()wan. ., I ,. Servinl! The State Unif ersit" of Iowa and the Peonle of Iowa City Established In 186&-Five Cents A Copy Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirepboto Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, August 11, 1959 Civilians, Soldiers Long's .12-Day Mee.t Nabbed By Castro Lasts Hour I For Talking Revolt Only An HAVANA LfI - Military camps· to explain the wave of rumors and Long 'Vows ill aDd around Havana were sealed arrests sweeping this island nation. Some sources said the roundup 650 To Receive MoDday. They are reputed to hold of suspects was set oCC by the dis· blDdreds Qf civilians and army appearance of arms [rom Camp He'll Consult men balled in a Government Ubertad, a big military base In a dflpet. Havana suburb, apparently In Degrees At SUI Entry and exit were permitted preparation for an armed uprising 'The People' oal7 by authority of tbe command· against Castro. Some 650 students will receive tor of philosophy, 50; master's tn. Prime Minister Fidel Castro's These sources said a search for degrees Crom SUI Wedneliday even· degrees, 244; Ilberal arts, 179; Governor Re.trained, Government now in its eigbtb arms accompanied the arrest or ing during summer Commence· nurSing, 89; bosiness administra· Calm But Disappointed JIlOIItb, was seeking to stem a each suspect. They claimed inves­ ment exercises, according to Ted tion, 42; engineering, 17; law, 18, purported plot to overthrow him. tigators seized more tban • mao McCarrell, director or SUI convo­ and pharmacy, 5. BATON ROUGE, La. 11\ - The cations. WSUI wiJJ broadcast its tradi· The newspaper Revolucion, or· chine guns, 100 U.S.·made M1 rio Louisiana Legislature M 0 n day fles and huge sums of money. Degrees will be conferred by SUI tional on·the·scene account of the night ended Gov. Earl K. Long's po 01 Castro's 26th of July Move· Commencement program begin. meat, said possibly more tban 1.. One o( the big r\Ullors collapsed. President Virgil M. Hancher duro special session shortly after it ... persons have been detained as Tbis was a weekend story of in· ing ceremonies to start at 7:30 convened. • result of the discovery or "the vasion strikes by air and sea from p.m. in the University Fieldhouse . The session, called to meet 12 CGUIIw·revolutionary conspiracy." the Dominican Republic against He will also deliver the traditional days, ended when the House voted elsie oC Pines ofC Cuba's south· charge to the graduating students. '70-25 to quit immediately. The Revoluclon promised that Cas· "This Is the Day" will be thc Senate then voted 26-9 to quit. lit will go before the people west coast. subject of J. W. Ylvlsaker. presi· Long went at once to lhe Senate TV and radio lit an opportune Responsible Americans dcnt of Luther College, Decorah. where he promised to carry his meat - no date was speci£ied - spent the weekend on the Isle of who wiJI dcliver the Commence· fight "to the people." Pines, said, on their return to Ha· ment addrcss. In his present po L It was the first time in Louisi· vana, there was no military activi· since 1958, Ylvisaker holds 'I ana ~istory that a special session ty there whatsoever and that they rna ter of thcology degree from of the Legislature has adjourned $100 Million had heard nothing tt1ere of an In· Princeton Theological Seminary so quickly after convening. How· vasion. and a doctor oC divinity degree ever, during Long's 1940 adminis· Politicians, large landowners Cram Augustana College, SioU); tration he called a session which and holdover officers from Ful· Falls, S.D. Air Force Fuel gencio Batista's regular army arc faUed for lack of a quorum. among the men rounded up for Governor Long Dejected Serving as chaplain for the After the Senate joined tho questioning about the alleged COD· Commencement excrclses will be House in lhe dramatic vote, Lt. spiracy to oust Castro's Govern· Gov. Elirl K, Lon, sits bllck in his chllir .fter spearein, to the Loulslllnll Sanll'e which hlId iust yot.d James C. Spalding, SUI assistant Gov. Lether Frazar asked lhe Plan Halted ment. lIdioumment minute. after convenin, a fpecllli sn.lon called by Lon,. With LOlli i. Lt. Gov. Le,her proCessor of religion. William D. senators to stay to hear Long Fruar, presidin, oHlctr of the S.nat•. Tho mo.,. f~lIo_d a like lIc'lon by tho Hou .. of Repro ..n'lI,l.,.s. Coder, coordinator or conferences speak. WASHINGTO~ III - The Air Military sources said Castro leaders decided to make a c1can and insUlute at the University, The governor was calm and re· Force canceled Monday a $100 will be mastcr o[ ceremonies. strained but his vbiee showed his million program for the develop· sweep by detaining everyone with· In the armed forces who might The University Symphony will disappointment. ment of chemical ruel rOI' use in "Gentlemen. ir that's the way 2.000 mile·pe!'·hour plus bombers conceivably have had a part, then Longt./te SUI Professor Of Law­ provide music under the direction and fiehter interceptors, segregate and free those not 1m· iii of William Gower, associate pro· Dr. Ylvisaker you look at it, I don'l know much pllcated. Best estimates here were fessor oC music. 1 can do," he told thc senators. The action immediately raised "I don't think there was a bill speculation in the Pentagon over that only a few dozen will be Candidates for SUI degrec ~ ning at 7:25 p.m., with Orville formally accused. represent 86 Iowa counties, 31 Hitchcock, professor of speech, Introduced that was not worth tile ruture of the multi-billion·dol· more than $148,000, (the estimated lar program for the B70 chemical While inquiries at military head· states, th District of Columbia and serving as narrator. WSUI is heard fueled bomber known as the Val· quarters met with silence, talks Paul Sayre otes eight other countries. The 21 stu· at 910 kilocycles, cost of the session). with numerous official and private dents from other countries among ""m going to carry my fight kyrie and the F 1118 fighter inter· Paul Sayre, 65, SUI professor of ceplor designated the Rapier. sources provided this assessment; er EdUcation in Paris that same born July 26, 1894 in Hinsdale, ru. the graduates are from Brazil, to the people. If 1 was evcr crazy, Castro intelligence officers reo law, died Monday in Universily He is survived by his wife Grace Canada, China, India, Japan, New then I'm stili crazy." The cancellation will knock out year. ceiyed word recently a group of Hospital. The cause of death has Founder of the National Confer· and three children, Susan, 33, Zealand, Pallistan and the Philijr The governor, shouting at the oper!ltion of a new $45 million Mary, 31, and Lombard, 29. pines. Ike Ready; chemical plant built by the Olin foes o[ tbe revolution wer.e prepar· not been ascertained. Admitted to ence on Family Relations, he was end of his addrcss, talked a bout ing aD attempt to overthrow the The body was taken to Beckman The tentative number of degrees 10 minutes. Altogether, the ses· M.tl\j(!~on C}lemical Corporation the hospital Saturday, his condi· its president from 1937 to 1939. Funeral Home. Funeral arrange· the University expects to award .t Kodel CIty; N.Y., ear Buffalo. Ggyernmeal. perhaps with support slon and his speech lasted less from outside Cuba. lion was litt1!d IS serious unday Pro C OJ' Sayre wa ediWr 111 meal& 8[ pcndill,. Wedn~sday evening Includes: doc· Wef;jrs Golf, , than one hour. The Air Force officially notified ... ~ Maj. Raul Castro, the Prime and death occurred ~onday at "The International Law Journal" The -!i~ee ~ion to adjourll ConJress the prime contract with Minister's younger , brother who 1:25 p,m. was JlIade by ltep . ~n Holt or the a.,neral Electric Company for from 1925·1928 ; faculty cditor of commands the armed forces, took One of the mo t distinguished " Iowa Law Review" from 1930- Street Sho~ Rapldes Parish, an adminlstralion' \be m.s ~ngine hlld been canceled. the initiatlve in a roundup of Utilities Franchise Election floor leader who parted with Long members of the SUI faculty, Pro· 1935 ; and editor "Interpreta· The engine was to power both the known opponents of the Castrn reo or GETTYSBURG, Pa. 1.91 - Presi· after the recent fiscal session. 870 aDd Flea, I .. gime. The raids broadened later. fessor Sayre came to the SUI Col· tions of Modern Legal Philoso· denl Eisenhower, wearing one golf Long filled the session with pro· TIIis engine is a turbo·jet with lege of Law in 1930. He taught the phies," 1947, and "Selected Essays shoe and one street shoe, went to fanity and was flown to a Texas u afterburner which would have on Family Law ," 1950. He was Date Set By Iowa City Council he Hotel Gettysburg Monday and mental clinic for treatment. used blIh energy chemical fuels. ,et up a temporary White House. Holt said he believed Che the author of "Life of Roscoe The city council Monday night I Tentative council approval was The Air Force said tbe cancel· Rayburn­ special session was called for per· Pound," 1947; "Introduction to a set Tuesday, September 25 as the I given to a preliminary plat of the Going directly to the hotel after laUon wouid not aUect the develop. sonal and vindlctivt! reasons. Philosophy of Law," 1951; and date for a special election at wbich proposed Windsor Hel,hts addition )Iaying 18 holes of golf, Eisen· ment of the J93·5 engine by 'lower didn't notice he still was "I am in no way angry with "Philosophy of Law," 1953.
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