AUTUMN 2016 EDITION Graveside Vigil for the 98 VetRide arrives in Canberra IN THIS ISSUE President’s Report. ANZAC Day 2016 Secretary’s Report. Museum news. Vale Brig Rolfe AO (Rtd) Medical/Health/Wellbeing issues. Sub Branch activities. Veteran comes home. Graveside Vigil 2016 Commemorative Events Program. VetRide 2016 Honour the dead but fight like hell for the living VVAA Victorian State Branch—Executive ABN: 34 750 672 219 State President Bob ELWORTHY AM Mob: 0402 106 262 5241 1813 State Vice President Ken BAKER Mob: 0409 586 669 9747 8125 State Secretary Peter BRIGHT Mob: 0437 936 391 State Assistant Secretary 5444 1871 Sue McQUEEN Membership Officer Mob: 0400 821 457 State Treasurer Bob GLAUBITZ Mob: 0412 689 630 9551 1353 State Assistant Treasurer Martin RUDELBACH Mob: 0419 906 602 State Branch Kevin HUNTER Mob: 0408 448 280 Welfare Officer State Branch 9743 5756 James COGHLAN Executive Member Mob: 0409 293 902 State Branch Peter BLACKMAN Mob: 0400 363 143 Executive Member State Branch 9801 5537 Amat (Aff) BINNOORE Executive Member Mob: 0409 365 210 State Branch 5444 1871 Lindsay McQUEEN Executive Member Mob: 0488 068 880 State Office Manager 9655 5588 Maurie BENSON Editor FSB-VIC Mob: 0417 588 886 Education Team Rob LOWE 0419 591 676 VVAA Victorian Branch—State Office Address: VVAA Victorian Branch Anzac House MEMBERSHIP MAIL: L3/4 Collins St C/O CVVSC MELBOURNE VIC 3000 PO BOX 820 Phone: (03) 9655 5588 BENDIGO VIC 3552 Fax: (03) 9655 5582 Secretary: [email protected] Office: [email protected] Newsletter: [email protected] Web Site: www.vvaavic.org.au Office Hours: 1000 - 1400 Hrs Monday–Friday DISCLAIMER: The material in ‘FSB-VIC’ is in the nature of general comment only and neither purports nor is intended to be advice on any particular matter. No person should act on the basis of any matter contained in ‘FSB- VIC’ without considering and, if necessary, taking appropriate professional advice upon their own particular cir- cumstances. The VVAA, the authors and editors expressly disclaim all and any liability in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether whole or partial, upon the whole or part of the con- tents of ‘FSB-VIC’. Honour the dead but fight like hell for the living F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T memorations and honoured our fallen in humming along nicely again and that the manner they deserved. The gravesite membership is on the increase there. I commemorations received significant wrote to the Commanding Officer 5/6 media coverage across the state and the RVR on your behalf to thank him for al- branch has received a large number of lowing us access to his barracks. congratulatory messages, many from National Congress in May will again be within the ex-service community. held in Canberra. A decision has been I was very proud to stand on the steps of taken to close the national merchandising Old Parliament House in Canberra and activity and dispose of the stock at bar- witness the finish of the “Service and gain prices to members. A summary for Sacrifice Tour” Vetride 2016 commemo- the activities, along with minutes from the Welcome to this edition of FSB rative bike ride. How fitting to finish the meetings, will be provided to Sub- Vic, I trust that you find it interest- ride outside the building in which the Branches. ing. I want to especially extend a decisions to commit us to the Vietnam warm welcome our new Branch Changes to the delivery of (formerly TIP) conflict and to introduce conscription members and our former members training was discussed at length at the were made. All of the organizers, support who have re-joined us; it’s great to first Regional Veterans Center Project staff and riders are to be congratulated on have you with us during this signif- meeting for the year and information on taking our commemorations “on the icant year for Vietnam veterans. the changes has been circulated. Both the road”; a huge logistic effort, and a fitting Lindsay and Sue McQueen are to RVCP President and Minutes Secretary tribute not just to Vietnam veterans but to be congratulated for conducting have stood down from the committee as all who have served our nation. Sadly, “Operation Reconnect” which has has our state advocate. The RVCP still meaningful acknowledgement and sup- resulted in a significant increase in has a very important role in continuing to port for the ride from our Federal Govern- our membership, but more im- deliver a range of services to our mem- ment was embarrassingly absent and portantly, making contact again bers and the wider veteran community completely overshadowed by the support with veterans who have slipped off during the period that the new arrange- from our state government, RSL Victoria the radar. I encourage all sub- ments are bedded down and beyond, sub-branches and other significant spon- branches to renew their efforts to adapting as it will to changing circum- sorships. attract new members and to re- stances. I have the highest regard for all connect with lost members. John Methven OAM, our Museum CEO, of the wonderful members who continue has also been busy and has already spent to provide first class support to ALL vet- Our commemorative program is off the initial sum allocated to the museum erans through the RVCP. to a great start and information on from the Victorian Government funding progress to date can be found in this I attended the VVCS Victoria Regional for 2016. John reports that the museum newsletter. I do want to mention, Consultative Forum meeting recently and has a new roof, a sealed carpark, new however, that the commemorative one of the issues was the DVA review of solar power generation and other works quilt continues to receive rave re- the operation of the VAN and VVCS of- are in the pipeline which will be funded views wherever it is displayed and fices in Wodonga. On the basis of the in coming months. requests to display it continue to be decisions by DVA to close other VAN received. Also, the gravesite com- Vice President Ken Baker and the Com- offices across the state and move the ser- memorations exceeded my most memorations Committee continue to de- vices into Department of Human Services optimistic hopes: it was a magnifi- velop outstanding commemorative activi- Offices, I am of the opinion that the cent, meaningful and dignified ties that I am sure will delight you. He Wodonga VAN office faces a similar fate. event that drew large numbers and will provide updates as plans are con- At the time of writing this report no infor- meant so much to many, particular- firmed. mation regarding the VVCS office has been received. I understand that VVCS ly the next of kin. I am convinced I was delighted that our Annual General office lease matters are involved also. that only Victoria could have suc- Meeting and State Council Meeting were cessfully done something on this held in Ballarat at the 5/6 RVR barracks. Members will recall that we were suc- scale and I am deeply indebted to It has been some time since the council cessful in gaining a federal grant to have all of the Branch members, RSL visited Ballarat and we were privileged to Echoes of Conflict recorded. The musical Sub Branches and community or- meet in the army barracks and enjoy the piece composed by Vietnam veteran ganisations who wholeheartedly hospitality there. I am also pleased to Lachlan Wilson is dedicated to Vietnam involved themselves in the com- report that the Ballarat Sub-Branch is veterans, and part of the piece was played Honour the dead but fight like hell for the living 3 F R O M T H E P R E S I D E N T ( cont’d) at the dedication of the National Vietnam lobbied the State Government to make etnam veterans as they passed by. I must War Memorial in Canberra. Echoes of statements in Parliament honouring Vi- say, with the greatest of respect to those Conflict will be played in full in public for etnam veterans, Vietnamese veterans and who continue to carry the banners of long the first time at the Civic Reception in the Vietnamese community this year. So gone WWII units, the march seemed to July against a backdrop of scenes, photos on Thursday 14 April, a contingent of have renewed vigour and meaning with and film footage from the Vietnam War VVAA Victorian Branch members and formed bodies of Vietnam veterans and era. Vietnamese entered both houses of State younger veterans marching, which in turn On a personal note, I was honoured to be Parliament and from about 9.30am until gave the public a tangible presence to part of the recent Premier’s Spirit of AN- just after 10.00am members from both the acknowledge. It is my personal opinion ZAC Prize tour of Greece with 20 sec- government and the opposition and minor that all unit banners for which there are ondary school students. With problems in parties rose one after another to no surviving members should be brigad- Belgium, France and Turkey, the tour was acknowledge and honour the visitors. ed the same as the World War Banners changed to Greece, an often forgotten part Light lunch and the obligatory speeches are; dependents can follow at the end of of Australia’s war history in both world followed at ANZAC House.
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