No.86 December 1991/January 1992 £1.25 At this momentnewsofDounreay's at SCRAM's Safe Energy journal is best stunning incompetence and at produced bi-monthly for the British I COMMENT I worst criminal negligence is Anti-nuclear and Safe Energy ricocheting around the world. This movements by the Scottish Campaign S we go to press, Dounreay to Resist the Atomic Menace. Views has scored an 'own goal' in latest fiasco must surely lead expressed In articles appearing in this governments to concluded that journal are not necessarily th~ of A the debate over their bid to SCRAM. become a world centre for reprocess­ sending HEU spent fuel to Dounreay ing highly enriched uranium (HEU) hardly represents a sensible waste spent fuel from research reactors. management policy. scram, skram, v. They have lost lOkg of HEU. to shut-down a nuclear HERE remains, quite rightly, reactor in an emergency. Trying to pass their 'cock-up' of as an dissatisfaction throughout the 'incident', plant manager Geny Jordan T renewable community. For was reluctant to speculate on the HEU's sure, there have been some 'breaks' CONTRIBUllONS whereabouts. He told the press: "'There for renewable generation oppor­ We welcome contributions of articles, is no evidence to suggest that it left the tunities, but after more than a de­ news, letters, graphics and site, either through the effluent lines or cade of stultification they are still photographs; which should be sent to SCRAM at the address below. in somebodys pocket" He continued: paltry and the transformation is gained grudgingly at best. ''At this stage, I can't discount any LETTERS possibility." And continued: "Where We are still in something of a debilitating SCRAM reserves the right to edit letters the material is, whether it exists or not, interlude. No prospective government to fit the available space. All letters for or whether it is an error in accountancy publication should be submitted by the can make positive moves with the news deadline below. or whatever, must be pure speculation nncertainty of limited power and funds. at this stage." COPY DEADUNES For those with an active interest in The station's reprocessing plant was The ·copy Deadline for feature articles renewables, there is a tendency, after so for the next issue (February/March '92) shut down at the beginning of long in the wilderness, to adopt a wait is 14 January. (Feature articles are December, after the AEA, under the and see attitude. Yet important issues approximately 850 words per page.) supervision of European Community have still to be addressed: should News copy should normally be Inspectors, discovered the material was renewables be connected to national and submitted no later than a fortnight after missing. The last comprehensive international grids, or local networks the features deadline. stocktake of Dounreay's nuclear with control of local people; how can we ADVERllSING inventory was in April this year, when move to suppress the use of no discrepancies were found. carbon-based fuels without adding Advertising rates are shown on page 27. Or Wyn Lywellyn, a specialist in suffering to the least well off; how can Inserts can be mailed out with the nuclear materials accountancy, has reconcile the demands of new journal - details on request. technologies with the legitimate been flown up to Dounreay to head an BACK ISSUES investigation into the matter. It is aspirations of other outdoor users? Back copies of the journal are available expected that the plant will remain To tum into the winds of change is a for most issues. Copies from the closed at least until his investigation is vital for survival, but to lack previous year cost £1.20 (inc. p&p) or £6 completed. Lywellyn is to report for the set of six. Issues more than a year determination, is to be blown away in old are 75p (Inc. p&p). directly to the Department of Energy, the gale. The renewable community his inquiry is expected to be must not shelter behind the obstacles SUBSCRIPllONS completed by the end of the year. but must get out there and use the For details of subscription rates see the Dounreay are obviously holding out elements to their advantage. form on the back page. for the loss to be a paper one only. PRODUCllON Jordan claims that the accountancy NTI-NUCLEAR and renew­ able energy campaigning has Editors: process is not an exact science because Nuclear News- Mike Townsley of the complex measurements A never been more important. Safe Energy- Oave Spence required. This begs the question, why The renewable industry is looking up. Layout- Graham Stein Thenuclearindustrycontinues to lurch carry out complex measurements if Front cover drawing: David Shaw they don't give a reliable answer? along its crazy, drunken path. New demandsareconstantlybeingmadeon However, another possibility is that SCRAM campaigners and great op­ the HEU has been deposited portunities exist for interested activists. somewhere within the reprocessing plant itself, either small amounts all Any interests in therangeofnuclear and Published by SCRAM, 11 Forth over the place, or more worryingly all renewable issues can be fully developed Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LE. in one place. If it is all at one point with experience at SCRAM. You will '11' 031-557 4283/4 within the system, then it goes a fair also be makinganessentialcontribution part of the way to forming a critical to environmentalism. If you want to Fax : 031-557 4284 (no junk faxes) mass. This, presumably, is why they develop research, journalism, cam­ have taken the precaution of halting paigning or a range of skills, you should ISSN 0140 7340 Bi-monthly reprocessing activities, which could contact SCRAM now. Bring your own cost the AEA £125,000 a day. wages. LBR needs you! 2 Safe Energy 86 SAFE ENERGY CONTENTS FEATURES I 8 UK flouts EC radhealth Directive The UK Government has failed to implement a European Community Directive, produced in the wake of the Cher­ nobyl disaster, which calls for an extensive public infor­ mation campaign on the possible consequences of radio­ logical emergencies. Mike Townsley outlines the Directive, and reports on threatened legal action by the Nuclear Free Local Authorities. 10 Danube dam damned While Hungary pulled out in 1989, Czechoslovakia continues amidst contoversy with its Danube hydro-electric power scheme. Bridget Gubbins has been to the site of the dam, and finds environmental arguments being used by both sides in the dispute. 12 Harwell- an environmental disaster Recent contamination of local water supplies is just one of the environmental problems facing the Harwell nuclear research establishment. Government Agencies, argues Paul Mobbs of Banbury Environmental Research Group, seem to be closing ranks, rather than openly dealing with the difficulties. Beyond the grid 14 The role of small scale alternative energy systems, separate from the grid, is considered by Dave Preece. In the light of his own experiences building an energy efficient house, he indicates the benefits to the individual and society as a whole of a diverse, decentralised, sustainable energy policy. Profits before safety 16 Direct discharge of untreated radioactive waste from British Nuclear Fuels' Springfields Works, into the River Ribble near Preston, is regarded by Government Agencies as the "best means practicable". Friends of the Earth's Radiation Monitoring Unit Co-ordinator, Nick Cassidy, summarises their findings and calls for an immediate cessation of Springfields' discharges. 18 Hydro power politics In the first of two articles on Scottish hydro-electric power, Pat Agnew, Scottish Green Party speaker on energy, looks at the political and historical background which led to the development of the UK' s only established renewable energy. December '91/January '92 3 meeting helped to secure the new money: However, this is not the end of the story, Prometheus unfound "Culham certainly helped, but fusion ex­ eventually the fusion plasma should perts already knew fusion would work, so become so hot that the reaction is self APAN, the European Commission they had no problem convincing their sustaining, the so-called ignition point. J (BC), the US and the Soviet Union governments to put up the money. Even 1he temperatures attained are such that have all pledged £7S million towards the Soviets came in without a murmur." the plasma has an irritating tendency to designing a l,OOOMW fusion reactor, On November 9, deuterium and tritium "boil off" some of the materials from the the International Thermonuclear Ex­ gas were heated to around 200 million OC containment vessel walls. Impurities then perimental Reactor (ITER), based on - some ten times hotter than the centre of enter the plasma and shut down the reac­ the findings of the Joint European Torus the sun - in what has been described as tion. In order to prevent this happening a (JET) project at Culham. JET's "historic breakthrough" in head­ 'pumped diverter' is being designed to The funds cover a 6 year period and lines around the world. This led to the alter the shape of the magnetic field cur­ involve a commibnent to establish a 200 reactor generating power for the ftrst time. rently used to control the plasma within strong central research team. While ensur­ It produced a peak of2MW in a pulse that the huge doughnut shaped reactor vessel. ing the short tenn future for fusion, there lasted under 2 seconds. What was the cost It should create a low temperature area, is as yet no commibnent for the full.£2.8 of this momentous achievement? £1 bil­ shielding sensitive areas of the vessel. billion estimated costs of the entire pro­ lion pounds since 1983 and on the day a This, according US fusion pioneer Ed­ ject. Both the US and the Soviets have 700MW pulse of electricity to heat the ward Teller, is like trying to a confine jelly expressed doubts about future involve­ deuterium and tritium.
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