SKEGNESS TOWN COUNCIL Notice of Meetings on Wednesday, 5th April 2017 at the Town Hall, Skegness, Lincolnshire 7.00 pm – Public Meeting of Skegness Residents NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of a public meeting to enable Residents of Skegness to discuss issues about the Town with Town Councillors. Councillors will be available for individual discussions from approximately 6.45 pm. The meeting will end just before the start of the following Council Meeting. 7.15 pm – Skegness Town Council Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the above meeting. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the Agenda set out below. AGENDA 1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – attached. To receive, consider and adopt (or otherwise) the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 1st March 2017. 2. APOLOGIES 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Residents of Skegness are invited to speak on or ask questions about any item on the published agenda. A maximum of 3 minutes is allowed for any one speaker with not more than 15 minutes in total. 5. THE TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS & CORRESPONDENCE Details are available on the Council website, Facebook and twitter site 6. SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS FOR APPROVAL - To review and consider payments made or to be made in accordance with Financial Regulation 5 – attached. 7. QUESTIONS TO/COMMENTS FROM THE LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE REPRESENTATIVE Question 1 Over the past two weeks I have observed on several occasions the public humiliation of our P.C.S.O’s and our Polices Officers on the beat in our main streets of Skegness. The officers are verbally abused, severely sworn at and belittled by some of our residents. I personally find this an embarrassment and feel angry. The question is – Is there a way that these people could be arrested and charged with a public order offence including a fixed penalty? So restoring the values status of our constabulary. Submitted by Cllr D Cargill. 8. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Visit East Lincolnshire Minutes attached – Cllr C Macey CCTV Partnership Report attached – Cllr D Cargill East Lindsey Area Forum Report attached – Cllr D Cargill The Gibraltar Point Joint Advisory Committee Report attached – Cllr D Cargill 9. REPORTS BY DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS No reports received. 10. PLANNING & PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES - attached. To note the Minutes of the Planning & Planning Policy Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 28th February 2017, approved by the Planning & Planning Policy Committee on Tuesday 21st March 2017. To receive, consider and adopt (or otherwise) the Minutes of the Planning & Planning Policy Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 21st March 2017 – confidential report to be tabled. 11. DIRECTION AND STRATEGY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – attached. To receive, consider and adopt (or otherwise) the Minutes of the Direction and Strategy Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd March 2017. 12. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES – attached. To receive, consider and adopt (or otherwise) the Minutes of the Human Resources Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 2017. 13. MOTIONS To consider motions in accordance with Standing Order 4 Motion 1 regarding Street Lighting That the council write to LCC to ask them to reconsider switching the street lights on overnight, to enable the residents to live free from fear. Proposed D Brookes Seconded M Dannatt 14. PETITIONS POLICY – to consider the new policy attached. 15. TOWN CLERK’S MISSCELLANOUS REPORT– report and appendices attached. 16. PROPOSAL TO GO INTO PRIVATE SESSION FOR THE NEXT ITEM – Under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 (due to the confidential nature of business relating to commercial confidentiality) 17. TOWER GARDENS COMMUNITY HUB – To receive update. Steve Larner – Town Clerk 29th March 2017 SKEGNESS TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Council Meeting Held at 7.15pm on Wednesday, 1st March 2017 PRESENT: Councillor D R Edginton (Town Mayor) in the Chair. Councillors M C Anderson, D Brookes (Deputy Town Mayor), J Byford, T Burnham, D Cargill, J Carpenter, M Dannatt, S A Dennis, G Ellis, M Gabbitas, Mrs M Gray, D Kirk, S Kirk and C Macey. Invited: Reverend C Anderson (Mayors Chaplin) and Inspector C Haigh. Officers: Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk. Seven members of the public and two press members were present. C 199. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING (Agenda Item 1) It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That:- a) A correction to the date in the title be made to read 1st February and a correction in minute C184 be made to read 11th January b) The minutes of the Council meeting held on Wednesday 1st February 2017, be confirmed as a correct record of the meeting. C 200. APOLOGIES (Agenda Item 2) Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Blackburn, Mrs S Blackburn, J Brookes, N Cooper, Miss E Freeman and R Hall. C 201. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (Agenda Item 3) There were no Declarations of Interest. C 202. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (Agenda item 4) Mr P Gaskill spoke on Agenda item 14 to ask if Skegness Town Council had considered appointing a dog warden. Mr D Claxton spoke on Agenda item 19 regarding his concerns for the appearance of the Town if amenity grass cutting no longer takes place. 129 C 203. THE TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS & CORRESPONDENCE (Agenda Item 5) The Town Mayor informed Council that a list of Mayoral events has been posted on the Council website, Facebook and Twitter and thanked the Deputy Mayor for attending the Ash Wednesday Service in his absence. The Town Mayor also reported that Matt Warman MP has requested a meeting with Town Councillors at 2pm on Friday 12th May 2017, with any questions for the MP to be sent to the Town Clerk. The Mayor presented the proposed Council meeting dates for the upcoming year, asked for nominations for a representative to sit on the ELDC CCTV group and informed Council that the War Memorial has been listed (grade 2) It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That:- a) The report be noted. b) The proposed meeting dates be approved. c) Cllr Cargill sit as a Council representative on the ELDC CCTV group. C 204. THE SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS (Agenda Item 6) The Town Clerk reported on a schedule of payments made between 24th January 2017 and 24th February 2017 as shown in Appendix A to these minutes. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the schedule be approved. C 205. QUESTIONS TO AND COMMENTS FROM LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE (Agenda Item 7) Cllr D Cargill submitted a question- When the C.C.T.V. monitoring transferred to Boston, I know lots of time & money was wasted with your officers having to go over to Boston to view & confirm footage. Recently a monitoring / viewing facility was installed in Skegness Police Station. Has this new facility made your job easier? Also is this aiding more efficient use of your manpower? Inspector C Haigh confirmed that it was a more effective use of resources. Cllr M Anderson asked if the Inspector had seen an increase in crime since some of the streets lights had been turned off? Inspector Haigh informed Council that it is too early to say, but that no increase in crime had been noticed due to the lack of street lighting. There has been an increase in burglaries in Skegness but the majority of these were committed in daylight hours. Inspector Haigh informed Council that crime data is published online and that he would bring a briefing to the next Council meeting on crime in Skegness. Cllr Burnham raised the issue of street beggars, Inspector Haigh was very keen 130 to reassure the public that this is not tolerated and that Lincolnshire Police are working with ELDC to look at what legislation could be used to tackle this problem. A crime prevention event will be taking place in Skegness on 15th April 2017. Cllr Byford asked for advice when reporting a crime and whether to dial 999 or 101. Inspector Haigh informed Council that a crime in action is a 999 emergency. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the response be noted C 206. CORRESPONDENCE (Agenda Item 8) The response from the Home Office in respect of Police Funding was presented. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the correspondence be noted. C 207. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES (Agenda Item 9) Cllr C Macey presented the Visit East Lincolnshire meeting minutes from 1st February 2017. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the report be noted. C 208. REPORTS by DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILLORS (Agenda Item 10) Cllr S Kirk gave a verbal report that the East Lincolnshire Business Awards are now open for nominations and that the Micro Business Grant application process closes on 10th March 2017. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the verbal report be noted. C 209. THE PLANNING AND PLANNING POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING (Agenda Item 11) The Council considered the minutes of the Planning and Planning Policy Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 7th February 2017 and approved by the Planning and Planning Policy committee on Tuesday 28th February. 131 RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Planning and Planning Policy Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 7th February 2017, be noted and the resolutions and recommendations contained therein adopted. C210. BUSINESS & RESOURCES MEETING MINUTES (Agenda Item 12) The Council considered the minutes of the Business & Resources Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 25th January 2017. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Direction & Strategy Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 25th January 2017, be approved and the resolutions and recommendations contained therein adopted. C 211. LINCOLSHIRE COASTAL BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (LCBID) BUSINESS PLAN AND TIMETABLE (Agenda Item 13) Lisa Collins, LCBID manager, gave a presentation on the LCBID business plan and timetable and answered questions.
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