LIST OF CONTACTS / LISTE DES CONTACTS (up-dated on / mise à jour le : 20 September 2017 / 20 septembre 2017) COUNCIL OF EUROPE / CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation/Direction de la Citoyenneté Démocratique et de la Participation Division for co-operation and capacity building/Division de la coopération et du renforcement des capacités Pestalozzi Programme, Training Programme for education professionals Programme Pestalozzi, Programme de formation pour les professionnels de l’éducation Direction Générale II, Conseil de l'Europe, 67075 STRASBOURG CEDEX Mr Josef HUBER Head of Unit / Chef de l’Unité E-mail: [email protected] Language/Langues : English + Français + Deutsch Ms Isabelle LACOUR Assistant for the management of the Pestalozzi Programme Assistante à la gestion du programme Pestalozzi E-mail: [email protected] Language/Langues : Français + English + Deutsch + Elsässisch Mr Didier FAUCHEZ Assistant for the social networking platform and for the web site of the Pestalozzi Programme Assistant plate-forme du réseau social et pour le site web du Programme Pestalozzi E-mail: [email protected] Language/Langues: Français + English Ms Bogdana BUZARNESCU Assistant for the Pestalozzi Programme E-mail: [email protected] Language/Langues : English + Français +Română + Español Ms Tara HULLEY Assistant for the Pestalozzi Programme E-mail: [email protected] Language/Langues : English + Français Ms Manola GAVAZZI Seconded by the Italian Authorities to the Pestalozzi Programme (October 2016 to August 2017) Mis à disposition par les autorités italiennes auprès du Programme Pestalozzi Language/Langues: Italian + Français + English Mr Patrice WEISHEIMER Seconded by the French Authorities to the Pestalozzi Programme (September 2016 to August 2017) Mis à disposition par les autorités françaises auprès du Programme Pestalozzi Language/Langues: Français + English For a general request, please use the generic e-mail address of the Pestalozzi Programme: [email protected] Fax: + 33 3 88 41 27 88 * PARTNER INSTITUTIONS / INSTITUTIONS PARTENAIRES LANDESAKADEMIE FÜR FORTBILDUNG UND PERSONALENTWICKLUNG AN SCHULEN BAD WILDBAD, GERMANY Ms Claudia STEINKOPF Pedagogical Advisor, Conseillère pédagogique, Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen rAöR Baetznerstraße 92 75323 Bad Wildbad Tel: + 49 7081 9259 215 or/ou Tel: + 49 7081 9259 0 (reception) Fax: + 49 7 081 92 5910 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://lehrerfortbildung-bw.de Language / Langue: Deutsch + English EUROPEAN WERGELAND CENTRE / CENTRE EUROPEEN WERGELAND Ms Julie SKØIEN Executive Assistant The European Wergeland Centre C J Hambros pl 5, NO-0164 NORWAY Tel: +47 21082410, Fax: + 47 21 01 45 01 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.theewc.org Language / Langue: English NATIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS / AGENTS DE LIAISON NATIONAUX ALBANIA / ALBANIE (ALN007) Ms Gerti JANAQI Head of Institute for Educational Development (IDE), Rr. Naim Frashëri Nr 37, TIRANA E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Ms Irida SINA Head of Department of Methodology and Technologies in Education Institute for Educational Development (IDE), Rr. Naim Frashëri Nr. 37, TIRANA Tel: + 355 42 256 440, Fax: + 355 42 256 441 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : Français + English ________________________________________________________________________________ ANDORRA / ANDORRE (ALN008) Ms Elisabeth CARPA RÖJERMAN Chef du département des formations du professorat Département de Formation Professionnelle et Développement Educatif Ministère de l'Education, de la Formation Professionnelle, de la Jeunesse et des Sports Gouvernement d'Andorre, Av. Rocafort 21-23, Edifici del Molí AD600 SANT JULIA DE LORIA Tel: + 376 743 300, Fax: + 376 743 310 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : Français + English ________________________________________________________________________________ ARMENIA / ARMÉNIE ALN009 Ms Karine HARUTYUNYAN Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Armenia Main Avenue, Government House 3, Yerevan 0010 Tel. / Fax : + 37410 546716 E-mail : [email protected] Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ AUSTRIA / AUTRICHE ALN010 Ms Sylvia SCHRITTWIESER-TSCHACH Federal Ministry of Education and Women’s Affairs Unit IA/1 Rosengasse 2-5 1014 Wien Tel: +43 1 53120 – 2361 Fax: +43 1 53120 81 2361 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.bmbf.gv.at Language/ Langue: German + English + French ________________________________________________________________________________ AZERBAIJAN / AZERBAÏDJAN ALN011 Ms Vafa YAGUBLU Ministry Of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Head of the Educator's Professional Development Institute 49, Khatai Ave. AZ1008 Baku, Tel: +994 12 5991155 (ext 5401) E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : English ______________________________________________________________________________ BELARUS ALN012 Ms Ludmila TARUSOVA Deputy Rector of the Academy of Postdiploma Education, Nekrasova 20, 220040 MINSK Tel: + 375 17 285 78 20, Fax: + 375 17 285 78 68 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Ms Natalia ULAYNCHENKO Senior lecturerof the Academy of Postdiploma Education Nekrasova 20, 220040 MINSK Tel:/Fax: + 375 17 285 78 53 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English _____________________________________________________________________________ BELGIUM / BELGIQUE COMMUNAUTE FLAMANDE / FLEMISH COMMUNITY ALN003 Ms Marie-Anne PERSOONS Adviseur/Policy Adviser Vlaamse overheid - Departement Onderwijs en Vorming Afdeling Strategische Beleidsondersteuning Flemish Department of Education and Training, Strategic Policy Unit Koning Albert II-laan 15/5C11, B-1210 Brussel Tel: + 32 2 553 95 89 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English + Français COMMUNAUTE FRANÇAISE / FRENCH COMMUNITY ALN013 M. Marien FAURE Commissariat Général aux Relations internationales de la Communauté française de Belgique Espace international/Bruxelles, n°2 Place Sainctelette, B-1080 Brussel Tel: + 32 2 421 85 70 Fax: + 32 2 421 87 63 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : Français COMMUNAUTE GERMANOPHONE / GERMAN-SPEAKING COMMUNITY NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer ________________________________________________________________________________ BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / FÉDÉRATION DE BOSNIE ET HERZÉGOVINE Ms Adela KULUKCIJA Ministry of Education and Science of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ante Starcevica bb, 88000 MOSTAR Tel: + 387 36 355 744 or + 387 36 355 700 (operator) Fax: + 387 36 355 742 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.fmon.gov.ba Language/ Langue: English REPUBLICA SRPSKA NLO to be confirmed/ ALN à confirmer _________________________________________________________________________________ BULGARIA / BULGARIE ALN017 Ms Krassimira TODOROVA Chief Expert European Integration and International Organizations Division European Integration and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Education and Science, 2A, Kniaz Dondukov Blvd, 1000 SOFIA Tel: + 359 2 9217 735 Fax: + 359 2 988 06 00 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English + Français ________________________________________________________________________________ CROATIA / CROATIE ALN018 Ms Renata OZORLIC DOMINIC Senior Advisor International Cooperation, Education and Teacher Training Agency Donje Svetice 38, 10000 ZAGREB Tel: + 385 1 2785 118 Fax: + 385 1 2785 001 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.azoo.hr Language/ Langue: English + French Deputy NLO / ALN Adjoint: Mr Boris VAMPULA Senior Advisor for International Cooperation Tel : + 385 1 2785 101 Fax: + 385 1 2785 170 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue: English + Italian _________________________________________________________________________________ CYPRUS / CHYPRE ALN019 Ms Egli PANTELAKIS Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education and Culture 1434 NICOSIA Tel: + 357 22 800607 or + 357 22 800704 and + 357 22 402308 Fax: + 357 22 305974 or + 357 22 800640 or + 357 22 427559 and + 357 22 480505 E-mail: [email protected] with copy to [email protected] and [email protected] (subject e-mail: “Pestalozzi Training Programme for education professionals” – “For the attention of Mrs Maria HINI – ANASTASSIADES and Mrs Elena DEMOSTHENOUS”) Language/ Langue: English CZECH REPUBLIC / REPUBLIQUE TCHEQUE ALN020 Ms Eva JERMANOVÁ Centre des services internationaux du Ministère de l’éducation, de la jeunesse et des sports / Centre for International Services MoEYS Na Poříčí 1035/4, 110 00 PRAHA 1 Tel: + 420 221 850 500 or 508 Fax: + 420 221 850 255 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : Français + Deutsch + English ________________________________________________________________________________ DENMARK / DANEMARK ALN021 Ms Lene JEPPESEN Porcelanshaven 4F, 2TU 2000 FREDERIKSBERG Tel: + 45 20 683 756 E-mail: [email protected] Language/ Langue : English ________________________________________________________________________________ ESTONIA / ESTONIE ALN022 Ms Anneli ROOSE Adviser European Union and International Cooperation Department Ministry of Education and Research Munga 18, 50088 TARTU Tel: + +372 735 0169 Fax: + 372 730 1080 E-mail : [email protected] Website: www.hm.ee Language/Langue: English + Deutsch _________________________________________________________________________________
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