$umb+ 785s. he London Gazette. PuWtsljeij bp atntifaittpi From featutDag October 20. to JJEittsDaj? October 23, 1735). GEORGE R. Herald read the Declaration, and Windsor U R Will and Pleasure is, that you Herald proclaimed it aloud. And, lastly, at attend the Proclamation of our De­ the Royal Exchange Windsor Herald read claration of War against Spain that is the Declaration, and Richmond Herald pro­ O to be made on Tuesday the z$d In­ claimed it aloud. The Spectators* exprelled stant, in the usual Places, and with the So­ their great Satisfaction by loud Acclamations lemnities customary on the like Occasion: of Joy at each Place. And for so doing this lhall be your Warrant. Given at our Court at Kensington the Nine­ His Majesty's teenth Day of October, 1739, in the Thir­ DECLARATION teenth Year of our Reign. Of War against the King of Spain. By His Majesty's Command, GEORGE R. Holies Newcastle. VXrHereas many unjust Seizures have been To our trusty and •well-beloved W made, and Depredations carried on, for Servants, the King's Heralds several Years, in the West Indies, by Spanish and ^Pursuivants of Arms. Garda Costas, and other Ships, acting under the Commission of the King of Spain, or his St. fames's, OB. 25. Governors, contrary to the Treaties subsist­ The Officers of Arms, with the Serjeants at ing between us and the Crown of Spain, and Arms and Trumpeters, mounted their Horses to the Law of Nations, to the great Prejudice in the Stable-Yard, St. James's, and proceeding of the lawful Trade, and Commerce of our thence to the Palace Gate, Garter Principal J Subjects - and great Cruelties and Barbarities King of Arms read his Majesty's Declaration ' have been exercised on the Persons of divers of War, and Norroy King of Arms, pro­ of our Subjects, whose Vessels have been so claimed it aloud ; which being done, a Pro­ seized ; and the Britilli Colours have been in­ cession was made to Charing-cross, as follows. sulted in the most ignominious Manner •* and A Party of Horse Guards or Grenadiers to whereas we have caused frequent Complaints clear the Way. Beadles of Westminster bare­ to be made to the King of Spain of these vio­ headed, with Staves, two and two. Con­ lent, and unjust Proceedings, but no Satisfac-j stables of Westminster in like Manner. High tion or Redrels has been given for the fame, Constable of Westminster, with his Staff. notwithstanding the many Promises made, and The Officers of the r^igh Bailiff of Westmin­ Cedulas issued, signed by the said King, or by ster on Horseback, with white Wands. Clerk his Order, for that Purpose ; and whereas the of the High Bailiff of Westminster. High Evils above-mentioned have been principally BailHFof Westminster, and on his Right Hand occasioned by an unwarrantable Claim, and the Deputy Steward. Knight Marshal's Men. Pretension, set up, on the Part of Spain, thac Knight Marlhal. Drums. Drum-major. the Garda Costas, and other Ships, authori­ Trumpets. Serjeant Trumpeter in his Collar, zed by the King of Spain, may stop, detain, bearing his Mace. Pursuivants, Bluemantle, and search the Ships and Veflels of our Sub­ Rougedragon, Portcullis. Richmond He­ jects navigating in the American Seas, con­ rald. Windsor Herald. York Herald, be­ trary to the Liberty of Navigation, to which tween two Serjeants at Arms. Somerset our Subjects have not only an equal Right Herald, between two Serjeants at Arms. with those of the King of Spain, by the Law Norroy King of Arms, between two Serjeants of Nations, but which is moreover exprefly at Arms. Garter King of Arms, between acknowledged and declared to belong to them two Serjeants at Arms. A Party or Troop by the most solemn Treaties, and particularly of Horse Guards commanded by Colonel by that concluded in the Year 1-570 j Ana Burton. At Charing Cross Norroy King of whereas the said groundless Claim and Pre­ Arms read the Declaration, and Somerset He­ tension, and the unjust Practice of stopping, rald proclaimed it aloud. In this Method the detaining, and searching Ships- and Vessels, Procession was made to Temple Bar, where navigating in the Seas of America, is not on­ the Officers of the City of Westminster re­ ly of the most dangerous, and destructive tired, and within the Gate the Lord Mayor, Consequence to the lawful Commerce of our Aldermen, Recorder, and Sheriffs in Scarlet Subjects, but also tends to interrupt and ob­ -attended ; and Bluemantle Pursuivant having struct the free Intercourse, and Correspon­ presented to his Lordsliip the Earl Marshal's dence between our Dominions in Europe, and Warrant, the City Procession followed the our Colonies and Plantations in America, and Troops commanded by Colonel Burton. At by Means thereof, to deprive us, and our Sub­ the End of Chancery-Lane Somerset Herald jects of the Benefit of those Colonies and Plan­ read the Declaration, and York Herald pro­ tations ; a Consideration of the highest Im­ claimed it aloud. At the End of Wood- portance to us, and our Kingdoms ; and a street, vvhere the Cross formerly st&od, York Practice which rhust affect.inits Consequence, all .
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