r1d, mounted—three- jaids~4oday.,on. the way for New Jersey to apply for inclusion of fW sanctuary from pursuing 2 to 1 Democratic majorities in fit had merit, he declared, but been exceeded in the war only ing their way toward a bunkered nearby areas. The eight-engine proposed Centra! Jersey Expressway in the Interstate the state legislature with 3 to 1 gave Republicans an issue on by the 30-day campaign just be- ridge line leading off the crest American troops. Stratofortresses pounded suspect- margins of their own, Mr. Hughes which they hurt the Democrats highway system. (AP Wirephoto) fore Thanksgiving 1965 in the la and su'lf held by the enmy. "I have to give the enemy his ed troop concentrations 12 miles predicted that President Johnson badly. due," said one senior U.S. offi- northeast of Dak To, suspected will carry New Jersey next fall Disagreeing with analysts who cer. "Obviously he had outstand- enemy support bases aim infil- and will win reelection. saw the President's reputed de ing morale and discipline. He tration and withdrawal routes 16 , He_ said he Jswriting to all dine in popularity as a factor! stood his ground" on Hill 875. miles west-southwest of Dak To, new members of the legislature, in the state election, Mr. Hughes -.••Trre-batttff'-for-Hift"875-since and- a-suspected enemy area 15 - cooperation and said state problems were more .3 Million Matawan Region noon Sunday has cost 79 Ameri miles north-northeast of Dak To. offering his pleading for harmony. "I get significant. Reapportionment can paratroopers killed and an- Elsewhere in South Vietnam, a along well with Republicans, ex which was effective for legisla- other 178 wounded, including sev- multibrigade force of U.S. 25th cept during the two months be- tive seats this year, he said, put en killed and 38 wounded in a Division and South Vietnamese fore general elections," he de- some Democratic incumbents in School Package Recommended fierce dash at dusk yesterday: troops pressed a new operation clared. unfamiliar districts and hur Another battalion of U.S.
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