Community Agenda - NPU Policies G-14 Encourage pedestrian mobility by completi ng the sidewalks through NPU-G and upgrading and adding cross- walks. Improve pedestrian ameniti es such as street trees and wide sidewalks to further encourage pedestrian travel. Encourage safe and responsible driving patt erns throughout the NPU-G through implementati on of traffi c calming measures and enforcement of speed limits. G-15 Discourage infi ll development that is not compati ble with the existi ng character of the neighborhood (e.g. rear or side-of-the-house driveways, garages or carports; lot coverage, fl oor-to-area rati o, building height, and wall/fence height of nearby homes.) G-16 Control the development of businesses, such as liquor stores and non-tax contributi ng enti ti es. G-17 Support open space land use that preserves for Public Park, cemetery, or greenspace the following: Gun Club Park, Gun Club Landfi ll and the old Finch school site. NPU-H Policies Residenti al/ Housing H-1: Preserve the single-family residenti al character of NPU-H in all neighborhoods especially the Carroll Heights, Fairburn Heights, Adamsville, and Boulder Park Neighborhoods. On undeveloped land of more than 3 acres PDH (Planned Development Housing) is acceptable with strong neighborhood parti cipati on in the planning process. H-2: Encourage infi ll development that is compati ble with surrounding uses. H-3: Middle to high income housing is encouraged to establish a more diverse housing market in NPU-H. H-4: Marti n Luther King Jr. Drive and Fairburn Road are areas in the community that may be used for multi family dwellings, mix use development, and supporti ve housing. H-5: Low income housing constructi on is not encouraged due to the large volume of unoccupied low income single and multi -family dwellings that currently exist in NPU-H. H-6: Encourage multi -family development of 2/3 acres or more such as apartments, duplexes, senior faciliti es to in- clude a secti on of greenspace & play area; eff orts should be made to include outdoor quiet spots with benches for residents, with walking trail for larger developments Commercial - Industrial H-7: Support unifi ed development of the Adamsville commercial area and its associated community faciliti es with- out encroaching into adjacent residenti al areas. H-8: Encourage the development of offi ce-insti tuti onal uses along Marti n Luther King Jr. Drive from the Adamsville commercial area to the existi ng commercial use at the I-285 interchange without encroaching into adjacent residenti al areas. Mixed use is acceptable with strong involvement of existi ng businesses and residents in the planning process. H- 9: Encourage the re-zoning from RG-3 to a Mixed Use zoning district the parcels from Marti n Luther King Jr. Drive from Bolton Road to Fulton Industrial Boulevard without encroaching into adjacent single family residenti al areas. H-10: Discourage shabby unkept commercial storefronts. Encourage adding when possible, greenery such as grass, fl owers and or shrubbery. H-11: Encourage new business with acceptable storefront designs according to guidelines identi fi ed in the NPU-H- Adamsville 2011 Comprehensive Development Master Plan 587 Community Agenda - NPU Policies H-12: Maintain the boundaries of commercial, industrial, and insti tuti onal uses without encroaching into low-densi- ty residenti al areas. H-13: Consolidate strip commercial uses in order to create a unifi ed development having a minimum number of curb cuts and turn lanes. H-14: Retain industrial uses. Prevent industrial development from aff ecti ng the character of the adjacent residenti al community by providing landscaped or architectural buff ers to minimize their potenti al impacts on adjacent residenti al areas. H-15: Preserve, protect, and maintain fl ood plain areas in their natural states. Transportati on Safety Issues (bikes, cars, pedestrians) H-16: Encourage the Maintenance of public and private greenspace areas H-17: Encourage developers and private owners to install sidewalks throughout NPU-H which will reduce the need for residents, especially children, from walking in the street. H-18: Encourage the City to install pedestrian crossings equipped with count down signals, bright street lighti ng, and well defi ned crossing walk. H-19: Encourage the City to install Traffi c Calming techniques and devices in community areas where traffi c viola- ti on issues are creati ng problems for community safety and well being. Transportati on H-20: Encourage additi onal storm drains on streets where street fl ooring occurs during heavy rain. H-21: Encourage the additi on of turn lanes on major thorough fares (M. L. King Jr. Drive, Fairburn Road, Bolton Road, Boulder Park Drive, Bakes Ferry Road, Delmar Lane) at all intersecti ons. H-22: Encourage the additi on and designati on of bike lanes on major thorough fares (M.L. King Jr Drive & Fairburn Road). H-23: Encourage the creati on of bus stop lanes in front of shopping areas, apartment complexes, churches, medical faciliti es, and other properti es where large numbers of riders may load and unload the bus on M.L. King Jr. Drive and Fairburn Road. These lanes shall be included in the development plans of all new retail/commercial projects and multi family housing complex in NPU-H Planning and Urban Design H-24: In new development or re-development of properti es green space is encouraged for play area for families. H-25: In multi family development, a community/family acti vity center is encouraged to allow for residents to host small events, meeti ngs, etc. H-26: Residenti al or Commercial Development that stops or alters the natural fl ow of water in creeks, streams, or lakes is not encouraged. H-27: New Development with three story homes that rise two stories above the nearest homes within 300 yards of the new development is not encouraged. H-28: New Development below street level that will require sewage to be pumped up to the main sewage line is not encouraged. Planning and Urban Design/Parks Recreati on & Cultural Aff airs Coordinati on 588 Community Agenda - NPU Policies H-29: Historical Landmark sites should be preserved. Nominati on to the Nati onal Register of Historic Places and to become designated under the City’s Historic Preservati on Oridinance is recommended for the Church build- ing at M.L. King Jr. Drive and Delmar Lane/ former site of the Blayton Business College and the Carrie Steele Pitt s Children’s Home, 667 Fairburn Road. Encroachment by new development on to historical property is not encouraged. Promote the preservati on H-30: Encourage community center and recreati on center development of 2/3 acres or more include a secti on of greenspace & play area. Senior faciliti es - eff orts should be made to include outdoor bench(s)/quiet spot for residents. Walking trail(s) would be encouraged for larger developments. NPU-I Policies I-1: Preserve the single-family residenti al character of NPU-I, including the Collier Heights, Westhaven, Peyton Forest, Chalet Woods, Florida Heights, Westwood Terrace, Beecher Hills, Audubon Forest, Cascade Heights, and West Manor neighborhoods. I-2: Encourage infi ll development that is compati ble with surrounding areas. I-3: Consolidate strip commercial uses in order to create a unifi ed development having a minimum number of curb cuts and turn lanes. I-4: Support redevelopment and unifi cati on of commercial and multi family uses along Marti n Luther King Jr. Drive and Bankhead Highway without encroachment into adjacent low density and single-family residenti al areas. I-5: Encourage concentrated, high-intensity mixed-use development in the Hightower /Hamilton E. Holmes Stati on development node. I-6: Support expansion of the Cascade Springs Nature Preserve in order to protect its integrity. I-7: Protect the integrity of all greenways. Protect, preserve and maintain waterways and maintain the 75 foot stream buff er; do not allow encroachment in the buff er. I-8: Encourage constructi on of conservati on subdivisions. I-9: Encourage and support improvements, including resurfacing of gravel road on the MLK end of Willis Mill Road, to the Lionel Hampton gateway and bike trail. NPU-J Policies J-1: Preserve the single-family and low-density residenti al character of the Grove Park, West Lake, Dixie Hills, and Center Hill neighborhoods. J-2: Encourage medium-density commercial and residenti al uses in proximity to the Bankhead MARTA Stati on. J-3: Consolidate strip commercial uses in order to create a unifi ed development having a minimum number of curb cuts and turn lanes. NPU-K Policies K-1: Preserve the single-family and low-density residenti al character of the following neighborhoods: Hunter Hills, Mozley Park, Knight Park/Howell Stati on, Bankhead, Westi n Heights, and Washington Park Historic District. K-2: Provide landscaped and/architectural buff ers between commercial/industrial and residenti al uses, and correct neighborhood gateway signs. K-3: Prevent encroachment of commercial uses into residenti al areas, and discourage higher density uses in desig- nated single family and low density residenti al areas. 589 Community Agenda - NPU Policies K-4: Support the redevelopment/revitalizati on of neighborhood commercial nodes. Support the creati on of Neigh- borhood Commercial Nodes around commercial intersecti ons with a focus on retail and mixed-use develop- ment serving nearby neighborhoods in NPU-K. K- 5: Support the creati on of Opportunity Zones which would take advantage of the huge diversity of homes in the area that could att ract young professionals. K-6: Increase collaborati on with the Atlanta University Center to provide students incenti ves to to stay aft er graduati on; to reverse the Brain Drain.
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