it F rid a y 4 M IC H IG A N C o o l ... had rather wear out than \ S T A T I F . and partly cloudy today, rust out. with a high in the upper Ms. George Whitefield UNIVERSITY Low tonight in the middle 30s. Partly cloudy and mild TAT NEWS Saturday. Vol. 60 Number 165 East Lansing, Michigan April 26,1968 Me Roce relations committee reports H G roup urges involvem ent of U ’ w ith N egro students By JIM SCHAEFER uate Negroes, and the assignment of other persons who have the potential State News Staff W riter the dean of the School for Advanced for advancing or hindering his progress Graduate studies to stimulate the re­ toward self fullfilm ent and the im­ In addition to demands for increased cruitm ent of Negro graduate students. provement of the conditions of his enrollment of Negro students and em­ The Race and Urban A ffairs Center existence.” ployment of academic and non-aca­ would perform four major types of demic Negro personnel* in the Univer­ work: academic, action, research, and On-campus, it could bring the dis­ sity, President Hannah’s special com­ developing the design and content of advantaged individuals (“ especially mittee of 16 last night called* for experimental programs. Negroes” ) to the campus, “ where an “extraordinary efforts” to effect fun­ Robert Green, associate professor of extensive effort” could be made to damental changes, of “ attitude and be­ education is on the special committee work with them in some significant way havior of white Americans toward the presenting the report. within the “University setting.” Ex­ Negro in American'society.” amples of these programs would be the The special committee, named by Hannah termed the proposals of the Upward Bound and D etroit Projects. Hannah to examine race relations in committee “ extremely significant.” Off-campus, the Center would work the University developed the proposal “ It is the intention of the University actively with the offices of Continuing for procedures from a subcommittee to implement these recommendations,” Education and Cooperative Extension in report presented to them laist week. he said. “ We are pleased w ith this developing programs for disadvantaged A Center for Race anil Urban Af­ positive action.” individuals or groups. These programs fairs plus a specific “all out effort” could include: leadership development, for enrollment of Negroes, were im­ The seven points of the report in­ Leaving closed conference initiation of community action programs, portant points of the seven part re­ clude: direct work with the white community, Black athletes leave closed meeting held In Erickson Hall after deciding to boycott all MSU athletics port. -E ffo rts to increase Negro student and provision of consultants to existing until action is taken on the list of demands which they presented to the University on Thursday after­ The effort for Negro enrollment said enrollment. community agencies, the business com­ noon. From the left are football players Charles Bailey, Frank Traylor and LaAAarr Thomas. In the- tiie report, should include: a full-time -Creation of the Race and Urban munity, and others. doorway wearing a dark sweater is basketball player Lee Lafayette. staff position in the Office of Admis­ Affairs Center to coordinate action in State News Photo by Stan Lum sions for recruitment of undergrad- race relations. The research by the Center would -A search for Negro faculty mem­ be both action-oriented and basic. bers. The Center could also stimulate and -A “continuous” effort to increase conduct experimental programs itself the number of Negroes in administra­ or help their development with other tive positions in the University. University units and faculty members, -A “ vigorous program” to increase as well as by outside agencies and or­ Negro athletes call boycott; the numbers of Negroes and members ganizations. of other minority groups in the non- academic areas of the University--ad- Hannah said the report would be minjptrative, professional, clerical, presented by George Johnson, com­ technical, and operational staffs. mittee chairman, to the Academic -Encouragement for the develop­ Council at their next meeting on April demands of University ment of voluntary programs involving 30. faculty and students. “ I hope the faculty w ill act on it by The seven grievances were: and the Ice Arena in nonprofessional posi­ the coaches or any of the white athletes,’’ The larger share of the report de­ By JOE MITCH their next meeting in May, Hannah -M ichigan State University does not have tions. We find this to be deplorable and the spokesman said. “ The important things tailed the functions of the Center for State News Sports W riter said. “ I hope to get it to the May and must recruit black coaches for all no longer acceptable. we want is equality and to win. We can’t Race and Urban Affairs, though its A boycott by MSU’s 38 Negro athletes of meeting of the Board of Trustees:” sports at the University, such as basket­ -Michigan State University does not em­ win with all this frustration. If the frustra­ specific programs were . not concrete­ all spring sports events and practices began He said the committee was formed ball. baseball, track and swimming. We ploy black trainers nor a black medical tions can't be cured in the system, there ly defined. Thursday after this group submitted a list on March 25 and the subcommittee on feel that one or two black coaches are in­ doctor to treat all athletes. w ill be dissension. of seven grievances to President Hannah The committee recommended that March 26. sufficient. -B u rt Smith, the athletic counselor, is “ This is a racist university, just like the and Athletic Director Biggie Munn. the Center “ function directly under the -The Athletic department has a tendency under undue pressure attempting to assist system of the world. It's a question of A spokesman for the Negro athletes said Office of President of the University, of discouraging black students from partic­ all of the athletes in academic and per­ being black or being used. " they were protesting against discriminatory and be supported prim arily from Uni­ ipating in certain sports, especially base­ sonal problems. A black athletic counselor The group said their decision to submit practices by the athletic department to­ versity funds.” ball. should be employed to assist in counseling. the grievances and to boycott came about ward Negroes. It should be headed, said the report, -M ichigan State University does not em­ This need is highlighted by the fact that gradually and was not spontaneous. Dustin Hoffman The group represents all undergraduate by a dean or director who would be ploy black people in Jenison Fieldhouse, many black athletes fail. “ We got together last fall and talked Negro athletes in all sports and excludes provided an appropriate and profes­ the Intram ural Building, the ticket office -The academic counseling provided for about this, but it’s just now reached its senior Negro athletes. sional supporting-staff. black athletes is designed to place them apex" the spokesman said. “ We have The committee offered a “ series of Mary McCarthy in courses that w ill maintain their eligibility the support of all black athletes, students suggestions” on how the Center would and not to enable them to graduate at the and former black athletes at State from perform its work: end of the four-year period. Athletes are 1964 on." Academically, it would work with the campaign today 'PERSONAL REASONS’ forced to take nonacademic courses (such Football Coach Duffy Daugherty said he various departments and colleges to «as physical education) when they need aca­ was in complete sympathy with the group Dustin Hoffman, Academy Award nomi­ stimulate development of new curricula demic courses which w ill make them elig­ and that they needed to be treated the same nee for his role in “ The Graduate,” and and programs dealing with racial and ible for graduation. as anyone else. Mary McCarthy, daughter of Sen. Eugene urban affairs. -M ichigan State University has never (please turn to back page) McCarthy, D-Minn., w ill campaign for Mc­ G oldberg leaves UN; elected a black cheerleader. We find this It would be encouraged to offer spe- Carthy at 4:15 p.m. today in the Auditorium. questionable in view of the large number cialized seminars and other study pro- The speeches are scheduled to begin at of talented black girls on this campus. Clocks chango grams relevant to its purpose. 4:45 p.m. A folk music program w ill pre­ A list of the grievances was followed by In its action function, the Center cede the speeches. Ball fa. assum e post a statement that the “ black athletes of People around the country w ill lose an would “ encourage, organize, or co­ Miss McCarthy, on leave from Radcliffe Michigan State University would like to go hour this weekend as most of the nation ordinate" programs or projects de­ College, is helping in her father’s bid for switches over to daylight savings time. WASHINGTON <AP »-President Johnson leaving government service for personal on record as supporting the boycott of the sired to effect changes on the “ dis­ the Democratic presidential nomination. Clocks should be set at midnight Sunday announced Thursday the resignation of Ar­ reasons. He did not enumerate them but 1968 Olympics by black athletes.” advantaged individual, the conditions A $1 McCarthy campaign donation will to a.m. thur J. Goldberg as U.S. representative to Goldberg's plan to leave has been widely The Negro athletes said they decided to 1 of his existence and the attitudes of be accepted at the door.
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