■’ ’ - - I ■ ■ ' •í. Ä Newspaper PRICE «S b With Æ ï- ■ Constructive Sc Policy P PER COPY ica'sítaWbaEp ^VOLUME 19, NUMBER 98 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS 7 gï-7 ggÇj Women Back Drive LeMoyne Graduates I •¡•iS. 7 ä Kermit Wright and Faye R. YulU. As the cry for registration went well known civic leader, and origi­ Lester B: Granger, Executive Di­ cut to leaders in the community, nator of Cleaborn Day, was select­ rector of the National Urbin lea­ Candidates for the A. B. Degree qualifying Negroes' for voting, the ed chairman; Miss Wilia A McWil gue and distinguished holder . of in the field ot Humanities are: iS spotlight fell on active participation liams; secretary of the North Mem­ the President's Medal of Merit lor Leonard Holley. George H. McFall ¿O of women in the organization phis Civic Club, was selected co- exceptional contributions in tlie and Fay Doris Williams. Under the .chairmanship of Lt chairman; Mrs Mary E Payne, effective utilization of Negro per­ Sunday afternoon at 5p. m. Sam- George Lee'and Dr J- E Waist North Carolina Mutual Life In­ sonnel in the U. S. Navy is to de­ val C. Kincheloe, Professor Chi­ . .'.e group has ma'-iKr-i surance Co., secretary; and Mrs liver the LeMoyne College Com­ cago Theological Seminary' ’ is to "'"t'.ne.'l'iv b-mir rekindl­ Steele, representative of City Beau­ mencement address this alter at deliver the Baccalaureate address. 7 ed And since the fire has been tiful Commission. Ward 12 8:00. A graduating class, of.iiity- K- ' PVT. JOSEPH McGEE started, with the second meeting, The group recognized the im­ six will be . awarded Bachelor rbe- grees in the fields or Social Sci­ gj- Pvt Joseph McGee, 19, son of Mr. women were given prominence. portance of reaching the everyday In order to put over the program laborer, and plans are now in pro­ ence, Natural Science, Educat'on Wand Mrs. Taylor, 573 Williams Ave of registering Memphis citizens foi gress to get representatives from and Humanities. gnue, Memphis, is completing his voting, many women volunteers wil’ large industry’s for the purpose of With the close of the Tuesday jLAF basic . airman indoctrination be needed An active door to dooi registering men in this area ' afternoon ceremonies, the leading ^-course at Lackland Air Fore Base, campaign will have to be launched. Churches are to be contacted, and institution of learning for Negroes ftithe “Gateway to the Air Force " With the women present for the a special Sunday be set aside as in Memphis and surrounding areas g' Lackland, situated near San An- second meeting of the organization. Citizenship Sunday ' The pastor will will have rounded out eighty-one B tonlo, 1$ . the. world’s largest air Friday, May 25, a committee was be expected to organize a citizen­ years of continuous existence and g force base, site of Air Force basic formed for the prime purpose ot ship committee to get highest num­ tervice to tills community. £ ¿training, for men and women, head getting more women interested in ber of registrants from tlie particu- Candidates for the A. B. Degree ia^uarters of the Human Resource the program Mrs Lillian . Scott, (Contlnued. on page Four) in the field of Social Science-are: ^■renter, and home of AF’s Officer Thomas J. Collins. Minor M. TXandidate School bridge, Robert Eldridge, Bernice t ' His basic training is preparing L. Fitzgerald, Anna L. Graham, ^him for .entrance into Air Force Mrs Whaley Named Sec y Joe Evelyn Harris, William D. Hill, B'techntoal training and for assign- Louis L. Jones. Dee M- Kllpatrclk, Sp.ment in specialized work. The Julius W. Lewis, Alfreda M. Mc­ S .course includes a scientific evalua- To N.Y. Board Of Estimate Daniel. Frank L.-Phillips. Gwendo­ S tifto of his aptitude and tooitaa- lyn L. Samuel, Frank Sims, and S tion for following a particular vo- Ernest Williamson. S cation and career. NEW YORK CITY - (SNS) - Mrs, Ruth W. Whaley, first Negro Candidates for the B. S. Degree woman to engage in active law practice in the State of New York, In the field of Natural Science was sworn in Friday as secretary of the Board of Estimate by are: A. A. Branch, Jr., Eugene H Erayon,. Norvelle’ Curry,Vertie L. Mayor Impellitteri. The ceremony was held in the Mayor's Office. Jones, Ernest Parker; Richard Ro­ Miss Mildred J. Crawford, Xe- Mrs. Whaley's designation ’ for .munlty relations, for the Depart­ binson. Cleopatra Tate and Thom as H. Watkins. Moyne College Senior and'candi­ the $12,500-a-ycar post by. Mayor ment of Welfare at $7,500 a year. date for the B. S. Degree m Hie Impellittari was unanimously ap­ She is a graduate of the Fordham Candidates for the B. S. Degree field of Elementary Education, has proved by the Board of. Estimate. Law School where she was a class­ in the field of Education are: Ha­ been notified, by the “Florina Las­ She succeeds Mrs. Hilda G. mate of Mayor Impzllitteri During zel H. Bass, Emmitt Beasley, Rus­ Schwartz who resigned Thursday to ker Scholarship Award" Committee the 1950 mayoralty campaign she sell Beckett, Mosetta Bissett, Dor­ of the Unit id Negro College Fund begin a ten-yair term us a City WAGON WHEELS STOP ROLLING ALONG AS FIRE overcame.the area Saturday, May 19 _____ othy M. Biggs, Valeria B. Brown, Magistrate at $12,000 a year. was one of the Mayor’s most active Incorirornted. that her autobiogra­ workers in the Harlem area. STRIKES—One of the many wagons belonging to Anna B. Coleman, Mildred J; phy, submitted during the early FORDHAM GRADUATE tenants of North Memphis who were left home­ The fire was started in the rear of 243 Iv­ Crawford, Estelle Eggleston. .Dor­ year nation-wide contest among Mrs. Whaley is a widow, residing othy M. Ewell, Era C. Hardy, Ro­ Mrs. Whaley was for a brief less after an enraging wind swept fire, which ory. More than eleven homes were destroyed. students of member colleges, had - period a Deputy Commissioner of at 1867 Seventh Avenue, with her sa M. Holley, Ada B. Jackson, Ella earned for her top honors and the Housing and Buildings during the two children, a son, Herman W,, Ross Jones, Cora L. Leatherwood; lirst'.'Pilae of a $1,450.00 schojaV-x--- ___ regime of former Mayor William and a daughter—Ruth-M. &he-is. a ■Anne V. Lee,-Otis-T. McDonald;’ fship-to ¡rajrr ■gradua_ . te'ectool--'«tTïer"J^. O’Dwyer, leaving that post' to be­ member of numerous professional, Unclaimed Body Standing Charles Baileys Edna B. Moore, Cleopatra MotlpW, choice. Prof. Hollis F. Price, Pre. come director of, the staff and com- business and fraternal organizations. Corlee Patterson, pearlie He Pugh. sJdent cf LeMoyne, will .make, the '‘J“' Wins Hamilton, Daisy B. Scott, PearJIne M. Shan­ formal award this afternoon dur­ non, Ethel P. Simmons, Ruth W. ing the closing program of the 1 * C-X*? liVA*!* 1* h NI w ♦ i B y Upright At Undertaking Spaulding, Vivian O. Stewart, El­ commencement exercises on the Certificate Of Merit For Prof. Award At State sie E: Thomas, Bobble W. Walkei; LeMoyne College Campus. A total of 213 scholarship awards, J. A. Hayes At Lane Commencement keys and certificates of merit were Parlor Creates A Panic presented to students and faculty J-'.-3 Lane College during Its com­ jnembers of Tennessee state.N'vllle Lemoynite Wins 1st Prize mencement exercises Ttrirsday of You've probably heard what pictures taken. The whole incident in the college auditorium Monday this week will pay special tribute to happened in the old days', when .wound up In LIFE magazine. morning - ■'. oné of its outstanding alumni He an undertaker, unable to find close The name of the body was Jim Winners of the ''most. coveted is Prof. J. A. Hayes, principal of relatives of body, placed—it-inh Jerry Smith, who dropped dead of awardS;-wcm:..,Mlss!.: Louise Dixon Scholarship In Contest Manassas High School, and widely corner fully clothed; hoping that, a heart attack iff Terrell, Ark., in of Greenville, Miss., Alpha Phi Al­ Í Inter-Denominational known in educational, civic, and someone will be able to identify it. late February. He was embalmed pha scholarship award, and the "I was born during the depres­ of long treks along winding coun­ ,K church circles of West Tennessee It seems that last Sunday a group and dressed Just as he was when he freshman . award in general che­ sion, and my life has been a strug­ try roads of mud and slush during ‘Ministerial Alliance and' the state at large. ol Memphians attended a funeral died-blue Jeans, red bandana mistry gle ever since " So begins the heart, rainy seasons and thick clouds,chok Formed—McDaniel Head “The President, Faculty, aiid Ad­ at Dacus Funeral Home in West around his neck and a hat. Calvin Victor Mooew of St touching autobiography by Mildred Ing dust during the hot,dir summer ministration of Lane College has Memphis. One of them noticed an Louis, Mo , Junior research award J Crawford, LeMoyne College se­ months Treks to the school orjjo... in biology Miss Augusta Allen. nior and candidate..for. the JB—S- ihe fields to pick or chop cotton.' The Memphis-Shelby Inter de­ voted -that you be awarded a Certi­ elderly gentleman standing in a Smith was placed, in a corner of ficate of Merit for the outstanding corner rather quietly. the' funeral, home with a walking Kingsport. Tenn , business cduca- Degree in the.
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