1 THE 3IORXIXG OKEGONIAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1916. CAPITAL OF ROUMANIA CLOSELY BESET BY TEUTONIC FORCES. LLOYD GEORGE- - MAY L jjjLMM &.1T Let Us Frame Your Pictures This Week POST QUIT CABINET and give'you 50 extra S. & f50 Extra Stamps"! H. Stamps All this week on USE THIS COUPON every Framing Or- Expected Pro- Resignation as We have many new and rich designs der of $1.00 or more test Against Lack of Vigor in gold and hardwood mouldings in our Dept. our framers are expert we deliver Art in Waging War. ' our work promptly as promised no Second Floor. vexatious delays. tu ra - CAMPAIGN TO BE MADE ' These are Fountain Pen Days the mod- - ENGRAVED time-save- r. )ern right we are GREETINGS final Decision Delayed at Request agents for the genu- Cards Folders Letters Your own sug- of Fellow-Member- s, but Cri- ine Waterman Ideal gestions carefully and tastefully followed. self --filling safety sis Is Believed Imminent, pens we verily believe the best pen made. We give to every patron of our Woodlark , js-'- . ,(,.. , .. , 'r-i- X.t v" y I- - "! Balfour Is Criticised. t viJ. i ... t i ',ijB A broad guarantee, a responsible maker be- demonstration hooth this week a 15c can of hind them. You can exchange after Xmas Imperial Toilet Talcum with every 25c pack- any pen bought of us if the point does not age of Listerated Tooth Powder or Corosede fit the user's hand. Dental Cream. LONDON, - Dec. 3. Premier Asquith has decided, to advise the King to con-Ke- nt to the reconstruction of the gov- Fountain Pens ernment. .' This was officially an- nounced tonight. The statement reads: "The Prime Minister, with a view to $1.25 to $25 ALDXX STREET AT WEST Pfi2K MAE5HALL 7QO -- HOME A 6171 the most effective prosecution of the war, has decided to advise his majesty, the King, to consent to the reconstruc- tion of the government The political crisis has become acute. It is said in well-inform- ed quarters that David Lloyd George, the War Sec- retary, has tendered his resignation, which has not yet been accepted. Premier Holds Conferences. Premier Asquith left town yesterday, but returned this morning and through- out the day there have been consulta- tions and meetings of party leaders at the Premier's residence. Mr. Lloyd George had a long consul- STABILITY tation with the Premier this afternoon. Other visitors were A. Bonar Law, sec retary of the colonies, and the Marquis of Crewe, lord-preside- nt of the council. Sir Edward Carson and Mr. Law ap- peared together and addressed a morn- ing meeting of the Unionist commit- tee, while the Earl of Derby, under- secretary for war, had a long interview 6 Mr. Lloyd George. Gold Notes with Reynolds newspaper says that David S Lloyd George has intimated his inten- Gas Company tion of resigning. His resignation, adds rC Standard and Electric the paper, has been delayed at the re- quest of several ' of his colleagues in the cabinet, but there is little prospect of success on their part. The reasons given for the possible resignation of Mr. Lloyd George is that he has definitely decided that the IXTEEN public utility companies serving methods of dilatorlness, indecision and delay, which characterize the action of t.ie present war council, endanger the 1,800,000 people in 16 states stabilize the prospects of winning the war. It is .understood, adds the paper, that Premier, Asquith has declined to accept y Photograph by Underwood. I earnings of Standard Gas and Electric Mr. Lloyd George's view that the war PHOTOGRAPH OP ROYAL PALACE AT ROUMAXIA AND MAP SHOWING CLOSE PROXIMITY OF BESIEGERS. ' council must be materially reduced in CROSSES MARK. POSITIONS OK PRINCIPAL INVADING FORCES AS TOLD BY LATEST DISPATCHES. 1 1 ' number. It is believed that Mr. Bonar Company. Law and Lord Derby contemplate fol- . lowing Mr. Lloyd George's example. tration of Roumania," says an official n More "Vigorous Campaign Demanded. How the business and earnings of the Mr. Lloyd George, continues the pa- under STRAITI IS per, to country. AHitflj rlbnl lrUu The .du ucutUIN ad- intends campaign the !!H.7sbS?of these departments partly belong Standard Gas and Electric organization There is every indication of a Lloyd powers. 13 George-Carso- n combination in favor o to others of the central The more vigorous prosecution of the war. cultivation of the country will be car- vanced during recent years is shown by graphic The political crisis is topic ried' out according to the principles pre- the chief part cor- 64-pa- ge of discussion in the Sunday news- viously established, which in in book just issued. papers. The Weekly Dispatch says Allies Now Demand Reparation respond to the necessities of Roumania, Allies Give Russia Darda- charts a new its aTid are in part on account of the neces- origin is due, to the fact that David ' Lloyd George proposed the formation for Attacks on Them. , sities of the central powers." nelles and Constantinople. 150 photo- of a-- small war council, including Sir This book contains more than Edward Carson, but excluding Premier Zeppelin Destroyers Decorated. - . Asquith and A. J.- Balfour, first lord LONDON, Dec. 3. King George has graphs and is of decided interest to every of the admirality. Both Carson and awarded the distinguished service or- Lloyd George, the Weekly Dispatch BRITISH ATTACKED FIRST der to Edward Pull- HELP SENT TO BUCHAREST adds, are not unwilling that A. Bonar ing and the distinguished service cross investor. Law should have a seat in the council, to Lieutenant Egbert Cadbury and but he is undecided. nt Gerrard Fane, all of Carson Willing to Join. the naval air service. In recognition Copies may be had at The Sunday Times says: Italian Marines Then Fired On by of their services in the destruction of Pressure on Extreme Flanks of Ar- "Sir Edward Carson's asso- a Zeppelin off the Norfolk coast after THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK intimate Fijencli Marines Can- Monday night's raid. mies May ciates are not aware that he has de- Kiflemen and of Central Powers of Portland, Oregon cided to Join the cabinet. Carson is Make Com- quite willing to join a cabinet headed nonadedCretans Stand Make Entire Change in by Lloyd George and other leading in Yenizelo's - Home. plexion of Campaign. Unionists will follow his example, but PEACE PLAN DISCUSSED the suggestions that Bonar Law should take office for a short term as a 'warm- PARIS. Dec. 8. The firing- at Athena (Continued From First Page.) ing pan" for Lloyd George is quite in night now enemy M. & ludicrous." diminished the and has COLOGNE EDITORS OPPOSE GER- and secure the safe retirement H. BYLLESBY COMPANY The Observer says: ceased, says a Havas dispatch. The of their armies. "Certain ministers are resolved not to entente troops have been sent back to MAN ANNEXATION POLICY. A dispatch from Petrograd says that continue in office on Piraeus. when Premier Trepoff mounted present anything like the the terms. Chief among them are The Greek government has offered However, Strip Iron tribune In the Duma to read the gov- Lloyd Vice-Admir- Retention, of of George and Bonar Law. It was six mountain batteries to al ernment's statement, the parties of the s reported last night they Field Favored Belgian Problem extreme began demon- that had both du Fournet, but the entente Ministers left a hostile I' I'll 111 H resigned." no Regarded stration. J. L. Garvin, writing in the Observer have received instructions that it is as More Difficult. M. Trepoff thrice appeared on the of which he is editor, says Lloyd longer a question of cession of war tribune, each left, owing to George that be but time city, ought to bo charged with the materials, but that reparation must COLOGNE, via Berlin, via London, the turmoil. We must also wrest from our enemies INJURED ' MAN DRIVES 'CAR suffered the accident while cutting direction of the war. He entreats Bal- made corresponding with the gravity Polish, beyond the feed for his cattle. The cutter is oper- to Dec. 3. Two of the leading newspa- Turbulent Members Suspended. territories, formerly by a motor, four resign, saying that the first of the assault on the allied troops. .The president old frontier. We will then constitute ated and the blades with lord of the Admiralty should be a A. Havas dispatch from Athens dated pers of Cologne declare today against of the Duma thereupon ethnographical Left Hand Holds Wheel While W f5 which his right hand came In contact cailor, a policy of of Euro- proposed tje expulsion for eight sit- Poland free within its were running revolu- not civilian." December 1 reads: the the annexation tings 12 boundaries, but Inseparably united with at the rate of 450 "The first attack was ma.de at noon pean territory as peace terms of Ger- of members of the Socialist and Attends Mangled Kight. tions a minute. troops Pnyx. Almost many. The Koelniscne Zeitung as- Labor parties, including the leaders Russia." Governor Will Join Moose. on British at the Germany annex Tcheidse and Krenfki. This proposal at the same time there was rifle fire serts that will not was adopted. DISCLOSED TO DUMA ALBANY, Or Dec. 3. (Special.) Cider Vinegar Is Seized. SALEM, Or., Dec! 3. against marines in the lands of the people of Europe, but will PACT IS (Special.) Gov- the Italian to out posses- M. Trepoff expressed satisfaction at With his right hand so badly mangled Ten 'or 15 gallons of cider vinegar ernor Withycombe has signed an ap- Roufas barracks.
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