at SUI · Hig~ On the Inside , J The Weather Cardbsala Outacore Brave., 7-2 ... Paqe 2 Fair today, partly cloudy aDd .ll~htly PoRo Victim Leave. Diary warD*' tomorrow. Hlqh today 86: low __ • Page 5 at I owan- M. YMlerday'. hiQb 82: low 56. Play P.rformanc. UnlucC8saful __ • Page 6 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire -- Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday August 3, 1949 - Vol. 83, No. 208 Painting~, Rente~ Federal School Aid of 152 painu be available f Union begil\lJltj Senate Leaders Seek Ie ~lUIII , • Bill Killed in House Union r!libi \VA H)lN TON ( ' P )-The $300-mil1ion federal aid-to-ed­ ucation bill died in the hous(' labor committ e yesterday, tbe ap­ parent victim of a bitter r eligious dispute. Members wrangled for two hours behind locked doors but To Redraft Arms Plan fail ed to agree on anything although sponsors had warned only a compromise could sav(, thp bil from extinction. Chairman John Lesinski CD- ------------­ Cut President's Courlesy Pays Off - with Cash Mich) refused to concede that DALLAS, TEX. (A")-"Oid you eet what you wanted?" the the measure is dead, saying mem­ cashier 01 a gl'ocery asked two young men recently. bers will gel together again in a Senate Okays FBI Powers to Allot "Yes," they smiled as they lett the store. few days for ene lad try at agree­ A few minutes later, store lll.af1a,.r J.O. Da vi~ found the good­ ment. But other hOLl se leaders said Probe of Candidates Quantity of Aid natured customers had walked out with "17.50 from a cash it is too late to ~et floor action this drawer. se ~ion even if the committee can WASHINGTON IU'I - Secretary • __________________--::' _______ get together. Getting AEC Grants "'e relklous dispute, whIch WASHINGTON (.4') - The sen- I nared nationally when Francis yesterday~~ ~~~:~a~~~n and f~~e:~~a:eo~:~e~~II'greed to cooperate Cz e c h s C/o,·m Vat,·can Cardinal Sllellmlln, New York. ate voted yesterday to require a denounced Mrs. Eleanor Roose- full FB[ check of aU students dentin dratting rrruman's s> ; me controversial parts of Presi- $1,- U. S. Revolt Plot Fo,O/ed velt as anti-Catholic, revolves recommend d tor research fellow­ 450.000.000 arms aid program. arou.nd the proposed use of fed- ships under the atomic energy The cbanres, discussed at a tral funds for parochial and c·: mmission. two-bouf' clotled IlellSlon .f ibe PRAGUE, CZECHOSLOVARIA, (AP)- Tbe Commu1')ist olher private schools. The provision was Inserted by lenate forelm relations and pr('. s claimed yest('rday a joint Vatican-American plot to provoke A blJl already passed by the voice vote Into an Independent armed services commJttees, re­ civil war in zl'eltosloyokill over the chQTeh·Qtat controversy had senate would permit the stales otllces appr:lprlatlons bill at portedly would piau curM been foiled. around President Truman'. pow­ to decide whether the funds would the request of Sen. Josenh 0'­ cA. Wlro ..... I.) Tb ... charge wal! marIe by tbe Communist party organ, Rud er. &0 decide wblch antl-Com­ be used for private as well as Mahoney (D-Wyo). Pravo, which claimed an "organization X" allpgedly under an Wonder " He Likes Bananas, Too? munl.lt nations would ret U.S, public schools. But 'Rep. Graham The FBI check for AEC tel­ Amt'rican hi/th 'ommand, was •.: wship candidates is a direct re­ arms aid, how much, and wba' Barden (D-NC) sponsored the WHEN IT CO tES TO watermelon, Mickey, 150 pounds 01 bll', tou,h and u.-Iy chlmpanne, 1.1 no dif­ klnd. working to "oTltBniz(' (' ~ pionag , sult of the disclosure last .May house substitute which limits the ferent ihan Ilny kid. If offered a big piece of watermelon, M.ckey smacks his lips, bares his teeth and Acheson and Secretary of De­ sabotage and diversion in coun­ funds to public scho: ls and spe­ that a fellOWShip had been nltches in. Be app ars nightly In a f.·ee act on Ihe midway at Ihe statll Fair of Texas at DaUa, with Prof. Roberts Hits triet that have abandoned the ci1ically prohibit their use for awarded to Hans Freistadt, an fense Louis Joh!l!on met private- two othcr chimpanzees. ly with the senate committees as capitalist system." transportation and health services avowed Communist at the Uni­ Atomic Secrecy As Czech9Clovakia has been under versity of 'North Carolina. Roving Ambassador W. Av,reJl which some states grant to paro, Harriman testified at public hear­ Communlst domination since the chial schools. Shortly after the Freistadt case Hearing Nears End Ings d the house foreign affairs 'Childish' Pradice Pra,ue coup d'etat of February 1540 Eo The resultant dispute has became public, the national re­ Woods Calls Building Conlrols committee that the program is 1948, in which the Communjsts, search council, which administets 571h SL piUed Catbollc against Protes­ needed "to protect the growing Prof. Arthur 'Roberts blasted I with" the aid of "action c~~mlt.­ &ant, ud vice versa, In and out the multi-million d·; llar fellow­ On Rutledge Charge generation from war." the roventment's overemphasis on t~. took over the admlmstra- .t conrress. It Involved the ship program for the AEC, agreed Harriman said the mounting secrecy in at>t m:c research last · tion. Jews when fonner Gov. Her­ to reQuire a loyalty oath and Farce,; Denies 5 Percenl Deal confidence and determination or night. "For any adult to attempt I~. kn,g article entit,:ed "th: bert Lebml.1'l, New York, a Jew, non -Communist affidavit from Of Juror Prejudice western European nations might to keep someone from finding Vatican Filth Column, Rud defended Mrs. Roosevelt Irom fellowship candidates. WASHINGTON (AP)-liousing Expeditel" " ighe E . Wood!; CEDAR RAPIDS (IP)-The hear- c:llapse into fe'arful attempts at out something free td anyone is Pravo's foreign commentator, An­ Spellman's attack. But many senatora thought yestcl'(luy said two race lracks ·got a construction permit from his appeasement of Russia if the childish" Roberts said in ex- dre Simone, nam~d Allen Dulles, Former Rep. Hamilton Fish this did not gO far enough, so agency not b Clllls of influence but because postwal' building ing on a motion for a new trial United St9tes fails to back up Plalnin~ that the sClentffic know- brother of Sen. John Foster Dulles, O'Maho.ney prepared a stronger for Dr. Robert C. Rutledge Jr., the Atlantic security pact with led,e of h..::'w to make the bomb as ~hlef of "organization ~ . " (R-NY) joined the controversy controls were a "Cal·c('." convicted last May of sec:nd de- arms. ye s t e r day, denouncing Mrs. safeguard. is no secret. Simcne also listed FranCIS Car- Woods spent 90 minutes clo!'; ted witlt th e Renate's "five per· gree murder, drew toward a close lienry Grady, U.S. ambassador Roosevelt for her "record" of pro­ His amendment speciCies that IRoberts SUI dlrector ot re- dinal Spellman of New York, re ... cent" pI'ober!';. He told newsmen their questions includ d the deal­ yesterday. to Greece, told the house com- search in' nuclear physiCS, spoke whom he describ~~ as "the Pope's 00 part. of any appropriation for Communist and anti - Cathollc ings of his office with Jame Nine witnesses had been called mittee that Greece wlll "inevit­ statements and actions. the AEC shall be used to confer to an audience of about HiO per- Hjalmar Schacht. as one of the Hunt, \Vashington "manage­ in the two-day session including ably be forced into ~h" Sov; .. t ,w . organization's numbers. a fellowship on "any perSon whe ~ons 10 .room 310 of the chem- (In New York, Dulles said he ml'nt counselor", in these two one who testifled he feared "per- bit" if the United states cuts oU advoca~es or who is a member of Hlzpatrick 10 Hear IS try buIldlng In the last lectu~e knew nothing about the repor!. sonal violence" by Emil .Novotny, the flow d arms aid begUIl ~ .. an organization or party that ad­ matters: d the series to explain atomIc He said he 15 chairman of the juror in the Rutledge trial. Final 1947. Greece is one of the na­ Johnson's Powers vocates the overthrow of th t 1. The race track Jobs. Woods en~rgy to the layman. pxecutive <' ~ mm'ttee of the na- Res~1f of Driver's has said he understands a cllent arguments by oc; pposing counsel tions earmarked for arms under ~overnment of the United States are all that remain to be hear( Mr. Trl.lman's prollI'am, We have reached the point tlonal committee for fl'ee Europe ~y lorce 01' violence." paid Jiunt $15,000 for his ser­ wh~re p~()ple are, not di~tingulsh ~ w~se pw.rpose is to further th~ taken Raised by 'New Bill today. LID IUS 0 It provides lor the FBI check Test (Within Week' vices In 1947 in getUng It con­ Mbst of full testimony dert' / dorew s oug as, .. am as!la- Ing be!weeb secl'~ts of the atom cause of liberty and peace and to WASHINGTON (JP)-House ap­ of candidates and makeS viola- struction clearance tor one of thc to Britain, also endorsed the bomb n<1 secrets o~, other phases sup"ort in Am e ric a political tracks, F.. xborough, near Boston. with whether Novotny, a mlddle- arms program in a written II tate- ot.
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