DOCUMENT RESUME ED 397 215 UD 031 097 TITLE Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition. INSTITUTION Nebraska State Dept. of Education, Lincoln. PUB DATE 96 NOTE 151p. PUB TYPE Reference Materias Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Childrens LiterzAure; *Cultural Awareness; Cultural Differences; Elementary Secondary Education; *Equal Education; Ethnic Groups; Minority Groups; *Multicultural Education; Reference Materials; *Resources; Sex Fairness ABSTRACT This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity ProjectA table listing works by author's last name provioes quick access to the topic and grade level. An annotated bibliography arranged alphabetically by author provides publication information and a brief description for each work. Grade levels are identified, and information about the format and running time are presented for nonprint works. Works of 567 authors are listed. (SLD) *************************************, Y.A**************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. " '7;--.;?-"' ,7r-t.V.?),!1:1P"t7i;:';"--'ir-;"1- 1."' .: :',s,^ : .=."'ef)',, 4:'._. ..,,,..,:t41.6.../..; r; : ..".:...j.esi;i".:,14.&:1..*:::,..-..., [.4.? '';'''':-+ti.....q.:;"e-et:iVi.''' 15,96 Spring/Summer Edition <.. Bibliography of Race Equity/ Multicultural Library Materials U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ()lice ot Educahenal RIDOOarCh and imoonement ED ATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) This document has been reproduced as recemed Irprn the person or orgenaahon algtnahrva .5 v t, 0 Minor changes have been made to mprone .,..,_, feproduclion duality Iri*,ftfor.:37,4A1- Pomts of vete C. Ornmons Staled in 1510CC u mini do not necassenly represent Othe.a, OERI posc.on or pokey , 4:c:;:-.,1 es-1" ..,01.00,44t.Wfs;- Its-$ , -,,. ,:?f.i,-Pd, 4,45-VP:slA :I. ra-;. :44?Mr crIl DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION I) P 4."17: Y nIAILAK" cfi.0Welled on recttled IMOD, an American Hi panic American M icultural an American udice TeOing/Assessment s Activities h Africa Geeral Knowledge ye American Development isk This revised annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity/multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. Some materials require special permission due to graphic language, etc. Materials are loaned for a two-week period by contacting Peg Kirby at 402-471-4677. Please feel free to duplicate this bibliography so that it can be useful to many educators. It will be updated as necessary. Jessie Myles, Race Equity/Multicuttural Education Director Nebraska Department of Education Equal Educational Opportunities Project 301 Centennial Mall South Lincoln, NE 68509 Table of Contents Table Table format designed to assist the educator. Listed by author's last name, this table will provide fast reference to topic and grade level areas. Bibliography A detailed list of each publication by author's last name. Aadema-Austin 1-5 Macmillan-Myers 46-52 Bailey-Byrnes 5-10 Nabwire-Novas 53-55 Cagin-Cushner 11-18 Oakes-Osborn 55-56 D'Amico-Duvall 18-20 Pacific-Pusch 56-60 Educational-Everett 21-22 Quarles-Questar 60-61 Feelings-Froh 22-25 Raab-Ruggiero 61-64 Garbarion-Guidance 25-29 Salet-Sweet . 64-70 Hale-Hyde 30-34 Taifa-Tutu 70-72 Information Plus-Irvine 34-35 United-Utter 72-73 James-Josephy 35-37 VAI-Villaneuva 73 Kalman-Kuykendall 37-42 Wade-Wurzel 73-77 Lacapa-Lynch 42-46 Xenon-Zondervan 77-78 Author Publication Eters Jr/SiHigh Cultures:I African American RiskAt LutherMartin Mulficultural:I General Testing&Assess- 5432 NativeHispanicAsianSouth American AtticaAmerican American King 243 Prejudice,ClassroomStaffDiscriminationRacism Dev/Trng & Act. ment Aadema, Verna Bringing tha Rain to Kapitl Pla.in x 1111 1 2 3 4 Abbey,ABC News Nancy PracticalFamilyPrejudice: Life Guidelines AnsweringEducation inChildren's 'Multicultural Questions Classrooms: (VHS) x x x x Addison-WesleyAbrahamson, Brant Pub. MultiwituralismPrejudioa in Group In Mathematics, Relations Science, & Technology: 9-12 x A x x x X xX Ado% Arnold AllReadiag the C010111 & Activities of the Race x Si t MalcolmBleck Is BrownX Is Tan 2-5x 7-a x AIMS Media TahtonkaSiouxDifferences Legends (VHS) (VHS) (VHS) 3-655-6 S 7-9 x x AllAkbar, f lebia Nairn Prosluulion TheVisions Black for WestBlack (VHS) Men 5-3 7-87-9 x Allport,Allen, Irving Gordon ABC'SUnkMd of Words: ScapegoatIng Ethnic Labeling from Redskin to WASP x x x t Amato-Richard,Altman, Linda Patricia TeachersThoArnerlia's Multicultural Road Classroom: Readings :or Content Area x x 1-- x Ambrose Video CrackCBS NEWS: U.S.A. (VHS)On Hate Street (VHS) 9-12x x x x American SchoolChemical Publishers Society DangerousChemistryTracing the In Songs:Pati:. the Life Africal Censors Sciences Amerklan Rock (VHS) 3 Crwitributions the First to x x x Anderson, David Kwanzaa.Amendment An (VHS) Everyday Resource & Instructional Guide x x 11111111MINE11111111111111111111111Mx x T-2 Author Publication Elern Jr/SrHigh Cultures:1 African American RiskAt LutherMarlin Multicultural:I General Testing&Assess- 2543 AsianNativeHispanicSouth American AfricaAmerican American . King 324 ClassroomPrejudice.StaffDiscriminationRacism Devarng & Act. ment Anti-DefamatIon League Behind the Mask (VHS) K-6 2 3 4 5 x1 x2 x3 4 forBeingCrimes the FairSecondary of Hate& Being (VHS) School Free: A Human Relations Program x x x x FriendsGuideExtremist for Don't SecondaryGroups Hurt In Friends the Students United (VHS) States: A Cuniculum x x xIt x x Hate-Crimes-Laws: A Comprehensive Guide x x x x NamesShadowsRapmatazz: Can Between ReallyA Notebook HurtFriends Us Against (VHS) Prejudice (VHS) x x x x x VideoAmericanThe Distorted Vignettes: Graphics image: A World1850-1922 Stereotype of Difference (VHS) & Caricature Training in Program Popular x x x x x Anyike, James The(VHS)African Wonderful American World Holidays of Difference x Jr x x : x x ASCD EvaluationMulticultural (VHS) Education: Goals, Teaching Strategies & x x x Aten,Atbach, Jerry Philip AmericansThe Racial ToolCrisis, Fields: in American Children Higher of Migrant Education Farrnworkers x 7 x x x x x x Atkinson,Atkin, S. Beth Pansey TellVoicesDesegrationAn AfricanTheir from Stories American's i,& MIseducation View: Brown VS. Topeka x x Austin,Atlas Video Susan ReportsRespondingThe Dakota Conflictto Children (VHS) At-RIsk: A Guide to Recent x x x x Baker,Bailey, GwendolynDebbie C. PlanningTalk About & OrganizingPhoto Books for (set Multicultural of 6) InstructionBEST COPYPreK-K AVAILABLEx x x x x Author Publication Elem Jr/Sr Cultures: At Martin Multicultural: Testing& High 54321 NativeHispanicAsianSouthAfrican American AfricaAmerican American American Risk LutherKing 231 Prejudice,ClassroomGeneralDiscriminationRacism & Act. Assess-ment 1 2 3 4 5 4 Staff2 Devirmg3 4 Banks,&infield, James Susan AnEthnic Introduction Conflicts toIn MulticulturalSchools Education x x TeachingMultiethnicMulticultural Strategies Education: Educaflon: for Theory IssuesEthrtic &Studies& Practice Practices x Bernell,Barone, AnnAndres IssuesChildrenHispanic in At-Risk:BulletinEducation Poverty,Board Equity and Minority Activities Status, & Other K-6 x x x Barth, Leroy Multicultural Education of Children & Adolescents x x Baugh,Baylor, JohnByrd BlackTheHawk, Other Street I'm YourWay Speech: Brotherto Usten Its History, (book & Structure VHS) & Survival x x x : The Way to Start A Day (VHS) x x Beane,Beaks, LesleyJames Self-Concept,Song of Be Self-Esteem & the Curriculum x x x Bentley,Benneti, JudithChristine ArchbishopPracticeComprehensive Tutu Multicuitural of South Africa Education. Theory & 5-6 7-10 x x x 1 Berger,Berenson, Lany Sally OutTheUp YourtheSkills SAT Score: of Teaching: The Underground Teaching Delivery Guide to Skills Psyching Sr x x Berlin, Gordon FREEFamiliusToward AT a & LAST:More Our EconomicPerfect A Documentary Union: Future Basic History Skills, of Slavery,Poor x x x x Berry,Berlin, JoyIra DiscriminationEveryFreedom Kid's and Guide the Civil to Overcoming War Prejudice & 3-6 x x x Best,Beyer, Shirley Francine AssessmentLet's Have Fun of Schoolwith Spanish Needs Culturefor Low-Achieving x 7-9 x x x x x `,1 Students: Staff Survey Author Publication Elem Jr/Sr Cultures: At Martin Multicultural: Testing& High 5432I AfricanHispanicNativeAsianSouth American Africa AmericanAmerican American Risk LutherKing 32I ClassroomPrejudice,GeneralDiscriminationRacism & Act. Assess-ment 3 4 5 41 Staff2 Devffrng3 Bigelow,Beyer, Landon William ISouthStrangersThe Curriculum: Africa in Their Problems, Own Country: Politics A Curriculum& Possibilities Unit on x x x Billings,Bill Armstrong Gloria Prod.Ladson AmericanThe BuffaloDreamKeepers: Children Soldiers Successful Teachers of African x x Blume,Blackwell, Judy James TheIggieS Black House Community-DtversIty & Unity x x x Boesak,Bode. Janet Allan TraditionBlackDifferent & Reformed: Worlds: Interracial Apartheid, & Cross-CulturalLiberation & Calvinist Dating x x x x AfricanComfortIf This IsPerspective & Treason, Protest, IThe Am ApocalypseGuilty From a South x x Boschee,Bonikowski, Floyd Dennis OutcomeThroughTruancy: StrategicBasedA Prelude Education: Planning to Dropping Developing Out Programs x x Bourman, Ann Speaking61 Cooperative Skills Learning Activities: Thinking, Writing & 6 7-9 , Boyd,Boyer, Alex James GuideMotivationalHuman to Instruction Multicultural Speech with to
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