UNITED. NATIONS “SEP 22 1981 “LIBRARY GOVERNMENT a AZETTH "Published by Authority . ge | ‘y Vol. LIX, No. 57 lith SEPTEMBER,1981 ' Piice 30c _ General Notice 835 of 1981. , | | . - . RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173] , . Bo ae . Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe IN terms of section’20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter [73], a statement of the assets andliabilities of the Reserve Bank ofZimbabwe as at the 28th August, 1981, is published in,i the Schedule: | ) B. WALTERS, ‘Al-9-81. Secretary to the Treasury. SCHEDULE| , STATEMENT: OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 28ta AUGUST, 1981 | - Liabilities ; - of Assets . $ a . 5S Capital | Lo 2.000 000 Gold and foreign assets . ... ... ~ 147094193 © General Reserve"Fund | . 6.000 000 Loans and advances . 42 100 000 Currencyin circulation .°. ~ 218 173 835 Internal investments— . 237 028 690 Deposits andotherliabilities to the public “ 230 392 699 - Government stock . 77 620 571 , Other liabilities . oe, - os TT 499 888 Other wo 159 408 119 . d . : . rere - Otherassets . .. 1 we eee 107 843 539 > ——___ . - —___ $534 066 422 - $534 066 422 General Notice 836 of 1981. Route 2: To and from Bulawayo for the carriage of school- ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] children on three consecutive days at the beginning and end of each school. term to Cyrene, Solusi, Inyati, Ingwenya, _ Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits — Hope Fountain, Fatima Hospital, Chongokwe, Mbumu (Mission, Usher Institute and Umzinolani Government School, IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7- of the Road Motor Route 3: Bulawayo - Tonight - Dundubala - Insuza - Masayi - ' Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that O’Reilly - Bembesi -.Bubi - Negandangula - Lupane - the applications détailed in the Schedule, for the issue or. Menyezwa - Fatima - Halfway Hotel - Van Kerk Store - amendment of road service permits, have been received for the Mabale - Gwai River Mine. consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Transportation. By: Route 14. _ Any, person wishing to object to arty such application must (a). deletion of portion of route from Matetsi to. Jambezi lodge. with the Controller- of Road’ Motor Transportation, and substitution of Matetsi - Victoria Falls; - P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— (b) extension of the Thursday outward and Priday inward “ @) a notice, in writing,. of hisintention to object, so as to services from Wankie to Victoria Falls; - reach: the Controller’s office’ not later than the 2nd _ | ‘October, 1981; and {c) increase in frequencies; _() his objection and the grounds. therefor, on form R.M.T, (d) alteration to times; * 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Theservices operate as follows— Controller’s office not later than the 23rd October,1981. Route [— - Any: person objecting to an. application for the issue or (a) depart Bulawayo Thursday 9.30 a.m., arrive Wankie amendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds 4.40 p.m.; . of objection to matters directly bearing. on the considerations - referred to in. paragraph: (@), (b), (c), (d), Ce), or (f) of section (b) depart Bulawayo Saturday 12.01 p.m., arrive Jambezi 8 of the said Act. 6.45 p.m.; G, A. ‘DONALDSON, (c) depart Wankie Friday 6.50 am., arrive Bulawayo 11-9-81. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. 2 p.m.; , SCHEDULE © . ro (d) depart Jambezi Sunday 12.01 p.m., arrive Bulawayo 6.45 p.m. _ MOTOR-OMNIBUSES . Route 3 , . Amendments (a) depart Bulawayo Friday 6.15 p.m., arrive ‘Gwai River F. Pullen and Son (Pvt). Ltd. - ‘Mine 42,20 a.m.; 0/427/80. Permit: 14412, ‘Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: (b) depart Gwai River Mine Saturday 1 am., arrive 6. Bulawayo 7.05 a.m. ‘Route ‘1: Bulawayo - Tonight - Dindubala - ‘Insuza ~ Masayi- O'Reilly - Bembesi - Bubi - Ngandangula - Lupane - Theservices to operate as follows— ‘“Menyeswa - Fatima Mission - Halfway Hotel - Van Kerk Route 1—~- ; Store - Mabale - Dett Cross - Kapame - Inyatue - ‘St. Mary’s - (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 9. 30° a.m, _ Wankie- Matetsi - Mapagula - Jambezi. arrive Victoria Falls4.49 p.m.; t 934° ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GazerTe, 11TH SEPTEMBER, 1981 (c) depart Moko Monday aind Thursday 1 ‘pam., arrive - — ). depart | 50eye Saturday 12,O1 p.m. arrive Victoria . Falls 6.20: p.m ' Salisbury 5 p.m; (c) depart Victoria Falls Wednesday and Friday 6.05 a.m., _(d) depart Mtoko Saturday 7 am., arrive Salisbury 10. 15 arrive Bulawayo 2 p.m.; a.m. - Salisbury 11.40 (d) depart Victoria’ Falls Sunday ‘11.05 a.m., arrive Bula- _ (©) depart Mitoko Sunday 8 PD, arrive wayo 3.45 p.m, — “ - ‘p.m, . Routes 2 and 3: No change, — oo Theservice to operate as follows—. Monday to Thursday, and ‘Saturday Ltd. | : a). depart ‘Salisbury J.Mtshumayeli (Pvt.) @) ‘pan, arrive Katsande Store 5.35 p.m,; go/ooni81. Permit: 2341'1. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: Friday and Sunday. 6 Pam, arrive 7 (b), depart Salisbury Katsande Store 10.35 pm; ® ‘District Route: Bulawayo - Essexvale - Balla Balla - Filabusi Katsande Store Monday 2 am.; arrive Salisbury Commissioner - Mnene - Wc) “depart Commissioner - Belingwe: District 6.35 a.m - Mwembe School - Mudzidzi School - Matedzi Hospital ‘Store Tuesday to Saturday6 a.m, School - ‘Remiti School - Bonda Dam - Ngungubane School. \d) depart Katsande arrive Salisbury 11:a.m.; By— —&) gepart Katsande Store Sunday ‘12 noon, arrive Salisbury’ (a) increase in frequencies; (b) alteration to times; (c) deviation and extension of route from Fiabe to F, K, Makorie (Pvt. Ltd, _ Shabani; 0/684/81. ‘Permit 16514, Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: (d) deviation and extension of route from Mudzidzi Schoo!-~ 76, Mission, Mataga Township - Musume Route: Fort Victoria - Buddy Store - Gwira School - Mashate-- ’ School - Nyajena Clinic - Makumbe The service operates as follows— Mandini School - Garai School - Mubagwashe River - Daula - Nyamande School - {a) depart Bulawayo Friday and Sunday 6,15 pm, arrive Masimbiti - TriangléChhiredzi. Ngungubane School 1,20 a.m.; Nyikavanhu - (b) depart Bulawayo, Saturday 1.15 p.m., arrive Neungu- By— | bané School8.20 p.m.; (a) extension of route. from Fort Victoria. - Chatsworth (c) depart Negungubane School Monday andSunday 10 a.m, turn-off - Umyuma- Lalapanzi- Gwelo; arrive Bulawayo 5.08 p.m.; (b) alteration to times;: Saturday 4 amy arrive (4d) depart Ngungubane School (c) deletion of intermediate stopping-places, namely,' Buddy Bulawayo 11.08 am. Store, Gwira Schdol, Mandini School,, Garai School, Nyajeajena Clinic, Makumbe School, Mubagwashe River, The service to operate as follows— - Nyaniande School and Masimbiti; (a) depart Bulawayo Wednesday 9.30 a.m., arrive Ngungu- . service; bane School 5.20 p.m; (d) introduction of Sundayinward (b) depart Bulawayo Friday and Sunday 6 p.m, arrive “(e) deletion of Wednesday outward service; x Ngungubane School 1.50 a.m, ’ () . increase in passenger-capacity to 76; (ec). depart Bulawayo. Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Ngungubane° (g) increase in fares. , 8.50 p.m School follows—_ (d) depart Ngungubane School Monday and Thursday- The service operates: as - 6.30 a.m.,, arrive Bulawayo 2.20 pms; (a) depart Fort Victoria Tuesday 7 a.m., artive ‘Triangle (e). depart Neungubane Schoolr Saturday 3.30 a.m., arrive 1 p.m; Bulawayo 11:20 a.m.; (b) depart Mashate Wednesday 4 am., arrive Chiredzi 8.50 (f). depart Ngungubane ‘School Sunday 8. 30 am., arrive . a.m.; ' Bulawayo 4.20: p.m. (c)' depart Mashate ‘Thursday and Friday’ 4 a.m., arrive . Triangle 8.10 a.m; Kumuka Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. (d) depart Fort Victoria Saturday 7 a.m, arrive Chiredzi 64 0/631/81. Permit: 19999, Motor-omnibus. Passenger“capacity: .40 p.m; Oo it. (e), depart Fort Victoria Sunday 8 am., arrive. ‘Chiredzi_ Route 1: Salisbury’ - Mapfeni River - 'Nyaguwe River - 2.40 p.m.; ‘Mrewa - Nyadire River - Mtoko - Budja Farms - Kaunye (f) depart Chiredzi ‘Monday 10 a.m.,! arrive “Fort Victoria School - Mudzi dip-tank - Rukau Township- Sasa Store - / 4.40 p.m; Makosa Township - Nyakuchena. ‘(g) depart Triangle Tuesday 1.40 p.m., arrive Mashate 5.50 ' Route 2:: Salisbury - Mapfeni River - Bora Store - ‘Chuma-* p.m.; changu-- Mrewa - Manhando-- Nyadire - Mtoko. (h) depart “Chiredzi| Wednesday 10 a.m,, arrive. Mashate By— 0 p.M.; . (a) deletion of existing Routes 1 and 2; @ depart Triangle Thursday, 10.40. a.m.,. arrive Mashate (b) introduction of new Route: ‘Salisbury - Oribi Store - 2.50 p.m; ; Mrewa - Rochester -Farm - Mtoko - Rukau Township G) depart Triangle Friday 10.40 a.m, ‘arrive Fort Victoria : Sasa Store - Katavinya Township - Nyakuehena School - 4 . 4.40 p.m.; Katsande Store. : () depart Chiredzi Saturday ‘2 PM, arrive Fort Victoria The services operate as follows— 8,40 p.m. Route 1— The service to operate as follows— {a) depart Salisbury Monday 12.01 am, arrive ‘Makosa (a), depart Gwelo Tuesday and Thursday 5 a.m., arrive _ Township 8.45 a.m.; Chiredzi 2.40 p.m.; (0) depart Salisbury Friday 7.30 Pm, arrive Nyakuchena (b) depart Gwelo Friday 6 p.m., arrive Daula’ 12.50 a.m.} . 12.55 a.m.; (c) depart Fort Victoria, Saturday and Sunday7,10Bey . (c) gepart MtokoI ‘Saturday 6.30 p.m.,, arrive Nyakuchena ; p.m.: arrive Chiredzi 1.40 p.m; (d) depart Chiredzi Wednesday and Friday 3.a.m,, arrive (d) depart Makosa Township Monday 10. 30°a.m., arrive Gwelo 12.30 p.m.; . ‘Mtoko 12.15 pm; (®) depart Daula Saturday 4 a.m., arrive Fort Viétoria6.40 - (e) depart Nyakuchena Saturday 4,30 a.m., arrive Mtoko .a.m3 - 6,40 am; (f) ren Chiredzi Saturday 2 pm, arrive Fort Victoria () depart “Nyakuchena Sunday 530 p.m,, arrive Mtoko p.m; a 7.40 p.m, (g) depart Chiredzi Sunday 2 p.m,, arrive Gwelo 10, 30 -pam, Route! 2— — (a) depart Salisbury Tuesday 3 p.m, arrive Mtoko 6.30 pots.
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