Auction 316 Listing

Auction 316 Listing

Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value 19 AM28S7 & RAM28S10 (Billings-Lewistown 12/24/37) ??? American Air Mail Society Sale 316 20 Interstate 12/1/28: 30S4 J Bower donation 5.00 THIS IS A MAIL SALE CLOSING 21 Hawaiian Airlines X33W1 (b/s Lihue), W2* & E3* 8.00 August 22, 2020 22 82N35 (TTA); 86SE37 (Wisconsin Cent’l); 88N5 (Turner) Send bids with membership number to & 90S17 (Mid-West) D Pollard donation Don Lussky, 1332 N. Webster St., Napervill, IL 60563 or 7.50 23 Air New England 1/24/75: 172SW3, N5 & N6 email [email protected] . 11.00 24 F5-185 & plus UL 5/17/50 Ft-de-France-Christiansted* Minimum bid is 50 cents (no less than 10% of catalog value). 6.00 25 F8-4* (2) one w/purple, 1 w/black cachet, both addressed No “buy” bids. In case of tie bids, the first received wins. to US (also Mexico flt 14 & Lindberghiana 51) All lots returnable within seven days if purchaser believes 30.00 26 F14-16, a, b & c, four matching covers from Manila material isn’t as described. 27.50 27 3 censored PAA #10 cc’s: from Malaya: F14-24, b & c 15.00 Now using catalog numbers listed in AAMC Vol. 3 28 PAA unlisted FAM 18 cover: PM autog Boston 12/30/48 to Bermuda 12/30/48 (see p213) D Green donation CAMs/AMs FAMs FFUS ??? 29 F18-428a (Berlin 4/25/71 bkstmpd London 4/27) Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value 20.00 1 Three pages listing all 34 CAM Rts of ’29 & all 33 AM Rts 30 F18-430, F & U; 433, F & U plus 432 of ’34 w/their mileage anonymous donation 15.00 ??? 31 F19-7; 8, a & b, four on matching Ioor envelopes 2 Spec-printed Dinnebier 1N1 & #10 size S (7/1/26) 12.00 12.50 32 F22-9, a, b, c, d & e…six from Lagos 12/14/41 3 2N10 “Lindy Flies The Air Mail” 2/20/28w/C10 18.00 10.50 33 F26-53…only 51 pcs flown Christiansted-Washington 4 NAT 4/4/27 St Joe, MO to Ponca City R3N10 60.00 15.00 34 3 American Airlines FFUS: AA-F124, D215fb & F425f 5 Varney 4/6/26 Boise & Pasco to Elko 5E2 & E3 12.00 19.00 35 16 Delta DL-D14NW, f; 15SE, f; 15W, f; 16E; 15S, f; 6 Eastern AM5&6S107 (b/s Miami 12/1/49) & NE111 17N, f; 18N; 19W, f; 15E, f T Dempsey donation 32.00 w/EAL cachet (Ocala-Jacksonville 4/30/50) 36 PI-D9Wf*, 10W, 11E & f T Dempsey donation 14.00 16.00 7 PAT 8W8 on Scott U350 (Columbus & Liberty env), 37 Cacheted WA-D62Ef (only 53 pcs flown by Western) N15* & R8N23 (Medford dispatch) 13.00 26.50 8 Chas. Dickinson 6/7/26: 9W1 & E4* 747 Covers and Postcards 9.50 38 Spec-printed #10 cover for “747” maiden flt Everett, WA 9 RAM9S13, Braniff KC AMF to Burlington ??? 39 Air Canada: Canada flts 7129 & a; 7151* & a* + J Johnson don. ??? postcard 10 Clifford Ball 1N2(spec-printed Dinnebier FFC 4/21/29 16.00 40 “ “ (10 diff) “ “ 7167, a, b, c, e, f, g, h , i & & N5 (Roessler env Akron-Cleveland 6/8/31) 15.00 Frankfurt to Vancouver (only Paris bkstmpd) 11 Cont’l 12E85 & f and Miami covers pmkd 4/24/73 but 27.00 41 Air Canada Montreal-Miami & rtn (Canada flts 7187* bkstmpd 2/1/74 (W86 & f) T Dempsey donation 9.50 & a*) 12 16S1 & 1c and S2a (all w/C11…1st day 5 cent rate 6.00 28.00 42 Air France: Paris to JFK 6/3/70 & to O’Hare* 6/15/70 13 19S26 (Roessler env), f w/CofC cach & N27 (Roessler). ??? 29.00 43 “ “ #10 FFC’s : Teheran-Hong Kong* & Tokyo-New 14 21S1a w/C10; 22N6, N9 & R22S10 (Brownsville AMF Delhi* disp BRO-1 pmk)…Texas Air Transport ??? 25.00 44 “ “ pec-printed Paris-Tokyo 4/3/72 & rtn 4/4 15 CAM24N3 w/C10 (also interrupted flt 271217) ??? 15.00 45 Air India Bombay to London 5/21/71 & NY 5/26/71 16 Hanford AM26E27*, RAM26W28 (Bismarck disp) & S62 7.50 and Sydney-Bombay 3/30/76 plus used postcard 17 TAC 27E2*, W29* & W34 J Bower donation ??? 11.00 46 Air Siam Bangkok 9/30/73 to Tokyo & Honolulu (b/s 18 Northeast Airlines: AM27S80 (cacheted) & N98 7.00 10/4) ??? Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value 47 Alitalia cacheted FFC Milan-NY 7/16/70 67 KLM 11/2/71 Tokyo to Beyrouth, Athens & Amsterdam; ??? 48 American LA AMF-JFK & rtn 3/2/70 + 4 diff over-sized Manila, Bangkok, New Delhi & Beyrouth to pc’s Amsterdam ??? ??? 49 “ San Francisco AMF-JFK & rtn 4/19/70, Sydney-JFK 68 KLM Aruba & Curacao to JFK (KL-41 & 42) + 2 pc’s & 8/3/70 & Auckland-JFK 8/4/70 (comm pmk) label ??? 7.50 50 AA LA AMF-DFW 10/25/70, #10 Phoenix-CHI 12/1/70, 69 NW Orient 6/21/70 JFK-Twin Cities & 6/22 rtn, 12/27/70 JFK- San Juan 3/3/71 & San Juan-Aruba 3/3/71 (see Tokyo-Honolulu plus 5 diff “747” postcards ??? F26-55a) 70 NW 7/1/70 NY/UN-Tokyo (J-1603, f & u); CHI PO ??? 51 AA LA AMF-Detroit & rtn 4/25/71, Boston AMF-LA & rtn (both green & magenta cach) & AMF to Tokyo (JL-1605 6/4/71 and 747 Freighter JFK-San Francisco & rtn & f), Tokyo to NY, CHI & Seattle (JL1604, 1606 & 11/5/74 1608) ??? 50.50 52 Braniff DFW-Honolulu 1/15/71 & #10 rtn + 2 postcards 71 Olympic OA-8; 9, f (giant “747” pc) & u) plus label ??? 29.00 53 BOAC 4/14/71 London-JFK & 4/16 pc JFK-London* + 72 PAA London 1/12/70 “1st Proving Flt” & 1/22/70 diff pc. “1st Comm’l Flt”* + J-1562, f (both magenta cach & ??? 54 BOAC 7/11/71 Toronto & Montreal to London*, 7/12 #10 PAA black) & u 9.00 rtn to Montreal* & Toronto* plus British Airways 73 PAA LA-Tokyo (J-1567f) & Tokyo dispatches J-1568 & “747” postcard 1569 ??? 17.00 55 Cont’l 7/16/70 O’Hare-Honolulu + post card & “747” 74 “ Amsterdam & Bermuda to JFK (both #10) + 4 pc’s & label 3 photos ??? ??? 56 Condor 11/5/71 Columbo-Frnkft* (#10) & 3 diff 75 “ R-T-W to NY J-1670 & f and to LA J-1671, f & u 12.00 postcards 76 “ 5/8/71 Vienna to Frnkft & JFK and 747F UN-Frnkft ??? 57 Delta 10/25/70 Atlanta PO & AMF to LA + 3 diff J1779u ??? postcards 77 Sabena Brussels-JFK & rtn (SN-11; 12, f & u) + 3 pc’s ??? 10.50 58 El Al 6/8/71 Tel Aviv to London* & JFK* 78 SAS to NY & rtn from NY/UN (SK-112, 113, 114, 115f ??? 59 Flying Tiger 9/11/74 JFK-Taipei (#10) plus postcard & u) ??? 13.50 60 Iberia 12/2/70 Madrid-JFK & 11/1/71 Barcelona-JFK + 79 “ SK-118, 119 (E & W German disp) & 120 + postcard 10.00 pc 80 Singapore Airlines Oct ’71 Sing. & Taipei to Tokyo, ??? 61 JAL 7/1/70 Tokyo to Honolulu & LA, Honolulu-Tokyo; Tokyo-Sing.& Bangkok-Frnkft plus 2 diff postcards ??? JL-51 & 52 and 4/1/72 Tokyo-Guam 81 So. African from Johannesburg to London & Perth + pc 12.00 ??? 62 JAL 6/1/71 Hong Kong to Tokyo & San Francisco & 82 Swissair Zurich & Geneva UN to JFK (SR-55 & 56u) 12.00 JL-59 83 Swissair SR-57f & u, SR-58 & SR-62 & f + 2 postcards 6.00 7.50 63 “ 4/1/72 polar rt Amsterdam-Tokyo, 4/3 Tokyo-Paris 84 TAP TP-5 & 6f + 4 diff “747” comm Lisbon & Angola 4/4 rtn, 4/4 Hamburg (Danish disp) to Tokyo & cachets and 4 different postcards 15.00 4/5/72 return 85 TWA 2/25/70 LA-JFK & rtn; J-1570, f & u plus postcard ??? 64 JAL 4/3/73 polar rt Tokyo-Frnkft* & 4/4 rtn, 10/7/73 & “747” Ambassador Coach Lounge folder 6.00 Tokyo to Naha & return plus postcard 86 TWA J-1573, f & u; 1593, f & u & large Vatican rtn 1594 ??? 17.00 65 KLM 2/15/71 Amsterdam-JFK & rtn (KL-34; 35, f & u) 87 “ J-1595, f & u; 1596; 1597, f & u and 1598 10.50 24.00 66 “ 10/31-11/1/71 Amsterdam to Athens, Beyrouth, 88 TWA to/from Dulles J-1624f; 1626, f, u; 1628f & 1629 28.00 Bangkok and Manila to Tokyo 89 “ J-1651 & f; 1663, f & u and Rome & Vatican to Athens ??? 11.00 Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value Lot No. Description (*not properly backstamped) Cat. Value 90 “ to & from Tel Aviv J-1665, f & u; Rome & Vatican 106 9 used hi-value US stamps: Scott 1904 ($9.35), 2122 dispatches 9/16/71; 1666 and Frnkft disp 11/1/71 (10.75), 2394 (8.75), 2544 (3.00), 2540 (2.90), 2541 19.50 91 United 7/23/70 San Francisco AMF-Honolulu w/AFA (9.95), 2542 (14.00), 2543 (2.90) & 2544 (3.00) label USU-209 and 3 diff ”747” post cards anonymous donation ??? 58.50 92 Viasa 4/7/72 spec-printed/cacheted Caracas-Madrid* 107 Minneapolis 12/23/33 disp to Providence w/4 Scott ??? 93 “747” pc’s from Air New Zealand, Avianca, China, Irish & 702 “Red Cross” (3 diff plate singles) ??? Korean Air Lines (2) + Thailand “747” aerogram & 108 RC-19a rate change from Tulsa (C11 pl sgl) D Bize don.

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