Technology and equipment of food production UDC 664.144:634.18 DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2017.103857 A STUDY OF PROPERTIES Наводяться результати досліджень властивостей маршмелоу з натуральни- OF MARSHMALLOW WITH ми антоціановими барвниками із судан- ської троянди та чорноплідної гороби- NATURAL ANTHOCYANIN ни під час зберігання упродовж 30 діб. DYES DURING STORAGE Показано, що герметична упаковка виро- бів у поліетиленову плівку та картон M. Artamonova забезпечує необхідні для даного виду виро- PhD, Associate Рrofessor* бів органолептичні, фізико-хімічні показ- E-mail: [email protected] ники якості, збереження антиоксидант- I. Piliugina них властивостей та інтенсивності Senior lecturer** кольору упродовж терміну зберігання E-mail: [email protected] Ключові слова: маршмелоу, антоціано- O. Samokhvalova вий барвник, кріогенна технологія, поро- PhD, Рrofessor, Head of Department* E-mail: [email protected] шок, Суданська троянда, чорноплідна горобина, антиоксидантна ємність N. Murlykina PhD, Associate Рrofessor** E-mail: [email protected] O. Kravchenko PhD, Associate Рrofessor Приводятся результаты исследова- Department of Applied Chemistry ний свойств маршмеллоу с натуральными V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University антоциановыми красителями из судан- Svobody sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022 ской розы и черноплодной рябины при хра- E-mail: [email protected] нении в течение 30 суток. Показано, что І. Fomina герметичная упаковка изделий в полиэ- PhD, Associate Рrofessor тиленовую пленку и картон обеспечива- Department of technology and food processing industries ет необходимые для данного вида изделий Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National органолептические, физико-химические Technical University of Agriculture показатели качества, сохранность анти- Alchevskih str., 44, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002 оксидантных свойств и интенсивности E-mail: [email protected] цвета в течение срока хранения А. Grigorenko Ключевые слова: маршмеллоу, антоци- PhD ановый краситель, криогенная техноло- Head Technologist гия, порошок, Суданская роза, черноплод- Confectionery industry «Magic mosaic» ная рябина, антиоксидантная емкость Avtostradna naberezhna str., 21-a, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61038 *Department of technology of bread, confectionary, pasta and food concentrates*** **Department of chemistry, microbiology and hygiene of food*** ***Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade Klochkivska str., 333, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61051 1. Introduction Technologies of marshmallow that is stable to melting with the use of food microcrystalline cellulose [2], a mixture Marshmallow is a confection of foam-like structure and of various saccharides [3], with spirulina [4], based on plant demand for it is constantly growing on the world market. or microbial polysaccharides [5], etc. are widely known. In Due to the presence of gelatin, it possesses good chewing order to improve the nutritional value of marshmallow, dry bee properties. It is used directly for food, undergoes thermal pollen is included in the receipts of it [6]. treatment, added to hot chocolate, coffee or cocoa, used as To ensure high organoleptic characteristics of marsh- an ingredient in confectionery [1]. Marshmallow is produced mallow, dyes and flavoring substances are included in the by big transnational companies, like Nestle (Switzerland), in receipts. The most of them are synthetic, therefore a positive the countries different in their level of development (Table 1). impact does not go beyond a good colour, taste and smell. 23 © M. Artamonova, I. Piliugina, O. Samokhvalova, N. Murlykina, O. Kravchenko, I. Fomina, А. Grigorenko, 2017 Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 3/11 ( 87 ) 2017 But the nutritional value of the main types of marshmallow antioxidant capacity of the dietary, functional-dietary prod- remains very poor. ucts has not been determined too. There are also no references dealing with determination of Table 1 the antioxidant capacity of the developed fortified products - Geography of marshmallow producers marshmallow with inverted sugar syrup and phyto-extracts, vitamins C, B [20]. At the same time, the issue of improving Trademark Name of producer Country 1 the colour and taste of marshmallow due to the introduction Nestle Nestle S.A. Switzerland of black chokeberry phyto-extract is discussed in the work. Campfire Doumak Inc. USA More recent investigations of 2014–2016 are dedicated to Haribo Haribo Germany the development of marshmallow for functional purposes GmbH&Co. KG and expansion of its range [21–24]. The technology of Guatemalan Guandy Guatemala marshmallow for functional purposes with the use of natural Candies, S.A. functional ingredient – “Instantgum” gum arabic has been Alimentos Fruna Fruna Chile developed. This ingredient is a source of natural food fiber, Ltda. improving digestion, reducing blood glucose levels, which is Sweet snow Vitek Ltd. Russian Federation especially important for diabetics [21, 22]. Lisova kazka Lisova kazka Ltd. Ukraine The use of gum arabic together with xanthan and agar as a structure former in the production of colored and flavored The results of investigations on the influence of com- marshmallow has been proposed. This has allowed expand- binations of food supplements in the quantities typical for ing the range of confectionery in the absence of animal common children foods on the human organism show that ingredients [23, 24]. chemical dyes inhibit the growth of nerve cells 4–7 times The problems of preserving the organoleptic, physico- [7]. Therefore, the investigations lead us to the develop- chemical properties, colour stability, antioxidant capacity ment of new types of products using natural herbal in- of the developed marshmallow over time have also not been gredients. Among herbal supplements, we can distinguish solved in the works [21–24]. cryopowders, obtained by cryogenic grinding of raw ma- The solution of these problems has been considered by terials, which allows saving biologically active substances the authors of the present publication. New types of marsh- and improving the quality of the final product. The authors mallow with natural anthocyanin dyes – Sudanese rose of works [8, 9] used red beetroot cryopowder in butter (SR) and black chokeberry (BC) сryopowders have been technology. Cryopowders made of grape and black choke- developed [25]. These are fine dyes. They are obtained by the berry were used in the technology of yeast products and low-temperature technology, which allows saving all biolog- shortcakes, which helped to improve their organoleptic and ically active substances of raw materials. It has been shown physicochemical characteristics, and also to increase the that the use of these dyes in marshmallow technology gives biological value [10]. antioxidant properties to the product [26]. Investigations Among the fruit and berry powders with high dye effects, of the properties of new types of marshmallow with natural we can distinguish fine ones, obtained according to the anthocyanin dyes during the storage period have not been cryogenic technology at the “Krias Plyus” factory (Kharkiv, done. A study of organoleptic, physicochemical and antioxi- Ukraine), especially Sudanese rose and black chokeberry dant properties of these products is necessary to justify their сryopowders [11]. storage conditions and type of packaging. Thus, it is important to study natural anthocyanin dyes So, to solve the problem of preserving the quality, colour to produce high-quality marshmallow with improved food stability, antioxidant capacity of marshmallow with natural value and natural colour. Realization of the idea will let us anthocyanin dyes, it is important to investigate its proper- to expand the marshmallow range and create competitive ties within the storage period. products on the confectionery market. 3. The purpose and tasks of the investigation 2. Literature review and problem statement The purpose of the work was to investigate the organolep- Scientists are actively developing new marshmallow tic, physicochemical and antioxidant properties of marshmal- technologies for special purposes with the use of herbal raw low with natural anthocyanin dyes within the storage period, materials or products of their treatment. So, marshmal- to justify its storage conditions and type of packaging. low for functional purposes may include barley-malt and To achieve the purpose, it is necessary to accomplish the polymalt extracts, carrot and pumpkin juices, flour of fried following objectives: wheat germ flakes, etc. [12, 13]. The use of new-generation – to determine the organoleptic, physicochemical quality sweeteners (isomaltitol, erythritol, maltitol) and mixtures characteristics and antioxidant capacity of marshmallow with thereof with fructose in marshmallow production [14, 15] Sudanese rose and black chokeberry сryopowder extracts; allows obtaining dietary products [16]. Introduction of carrot – to justify the storage conditions and type of packaging and pumpkin juices to the dietary marshmallow increases its for marshmallow with natural anthocyanin dyes; nutritional value and provides the “functional-dietary” status – to investigate changes in the physicochemical charac- of the product [17]. To increase the nutritional value of marsh- teristics and antioxidant capacity of marshmallow during mallow, the priority of using non-traditional raw materials – storage in different types of packaging; topinambur powder and fruit juices has been proved [18, 19]. – to investigate the
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