PROVISIONAL LIST OF SAW MILL EXISTING AS ON 30.10.2002 IN VELLORE DIVISION el el Level dated F)Forest to be eralof as per Industryis heunit and sion with incipalChief /other/other) Government orof Forests Sl.No. agency* Signature DivisionCircle / (i)Species used date date of inspection 19.8.97, withderails establishedrenewal / available( orYes No) SalesTax Registration Number Name Name the of applicant and Address Date Date commencement of of operation Installedannual capacityof Industry the Whetherthe sawmill isfunctioning till date If yes, If power connection Number anddate (ii) Quantity (ii) timber of used perannum intones ConserrvatorForests of ( Forest Conservation Act) Whetherregistered with the District ForestOfficer Location and address Placeof where the industry is RemarksRecommendation / the of Chairman, State Lev Remarksthe of DistrictForest Officer Vellore Divi 2)Conservator Forests, of (1) DeputyInspector Gen Remarks/recommendation the of Members the of State Detailsof any permission / licencefrom any other G.O.MS.No.355, Environmentand Forests Department Whether Machineryand power etc.,required for the Protection) Officeof the Principal Chief Conservat Title and kind of industry( Sawmill/plywood/veneer Name Name anddesignation of the Officer who inspectedt Committee for the Wood basedIndustries Forest.(MOE Committee,for wood basedIndustries, Additional Pr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 K.Murugesan, S/O.Kuppasam SudagrWoo Recommended y, d Works, No.14,Vijaraga No.14,Old Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, vapuram 1st byepass Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Sathuvachery, road, Saw Country 200 VLR.82/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 1 Vellore. Vellore Vellore/ Vellore-4. Mill Yes 226-011-60 3313200799 tonne 200 wood tonne TNEB 5.12.1978 Yes dt.1.4.08 on 15.03.10. Vellore. Sri Ganga S.Murugesan, Saw Mill, 189 Recommended Gangaiamman behend koil Street, BalajeTheatr Thiru.N.Sigamani, Vandranthang e, Chittor ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, al village Road, Saw Country Division, Inspected Vellore Division, Vellore/ Vellore Vellore Vellore/ SSI 1801195 dt.15.09.2000 14.03.20000 Yes 2 KatpadiTaluk Katpadi Mill Yes 4242003 250CBM wood 250MT Yes on 15.03.10. Vellore. NotRecommended 1995 1995 G.Meganathan 1292 ,s/oGovindasa MURUGAN my Saw Mill, Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, Murugan SAW Sathuvacher Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, mill, y Saw Country 340 VLR.156/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, Vellore/ Vellore Vellore Vellore/ Localpadis yes yes 3 Sathuvachery. Vellore Mill Yes No tonne 340 wood tonnes dt.1.4.09 on 15.03.10. Vellore. R.KrishnanS K.Ponduranga amy Saw Recommended n, Mill, NO 13/11 NO 13/11 Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, BAarathiyarsal BAarathiyars Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, ai, alai, Saw importe 250 VLR.143/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 4 Vellore. Vellore Vellore/ Vellore. Mill Yes 53/19024/75 No tonne 250 d tonnes SSI180102890 31.01.1977 yes dt.1.4.09 on 15.03.10. Vellore. Mani saw K.Sellvamani mill No.94.Arani No.94.Arani 1984 Recommended road road Barathiyar Barathiyar Thiru.N.Sigamani, nagar nagar ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Kaniyampadi Kaniyampadi Saw Country 320tonn Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 330041100768SS I yes 5 vellore Vellore Vellore/ vellore Mill Yes 151&152 320tonne wood e yes on 15.03.10. Vellore. samy Saw mill Recommended C.MunisamyN No.230,Gudi o.230,Gudiyatt yattam Road Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, am Road Melvadugan Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Melvadugan Kuttai Saw importe 40 VLR.11/09 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, Localpadis Localpadis 11.12.86 yes 6 Kuttai Katpadi Vellore Vellore/ Katpadi Mill Yes 212-009-176 No 60 tonne d tonne dt.15.4.09 on 15.03.10. Vellore. Recommended 1577 1577 Margabandu K.Margabandu saw Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, No.54,ARNI millNo.54,A Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Road RNI Road Saw importe 20to40 VLR.96/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, SSI3300411006 52 12.5.1995 yes Vellore/ Vellore Vellore Vellore/ 7 Kaniyambadi Kaniyambadi Mill Yes 3.3275E+10 20to40CBM d CBM dt.27.2.08 on 15.03.10. Vellore. Meghji manji patel, Maruthi S/o.Monoj Sawmill,No. patel,No.34,ph 9/5,KatpadiR Thiru.N.Sigamani,A ase oad,Darmar Vellore Division CF, Vellore Division, RecommendedDistrict II,Sathuvacher aja koill st Saw importe 78.269 Reg.No.VLR.8/0 Inspected on Forest Officer,Vellore 8 y Vellore. Vellore Vellore/ Vellore Mill Yes 3226-008-432 No 78.269CBM d CBM SSI3300411007 83 1.04.88 yes 8 dt.15.4.09 15.03.10. Division, Vellore. C.Palani, S/o.Chinnappa 334 Recommended gounder, M/S Palani M/S Palani Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, saw saw Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, mill,Kilpallipet mill,Kilpallipe Saw Country VLR.70/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, Vellore/ Vellore Vellore Vellore/ Ssi no.180104462 dt.30.11.83 1.07.82 Yes 9 Vellore t Vellore Mill Yes No 240mt wood 240mt dt.15.4.09 on 15.03.10. Vellore. V.Ramesh patel,s/o Shiv shakthi Recommended Vishram patel saw mill, 552218 No.414,16 No.B9, Vellore Division Thiru.N.Sigamani, cross Phase byepass Reg.No. ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, IISathuvachery road, Saw importe VLR.98/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 10 Vellore. Vellore Vellore/ Vellore-4. Mill Yes 226-011-600 59.543CBM d 6mt Ssi no.180109795 dt.31.12.91 31.12.91 Yes dt.1.4.09 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Recommended Sri Murugan Thiru.N.Sigamani, M.Nandagopal, Saw Mill, ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Annasalai, Anna Salai, Saw Country 250 AR53/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 11 Arcot. Vellore Vellore/ Arcot. Mill Yes 333-K 4580603 tonnes 250 wood tonnes - 09.01.87 Yes dt.11.2.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. R.R.Saw R.Revathi, Mill, Recommended No.17/2, No.17/2, Bharadhidhasa Bharadhidha Thiru.N.Sigamani, n Street, san Street, ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Bye pass Bye pass Saw Country 250 AR03/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 12 road,Arcot. Vellore Vellore/ road,Arcot. Mill Yes 1145-B - tonnes 250 wood tonnes SSI 25.05.99 Yes dt.11.2.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Recommended Radha Saw T.Mani, Mill, Thiru.N.Sigamani, NO.22/2, Anna No.22/2, ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, salai, Anna salai, Saw Country 150 AR21/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, SSI SSI 30.09.91 Yes 13 Visharam. Vellore Vellore/ Visharam Mill Yes 88-C - tonnes 150 wood tonnes dt.11.2.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Sri Venkateswar L.Punniyakotti, a Saw mill, NO.40,41,20,2 NO.40,41,20 Recommended 1, Anaicut ,21, Anaicut Road, Road, Thiru.N.Sigamani, Devadanam Devadanam ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, road, road, Saw importe 150 AR33/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, SSI SSI 31.12.89 Yes 14 Walajapet. Vellore Vellore/ Walajapet. Mill Yes 149 563078 ICBM150 d ICBM dt.11.2.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Guna Saw Recommended S.Gunasekara Mill, n, No.19, Thiru.N.Sigamani, No.19, Vellore Vellore Main ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Main Road, Road, Saw Country 250 AR22/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 15 Arcot. Vellore Vellore/ Arcot. Mill Yes 108-E - tonnes 250 wood tonnes SSI 26.04.88 Yes dt.11.2.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Recommended D.Sundaram, Sathyamurthi Sathyamurth Thiru.N.Sigamani, Saw Mill, i Saw Mill, ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Timiri, Timiri, Saw Country 150 AR30/09 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 16 Arcot Taluk. Vellore Vellore/ Arcot Taluk. Mill Yes 488-C - tonnes 150 wood tonnes Dept. Health 12.04.90 Yes dt.16.11.09 on 16.03.10. Vellore. P.Uma, W/o.T.V.Pal ani, T.S.Venkatr P.Uma, amana W/o.T.V.Palani Achari Saw , Mill, Recommended T.S.Venkatram New Anna ana Achari Nagar, Thiru.N.Sigamani, Saw Mill, Ramapalaya ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, New Anna m Road, Saw Country 2000 AR23/09 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 17 Nagar, Timiri. Vellore Vellore/ Timiri, Arcot. Mill Yes 761-C - tonnes 2000 wood tonnes SSI 07.12.95 Yes dt.31.08.09 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Sri Lakshmi Saraswathi Saw mill,No.203, N.Durai,No.20 Bazaar Thiru.N.Sigamani,A 3, Bazaar Street,Amm CF, Vellore Division, RecommendedDistrict Street,Ammoor oor.Walaja Saw Country 2000 AR36/08 Inspected on Forest Officer,Vellore 18 .Walaja Taluk. Vellore Vellore/ Taluk. Mill Yes 979/120 - tonnes 2000 wood tonnes SSI 30.01.87 Yes dt.11.02.08 16.03.10. Division, Vellore. Recommended Selvam Saw Mill, Thiru.N.Sigamani, S.Thilipkumar, No.201, ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, No.201, Anna Anna salai, Saw Country 150 AR11/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, Municipality Municipality 28.2.2000 Yes 19 salai, Arcot Vellore Vellore/ Arcot Mill Yes 429-N - tonnes 150 wood tonnes dt.11.02.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. A.Thirunavukar Jothi Saw Recommended asu, Mill, No.110/64, No.110/64, Thiru.N.Sigamani, New Vellore New Vellore ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Road, Road, Saw Country 200 AR42/08 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, SSI SSI 19.03.02 Yes 20 Arcot. Vellore Vellore/ Arcot. Mill Yes 249 - tonne 200 wood tonnes dt.11.02.08 on 16.03.10. Vellore. Venkateswar Recommended P.Munirathina a Saw Mill, m, NO.36/8, Thiru.N.Sigamani, No.36/8, Kamalar ACF, Vellore District Forest Officer, Kamalar Street, Saw Country 200 Division, Inspected Vellore Division, 21 Street, Timiri. Vellore Vellore/ Timiri.
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