Methodist Community House Well Filled Last Friday Evening, When Members of the Congregation and Others Gathered to Say Farewell. A most iiUci-esliiig foot ball gomo is s(^edule^ fo^this afternoon at 4:00 There was a large gatljering of the heipiuute. Mrs. Nagle has ably met o'clock, wheim’lymouth an^B^arbom members of the Methodist eongrega- e v e ry requirement, and will be greatly The First Presbyterian church of High school/cams meeLntJon the grid­ tlon and oUf^r friends at the Methodist inis.sed ip the church and social circles •PJymofth, was crowded, to capacity, iro n a t i b J tourist,aa^, in the third CompiUnity House last Friday eTening, of the village. last week IVednesday nighff^September game of taes^ai^^ for the locals. to attend the farewell reception given Uev. and Mrs. Nagle were the re- 23, wbeiT -Miss Geoevmira M cClum pba Coach Coatta has been giving the in honor of Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Xagle, c-ipients of the very best wishes of all IxHianic thfe b rid e J n Harry S. Mc­ bicals .some strenuous practice work who were about to leave for their new I present for a happy^and successful Clumpba of Amsi^dam, New Y'ork. during Ihe past few days, and the home at Strathnaoor, where Rev. Nagle The ceremony jw&s performed by the teaia.js_^ splendid condition for the has b^n assigned to the j>a8torate of p astor. Reff. ^ C o n g e r H atliaw ay, who coiite.st7i»Ik^--a(t^oon. The work of the Methodist church of that place, by Send Them Away With A Smile. used a uio^ed form of the impressive the team at tbe^’orthville fair, when the recent conference held at Flint. I don't like "Goodbye Receptions.” ring serrice ^ the Presbyterian they defeated the heavier team of the A program of short .speeches and everj’body feels so sad. If we didn't like the Nagles, it would­ rituiil Northville High, showed a wonder­ musical numbers made a very pleasant n't be so had. Mrs. D. Gllliert Brown, a Ufe-long ful improvement over the first game s evening. Thcre*s something awful funny about friend of the bride, presided at the of the season. Snpt. George A. Smith spose of that word ‘Goodbye’. pilK'-orgaii. playing as a preludeT 'T Kvej-.vliody who can do so Is urged the ^lendld co-oi>eration and inter^t It makes a lamp com'e in your throat Iwove You Truly," by Carrie Jacobs to attend the game this afternoon, and that Rev. Nagle had always manifest­ . and some folks want to cry. Bond, anil nccomiMinying the soloists, help to cheer the boys on to another ed in the public >w-h<H)ls. and his in­ But I'm going to tell you just what's the latest style Mrs. Ma\well Moon of Plymouth, and vij-tory. Game called at 4 :00 o'clock. f l u e n t fo r gofKl th ro u g h his w ork w ith The fat should grin, likewise the thin Miss Marjorie Pollock of Detroit A dm ission, '23c. L et’s go! th e boys. and all the rest should smile. Mrs. Moon sang, "0 Promise Me," by Rev. S. Conger Hathaway of the Ami when we think of all they’ve done De Koveii, and Miss Pollock sang, “At Presbyterian church, and Rev. Sayles it makes us love them more. Dawning.” liy Cadman. Then fol­ of the Kaprist cliim-h. spoke of the They've done a lot for us you know we used ti> live next door. lowed the wedding march from ROY SCOUTG GIVE friendly eo-operation of Rev. Nagle in ROTARYDISTRICT60VERN0R |PRIMARY SCHOOL SCHRADER RROS. WILL How he'd come over anytime when ••Lohengrin." by^Wagner. and the as­ all morters )N*rtauuug to the work of things were on the hummer, j sembling of the bridal' jmrty lieforc FAREWEILJOSCOUTMASTER tho cliiircli. / He may be a minister, but I'll say! ENLARGE STORE BUILDING ADDRESSES LOCAL CLUO! MONEY RECEIVED an artisiic-aliy e..nstructed allar of «diver Goldsmith gave u reading of he's some plumbi'r. - I while and green, centered with a The Imj.vs of Boy Se<jut troop No. 1 of iH>eiu in his usual pleasing manner. It d«K‘sn't matter what it is, he helps ] I ST.\TE SENDS OUT Fl'NDS AFTER M'ork has conmienced oi^^a new j DISTRICT GOVERNOR \\. R . YEN- cross of -yellow dahlias and flanked of Plymoulb. met with Mr. Nagle Mon­ Sidney l». S trong .spoke o f th e In any way. • , I DELAY. LIBR.ARY MONEY ALSO addition to the eebraden^ros. store! Ami when it cronies to moving, w h y .! by liglitwlicandles of the same color. day owniijg. at the Methwllst church, splendid work that Rev. Nagle had DALL. OF LONDON. ONT-. VISITS RECEIVED. on renniman av^ue. y^he new addi-1 he's a human dray! ' The bride, who was e.scOrted by her for a farewell meeting. For three done as the hi'ail of the local troop of PLV.MOCTH L.%ST FRIDAY. tifm will be twdiity-f^r feet in depth. I A plumber ami a drayman, a minister I eousiii. Harry .K. McClumpha of Pitts­ vi-urs. Mr. Nagle has led the boys, and Boy Scouts, ami that liis place in that and a friend. 1 Mrs. D. F. Murray, secretary of the a.ml will estena ac^ss the entire width | burg. IVnusylvaula. wore a veil, which has innde an enviable record as Scout­ organiziirioti would l>e har<1 to fill. And if /ou're short on smiles, he’s ; Biiui-d Ilf KddracUm. h as rineived th e of the store ^/fne rear. U will be ; got lots of them l«i lend. 1 wa.s held in pia«-e by a headband of master. teaching aud helping the boys K. J. IJolcoinl). on behalf of the men i At the regular meeting of the Plyui- priiuiiry school money for the Plymouth constructed of brick, and will be two | H e .n e v e r seem s discouraged. li<-'s al­ ia*arls, a gown of white georgette, and in th e ir test.< and hikes an d cam ping of the ehnreh. presented Mr. Nagle i outh Uotaty Club, last Friilay ' noon. im blie s<'Iu»ols. a fte r a delay of several stories lir height, with basement. ways full of life. carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds. trips. The troop committee. George A. ' with a spleiiditl white gold wateh. and (Of course, that's partly clue. 1 think, ' District Governor W. R. YendaH of weeks. Till* state usually sends school The new addition will include an , Tlio m atron of honor. M rs. TIadn Chap- Rmhli, .lames C. Gill and Sidney D. a ixwiitiful tl'Kjr lump from the lailies lo his little wife.) * . London, tlytario. utis the speiikcr for icMtiey oni (luring A ugust. The p rim ary (‘levator, which will be available to - pel. tile bride's sister, was gowned iu Striiiia. \Vi‘i'e al:^i iireseni, and act«Hl of rile elm reli. K enneth .Alien sang a Ilis y o u th fu l i>eppy siiirit m ake hit the occasion. Mr. Vemlall has a most m !i...;i i!;eek this year was carry goods from the unpacking room . oriuige georgette. trimnuHl w ith taujK* ii.-i t ’oiiri of Honor, pu-s.-ing .'seventeen soloj in n ]ileiising iimniiee and on K-- with all the buys. |)leasing jiersonality. and rhrongh his Last y ea r J h e iimoiitit received was iu the ^ias4‘ment to the first and sec- I ilc always shares their .sorrows and velvet, and earritvl a hoiviux; of pink merit luidge aiipliralioiis 'for four first lialf of the ehoir- t»resentod .Mr. and j ■ brief visit here he estahlisluHl a <-lose sii.ls.j-j.on. Tills is a gain » f $653.20. ond tioor display r<M»ms. lArge doors takes part In their Joys. siiul wliiii' (tiniuHoiis and siiaiklragons. H.TSs '«*nnts. Two of ilM-se l>oys. Bob Mrs. Nagle with six salad plates and A„.l wlwii l,e tl.i'i.i tlii-y . fri.-mlsliip 'virl. Tli.- lurm- alrb d U g h th e ra le Ib is y ea r w as in the basement will admit the driv­ II. C. .M.;Cluiiii»ha <»f Plym outh, th e Tefft and .'<nmri ItainlHi. coiiqili-tiM] the sahid forks, on Itelialf of the Booster bail some giasl Ilee Iniws. bers of the rlub and guests who were slightly lower. -\t the same rime, the ing of delivery tnu-ks into tlie base- bride's coin^ii, nijeiided lhi‘ bridegroom Work iieccssjir.v to heeome Kugle If nil ihe boys were bc-re roulgbl, he'd privileged to hestr Idiw in-tiiair.v imuiey w as reeeived, th e li­ uieiii. where the trucks can be loaded t siiiue good Uiili Uuhr* ' as best iiiaii. Scotiis. having oticiiiiod 21 merit Tile speaker tyupbaslzed servii-e as brary fiiinl cheek for S.‘iH8.72 was also for delivery, no matter what the i Immediately following llie cereimmy. l>lidge.<. the greatest of industrial fundamentals, rei-eiMsl. Last year the nmomit re- weaili(-r (-ouditioiis may be on the out­ to tlie strains of .Mendels.sobn's wed­ Till- Imi.vs Mild liieij eiijoyeil a l>*»r.-lU(.'k and lie urged all men to li*ok to th a t ii-ivi-ii f..r th is >um w as $n.3.7.ni.
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