
DepEd - DIVISION OF QUEZON siho Fon. BAt f.tpth, Pa'lata qDz@ catt @1 /5a24627 gri t q.t w thEdlibeh m F 'Crcarhg PorElbltili.., br.Flrlns hv!ryator6 , oac/Rato2r6 AUTHORITY TO TRAVEL (outside the Divisim and within CALABARZON -for Fiotd Offica use) Documert Tracklng No.: r r, -,r lcp !q!_]_!L!!lsrlqi Date: Janqarv 4, 2019 1{A E OF OfFICIAU EiIPLOYEE AND DESIGNATION: s6q IIA E A.di! p. oellr rHt6Enr oe Science ana Seq GLrrnaca ttationet l6n uampus MESA Technolodv W School Joumalist l,t'ttrA Hener.r e Science and Sec- Gumaca National High SPA,/Coac*r VILLAMIEL Techttoloqv Writin Eno Sctrcoi 3 c. vALERlo Editoryal Karluning SecFil Quezon Scienoe High Campus School Journalist 4 MIKAEL SANDINO I Editoryal Kartuning Sec-Fil Quezon Science High SPA,/Coach ANDREY School -JERMAI.IEALLYZA MAE S PhotoFumalism Sec- Leon Guinto Memorial Campus VILLAMIEL Eno Collooe lnc. Joumalisl 6 enntn.n lVrurrr m Pagsulat ng Balila Sec-Fil Leon Guinlo Memorial Camp!s ALTEZ Colleoe lnc. Joumalist .tenWtr'l S. ftennn Photojou rnaiism Sec- Leon Guinlo M€morial SPAJCoach Eng Colleoe lnc KURTRAn-ATHAN|EL c. Radio Sqiptwriting See Quezon National HEh Campus BALIGOD and Broada:stinc School Joumalist YUBERT rvAN tlt Radio Scriptwiiting Sec- Quezon Nalional Fligh Csmpua COMIA and Broadcastino Eno School Joumalist 0. eeNeDtcaRoxAS-F Radio Scriptwriting Soc. Ouezon National High SPA/Coach and Broadcaslino Eng School 1. -r,cNMA. PR|NCESS ANNE l Radio Scriphffting SecFil Gumea National High Campug s. cuRrqso I qlllq|oadcasling School Joumalist 2. MARC JOSHI.JA A I Radio Scriptwriling Sec-Fil Gumaca National High Campus VASOUEZ I and Bmadc€stino School Joumalist 3. VrNcE-rNcEANDRET s - Radio Sc{iptwiting Sec-+il Gumaca National High Campus ARTOLA I and Broadcastino Schod Joumalis{ 4. ELLA JANE R MIRA I Radio Scriptwriting Sec-fit Gumac€ National High Campus L and Brcadcaslino School Joumalis{ 5. ZALDY O. BUENO Radio Scriptrvriting Sec-Fil Gumaca National High SPAJCoacfi and Brodcaslim School 6. JOHN MARK D, IBARRA Scriphrriting aM TV Sec-Fil Dr. Maria O. Pistrana Camors Nalional High School Journalist i. DoMrNrc s. ALiriREz l Scriptwriting and TV Sec-Fil Dr. Maria O. Paslrana SPA./Coacfr Broadcasting Nalional Hioh School JANELLE 1 Pagsulat ng Seo-Fil Redo Memorial Campus MAcANDoc-T I Nelioaal Hioh Schod Joumalisi J. I MAR JHUN F OANIEL I Copy Reading and Sec- Redo Memorial rt Headline Writinq Ens National HiOh od st ], I MNDALL M. I CoplLBq dins qn! Sec- Redo Memorial 0EPEDQUEZON-TM SDS,0.l,00E{03 .]' 'Ll'JlI Email &clress. quezm@ Cn.nmants frt tIELEN - t 9trBN2327 (Sttut Cel N. @175,jt1t2t It a rom ,s , @snv or sC/iOOrS O/VrSroN a.FrcE - AUEZAN PROVI\CI Fmit.d 6r rh. S.t @h DirB ry'::3 DepEd - DIVISION OF QUEZON sdnFa aryt r.hpan P.*\tm Ar.zan gri- C.ll I o91r5A t46?/ e Et [email protected] .M dl ' C n.dng Pd*ib tn d e r. bt tplrln' tn no..i or'E - oacrRot tDlG DIMACULANGAN Headline Writio National High Scircd SHERWN A. Radio Scd ptwriling Seo-Fil Gumaca National High SPA,/Coach SMVEDRA 8nd Broadcastin School 22. ABNER L. PUREZA Radio Scriph,vriting Quezon National High SPAJCoach and Broadcasti School VANESSA V. ELLAGA S€c-Fil Quezon National High SPA/Coacfi qroa@{!s School ART ANGELO A. Scriptwffng and TV Sec-Fil Quezon National High SPA,.,Coach ENELO B roadcastin g School DESTINATION: Taoavtay Citv Science Hiqh Schoot. Cavile PERIOD OF TRAVEL: Januarv t4-18. 2019 TRAVEL IS ON: SOURCE OF FUND: ESTI'IIATED EXPE SE/6: lt on atfrctst Buithd') Regislration '1. trOfficial Business Fee: enter lext. Transporiation : enter text. trCash Advance Division Fund 3 Travel Allowence: enler lext. L lReimbursement t] LSB Fund On Travel Ime only 2. trOfiicial Time E School MOOE Full Allowance lNo ErP€i5E b b Erd 5v tu tr Others (PIs. speciry) TOTAL ESn ATED EXPENSES: lype here. RECOi'MENt)lNG XADIiIE Educ€tion Program Supervisor Assistanl Schools Schools Division Superintend€nt RE ARKS (IF ANY); Cllck or tap h6re to ent9. tert oEPEDQUEZOT+TM-SOS{,{,008{03 Enai add,Bs [email protected]_et- aorAeas Tn HELEN- t)t,7wati, frwi/I.=ra*iix4 e'zt @t.,,. dt r ) 7',8 rb'D /s p'@rnv o, sc!!,oo Ls DtvtstoN taFElcE - auE7lN p$ovtNcE @ ' fh.nrb' uaaLlhonted usa E srrcnv anh/,T.d u,tos.thd G,nt,ed bv ttt 5.1006 Dttsor s@adqMl Republc oI the Philippines .fr:% Dcpartrncnt of Education i..*ry,! BEGIof lv-a cfiJBAEz'oll Gate 2 Kardnqalan village 1900 Cahta, Rizal scHools NIEIIDOIIS TROM SUIJECI CU OF 2OI9 NSPC QUAUFENS.IITDIVIDUAI. AiID GIOUP co Esrs (PHASE 2) DAIE December I4. ?018 l. The Deportmenl of Eoucotion Region lV A CALASARZON, through lhe Cuniculurn ond Leorning Monogemeni DivEion (CLMD) onnounces lhe conducl oi the Cliniquing ot inl9 NSPC Ouo[fie{s - lndividual ond Group Conlesrs lPhose 2) on Jonuory l+18,2019,8AM to 6PM ol Togoytoy Ciiy Science NoiionolHigh School, to be hosted ond focililoted by lhe Chompion SDO. Coviie Prov nce 2. The torget porticiponh o{ thii octivih ore idenlified in the following enclosures- Their ollendonce ond oc'iive porhcipoiion is enjoined. 3. Ihe quolifiers musr ottend ond porticipote octively in ollofine required ressions within dnd/or ouiside lhe cliniquing venues- They ihould olso bring ond provide lhemselves wilh lhe necessory moteriols ond equipmeni requir.ed for thei. respeclive contesl coiegodes. 4. There lholl be NO REGISTRATION FEE. Podiciponis Jholl tqke cqre of iheir own ironsportoiion. food. occommodolion ond olher incidenfol expense3 which moy be chorged lc MCOE. provinciol locqi funds or the citys speciol educoiion fund, rubject lo ihe usuol occounling ond dudiling rules ond reguloiionr. 5. AII Educolion Progorn Superyisors irrchorge of Journolism pel division must otlend ord o$ht in the conduct of fhe enti€ cliniquing. They, with their respeclive scnool poper odviseG/quolifiers musl be responsible not onV tor ihe food, occommodotion cnd hon5po*otion of ther 2019 NSPC Quolifie.s - compu. journolisls bul oko Ior lheir solely ond securily oll lhoughout lhe conducl of lhe cliniquing. Ihey musl olso be responsible in securing the quolifierr' porenh' pemit, wqiver ond medicol cerlificoies for cleoronce ond secudly purposes. Food of the Reglonol lechnicol wo{king Group ond tocilifqtoE. honorodo ol lhe invited exp€rls lrorn lhe medio ond 'lhe ocodeme, supplies ond other lmt liE: (02) 6a2 57?r / 6a4 $1. I 6{1-14A1 #* fs+dt : d.Eddrdb.r&n .r. ist. Page Z of 2 re oled expenses sholl be chqrged 1o the Regionol ond OSEC Funds, subjecl to the usuo occounling ond ouditing rules ond regulotions. Meonwhlle. ihe hort SDO sholl toke chorge of the cliniqulnq venues ond occommodoion for lhe troiners, focilitolors ond the regionol lechnicol working grolp which moy be chorged to MOOE. provinciol locol fiJnds or the city's speciol educol on iund, srrbject to the usuoloccounling ond oLrditing rules ond regL,lotions. Ihey musl olso toke chorge of the regisirotion, progrorn, leom building ocl vities documenlolion ond coordinotion with lhe possible torget venues for pholorhoot ond sporls writing oclivities. This office expecis full implemenloiion ot Regionol Mernorondum No. 13, s. 2015 eniitled Speciol Considerotion lo Leorners'Aclive Porticipolion ond Exernplory Performonce lc' Co-Curdculor Activities. Likewise, lhe Office expects lhe school poper odviser ond lhe EPSS lo submit reports documenting the 2019 NSPC Ouolifiers' stolus/progress/reodiness during qnd even ofier lhe Phose I Clinrqurng to be sLlbmitled ond reported on the Phose 2 Cliniquing of 2019 NSPC Ouolifiers. 9. For TV Scnplwrlting ond Broodcosling quolifiers. ihere will be o pre-cllniguing lphose 2l scheduied on Jonuory li 13, 2019 ot ihe University of Bqlongos. Bolongos Cify. This oims to ensure thoi before the conciucl ol the cliniquing (phose2) oll members of the composile leom ore reodv in terms of the equipmenl ond other moteriols. l0- For more queries, oll concerned andividuols moy contocl or visii the Educolion Progrom Supervisor in-chorge ol Compus Journolism. Eleno L. Lopez ol ihe Cuniculum ond Leorning Monogement Division oi DepEd CALABARZON with Teleohone No.682 5773locol I lO. I L lmmedroie drssem noiion of th;s Memorondum is desired- ltsl ot [ActuIAIoRs REG|ONAl ASSOCTAnON OF COt MUNtCAnON ARIS SUpERVTSORS (RACAS) i !.h991'rool! Dlvlllon Offce Educofl on Progtom SuD.M!o[ Wenifredo Diquil ''' Moribeih Rieio : -_ Pill'to Villonuevo i Covite C 1y Morlto 4a!ql Frqgiyn Rofoel Dosmorinos Cily Morie Solosbor Leticio Rogocion l4r ci!y- Fel.fnie Roriouez Leonor Medino Eocoor Cl Julielo De Jesus Ermo Volenzuelo LoOUno Provrrr Zorino lloreno Lino Sonchez Colombo ciiCiiy Andreo Senodozo Roquel Azur Binon Crlr Loiloni Mirondo Robino Delos Reyes j!:Roso City( Cherilyn loleon Mqrlyn R vero I Son PoblorCi Loilo Mololes Jonolhon Bernobe Cobuyoo C'v JonorFon MorqLez t,oo ,Eslqrs"sjrsyrce ;11j:'ffi" I --- Ederlino Lon[oc Jeblgo! c,iv FsoeronTo lrrsonto ternondo Enriquez -Lor"'o Morile Morcillo Mo. Tereso Uroyon Tonouon City I Vicky Burgos Dolrloy lone5 Rizql Province Emilio C Reynoldo Androde olo City Crisfu Solozor .loseph Jaroso Anqel;no Cosiilio Luzvimindd Ritchel e Quintero Christion Edbles Modeslo.lourige Luceno Ciiy lonie Mrllobonoo Glecito Columno ovEnsEErs SDo Covlie Provir,ce - RACAS OIFICERS Modesfo louriqe Lino Sonchez Colgmbo City i Esperolzo Lusonlo Botonso! Ciiy _-l Cherilyn Toleon !lo. Roso City ---- qSsrllMg: qty oviie Province Generie Monuel Binqqc!ty Arlene Delo Costo Covite Provlnce leo Aiienzo - Llpo C,ly I Potflck Coouillo Covite Province cAsPA OtftcEts FiA.Abcl_ iEgllLBoYbo)l Covile Province Htlqrle! AlqgllqS Loguno Province --1 Urico Podlon Bocoor crtv- l lriz Pinuelo lfg.:RosoSlo Roso City(.itu lI 1,,1ory Groce Solozor Lucerro Ltty i I v;trro Buroy_ LUCenO Ltty Dosriornos ---l CARAVANvoruNrE*ri#*."n@u-o.@i -L CiiV - I t'n,.,s Cty- - Bi6an Ciry lohn Vin(enl Fone.a gat.nEas Citv Edmely.
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