--------;;_;:;;;•.L~---------~-----------~- / - NA.'.rIONM" RANKUiG OF HIGH SCH.oo!.• CROSS CGtJNTRY 'rEAtiS AS OF November 9, 1963 10 Ossining Ossining~ New York ld3: 49" 5 20 Carlnl("ml; Belmont~ California lr9: 07,.1 3" Bast \H.ch:U:a" Kansas I.r9: 49., I) 4'0 T.eimyr~on H~yward~ Galifo~~ia ;iO: 00", I) 50 York El~urst~ Illinois :iO:OOD5 60 Redf.oz.'d~ Detroit~ Michig&~ 50: ot}" 0 70 Berkley Berkley, Califoruia 50: 120 9 80 Concord Concord, Net-l Hclmpshire 50: 43,. 5 9" Pittsburg P1ttsburz~ California 51:02.0 10" l~orth Wichita» Kansas 51:0300 110 Pleas~nt Hill Pleasant Hill, California 51:03.(3 12. ~1:i.l1s Milbrae, California 51.: n~0 13. St. Xav:ter Louisville., Kentucky ,')1: 16. 9 14. Hillsdale San Mateo~ California 51: 19. 5 15. Cubberley j~ 'Alt~~ California 51:21. 9 16. Clayton Valley Concord, California 51: 24-03 17. Carlmont 112 Belmont, California 51:27<0 18. TeX'T8. ':1.'Wva.i Pacifica~ Califo~nia 51.: 4.80 2 19. Net,] Dedford New Bedfor.d~ ~iassachusetts 52:00.6 ~" 20. South Salem, O;:egon 52:06.0 21. 'PJY311dotte Kansas C~ty,Kansas 52:21.9 220 . Net'lork Newark, Californla 52:25bO 23. Palo Alto Palo Alto, California 52: 3tj.. 4· 2'h Ediso~ Tulsa~ Ol::lahoma .52: l}Q" 4 250 Cha1:1~ton Charleston, Wase Virginia 52: l:8" 7 26. Wesbiroor Daly City, California 52:5806 Central 52:5807 I /127. Li~tle Ra¢k, Arkansas 'f.am.alpais Tamalpa!B, C81!f.c~uia 53:2507 I _128.29. Washington Centerville, California 53:30,,9 r 300 Cupe l"tino Cupeztiuo, Galifo:!Dia 53: 40., 6 310 Los Al~os Los Altos, California 53:57.2 32. San Carlos San Carlos~ California 54:06,,1 33. Buchser Santa Clara, California 54: 10. 8 340 Pleassnt. Hill 12 Pleasant liil1~ California 54·: 28 ••0 350 Southeast Wichita, KaXlsas 5~·:320 0 360 Santa Clara Santa Clara, Califo~~ia 54:3707 370 Fto Laude1:dale Fto Laud0rdale~ Florida Sk,: £:.60 1 38. Highlands Albt!que:t:(t1e) New. M9.xico 54:55.2 390 Hest \>Jich:tts, KW:1sas 55:0500 400 J!'oothiU Hayward, California 55:03.3 Valley Albuquerq':ie, Net" Nexico 55:3303 42. Olando Boone Olando, FlOlL"1da 55:33~t} 430 Sylvan Atlanta, Georgia 55:.50~3 .~141.44. Kapaun Hichita, Kansas 56:00.0 Height6 Hicl1its:.o l{xmsas 56:0500 bh. Lick San Jose, Cali£o~~ia 56:12.0 47. Manzano Albuquerql1G, Net-l Hexico 56:490/~ 1450 ~ Swmyvsle r~270 Sw~nyv81e~ California 53:0800 280 Los Getos Los Gatos~ California 53:1500 The first five runners for Ossining (N.Y.) high school averaged 9:45.9 for two-miles to break the national team total with a speedy 48:49.5. The top seven distance runners at Ossining include (kneeling, left to right) Vince Fallon; Calvin Rascoe; Steve Jacobson, junior, 10:14.0; (standing) Jim Burhans, junior, 9:30.8; John Lengers, junior, 9:29.1; Bill Sileo, senior, 9:54.2; Bill Murphy, junior, 9:41.4. Ryan sets nationa I, prep mark :Mike Ryan of Santa Clara's Wilcox High School established a national scholastic record by covering the two-mile run in 9:09.8 last Saturday at Wood• side High School. i Ryan set his mark in a spe- i cial race during the Northern CaliforniaComers meetTrackheldandat FieldWoodsideAll-I.- High School. I \,! Ryan's time erased the form.! ,\.1,:'~laster markSeptemberof 9:11.5,by JimestablishedRyun ofI , iWichita, Kan. i The previous best clocking by IRyan, a junior, was 9:21.3. Fin• ishing second was Ralph Gamaz. School in 9:13.7, fastest ever re- 'ofcordedHayward'sby a 15-year-old.Foothill H i g hi Results of the NCTF all-com• I ers meet: ! 70 high hurdles - Bill Toomey, jSanta Clara Valley Youth Village, '9.0. 440-Bud Simons, sevyV, 50.4. i 100-G. Stulgis, unattached, 10.3. i 880-0ssie Norris, City College of ISanMile-JohnFrancisco, Lodin,1:59.3.SCVYV, 4:24.4'1 3: 22.0. I 220-Toomey, 22.4. i 11320Two-mile-Lodin,- Steve Regan,9:43.9.unattached'i , jYOuthMarienthal,Mile Villagerelay Richardson),- Santa(Toomey,Clara3:Simmons,33.2.valleYI , Javelin~AI Sira, Peninsula Track Club, 151-9. Hammer - Roy Salvato, PTC, 124-10. High jump - Jim Brown, unat- Broad jump - Mike Morse, San . tached;:Jose City6·7.College, 20-7. I t(It Shot-put-Don O'Hair, unattached, I SI 50-1%. l . en Gate Track Club, 124-11. HighCollegeschooldiscus-Jimdiscus-MikeHughes,Hickley"GOld'" 51J1 unattached, 156·3\12. t't\ 135-7.Women's',' discus-Nancy 'INorberg,t n" Air Farce Base, 40·11\12. , TriplePole vaultJump-Darrell- Phil White,Horn, KellY"unat·. R tached. 14·0. f , . ~ t Ryan Breaks u.s. Prep', Mark; Scot Bid Fails I By DICK HINTON in Hayward snappedhi.s own ranked first nationally, owns a Tribune Sports Writer national sophomore record he 48:49.5 Carlmont's best was run Carlmont's c r 0 s s country set only a month ago. a month ago when the Scots team failed in its bid to turn Ryan's 9:09.8 blitzed 1.2 sec- gained the second spot nationai• in the nation's fastest' high onds off the old mark, 9:11 by ly with 49:07.1. juniorschool Miketeam postalRyan oftime,Wilcoxbut JimGames'Ryuntime ofwasWichita,9:13.2, knock-Kan. ranCarImontbehind thejuniortwoMikerecord-break-IMcCannl 11 snapped the existing individual ing the dickens out of his old ers in 9:35.4. ,.'. I ti two-mile mark' Saturday on the 9:20.8clocking. Palo Alto finished""seventh ini t~ In addition to Ryari's feat, 49:33.9. The Scots' aim was a Vikings were the I'only othel d, RalphWoodsideGamezHighoftrack.Foothills High 48:49.4CarImontor better.ran aOssing,team timeN. Y.,ofISPALteam competitionteam entered.in 54:26.5. The;I Ien\ . , \ {scheduledThe m efore t Stanford'swas originallyAngell prepared. The congregation then imovedfield, butto Sunnyvalethe track Highwas butnot/' :the wind was too stiff. i And ·the whole group then mi• igrated north again to Woodside :where Ryan and Gamez prob• pier. '\abIY couldn't have been hap- '50:08.8;TEAM: BerkeleyCarlmont50:53;49:33.9;TennysonVIII52:12.4;co xii 'eibl PaloSunnyvaleAlto 52:58.9;54:26.5; YgnacoOverfelt Valley54:31.5;53:47.1;1San If C Leandro 55:30; Foothills 55:53.2; EI Ca· mlno 55:58; Pleasant Hili ~:r17.7; Hills· I dale frosh 56:48. W 9:09,8Leading(NotionalIndividuals:record. RyanOld, 9:)](Wilcox)Jim t2C ,Ryun of Wichllo East, Kan,), Gamez to (Foothill) 9: 13.2 (National soph record. WI Old, 9:20.8 by Gamez this year); Mike '. McCann (Co) 9:35.4, Krieger (T) 9:36.8; tll •.1 9:42.5,Bruce (PH)McCalla9:37.8;,(8) MartIn9:57;, McCann'TrUjillo (Co)(T) .'fr 1:54.5; Fernandez (5) 9:59.9; Qmia (S) el, 9:59. '. :b2 ..I .I TieMills forRu'nners75th Mills High School's cross• country running team tied for 15th in the nation in the final standings just released by U. S. Track and Field News Hillsdale High Scho,'l was rated 19th, al'd the Hillsdale i freshman team third in its class. HIGH SCHOOL TWO-MILE POSTAL TEAM RACE Ossining, Ryan Champs Schoolboy two -milers continued to raise their standards as new team and individual records were created in the seyenth annual nationwide postal com• petition sponsored by Track & Field News. MIKE RYAN established Ossining of New York captured the five man team honors while Mike a new interscholastic Ryan, Wilcox of Santa Clara, Calif.', shattered the postal and interscholastic two-mile record of 9:09.8 records in winning the individual title. It was the sixth straight year for the in this race at Woodside 1 individual record to fall while the team mark held up only once, and then only Calif. against Ralph Gamez by six tenths. whoJ as a sophomore, re• Only one senior is on the Ossining team that averaged 9:45.9. And the corded a sensational time second place squad from Carlmont, Belmont, Calif. is composed of three juniors of 9:13.2. (Photo by Bill and two sophomores. Ossining totaled 48:49.5 for its five runners while Carl• Hewlett) mont had an excellent 49: 07.1. The old record was set last year at 48:50.9 by South Salem of Oregon. Three runners tore the former 9:21.2 record to shreds. Ryan and Ralph Gamez, Foothill of Hayward, Calif., ran against each other in clocking 9:09.8 and 9:13.2. Second place went to Jim Ryun of East, Wichita, Kansas, with9:11.5. A record 95 schools from 20 states competed. They produced eight runners who broke 9:30, 20 under 9:40, 35 under 9:50 and 58 under ten minutes. A dozen teams bettered 51 minutes and 30 were under 52: 00. Ossining produced its winning squad from among 406 boys enrolled in HIGH SCHOOL FRESHMAN TWO-MILE POSTAL TEAM RACE grades 10 -12. But coach John Covert has the advantage of a junior high school in an adjoining wing and a complete six year running program. The 7th and 8th 'grades turnout about 40 boys who compete in six meets, graduated by age class• 13-Year-Old Runs 10:09 ification' at three -quarters of a mile. Ninth grade runners number 10 to 15, Central Junior High School of Pittsburg, Calif., repeated as winner of competing in eight meets, mostly at a mile-and-a-half, but once or twice at the the two -mile team race postal competition for junior highs and high school two-and-a-half mile varsity distance.
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